Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 718: The Holy Dragon Awakened

Chapter 718: The Holy Dragon Awakened

Chen Rui was shocked by Lambost’s words: Demi-God-level kingdom power? Putting aside Auglas, when did Rodriguez’s remnant soul in the Tower of Hatred recover to the level of Demi-God?

“Try to restrain your breath.” Moore reminded, “So as not to affect the kingdom and distract Sir Auglas.”

Chen Rui immediately activated the [Breath Holding] skill, converging both strength and breath. Despite the protection of Crown of Wave from the indirect impact, Chen Rui could still clearly feel that the strength of these 2 forces was unprecedentedly powerful. The mental suppression alone was unparalleled as if a world collided with another world. The strength of the Demon Overlord was as small as an ant in this ‘world’.

It was like ordinary people couldn’t resist the strength of nature even if their bodies were tempered to the peak stage. This was an essential difference unless… one truly transformed into nature.

Although Chen Rui couldn’t activate [Pole Star Transformation]’s [Blue Star Kingdom], when he sensed this Demi-God-level kingdom power, his concept of ‘quality’ had deepened a bit. If he could break away from [Pole Star Transformation] and really comprehend the ‘kingdom’, perhaps it was the time he would break through the Blue Pole Star Level.

The black flames of Auglas’ hands were getting lower and lower which seemed like he was suppressed. In fact, he was accumulating energy. The black pupils suddenly become the vertical pupils of the giant dragon. In a shout, he spread his hands, and the kingdom power of the Tower of Hatred was suddenly torn apart. All the phantasms disappeared in an instant.

Chen Rui felt that the suppression was suddenly released, then the scene changed and the Tower of Hatred appeared in front of everyone. The blow just now should have disintegrated a certain kind of space barrier.

In front of the Tower of Destruction, there were statues, not only the silent Dark Iron Mystic Ghosts, but also the nagas, elementals and resentful souls including Strena.

Strena and the others seemed to have lost their souls, their bodies were plated with a layer of alternating metal brilliance of gold and silver; they were solidified. It was caused by the aftereffect of Rodriguez’s light and dark imprisonment back then.

The Dragon Eye Ring, the key to opening the Tower of Destruction, had fallen into the hands of the holy dragon, but Tower of Destruction did not seem to need a key to open it at the moment because Auglas hit the Tower of Destruction with a punch in the air. It trembled violently, and large cracks appeared on the surface. If it were not for Chen Rui’s prior reminder, the aftermath of this blow would destroy all the statues.

The 2 surrounding black and white breath whistled out, and quickly solidified into the shape of a giant dragon. The eyes of the giant dragon slowly opened. The left pupil was golden while the right was silver, giving out a terrifying light.

“Who dares to destroy the cage and awaken the long sleep of the Dark Dragon Emperor?” A deep and thick voice sounded.

“Dark Dragon Emperor?” Auglas sneered, “How dare you, a holy dragon of the human world, claim to be the Dark Dragon Emperor?”

The giant dragon seemed to have just awakened, and he was stunned by the sentence. His eyes piercingly looked at Auglas, “A Demi-God black dragon? Who are you!”

A familiar voice sounded beside him, “Sir Rodriguez, do you remember me?”

“It’s you! You damn human!” Rodriguez roared suddenly. He couldn’t forget the shame of being forced to sleep to avoid complete annihilation. “Could it be that 10,000 years have passed?”

When the Water Elemental King heard the word ‘human’, a shocked expression flashed across his eyes, and he saw Moore nod to him. Lambost thought for a while and recovered his calm again.

“Cut the crap.” Auglas’ black eyes turned into vertical pupils again, and his breath began to change rapidly, “The accounts back then will be settled together today!”

“[Dragon God Eyes]!” Rodriguez’s voice was filled with horror and anger, “You’re Crusier… No! Now I remember! You’re the little black dragon back then!

“The Dragon Island Emperor, Auglas. Sierrasalomekre.” Auglas’s vertical pupils were shining brightly as his breath skyrocketed. He punched the giant dragon phantasm, “Today, I will completely annihilate your remnant soul!”

The Tower of Destruction suddenly emitted a strange light. Under this light, the surface cracks that were caused by Auglas earlier began to peel off quickly, exposing the crystal-like white jade material inside. The inscriptions on the surface jumped as if they were alive. Auglas’ blow was actually canceled out.

“Remnant soul? Ignorant black dragon, I’ll let you see how powerful this remnant soul is!” Rodriguez laughed sharply, “Oh, I just remembered something, human. This time is a blessing in disguise. Most of my soul and kingdom power have been restored, and I am able to activate the Tower of Glory. It’s all thanks to your previous invasion. In order to express my gratitude, I will let you enjoy all the pain before you die slowly!”

“Tower of Glory!” The name made Earth Elemental King and the Water Elemental King exclaimed at the same time. Chen Rui saw that countless mysterious inscriptions suddenly appeared under his feet. In the blink of an eye, the scene had changed suddenly. He appeared in a strange space which was full of chaotic and powerful breaths.

“Yes, Tower of Glory. The feeling of re-mastering it is really refreshing.” Rodriguez’s voice sounded, “If it wasn’t for this space artifact, I would have died in Raphael’s hands. Today, you will all be buried here! [Dragon God Eyes] will also become my trophy!”

The sun and the moon appeared in the sky at the same time, and the originally chaotic power breath suddenly became more tyrannical. The overwhelming pressure seemed to be from a high god.

“Did you see it? This is the supreme strength of the fusion of light and darkness!” Rodriguez’s laughter was full of triumph, “As long as I fully comprehend this rule, I will step on the road to the real god!”

Before launching an attack, the pressure from this sound wave almost stopped Chen Rui’s blood flow. The pressure was several times greater than when he was with Auglas previously. Even the 2 Elemental Kings found it difficult to move.

The only person who could move was Auglas. His pupils ignited black flames which quickly spread to the whole body, and a pair of majestic full-body armor appeared. It was the first time Chen Rui saw the Demi-God-level [Armor of Faith]. This armor was completely black, exuding a deterrent breath that was impossible to look at directly.

After putting on this armor, Auglas’s power skyrocketed. Chen Rui and the other 2 suddenly felt the pressure relieved as they regained their mobility.

“The fusion of light and darkness? Bullsh*t! It’s just that the strength of the light origin fragment and the dark origin fragment are barely blended by some coincidence.” As Auglas yelled, the previously seen kingdom phantasm appeared beside him. The sceneries such as mountains, castles, and so on quickly spread in space and intertwined with the kingdom of the sun and the moon.

The sceneries of the 2 kingdoms began to collapse and shatter; only the sun and moon in the sky remained the same. When Auglas showed a strenuous expression, Moore and Lambost looked at each other before they unanimously moved vertically, turning into 2 clouds - 1 blue and 1 yellow to cover the sunlight and moonlight.

With the help of the 2 Elemental Kings, Auglas had been able to resist Rodriguez’s kingdom and shouted, “Chen Rui, although Rodriguez’s kingdom has undergone some kind of abnormality, his real body’s strength cannot be synchronized. It hasn’t even reached the kingdom level! 3 of us will resist his kingdom and space artifact. You immediately find out his real body and kill him!”

Chen Rui knew that the situation was urgent, so his perception was fully open as he searched for Rodriguez’s whereabouts.

Rodriguez’s laughter sounded from all directions, “Even this ant-like human can kill me? Last time, I was just careless, I won’t make the same mistake twice! You’re already trapped in my kingdom power, as long as I kill him, you will gradually become exhausted and eventually be annihilated. See how you lose your last hope with your own eyes!”

As soon as the voice ended, countless rays of light appeared around Chen Rui. They were strands of high-concentration energy filaments that were enough to split the space. They wrapped around him, wanting to mince this human into pieces.

A transparent blue shield appeared, and the light left countless terrifying cracks on the shield. In the end, it was unable to destroy the defensive shield’s protection. Before the next round of attacks began, the shield suddenly disappeared along with the human figure in it.

The disappearing Chen Rui surprised Rodriguez who was also hiding in the dark. He began to launch various attacks, but he could not find the other party’s whereabouts as if he was really missing.

At this moment, Rodriguez, who was in the air, suddenly had a bad premonition. He revealed himself and waved his hand abruptly to the back. In a flash, a figure teleported to the distance. It was Chen Rui.

Rodriguez was slightly startled, “You actually know that I’m here?”

Of course, Chen Rui wouldn’t say that he used the [Analytical Eyes] to find him. He just said nonchalantly, “I also do this kind of simple sneaky trick, stop putting shame on yourself.”

Race: Slime (Mutated)

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: S++

Physique: S++, Strength: S++, Spirit: S++, Speed: S++

Analysis: Transformation talent, devour talent, immortality, recovery talent, absorption and imitation talent, dragon demeanor.

Risk Level: Quite high.

At such a rating level, no doubt he has not reached the kingdom level, but he is still above my current strength, especially the slime’s talents are scary… Wait, the slime? Chen Rui seemed to have a realization, and his mind immediately entered the Super System. In the spiritual link, Dodo’s master-servant link was still maintained. In this way, the soul of Dodo had not completely disappeared, but still existed in the body.

Rodriguez didn’t know that Chen Rui’s [Sneak] had a time limit. He really didn’t use concealment anymore once he heard it, “It’s been less than a year since the last battle. I didn’t expect your strength to grow very fast. It’s a pity. My changes are far beyond your imagination!”

Chen Rui’s mind turned, “Does the so-called change mean that the holy dragon has become… a slime?”

“This slime is not simple as it can actually devour the strength of the dark origin fragment and the dark origin fragment, merging the 2 together. My soul power and kingdom are also quickly recovered under this merging.” Rodriguez sneered, “Thank you for sending me this body. As long as my soul is fully recovered and I have mastered the highest law of the unity of light and dark, I can truly be reborn even without the body of the black dragon. Then, the entire Demon Realm will kneel under the majesty of a newborn god!”

Chen Rui took a deep breath, and his strength channeled at high speed, “You seem to forget something?”

“Are you talking about the master-servant contract?” Rodriguez gave a weird smile, “You can try.”

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