Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 769: The Intruding Dragons

Chapter 769: The Intruding Dragons

Just as the female lord, maid, scientist, and head of intel didn’t know the conspiracy of the poison dragon, emerald dragon, black dragon and blue dragon, the crystal harem male protagonist also didn’t know the plans of the harem ladies. He was preparing to go on his own plan.

In fact, objectively speaking, getting married was not a hurry. Chen Rui could afford it to wait, but relationships couldn’t be calculated in this way. The reason why he decided to propose was not because of the ladies’ jealous behavior of alienating a certain ‘Royal Highness Prince Consort’. Instead, he wanted to use the opportunity of his marriage to Shea to give them a man’s due account and responsibility in order to form a family in the true sense (crystal harem?) without leaving any regrets for them and himself.

Judging from the intel eavesdropped by the spy slime, these ladies had a unified mind. They were not eager to compare just because Chen Rui and Shea’s wedding day was around the corner, and they would not easily agree to his marriage proposals. There was also a “whoever agrees first would become the common enemy of the ‘alliance’”.

However, even the strong castle had its weaknesses. Facing the ladies’ united front, disintegrating from the inside was the most effective way. Everything was difficult at the beginning, but as long as he solved 1 first, the rest would naturally be solved.

Isabella- Suspected leader of the ‘alliance’. It was possible that the entire incident was planned by her behind the scenes. With Madam Aunt’s wit and means, she was the most difficult 1 to attack. The estimated difficulty factor: S

Athena- General of the ‘alliance’ with generous temperament and pride, but she had the extreme persistence of a female great demon. She was easily bound by promises and would not change her mind easily. The estimated difficulty: A+

Zola—— Magician of the ‘alliance’. The attribute of fake daze could issue the trump card of ‘pretending to be deaf and mute’. She was the nemesis of marriage proposals and confession. Plus, must not ignore her hidden blackhearted attribute. The estimated difficulty: A+

Kia- Costume designer of the ‘alliance’? Secretary officer? Maid? She had the powerful charm of the succubus family. She was good at manipulating men’s psychology. Sometimes, only 1/10 of her sentences were believable, and sometimes none. Her difficulty was not under Athena and Zola, but from the performance of the last marriage proposal, Kia was the most shaken one, so the degree of difficulty was reduced to A-.

There was no doubt that the little succubus maid was the first target. In order to not be detected by Isabella, Chen Rui once again dispatched the slime as a secret messenger to send a letter to Kia.

The little maid opened the letter and looked at the words “dating” and “the little secret between us”, her eyes flashed with joy, but she looked at a certain double spy slime, and then at the council hall where she was in and struggled for a while. Finally, she made up her mind reluctantly.

A moment later, in another room, the second secret meeting of the 4 dragons was being held urgently.

Master Poison Dragon had a deep gaze with a strategizing momentum, almost swaying the feather fan (reference to the 3 Kingdoms’ strategist, Zhuge Liang), “According to the reliable information provided by the informant, the guy asked Kia to go to Mountain Lush in the southern suburbs in the afternoon. It should be a marriage proposal operation. We must stop him from proposing to all other women before he and Olypheus confirm their marriage, and try to make Olypheus the heroine! Otherwise, once this opportunity is missed, we don’t know when Olypheus can truly become his woman. The consequences of that…”

The last sentence caused the dragons to shudder at the same time. Compared with the cold dragons, a certain ‘reliable informant’ in the courtyard outside the house seemed to be beaming with a smile. 1 hand turned into a magnifying glass to admire each of the shiny gems on his other hand.

“Are you sure about this plan? I was on the street with Olypheus just now when I received your message.” Ms. Emerald Dragon frowned, “I lied to Olypheus to say that there is something tasty to eat and asked her to be here in half an hour. Looking at the time, she should be coming soon?”

“Don’t worry! With this treasure, I’m absolutely sure!” There was a crystal bottle in the blue dragon’s hand. He exchanged looks with the Master Poison Dragon and showed a wretched gaze that any man would understand at the same time.

“What is this?” Ms. Emerald Dragon asked puzzledly while looking at the liquid in the crystal bottle.

“It’s a treasure extracted from Purple Orchid Heart Grass and Ecstasy Flower. It’s a very rare and powerful aphrodisiac agent. Even if one doesn’t consume it, it can have a terrifying effect by just penetrating into the skin. It’s really a must-have medicine for a family trip! We all know the character of that guy. Olypheus is already his fiancée. Once she has a physical relationship with him, he will be responsible to the end. Then our mission is accomplished…”

Master Poison Dragon laughter was lewd as he added out of excitement, “Don’t worry about black dragon’s [Anti-Magic] physique problem. I remember a few days ago, a drunk guy bragged that he got a certain miss’ virginity with this thing back then…” As soon as the words of Master Poison Dragon were uttered, a certain blue dragon knew it was going to be bad. He shivered as he suddenly felt the temperature in the room drop. He immediately appeared at the door of the room, causing that jade hand to grab nothing.

Looking at the Elder Miss Black Dragon who had a flushed face and exuded murderous vibe, the blue dragon scolded Paglio’s ancestors in his heart. There was indeed a small misunderstanding between him and Julia back then and this thing broke the last layer of defense, which made them husband and wife. However, Julia was very prideful. This matter could not even be mentioned during the intimate private conversation of the couple. She almost went rampant when she was exposed by the poison dragon in public.

Daniel was anxious as he raised his hand holding the crystal bottle, “Julia! Calm down! You know this thing is very unstable. In case it receives too much shock…” Before his words were finished, the door banged loudly as Ms. Black Dragon dashed in happily, “I’m starving to death! Betty, where is the tasty food you said? I purposely fasted before coming! Huh, something seems to be behind the door?”

The room suddenly became quiet. Even the furious Elder Miss Black Dragon was no longer angry. The 3 dragons stared at the door dumbfoundedly… There are some fragments on the ground – Fragments of the crystal bottle.

1 minute later, the anxious Master Poison Dragon showed up outside the house with Ms. Emerald Dragon and Ms. Black Dragon.

“That idiot!” Paglio almost wanted to slap the blue dragon who was unable to do anything right, but Master Poison Dragon obviously ignored the news that the cause of this incident was because of his dirty mouth.

“It’s all your fault, bastard!” The voice of Elder Miss Black Dragon sounded from the back.

“Why did you come out?” Paglio was taken aback. Now, shouldn’t Julia ‘help’ Daniel to ‘detoxify’ the drug in his body?

Elder Miss Black Dragon sneered coldly, “Why can’t I come out? That guy has been knocked out and tied up by me. Just in case, I also put on special iron pants for him as a lesson for him to speak mindlessly! “

The legendary chastity pants, plus in that situation… It’s too cruel! Master Poison Dragon had a chill. The true value can only be determined through comparison. Now it seems that Little Betty is so gentle and understanding, plus a good and loving wife…

Ms. Betty didn’t know about Master Poison Dragon’s conscience discovery. She seemed worried, “What should we do now? We must hurry!”

“Fortunately, I still have a backup.” Paglio grinned as a small crystal bottle appeared in his hand. This useless Daniel. Now I can only use my private goods.

“Is this the tasty one?” As soon as the small bottle appeared, Ms. Black Dragon immediately locked it with her eyes.

Due to the lessons learned from the blue dragon, the poison dragon was naturally spook by Ms. Black Dragon, “Don’t touch it! This thing is expensive! You will lose a lot of money if you break it!”

This sentence was quite effective. Ms. Black Dragon’s hands were frozen in the air. Paglio suddenly rolled his eyes and revealed a strange smile, “Yes, this is indeed a tasty thing, just as tasty as getting married… By the way, we still need a messenger.”

The poison dragon’s gaze fell on a certain ‘informant’ who was admiring the treasure in the courtyard.

At the south suburbs, Mountain Lush, Chen Rui was already there long ago, waiting for Kia’s arrival, but after waiting for a long time, he still didn’t see Kia. While he was wondering, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, but unfortunately, it was his friend, not his girlfriend.

Chen Rui asked suspiciously, “Paglio? Why did you come here?”

“Are you waiting for someone?”

“How do you know I’m waiting for someone?”

“If you are waiting for Kia, don’t bother. A succubus asked me to tell someone, Royal Highness Prince Consort, that she is suddenly busy.” The poison dragon took out a bottle of wine and drank a mouthful.

Chen Rui was taken aback. His date with Kia was a secret. Paglio probably didn’t lie. It seems that this date has failed again.

“You seem to be busy with something recently…” Paglio grinned, “I heard Little Betty say that her best friend rejected a guy’s proposal. To be precise, a guy was rejected by all the women. Do you want me to help you with an idea?”

“Hmph!” Chen Rui was suspicious as he looked at the poison dragon, “You have an idea? Are you that kind?”

“If it weren’t for Little Betty’s concern about Isabella’s marriage and asked me to help, I wouldn’t bother to care about you.” Paglio showed an expression of disdain as he turned and left, “Come, let’s go to the Red Fruit Hotel for a drink. You are alone these days anyway.”

Chen Rui hesitated for a moment before he followed Paglio, failing to notice the hint of the conspiracy in the poison dragon’s eyes.

By the small river in the western suburbs.

Kia, who was notified by a messenger to change her appointment location, was using the ancient runes communicator in her clothes to make a remote call with her allies.

“Kia, is he here?”

“Not yet… I have been waiting for a long time.”

“Remember, we must not agree! For the sake of our future so that no new competitors will appear in our family, we must work together to hold on to this barrier.”

“Isabella, I know.” The little succubus nodded seriously with absolute firmness, “Even if he strips off my clothes, I won’t agree.”

“It’s you who will strip off his clothes!”

“Don’t cheat on us!”

“Sobs… Why isn’t he here yet…”

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