Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 773: The Prologue of the Gaming Era

Chapter 773: The Prologue of the Gaming Era

Chen Rui’s miserable life of guarding the vacant house alone did not last long. After getting the formal promise of concubine marriage, it was obvious that the women’s defense was in vain. Firstly, the little maid secretly left the door open, then the ‘punishment’ by Ms. Fairy Dragon who was unwilling to let the little maid take the lead alone… Soon, the male protagonist returned to his blissful life.

At this time, it was not too long before Chen Rui and Shea got married. Although the comparison mentality was still there, it was not as important as the independent wedding. This was once in a lifetime. It should not be hastily done because of resentment or comparison.

Under this weighing of interests, all the women really calmed their minds and were not ‘anxious’ anymore- This time, let Shea take the lead. Anyway, Shea is behind in many ways. I can take this wedding as a reference first. Our wedding can’t be lower than that in the future, right?

The turmoil of the crystal harem finally ended. As for the marriage of the substitute (a deceptive vocabulary borrowed by Isabella) and Her Majesty Empress, Chen Rui did not need to worry about it, so he calmed down and prepared to concentrate on completing an important task.

This task was what he had mentioned in front of Shea, allowing the Alchemist Association of the Fallen Angel Empire to have the same ‘foundation’ as the ancient magic tower of the Dark Shadow Empire and the Book Collection Hall of the Bloody Empire.

It could be understood as a game platform, covering the entire platform of the Demon Realm.

To be more precise, the alchemy field was just a cover, and the game was just a form of expression. What Chen Rui ‘created’ was most likely to change the entire Demon Realm.

To make a game, software and hardware were the 2 most basic elements, and the preparation and debugging work actually started long ago. This included the internal beta personnel of Roman, Delia and others who appeared in the City of Stars. The war of the Bloody Empire caused a delay in progress, but overall it went smoothly.

The technical prototypes of these games were actually produced out of the ‘inheritance illusion’ of the ancient alchemy civilization. As the master of the City of Stars, he only needed to tell the ‘intelligence center, Crystal Phoenix, of his creativity, then it could be put into trial after slight modifications. It was easy to adjust and debug with Crystal Phoenix, the biggest golden finger in the game illusion.

What Chen Rui needed to consider was how to activate this kind of illusion software through a normal hardware carrier, the game console. In fact, a part of this ‘hardware carrier’ had already been promoted in the Demon Realm, and it already had a large mass basis which was the magic television.

The launch of magic television was not just for entertainment or for profit, nor was it just to stabilize the turbulent political situation when Shea newly ascended the throne, but it was a long-term plan. The same was true for the recent ‘magic game’ plan. However, the 2 plans had now been combined into one. The reason was the 2 new exchange items added by the Super System’s exchange center after the 6-star evolution.

The first one was the ‘devotee’s heart’- An independent core of faith that could be integrated into items to become the center of absorbing faith power and converting faith. It was similar to the Tower of Faith that controlled the entire planet’s faith power in the Super System.

The second was the ‘devotee’s feet’- It was also a kind of fusion crystal that could absorb and buff faith power before passing it back to the devotee’s heart. This was equivalent to the devotee’s heart expansion subsystem; its function was similar to the Pillar of Faith.

At first, Chen Rui felt that these 2 things were too useless because no one would believe in Chen Rui or Aguile in reality. However, by chance, he merged the devotee’s heart with Crystal Phoenix and found that the bravery, perseverance, and wisdom shown in the inheritance illusion including anger, massacre and other emotions or qualities could actually generate faith power!

As a result, a huge and amazing plan was created unstoppably- The magic game centered on Crystal Phoenix, the ‘faith game’!

Through Roman and others’ testing, it was found that the players themselves had no additional losses besides the exhaustion of a certain amount of spirit power in the illusion state. On the contrary, they could also train or be entertained through the game. For Chen Rui, the beliefs provided by these players would bring him a steady stream of scarce faith crystals. In the future, he would be able to gradually comprehend the law of Demi-God.

Objectively speaking, this plan was actually consistent with the ultimate goal of Teris (Broc), but Teris’ method was to rule and enslave the entire Demon Realm and forcibly seize faith while Chen Rui turned this process into spontaneous entertainment. Just like extreme war massacres and gentle negotiation plus cooperation could bring the same result of peace.

The first batch of ‘magic television signal towers’ had been completed at the estates of the Fallen Angel Empire. These signal towers could greatly enhance the clarity of magic television and reduce interference. The core of their technology was the use of a faith receiver that the gremlin servants made using the ancient alchemy civilization’s secret technique integrated with the devotee’s feet. The faith receiver could store, receive and transmit the faith power of the television game.

Faith receivers were divided into A, B, and C according to their authority and level. In the Fallen Angel Empire’s Mechanic Association, the iconic building, the Emerald Pillar, which was more than 10 meters high, incorporated the rarest Level A receiver and would become the center of faith in the entire empire game. These faith powers could be automatically transmitted to the City of Stars who owned the devotee’s heart regardless of space and distance. The beneficiary was naturally Chen Rui who owned the City of Stars’ spiritual imprint.

Another research product of the gremlin servants was the ‘game helmet’ that could be used with the magic television. The production and debugging stages had been completed and put into mass production.

Now that everything was in place, he just had to hype it up to promote it. For otaku, who was immersed in the online world and used to be a small online merchant in his previous life, there was really too much experience to ‘learn from’.

Just a few minutes of the fierce battle promotional video enticed the demons who liked to fight by nature. Of course, there was no lack of music production and illusion technology. It was thanks to the previous concert that caused a sensation in the Demon Realm. It provided valuable experience in technology.

At the same time, there were advertisements throughout the magic television and newspapers. The related equipment had not been officially sold, but the name of a new item that was about to become popular, the ‘magic game’, had almost become a household name.

Therefore, with much anticipation by millions of people, the magic game finally appeared in the market.

As in the trailer, this magic game named the ‘Infinite Warrior’ was a pure martial fighting type.

The player played the role of adventurous warriors or magicians, fighting monsters in a huge map. As the experience of killing enemies increased, the game character could be upgraded and the ability would be enhanced; some monsters would drop corresponding treasures or materials. One could go to the towns in the game to make potions and weapons to strengthen his combat power…

It was equivalent to the RPG adventure single player game in Chen Rui’s previous life, but the magic game based on the magic power of the ancient civilization was not that simple.

The game was divided into 3 levels of difficulty: easy, normal and difficult. Easy level required only a small amount of spirit power. The greater the difficulty, the greater the consumption of spirit power to enter the game and the higher the degree of simulation. This degree of simulation was not the painful feeling or look, but the real battle. The characters in the difficulty level were basically synchronized with their own strength, and it was relatively difficult to upgrade. However, the combat skills and experience gained in the game would directly reflect to the brain center to form a real spiritual imprint. In other words, it was not only entertainment; the game was real combat training.

Non-combat races such as goblins and imps, or those with weak combat ability could also enter the difficulty level. They only needed to learn to pilot a combat puppet in the game and pass the difficulty level ‘pilot’ test. They could get an enhanced version of game helmet from the local mechanics association and use the puppet pilot’s special occupation to pilot the powerful combat puppet in difficult level games.

In addition, there were countless mysteries in the game to be discovered step by step.

As soon as the ‘Infinite Warrior’ was launched, it immediately caused an unprecedented sensation in the Demon Realm.

In addition to the popular sales of the magic game helmet, the sales of magic television had also reached a historic high. The link between the magic helmet and the magic television was quite perfect. The scene entered with the helmet was a completely simulated magic illusion. Without wearing the helmet, one could enjoy the game played by the character like watching the television.

The game had a strict time limit, and the intensity was linked to the spirit power, so the average person’s daily game time was generally about 2-4 hours which was a more suitable time for training or entertainment. This undoubtedly reduced a lot of impact on other industries. Otherwise, everyone would be immersed in the game all day long and nothing else would be done.

Nowadays, more than 50% of the topics on the streets and alleys were discussing the emerging magic games.

The ‘Infinite Warrior’ actually integrated the 2 elements of abyss battle and assemble puppet. The ‘Abyss’ was just 1 of the most difficult game scenes in this big world. In order to avoid some kind of trouble, corresponding changes were made to the image of the monsters. When deciding to launch the ‘Abyss Map’, Chen Rui suddenly had a strange hunch. Perhaps, this is not just a game.

As for the special occupation of the ‘puppet pilot’, it was actually training pilots for the assemble puppet. Everyone who had received the enhanced version of the game helmet was recorded and inspected from time to time to select the best talents. The most credible talents would join the empire’s Secret Army under Her Majesty Empress. This secret army would be one of the secret military strengths of the City of Stars.

This time, Chen Rui did not launch the simulated business game that Alice tested. It was not because he was worried about the impact on the ‘Infinite Warrior’, nor was he afraid that there would be no corresponding game groups, but he had more far-reaching considerations.

The road ahead was very long. Just as the ‘Infinite Warrior’ was currently only a ‘single-player game’, the era of the great alien game directed by the crossover had just begun.

TL: Only 2-4 hours per day? That’s so little…

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