Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 728: The Situation and Old Acquaintance

Chapter 728: The Situation and Old Acquaintance

The Fallen Angel Empire’s palace.

Empress Shea was listening carefully to Isabella’s report. The Snow Dallet Flower’s effect was quite magical. After Isabella recuperated for a period of time, the [Light Annihilation Seal] on her body had been completely removed. Her strength and vitality that was lost due to the seal also came back to her. Ms. Yini was originally not an idle character, especially after regaining her youth and vitality, the gloom in her heart was gone. She felt bored every day. At the invitation of Shea, she regained control of the secret intelligence department of the Fallen Angel Empire.

She undoubtedly had extraordinary talents. Soon after she had control of the secret intelligence department, the operation of the intel system in various places became more flexible.

After listening to the latest intel, Shea revealed a solemn expression, “The Bloody Empire’s Second Prince Edmund is defeated again?”

Isabella pointed to the strategy map and said, “This time he personally led the main force in a decisive battle with Aleus in Mountain Black which is at the north of the Iron Fist Estate. As a result, the army was defeated. Edmund led the remnants to flee to the Iron Fist City. Meanwhile, Aleus’ army has broken through the triple defenses of the Iron Fist Estate, approaching step by step.

It is possible that this civil war of the Bloody Empire will not be delayed for long.”

Chen Rui interjected, “This situation is a little bit beyond our expectations. Didn’t Edmund get the secret help from us and the Dark Shadow Empire? It was originally expected that the 2 sides could drag on for at least another year. Why would it be a complete defeat this time?”

“It is said that Teris, the genius prince of the Bloody Empire, stepped out of the Dark Furnace and planned the battle himself.”

Teris? Chen Rui’s eyes flashed with a different expression. An image of a gentleman appeared in his mind, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

“Teris is the youngest son of the Bloody Empire’s Lord Raizen. He is hailed as the world’s top genius with extraordinary wisdom and was proficient in military strategy. At the same time, he had extraordinary performance in business, politics, potion, mechanics, and so on. He is almost an all-round genius, but unfortunately, because of his lack of talent and strength, he was regarded as the prince least likely to inherit the throne.”

Speaking of ‘all-round genius’, Isabella glanced at her man with blue eyes and said, “It is said that before Raizen trained behind closed doors, Great Prince Aleus attempted to assassinate Second Prince Edmund, but he failed. Young Prince Teris became the scapegoat on behalf of his elder brother, Aleus. He voluntarily entered the Dark Furnace to repent for half a year. The Dark Furnace is the most dangerous royal secret place in the Bloody Empire, containing a manic and dark strength. Although the Mammon Royal Family can borrow the power of the dark element to speed up training, it is equally dangerous. Many royal families have lost their lives there. Teris did not come out for half a year after entering. Many people thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he walked out of the Dark Furnace 2 years later. It was the conspiracy of this genius prince that made Edmund suffer a heavy blow. It also made our strategy of prolonging the Bloody Empire’s long-term internal friction on the verge of failure.”

Chen Rui witnessed Teris’s ‘scapegoat’ when he was attending the royal banquet as the apprentice of the top mechanic master, Nate, of the Bloody Empire. It was just that Chen Rui always felt that Teris was not simple, especially when he learned about Master Fonsaq’s experience back then. After experiencing the tragedy of the Blue Lava Estate’s Town Lupin, he became more suspicious of Teris.

It now appears that the ’scapegoat’ at that time was possibly directed by Teris himself.

Chen Rui thought for a while and asked, “Is there any news about the closed doors training of Raizen the Great?”

“Not at the moment.” Isabella shook her head.

Shea spoke up, “Leave the matter of Teris aside. Even if the internal strife of the Bloody Empire ends, it has lost a lot of power this time, so it will not pose a threat to us in a short time. We just seize the time to develop our economic and military strength.”

“That’s right.” Chen Rui nodded, “Although the previous war with Obsidian greatly exhausted our military power, the reform of the military system of the empire is fully completed, and the cohesion is unprecedentedly strong. The Red Dragon Legion of the Warlock Fortress, the Tekula Fortress’ Saber-toothed Tiger Legion and the Dark Moon’s Red Blood Flame Army have completed the recruitment and organization. They are now stepping up their training. Probably after a couple of years, those recruits will be able to truly become the backbone of strength to compete with the elite of the 2 empires.”

“Don’t underestimate the 2 great empires, and don’t be overwhelmed by the trend of economic development as well as the small achievements in front of you.” Isabella did not agree with the man this time, and she put forward a different opinion, “Don’t forget that the military strength of the Fallen Angel Empire has always been the weakest of the 3 empires, regardless of overall strength or high-end strength. The number of Demon Overlord and Demon Emperor alone is far lower than the other 2 empires. Once the war really breaks out, we still cannot really contend.”

Shea thought for a while and nodded lightly, agreeing to Isabella’s opinion.

“Don’t worry.” Chen Rui seemed confident, “The ancient alchemy civilization castle has been restored. The castle itself is a powerful weapon that can even reverse the entire war at a critical moment. As for the alchemy beings, all the materials have been collected. Once the production is completed, we can have 100 giant crystal beasts of Demon Overlord level, at least 1,000 Demon Emperor level assemble puppets, 5,000 lamp spirits, and 10,000 powerful crystal beasts. These troops’ combat power is strong and they fully obey orders. In addition, we also have Guradam’s undead army. Combining these forces with the empire’s legions, we will definitely not be inferior to the other 2 emperor’s empires. What is needed at the moment is time and trained pilots for the assemble puppets.” Shea’s eyes brightened, “Yes, the land acquisition by the Mechanic Association has been completed. It depends on when your castle can move over. “

“Now the castle is still accumulating energy, and those training games are also being intensively debugged.” Chen Rui pondered for a while, “Judging from the current progress, it will probably take more than 1 month. Have you read the college construction plan last time?”

“You really moved everything from the human world here.” Shea smiled. “I’ve read it carefully. This plan is very good. In fact, the Demon Realm had a college many years ago, but it was discontinued for various reasons. I approve of your plan, but we still need a long term plan. Didn’t you say it? Haste makes waste. You have brought too many new things. We need to digest step by step, and finish the most important thing before we talk about it. “

Isabella’s voice intervened, “Other empires can only follow our steps eagerly and continue to imitate, but Her Majesty Empress thinks that there are too many new things. It seems that Her Majesty really has happiness troubles…”

Her Majesty Empress replied faintly, “My happiest trouble is that there is no beautiful figure of a bridesmaid at the wedding ceremony that is about to come. Fortunately, this trouble does not exist now.”

These 2 sentences made the solemn atmosphere of discussing official affairs instantly strange. A certain scum of the crystal harem lord did not dare to say anything or leave. Perhaps this was the happiest trouble.

In the evening, the Dark Moon City.

Under the bright magic lamp, there was busy traffic and bustling as usual.

Although the day was about to end, the more lively night market had just begun.

The Demon Realm concert was being replayed on the magic television of the plaza. Although it was the fourth time, the audience’s enthusiasm was still extremely high. It seemed that they would never get sick of it. It was said that the next concert date had been set to be just 1 day before the wedding ceremony of the Fallen Angel Empire’s empress, Her Majesty Shea, as a celebration.

“Delia, walk slowly, wait for me.” Roman chased after her hastily.

Delia said faintly, “Aren’t you fascinated by that beauty just now?”

“You misunderstood, I just saw that her necklace is very unique and I want to buy one for you.” Roman quickly explained, “Speaking of beauties, our Delia is the most beautiful. If you take off the veil, the entire Dark Moon City’s women will feel ashamed of their beauty.”

“Hmph! Flowery speech.” Delia glanced at him disdainfully, but she felt very pleased. She did not expose that he was actually fascinated by the deep gully under the woman’s necklace.

“I’m telling the truth, it is definitely not a flowery speech. In my heart, you are always the most beautiful.” Roman grinned, but these words were from the bottom of his heart. He took advantage of the situation to hold Delia’s hand, “Right, Paglio and those guys seem very restless these days.”

Speaking of this, Delia showed a slight smile, “It’s all because of Olypheus and leader. It seems that Sir Auglas has pressured these dragons. Unfortunately, Olypheus didn’t understand anything. She produced some pictures a few times that made them dumbfounded. .”

“Leader is really a beast!” Roman’s eyes were full of jealousy, envy and hatred.

“I’m right to call him leader, you should call him Sir Uncle.”

This way, ain’t I 1 generation later than Delia? Master Roman was dumbfounded. The back of his hand hurt as Delia’s nails had already pinched, “I know you have always used leader as a model to open the harem, but as long as I’m alive, you have no hope in this life unless I…” “No unless! Don’t worry, me and that beast leader are totally different.” Roman quickly said, but he was wailing in his heart. I am stuck with 1 tree, all forest dreams are gone. During the conversation, Delia’s hand suddenly trembled. Roman had a tacit understanding with her, so he immediately felt something was wrong.

There was a woman in front of them, wearing a large robe that covered her figure. Her head was covered in tulle, her facial features could be vaguely seen, but it was not clear. This was a typical female dress of the Dark Shadow Empire. Due to the proximity to the Dark Shadow Empire and the cooperation between the 2 empires, there were a lot of Dark Shadow Empire people here. Women in this dress were not uncommon; Delia herself was dressed like this.

“What an unexpected meeting.”

The woman’s voice was very beautiful which gave people a strange sense of tranquility in this noisy plaza.

Delia squeezed Roman’s hand tightly, making no sound.

The woman’s eyes turned to the 2 tightly held hands, “I didn’t expect to meet you here… Madam Delia.”

When Roman felt Delia’s nervousness and even fear, he took 2 steps forward, guarding her behind. A murderous intent appeared in his eyes. Judging from the name, this woman should be Delia’s old acquaintance in the Dark Shadow Empire. I wonder how she is able to see through the magic veil that Delia wears, and able to move Delia to such an extent. She must be a formidable opponent.

“Ms. Christina.” Delia finally said with a hoarse voice.

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