Chapter 790: Sethtine

The sudden alarm surprised Chen Rui. He quickly opened the sky eye for detection. Due to the severe damage of the sky eye, only part of the situation could be seen: Tall giants. At the feet of these giants, there are countless human figures wrapped in whirlwinds- the titans and the wind elementals!

Chen Rui had a realization. Could it be that the recovery of the central life crystal alarmed the titans?

It was learned from the log that Doruda tried to eliminate the uncontrolled titans, so the titans launched a rebellion. Meanwhile, the fact that Doruda captured the wind elementals for experiment also aroused the anger of the Wind Elemental King and led the wind elementals to attack the ‘Sky Wheel’. Probably because of the integration of the core of the wind elementals and the common enemy, the titans and the wind elementals formed a certain association. They joined hands to kill Doruda and destroy the alchemy civilization city.

Therefore, the last time Chen Rui released a similar spiritual imprint power to the titans, it caused the titans to be extremely furious.

Now that the titans sensed the recovery of the central life crystal, they must have thought that the hateful ruler was resurrected again, so they brought the wind elementals, intending to completely destroy ‘Doruda’.

Chen Rui was self-defeating and took the blame for Doruda. He immediately used the docking system and instantly appeared in front of the damaged gate of the city.

The titans and the wind elementals in the distance were approaching here step by step. Chen Rui had already experienced the combat power of the titans coupled with the extremely fast wind elementals. In his current state, he was definitely not an opponent for frontal combat even with Shura’s avatar. He could only use [Star Gate] to escape.

However, Chen Rui came to Storm Island to meet the Wind Elemental King. Moreover, now that he had obtained most of the control of the ‘Sky Wheel’, there were too many precious resources that he had not managed to obtain yet. He would definitely not easily abandon it unless there was no other choice.

The titans and the wind elementals discovered Chen Rui immediately. A group of the titans had already shown thunder javelin in their hands, and they locked Chen Rui with a strong killing intent.

Chen Rui had an extreme danger hunch in his mind as he shouted loudly, “Royal Highness Wind Elemental King! I’m a friend of Delkus!”

The moment he opened his mouth, the electric light flashed suddenly, and countless terrifying lightning had been launched one after another. Then all the wind elementals and the titans had a feeling as if everything had suddenly slowed down except… the target of the attack. When this ‘illusion’ faded, the thrown lightning had intertwined, leaving extremely astonishing crystals and distortions around the city gate, but the enemy had already surpassed the speed of the lightning unbelievably and appeared ahead.

The power of time law!

As Chen Rui had just finished speaking, the wind elementals were about to attack when they suddenly received an order. After stopping, the titans seemed to hesitate for a moment, but they stopped attacking as well.

Chen Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The power of time law he currently comprehended was just basic, especially when facing so many powerful enemies, not only did it cost several times more power than usual. Moreover, the effective time was quite limited and could not be used again in a short period of time.

If the titans and the wind elementals didn’t give him a chance to negotiate, he could only escape temporarily.

The team of the wind elementals split toward the 2 sides, and a green figure appeared in front of Chen Rui’s eyes.

Silver-white hair, silver pupils. Green skin with a light green pendant around his neck as if blending with the skin. The lower body part was a whirlwind airflow. There was a strong storm with faint lightning in the airflow. It was the Wind Elemental King that Chen Rui had seen before.

Race: Wind elemental.

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: S+.

Physique: S+, Strength: S+, Spirit: S++, Speed: S++.

Analysis: Wind attribute, wind element magic immunity, speed talent. Degree of danger: High.

“Dear Royal Highness King,” Chen Rui gave the Wind Elemental King a simple etiquette he had seen from Zola, “Today is a misunderstanding! My name is Richard, a friend of the Light Elemental King. I came to Storm Island according to a previous deal.”

The Wind Elemental King looked at him for a while, then he sneered. He said with a little sharp voice, “The once powerful master of the ancient ruin is actually reduced to such a bad lie to beg for mercy? No matter how nicely you talk, you can’t escape the anger and hatred of the wind elementals and giants!”

“I have nothing to do with the controller you all eliminated. I just happened to get a part of the control of this ruin, and I’m not afraid of war or fighting.” Chen Rui did not give in or express timidity as he said indifferently, “However, my purpose of coming here is not to fight meaninglessly, but for the agreement with the Light Elemental King! I don’t know whether your friendship with Delkus is deep or shallow. I only ask one question: As 1 of the 3 Kings of Light, are you willing to bear the consequences of the failure of the next Elemental War?”

The Wind Elemental King frowned, “Where did you hear about Elemental War?”

Chen Rui held something in his palm. It was a transparent cube with a faint white light radiating from the inside. The light was very soft, but there was a scorching pain when one looked closely.

“This kind of pure and strong light element power, is it…” the Wind Elemental King’s eyes were full of silver light, “Light origin fragment?”

“Yes.” Chen Rui moved his mind, and the cube disappeared, “I had a deal with the Light Elemental King to exchange the light origin fragment. However, due to some special reasons, I could not go to the Holy Church to find His Highness Delkus, so I came here.”

“You made a mistake. The light elementals are the light elementals, and the wind elementals are the wind elementals! Even if we are 3 Kings of Light, I’m not obliged to contact Delkus for you!” The breath became manic, “I don’t know what method you used to activate this ruin. Since you inherited the strength of this ruin, you also inherited the hatred!”

“The element’s origin fragment is the existence that can influence the results of Elemental War. I don’t believe Your Highness will ignore it like this. Although Your Highness already owns the wind origin fragment… It should be noted that the light origin fragment is not kept in the storage equipment but by my space talent. Once something happens to me, then the light origin fragment will fall into the space turbulence.”

Once Chen Rui saw through the Wind Elemental King’s intention to kill him and steal treasures, he appeared more calm, “Even if you don’t care about the success or failure of Elemental War, then Your Highness should know the true meaning of the origin fragment to the king. Every additional piece of origin fragment that falls into the hands of Elemental King, including 3 Kings of Darkness, represents more hope to all Elemental Kings and all elementals. If all the 6 origin fragments can be attributed to the hands of the corresponding king, then it will be the arrival of the real end and the beginning, and also the arrival of hope…”

These words are spoken by the Earth Elemental King. Up to now, Chen Rui still couldn’t figure out the real reason, but it was enough to make the Wind Elemental King truly move.

“Who are you?!” the Wind Elemental King lost his voice, “This level of secrets can’t even be known by ordinary Demi-God! Unless, it’s Elemental King himself…”

“As I said, my name is Richard, and my purpose of coming to Storm Island today is to hand over the light origin fragment to His Highness Delkus. Of course, I also have a few conditions within the scope of acceptance. May Your Highness contact him for me.” When Chen Rui felt that the Wind Elemental King’s hostility was greatly reduced, he smiled and bowed again.

The Wind Elemental King pondered for a moment, and he finally bowed his head back, “Wind Elemental King. Sethtine.”

There was a sudden roar from the titans behind, then the titans all began to roar together, seeming to be very dissatisfied with the wind elementals’ attitude toward the ‘enemy’.

Chen Rui’s gaze turned to the hairy giant that was roaring. This giant’s skin was golden red, and its eyes shot out awe-inspiring purple light. Its visual strength was around S++, and it should be the leader of the titans. From the log, Chen Rui learned of the titans’ hatred of the creator Doruda. He who also possessed the ancient alchemy civilization spiritual imprint was obviously misunderstood.

“Your Highness Sethtine, please forgive my impoliteness,” Chen Rui slowly floated up, flew toward the titans, and said in the language of the ancient alchemy civilization, “Titans, please allow me to call you like this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m different from Doruda, and I’m not at all malicious toward you.”

The titans did not let go of their hostility because of this, but stared at Chen Rui closely. Some giants already had lightning or storms brewing in their hands.

“I know that your consciousness is still affected by the life crystal. Although I have the spiritual imprint that controls this alchemy city, I will not enslave you like Doruda. As a friend and trust, I will try to cancel the remaining bondage of the crystal life entity on you so that you can be completely free.”

Chen Rui threw out a tempting bait. Due to the characteristics of the alchemy beings, the titans with independent consciousness couldn’t completely get rid of the control of the crystal. Furthermore, the central main hall where the crystal was located was a strange space. Without the special method, even if they destroyed the entire palace, they couldn’t find the real place.

Because of this, the titans were unable to leave this area. However, Chen Rui’s words also had considerable lies. He currently had only level 1 authority. He had not completely controlled the entire life crystal, let alone slavery. Even if he had the highest authority, he couldn’t forcefully control the titans with independent consciousness.

Although the titans had an independent consciousness, their thinking was not very quick. Likes and dislikes were relatively simple. The phrase ‘completely free’ no doubt caused a commotion among the giants. Chen Rui noticed these and waved his hand. Several high-purity energy cubes converted from aura fruit flew toward the leader giant, “The titans have the ability to transform wind elements, but this top-level energy essence can replenish and grow your strength faster. Take it as a gift from me.”

The appearance of these energy cubes dispelled the last trace of hostility from the giants. The leader titan nodded to Chen Rui and approved his suggestion.

“Your Highness Sethtine,” Chen Rui returned to the Wind Elemental King, “May I trouble you to contact His Highness Delkus? I plan to stay in this ruin these days and find a way to cancel the titans’ restraint.”

“For the sake of Delkus, I would like to advise you that once these big guys have decided on things, they are difficult to change. If you want to play tricks, you will only end up with the consequences…” After the Wind Elemental King finished speaking, he flew out of the canyon with the wind elementals. The giants followed behind with heavy steps.

After temporarily dissolving the threats of the titans and the wind elementals, Chen Rui breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had resolved the crisis by peaceful means with a flash of inspiration just now. Otherwise, if there was a fight, he could only activate the [Star Gate] and run away.

Now that the communication with the Light Elemental King had been settled, he could stay openly in the ruin and study. Everything seemed smooth so far.

As Chen Rui returned to the main hall of the ruin, he was truly relieved this time. His first concern was the data department. Except for a few handwritten books, most of the data department was the memory crystal. Almost all of these crystals were encrypted and could be accessed only if one had the corresponding authority. Chen Rui had now obtained level 1 authority. Apart from very few crystals, the existing batch of materials could basically be read, but they couldn’t be modified. This was enough for him.

Chen Rui, who turned on [Deep Analysis], was greedily absorbing huge amounts of knowledge like a sponge. It was absorbing, not digesting. He used the [Deep Analysis] to ‘record’ it first, then he would slowly understand and digest it when there was plenty of time.

Although only 35% of the readable data in the data department remained, it took Chen Rui a whole day to complete the ‘recording’.

After finishing the data recording, Chen Rui entered the material warehouse through docking. The damage degree of the material warehouse was much lower than that of the data department. It was divided into several levels. It was an independent storage space, but the stock was far less than imagined. It was possible that the manufacture of the titans or the defense against the titans and the wind elementals consumed a lot of material and energy, but most of these stock materials were unique to the alchemy civilization and could be used in the City of Stars. He could also find alternatives by conducting experiments through samples. Chen Rui naturally unceremoniously kept all of them into the storage warehouse.

Although the entire ruin had become a dead city, there were still a lot of usable resources for Chen Rui. He looted all the way. Lastly, he found the most damaged creature warehouse.

Judging from the exaggerated damage to the creature warehouse and nearby buildings, the titans’ rebellion should have started here. The several interconnected metal buildings had almost turned into twisted wastes. Guardian corpses and traces of battle could be seen everywhere.

Chen Rui utilized the control of the life crystal to turn on some barely usable lighting facilities. He wanted to find something usable. Unfortunately, this wish was obviously too ideal. The place was completely destroyed. He couldn’t even find one complete assemble puppet.

Just when Chen Rui was about to give up, the feedback message of the life crystal suddenly came in his mind, “The secret warehouse in front needs the highest authority to enter.”

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