Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 722: Your Snow Dallet

Chapter 722: Your Snow Dallet

A few days later, at the Thunder Snake Archipelago.

Strena silently watched the sailing ship drift away, and the purple moonlight stretched the lonely shadow.

On the ship, there was her closest sister and… that man. They would go to a place far away from the Thunder Snake Archipelago and away from the Dead Sea. She didn’t know when she would be able to see them again.

That man, who had saved her and her sister in the hands of the Black Sea God, miraculously defeated a series of enemies including the Dark Dragon Emperor who was close to God level.

He had released countless resentful souls of the Dead Sea including hundreds of millions of naga heroes from endless sorrow and pain, but he seemed to have forgotten her promise to ‘agree to any of your requests’ when she pleaded for him to do so.

After the Dark Dragon Emperor was annihilated, not only did the abnormal power that induced creatures in the sea area to kill each other disappeared, but even the mysterious strength that had always plagued the survival of all creatures in the sea area no longer existed. This was equivalent to saving all the sea tribes including the nagas and sirens.

The man only took away the phantom coral which had lost its value, and of course, Adeline who voluntarily followed him.

Strena actually envied Adeline. In some ways, Adeline was more courageous than her elder sister.

“Regret it?”

Queen Naga Modesty’s voice sounded from behind. Strena frowned and snorted while she still stared at the Devil’s Snare Ship which had turned into a small black spot in the distance.

As a mother, Modesty seemed to be deliberately trying to uncover the scars in her daughter’s mind, “Regret not leaving with Adeline? You seem to have made some wrong choices because of cowardice. You may still catch up now. Would you like me to give you a ship?”

Strena’s red eyes suddenly shot sharp qi, and there were 6 scimitars in her hand, “Let my scimitar tell you if my choice is wrong.”

“I will see it as a challenge for the position of patriarch.” Modesty sneered playfully, and she slowly took out the scimitars. This time it was not 2, but 6 scimitars, “I heard that you learned the whole profound meaning [6 Scimitars Break] in the Land of Hatred. Let me see how much you have improved.”

In the moonlight, the crisp sound of blade clashes seemed to be sending off the distant ship.

On the Devil’s Snare Ship, Adeline, who had left her mother and sister, laid in Helen’s arms and wept bitterly. The little mermaid princess also shed a lot of tears. She stared fiercely at the ‘culprit’, Chen Rui, with her red eyes.

Chen Rui faced the little mermaid’s glare innocently. It was Adeline’s own request to follow him. Now it seemed that he was kidnapping the civil girl. Out of helplessness, he had to force himself to step forward and comfort her, “Don’t cry, Adeline. I have good news to tell you, Sir Auglas just gave me a precious treasure called Spiritual Mind Eyes, a derivative of [Dragon God Eyes] that can make your eyes see the light again.”

Adeline was taken aback. There were already 2 cold beads with a hint of refreshing power in her hand.

“When you have calmed down later, drip your blood on it and put it in front of your eyes. They will turn into liquid in your eyes to restore your vision. In addition, the [Royal Divine Eyes] also has a special strength, but to activate it, you need great spirit power. You already have a part of the mirage’s illusion power, so your spirit power level has reached the Demon Overlord level, but you are still an amateur. It is incomparable with the real Demon Overlord. You must pay attention to training in this direction in order to see things with the Spiritual Mind Eyes freely.”

“Thank you Sir Aguile!” Adeline was pleasantly surprised as she held the 2 beads tightly. Then, she bowed to the direction of Auglas in her spirit sensing, “Thank you, Sir Auglas.”

“En.” Auglas nodded to the naga girl, but he glanced sideways at the son-in-law, making Chen Rui a little depressed.

But speaking of it, the old father-in-law really treated him quite well. Take the ‘Tower of Glory’ as an example, after the old father-in-law worked hard to completely cancel the imprint left by Rodriguez, he just directly threw it to him.

There were actually a lot of Rodriguez’s treasures in this space treasure. Unfortunately, 80% of these treasures had been ‘confiscated’ by Auglas. The old father-in-law solemnly stated that the remaining 20% would be divided equally between his daughter and son-in-law.

With the dragons’ ‘financial management talent’, it was already very, very, very generous to leave 20%. This was even on the consideration of Chen Rui’s outstanding performance during this period. Otherwise, probably his half would be lost.

Apart from those treasures, the Tower of Glory itself was an extremely precious treasure. This was a real and rare space artifact which Chen Rui’s pseudo-artifacts could not compare to. The holy dragon Rodriguez used it to escape the pursuit of the 3 archangels, Raphael. With Chen Rui’s current Demon Overlord level strength, it was actually very difficult to master this artifact, but he had the golden finger Super System. Currently, Tower of Glory was being ‘cracked’ by the [Deep Analysis]. Despite the slow progress, success should only be a matter of time.

Chen Rui’s harvest was very abundant. In addition to the Tower of Glory and the treasures, he also obtained the dark source power that Zola needed, a large amount of blue star heavy water and phantom coral that the ancient alchemy civilization needed. He also resolved the grudge between the dark elementals and gained the favor of the water elementals.

Due to Rodriguez’s ‘possession’, Dodo’s strength soared to S++, so he became the character with the highest level of strength. After returning, Master Roman’s status would probably be at the bottom.

When Rodriguez was annihilated, the contract pillar that bound Octopus King Red Pipit in the Tower of Glory disappeared. Chen Rui found the spirit crystal ball of Red Pipit from the treasure and gave it to the Octopus King when he returned to the Black Sea.

Without this crystal ball, the soul of Octopus King would not be complete and his strength would be stagnant for the rest of his life. Rodriguez used this method to confine him. He was exhilarated that he got the spirit crystal ball now.

It was worth mentioning that Chen Rui first canceled the equality contract link with Octopus King, and then took out the spirit crystal ball. This situation shocked the Red Pipit. He is just a small ‘Demon Overlord’, yet he can directly ‘tear’ the contract with me who is about to reach Demi-God powerhouse. It seems that this person’s origin and potential are deep and unpredictable.

Chen Rui’s approach was obvious, it was to sell favors. Since he wanted to sell, he naturally would sell it openly. The Red Pipit knew this very well. Even without the terrifying dragon powerhouse, Octopus King was also very grateful to Chen Rui who gave him freedom and promised to go to the Fallen Angel Empire after restoring the soul power to thank him.

Dark Moon Estate.

A quiet courtyard.

The copper kettle on the magic stove whistled because of the boiling water inside. A white jade-like hand lifted the copper kettle, cleaning the delicate tea set placed on a small bamboo table. Her movements were elegant and skillful.

She put the green tea leaves in a small purple pot, washed them with boiling water, and strained them. After adding water to soak the leaves, a fragrance gradually diffused.

There were 2 tea cups on the low table. The woman poured the tea in the purple pot into the 2 tea cups respectively, and she looked at the empty seat opposite as if there was a person she had been waiting for.

Somehow, this kind of waiting has become a habit.

Even when life was closest to death, this habit remained the same, or in other words, it was a kind of hope.

A hope that supported her to keep waiting.

After a long time, the woman picked up the tea cup and took a sip with faint longing in her gem-like emerald eyes.

“The tea doesn’t taste good when it’s cold.”

A voice sounded, and the teacup in the woman’s hand trembled suddenly. A few drops of tea spilled out, then she regained her composure again, but the thoughts in the emerald eyes had turned into infinite joy. Nevertheless, her voice seemed quite indifferent, “When did you come back?”

“Just now.”

“Really? So, they are willing to let you come to me?”

“To be precise, I came back secretly using a certain spatial ability because… your previous threat was very effective.”

A smile appeared behind the woman’s veil when the word ‘threat’ was mentioned, and her squinted eyes looked like 2 beautiful crescent moons.

——After returning from this trip to the Dead Sea, I must be the first woman you touch. Otherwise, I will marry Auglas and let you call me ‘mommy’ like Olypheus!

She herself had to admit that this threat was too poisonous.

She was the Devil’s Snare Flower after all.

A poisonous flower publicly recognized by the Fallen Angel Empire.

“Sit down.”

She stood up, poured out the cold tea in the teacup, and started boiling the water again.

“The matter is finally resolved?”


“You haven’t finished talking about the human world last time, go ahead…”


The woman poured tea while listening casually. In fact, she was a little absent-minded. For the first time, when listening to him, her thoughts drifted away.

Before meeting him, she held great authority, and was admired by countless young talents. She easily played the empire in her hands with intelligence, but she had nothing except hatred and disgust.

After meeting him, especially after being resurrected by him, although she was reborn, she still couldn’t face the pain in her heart and just waited quietly for her death. There was never any hope, just like an incomplete person.

Until now, she was a complete woman.

By the way, not yet.

But soon.

Her face was suddenly red as she glanced at him secretly, only to find that he was also looking at her.

At this moment, her heart that has always been indifferent and calm jumped quickly, intertwined with tension and anticipation.

Next, the specific process seemed very blur in her mind. Was it he came to her or she took the initiative to come to him. It just felt that everything was progressing very naturally. Just like him carrying her toward the room now.

This time, it was definitely not superficial.

As she saw the bed, she knew what was going to happen. Her cheeks were red, but she did not evade his eyes with the tears of happiness dripping from her eyes.

Finally there is such a person. I no longer need to conceal everything in front of him.

The past had become the past.

In the future, the beauty and poison of Devil’s Snare would still bloom in the world.

However, in front of this man, she would always be a Snow Dallet.

Your Snow Dallet.

No regrets in life or death.

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