Chapter 765: Wake Up

Chen Rui once beheaded countless dwarf monsters, whose statue had become clear, in the inheritance of the ancient alchemy civilization. This kind of monster was also the most common type of ‘combat game’ in the adaptation test.

The abyss creatures—— gap demon!

That petal is not a Dark Flower, but a Flower of Abyss!

The mysterious cult that the Holy Church has always wanted to eradicate is actually a sect dedicated to the abyss!

Chen Rui remembered Paul had said that this sect created a bloody case that killed the creatures of 10 cities and sacrificed them to ‘god’ 20,000 years ago. This bloody incident shocked the entire human world. Eventually, the sect was wiped out by the Holy Church and the empires. As their vitality was seriously damaged, they turned to the dark side and were always regarded by the Holy Church as 1 of the enemies that must be eradicated.

When Chen Rui used Shura as the avatar to steal faith power, he was mistaken as the Black Death Follower of the mysterious cult by the Holy Church. Unexpectedly, after he returned to the Demon Realm, Shura actually became the real Black Death Follower by mistake!

It seems that the mastermind, Abyss Family, is not only the Demon Realm, but also the human world. The symbol drawn with blood when attacking the Holy Church is a sacrificial ritual, which not only sacrifices life, but also plunders faith. However, the Black Death Followers did not know that most of the Holy Church’s faith was devoured by Shura.

According to Chen Rui’s understanding of the abyss, in addition to the ‘gap demon’ that transformed into the relief sculpture, there was also the ‘berserk demon’ with berserk strength, the ‘blazing flame witch’ that controlled the flame, and the ‘abyss lord’ that held the greatsword. The ‘brood’ that produced these organisms should also be included.

However, there were a lot of relief sculptures which were far more than what Chen Rui knew, especially the 3 statues on the highest floor, which should be the highest masters of the abyss. Could it be… at the top of the abyss creatures pyramid, there is more than the abyss lord that can easily kill the Demon Overlord? Perhaps the abyss lord is not even 1 of the 3 strongest creatures at all?

This discovery is not trivial. More than 1 civilizations, including the ancient alchemy civilization, were completely extinct because of the Abyss Family. Although I don’t know how this dangerous race disappeared, it’s certain that once the Abyss really descends, both the human world and the Demon Realm will face the disaster of extinction.

Now that I can see the relief sculpture of the gap demon clearly, I must have accepted a certain imprint relationship contained in the Flower of Abyss. If I accept more imprints, the more relief sculptures I can see clearly. With Shura’s destruction origin power, the imprint can be eliminated at any time. The reason for staying deliberately is to make a bigger investment in order to gain a bigger reward.

Chen Rui was about to applaud Shura’s decision when he sensed a strength spreading silently. The gap demon relief sculpture seemed to have undergone a certain change, and that hideous face suddenly became like Shura. There was a faint red glow in his eyes before it returned to its original state. No one present noticed this change, including the female bishop.

Chen Rui’s eyes were bright. Faith stealing!

This trick was really smart, but Shura was just a level 3 deacon, so he could only steal limited faith from the gap demon relief sculpture. The mysterious cult altar definitely had more than this. If he could breach further into the church, then there would be more and more faith that could be obtained. It was also a powerful foreshadowing to restrain and destroy the Abyss Family.

The surrounding scenes changed again. This time… Uh, it was a bit unsuitable for children.

Shura was lying on the bed with a black-haired woman in her arms. This woman was beautiful. She had enchanting eyebrows. The reason why it was not suitable for children was that they were both naked; maybe because they felt very hot.

“Richard, you are promoted so fast. Now you’re a big deacon which is on the same level as me.” The woman’s voice was charming as she squirmed gently in Shura’s arms, “Your outstanding and meritorious service is obvious to all, but you have to think about it. It will be very difficult to go further. In other words, your current situation is very dangerous.”

“Oh?” Shura showed interest while playing with the woman’s body.

“The big deacon is the bishop. Your development momentum is too fast which is far above Angelie. Do you think she will tolerate threats like you?” The woman sneered, “That bitch is deep and cunning. On the surface, she won’t suppress you, but she will continue to activate conspiracies and tricks behind the scenes. If I guess correctly, she will arrange for you to perform some dangerous missions and make you disappear silently.”

“What are you actually trying to say? Don’t beat around the bushes.”

“It’s very simple. We join hands to bring her down. I already have a complete plan.”

“I bring her down, then you will kill me and become a bishop?” Shura said with an indifferent face. The hand that stayed on the woman’s chest slid down.

“You look down on me too much, and you look down on yourself too much.” The woman smiled. Her legs suddenly clamped his hand, “I have good judgement on people. Your strength should be more than just those on the surface, plus your powerful talent shown in the faith test can be regarded as promising. It is not limited by a bishop position at all. It is not surprising that you will become a chief bishop or guardian in the future. I only want to be the woman behind you, your most powerful support. Now I can use all my network and background to help you rise to the top. This can be seen as a long-term investment.”

“Very good.” Shura showed a thoughtful expression and finally nodded.

The woman’s expression became more and more coquettish as her thighs began to rub his hands, “Then, before telling my plan, let’s finish some more important things..” Shura smiled evilly as he pressed the woman’s head toward his crotch.

Chen Rui could only say a word bitterly about what happened afterward, “Animal!”

The original memories are still quite good. Why did I suddenly enter this sex-themed clip? It is not watching some art movies, but a real experience in consciousness. Even if Chen Rui closed his eyes, he couldn’t avoid that instinctive excitement.

Chen Rui felt his crotch getting hotter and hotter. When he opened his eyes unbearably, he felt that the scene had finally changed again.

This scene is a little familiar. No, very familiar!

It is the bedroom of the Dark Moon residence!

By the way, the black-haired girl who fiddled with the hard object on my lower body seems familiar too.


Of course it’s familiar! This is… Ms. Black Dragon!

Although there was still a pair of shorts, the face of the little girl was already quite close as she curiously pointed her finger on the high part that had become a tent.

Chen Rui shuddered and immediately sat up, “Olypheus! What are you doing?”

Ms. Black Dragon was startled. Her expression froze for a few seconds, then she yelled, “Boss, you are awake!”

“Awake? How long did I sleep?”

Chen Rui grabbed the blanket that was lifted by the chick and put it on his body. Due to the fright, the height of something excited suddenly decreased. Ms. Black Dragon seemed very curious about it, but the chick did not further study it. Instead, she jumped up and shouted outside the room, “The boss is awake! I have rescued the boss!”

The first sentence was okay, but the second sentence dumbfounded Chen Rui. Rescue?

A few minutes later, familiar faces appeared in the room.

Zola, Paglio, Roman, Delia…

Zola looked at Chen Rui who was sitting up, stayed blank, and suddenly jumped into his arms.

Chen Rui felt the excitement of Ms. Fairy Dragon, and he hugged her tightly. Smelling the familiar fragrance, he felt very peaceful. This is the feeling of lover + family.

“Eh hem…that…” Master Poison Dragon coughed deliberately as if to remind the showy ‘lovey dovey’ – There is someone beside you!

Ms. Fairy Dragon raised her head and glanced at Paglio, “What?”

At this glance, Master Poison Dragon was a little flustered, but Delia spoke in time, “Leader, you finally wake up.”

Chen Rui patted Zola’s back lightly and let go of his arms, “Have I slept for a very long time?”

Roman grinned, “It’s not very long; it was only a month.”

A month! Chen Rui was taken aback, “So long!”

Wasn’t it just a dream?

“It looks like you are fine.” Delia nodded, “When you were sent back to the Dark Moon, your condition was terrible. Athena and Zola were very worried about you, especially Kia’s eyes were swollen every day. She should be able to jump cheerfully again now…” “I rescued the boss!” Ms. Black Dragon interjected in time with undisguised pride on her face.

Roman was stunned, “The black dragons can’t cast magic. How did you wake up the leader?”

“I just…”

“Uh…” Chen Rui quickly switched the topic, “What happened during the time I was in a coma? Are the 3 empires still at war? What happened to the peace talk?”

“To be precise, the battle of the 3 empires is still going on.” Isabella’s voice sounded from the door. Madam Aunt’s face was still beautiful, but she looked a little haggard. Obviously, she had been worried a lot during this time.

Seeing that the man was finally safe and sound, Ms. Yini’s blue eyes showed undisguised joy.

Isabella’s words made Chen Rui’s heart sink, but Madam Aunt quickly said the correct answer, “It’s not a battle between the 3 empires but internal wars.”

It turned out that during the battle of the Warlock Fortress, the 3 empires also had an internal strife, and the Fallen Angel Empire was no exception. There were military riots in the capital and the 4 estates. Fortunately, Shea sent the royal family’s Demon Overlord, Oliver, to guard the capital with the assistance of Isabella as a precaution. Although the incident happened suddenly, they finally stabilized the situation.

The Warlock Fortress sent a large army to cooperate with the White Feather Estate’s Lord Sicali to put down the riot first.

The reaction of the Dark Moon Estate was also very fast. With the help of Delia and others, Athena quickly eliminated the rebels and sent troops to support the Blue Lava Estate and Red Spirit Estate to help the 2 lords suppress the rebellion.

The 3 rulers were working at the same time, and the overall situation of the 3 empires had gradually stabilized.

Chen Rui was very clear that these riots were the full eruption of the hidden forces that the Bloodfall had planned for many years. If Teris killed the 3 rulers in Town Nimbus, then the conspiracy of Teris (Midnight Sun) to unify the Demon Realm was likely to have succeeded.

“The 3 rulers will restart the peace talk in the Dark Shadow Empire in 7 days. By the way, during the time when our Royal Highness Prince Consort was in a coma, Her Majesty Empress asked about Your Highness every day. I think Your Highness Prince Consort will certainly not miss this extremely important negotiation for Her Majesty Empress.”

Isabella’s words caused Zola to snort and shake off some guy’s hand. Chen Rui wanted to cry but he had no tears: It’s obviously an official matter, okay? Why do you have to relate it to the crystal harem battle? Besides, won’t you take care of the mood of the patient?

Seeing Chen Rui’s bitter face, Madam Aunt who successfully provocated couldn’t help but smile. She asked Ms. Black Dragon who was constantly boasting, “Olypheus, how did you rescue the boss?”

Seeing the joyful depiction of Ms. Black Dragon and the electric sparks that began to emanate from Ms. Fairy Dragon beside him, the male protagonist’s face was even more bitter. It seems that the unfortunate day has just begun.

If I knew it, I would ‘sleep’ a little longer…

TL: With the strength he showed in fighting Midnight Sun, will the 3 empires work together? Or even unite as 1?

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