Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 732: A Change that Would Affect the Overall Situation

Chapter 732: A Change that Would Affect the Overall Situation

Chen Rui, who left the Red Fruit Hotel, walked the streets, feeling lost.

He did not know what happened in the woods of the Iron Fist Estate, nor did he know that there was a lonely king walking in the rain. He only understood 1 thing. Catherine had never been so close yet so far out of reach.

You’re the only man whom I have feelings for.

If you really want to fulfill your foolish wish by conquering the Dark Shadow Empire, even if you succeed, you will only get my corpse.

Will it go farther and farther? The lonely shadow. Even if Chen Rui had no regrets, a faint sadness surged. He was startled and stopped suddenly because someone was waiting for him in front.

If it was his first woman whom he left just now, then this was the first woman he fell in love with. In terms of appearance, she was not the most beautiful, and in terms of strength, she was not the strongest, but she was the woman he loved the most so far.


She walked over while staring at him with red gem-like eyes. In front of many people, she gently held his arm without any pretentiousness. Although she was the supreme ruler of the Dark Moon and 1 of the 3 main commanders of the empire’s military, she was the original gentle Athena in front of him.

She was always worth cherishing.

After walking slowly with him for a while, Athena said, “Is she here?”

As early as in Mountain Xilang, he confessed to Athena about his relationship with Christina. Athena was also the only 1 among his women who knew the name ‘Christina’. The rest of them just vaguely know that Chen Rui had a woman of the Dark Shadow Empire before Athena.


“You don’t seem to be in a good mood.”

“It’s really not very good… because next time we meet, we are likely to be enemies.”

“Sorry, I heard Isabella say her name…” “Where’s Yini?” Chen Rui smiled bitterly. In order to deal with a mistress, you don’t hesitate to instigate the main wife to take action? Don’t forget, you are also a mistress.

“It should be me who should say sorry, Athena.”

“Let’s go home.” Athena gently leaned her head on his shoulder, completely ignoring the various jealousy, envy and hate gazes in the distance.

“En, go home.”

The warm-hearted man held his lover’s waist and the cuddling shadows joined together, walking forward.

A few days later.

The Dark Shadow Empire, the palace side hall.

Liliz looked at Empress Catherine at the window sill looking in the distance with some doubts in her mind. As the confidant of Her Majesty Empress, she could feel that some changes had taken place in the empress recently, especially after returning from a secret trip a few days ago. She suddenly looked into the distance a lot more. In the memory of Liliz who had served for many years, Her Majesty Catherine would habitually look far away only when she had unresolved issues in her mind.

“Liliz, do you think in a lifetime, a woman can encounter…” Catherine asked thoughtfully, then she seemed to wake up, and did not continue.

“Your Majesty?” Liliz showed a surprised expression, “Are you okay?”

Catherine shook her head. She was silent for a moment before speaking up, “You and Terdila have always been the people I trust most and are loyal. However, due to my negligence and selfishness, your relationship has dragged on for so many years. I’m sorry… From today onward, I will give you a 2-year vacation to enjoy the couple’s life. Maybe you can take the opportunity to give birth to a good descendant.

Liliz blushed, “Your Majesty…”

“Don’t refuse, just treat it as a means for me to win over my subordinates. Terdila is a good guy; cherish each other. With me as your backing, he dares not bully you, or should I say… you don’t bully him too much.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Liliz bit her lip and said, “That, please forgive me for being impolite. Recently, Your Majesty is a little different from usual times. May I ask…”

“Don’t guess randomly.” Catherine stepped down the steps, “Now the Bloody Empire internal strife has just ended. Although Great Prince Aleus defeated Second Prince Edmund, his prestige is far from that of Raizen, and he needs time to stabilize the empire’s internal situation. The Fallen Angel Empire is also working hard on development. Unless Raizen ends his training, or else… Generally speaking, there shouldn’t be any major changes in the Demon Realm during these few years. You have a good rest for 2 years. This is my order.”

“The one who should rest the most is not me, but Your Majesty!” Liliz’s eyes suddenly turned red, “For so many years, Your Majesty has been supporting this empire alone to lead the people of the empire through the most difficult moment, step by step toward prosperity and stability. I know very well how much Your Majesty has sacrificed for this empire. If Your Majesty really encounters one who is worth it…”

“Liliz!” Catherine’s voice suddenly had a kind of empress majesty, “You overstepped the rules! Now, execute my order and immediately hand over all the affairs at hand to Shilu.”

Liliz did not dare to speak anymore and bowed back. When she walked to the door of the side hall, she received the intel from her subordinates.

Liliz opened it, and a shocking expression flashed past her eyes. She immediately returned to the side hall.

“Your Majesty, it’s not that I disobey, but this time my vacation… really needs to be postponed!”

The main hall of the Fallen Angel Empire.

Shea’s expression was extremely serious while looking at several emergency intel that ‘burst out’ in a day.

“Bloody Empire’s Lord Raizen ended training and declared this internal strife incident as the Second Prince Edmund’s rebellion. He commended Great Prince Aleus and Young Prince Teris who quelled the rebellion.”

“The retreating Edmund’s army suddenly changed direction, joined the elite legion personally led by the Bloody Empire’s First General Gustav, and regrouped at the Iron Fist Estate in the south. The Bloody Empire fully mobilized strategic supplies to the south, and the Warlock Fortress’ General George urgently mobilized armed forces for defense.”

“The Bloody Empire fully activated the western defense line, closed the passage with the Dark Shadow Empire’s Jergal Fortress, and sent an envoy to the Dark Shadow Empire.”

Shea looked at the ministers with the same solemn expression and spoke up, “Everyone, I need to listen to your opinions.”

The left prime minister, Oliver, spoke up, “Obviously, Raizen’s troop redeployment was aimed at us. If it is not for bluffing, then even with General George, the Warlock Fortress would not be able to stop the Bloody Empire Army. However, what I’m puzzled about is that the Bloody Empire just has ended the internal strife and its vitality has yet to recover. How could it suddenly attack our empire desperately? Of course, just in case, we should not take it lightly and immediately mobilize our troops to the north. At least, we should show the momentum of going all-out.”

The right prime minister, Stiller, agreed, “I also think it is strange. The internal strife of the Bloody Empire has just been settled down. It is impossible for Raizen to fight us with all his strength at this time. If I estimate correctly, the real purpose is to follow the example of the methods of Dark Shadow Empire back then to request conditions for cooperation from us such as requiring the technology of new things such as magic television and aromatic millet wine. But the current empire is not the empire when the Obsidian’s rebellion was just quelled. Furthermore, we have also formed an alliance with the Dark Shadow Empire. I think there is no need to fear the Bloody Empire.”

“Don’t underestimate Raizen.” The important minister of the royal family, Sarandi, shook his head, “What we have concluded with the Dark Shadow Empire is only an economic alliance, not military. Once a war really breaks out, the Dark Shadow Empire will definitely stand by while waiting for the opportunity to profit from it, so we can only rely on ourselves. Although the empire’s economic development is rapid and the military strength is also steadily recovering, our comprehensive combat power is still the last of the 3 empires. 300 years ago, I followed the Lord of Midnight Sun and joined the demons’ joint army to fight against humans. Raizen was there at the time. He was proficient in using the army. I have an ominous premonition. I’m afraid this time is not a bluff.”

“Don’t you think this so-called ‘premonition’ is ridiculous?” Lunters of the elder family sneered, “How can you prove that Raizen will do it? I bet that what Raizen is coveting for is our skills and resources. The Bloody Empire’s actions are just to apply pressure. The envoy sent to our empire should be on the way!”

Before Lunters finished speaking, a guard came to report, “Raizen the Great sent an envoy to our empire and has passed the Warlock Fortress with the permission of General George.”

Upon hearing this news, Lunters immediately showed a confident look while Sarandi showed a thoughtful expression as he frowned without saying a word.

At this time, there was also an intense debate in the main hall of the Dark Shadow Empire Palace.

On the throne, Catherine, who had been thinking silently, finally opened her eyes slowly.

“Order First General Broc to fully strengthen the defense of the Jergal Fortress; order Second General Valen to lead the Sharp Wind Legion to station in the Seg Estate in the southeast for military exercises. Do not approach Town Leia for the time being; order Bloody Vine Flower Estate Lord and Third General Crawford to assemble all elite troops in this estate and legion and be on standby at any time.”

All the ministers were shocked. Putting aside strengthening the defense of the Jergal Fortress, the ‘exercises’ of the Sharp Wind Legion stationed in the Seg Estate and the assembling of elites by Crawford are clearly intended for the Fallen Angel Empire. From this point of view, Catherine the Great’s judgment is …

“I have a premonition that Raizen will definitely take action, and he will go all out.” Catherine’s black eyes behind the veil flashed wisely, “Because he is Raizen. Mammon.”

The same word, ‘premonition’ was not deemed ridiculous by the officials of the Dark Shadow Empire because she was Catherine. Asmodeus, the Demon Realm’s top sage. This ‘premonition’ once saved the entire empire.

After the palace meeting was over, the officials retreated. Catherine’s order was communicated and executed quickly.

Catherine leaned back on the throne as her gaze that turned to the east became distant and profound.

“Raizen, have you also noticed the threat of the Fallen Angel Empire? You want to eliminate this threat in the bud before it grows?”

“No doubt, you are still so vigorous and resolute, but sometimes, being direct is the most effective way. If I was more decisive back then, maybe the Fallen Angel Empire is now in my hands. “

“So eager to make a move… In other words, your strength is already…”

“In any case, this time is a rare opportunity for the Dark Shadow Empire.”

“The Demon Realm’s overall situation is going to change again.

Catherine stood up slowly, touching something lightly in her hand, “Will you come to me?”

Obviously, the ‘you’ in this sentence were not the previous Raizen.

The white jade fingers were stroking an exquisite thing.

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