Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 710: Enlightenment and Old Enemy

Chapter 710: Enlightenment and Old Enemy

The next day, the Dark Moon’s madam lord announced that she was unwell and declined to see guests again.

The so-called unwell was caused by a night of indulgence after reuniting for a long time. Now Athena was sleeping soundly in the bed, even the little maid with special physique and Ms. Fairy Dragon were no exception.

As the saying goes, there would only be exhausted cows and no over plowing farm. But what’s very unscientific was that Chen Rui was very energetic now, and he got up early in the morning. This was naturally the magical effect of the first passive attribute [Dual Training]. Perhaps due to illusion, even the Shackles of True Flame’s conversion process seemed to have accelerated a bit faster than usual.

Chen Rui did not disturb the dreams of his 3 beloved women. He got up quietly, put on clothes, and ordered the lamp spirits guards not to disturb them, then he opened the [Star Gate] and arrived at the Fallen Angel Capital.

Isabella’s matter had not been completely resolved due to Olypheus’s father, but her life was safe with the Snow Dallet Flower. Chen Rui was going to Teacher Tetenis’ place now.

Now Fonsaq (Skye) stepped up to become the president of the Fallen Angel Empire Mechanic Association now, attracting a large number of alchemists. After Aldas received the true inheritance of Tetenis and the black potions provided by Chen Rui, his pharmaceutics knowledge had improved by leaps and bounds. With the support of Shea, he had also become the president of the Potioneer Association.

Tetenis had been living in seclusion in a house in the Fallen Angel Capital. He would normally stay indoor to conduct research and experiments in the house. Fonsaq and his wife would often bring Alian and Eve to visit him. Aldas would come to visit him from time to time. Days were leisurely and free - If not for the approaching battle of life and death.

“You finally came back!” The old man was not as calm as Chen Rui’s wives. When he saw Chen Rui appear in front of him, he suddenly yelled with spittle flying. The content was nothing more than accusing someone of losing his wisdom over women, not doing a decent job, wasting alchemy talent and so on.

Chen Rui wanted to explain, but it was a pity that he couldn’t interject, so he had to let the old man scold him first.

The old man scolded him vexedly for a while. Seeing Chen Rui looking numb and indifferent, he threw a thin book in a huff, “All my mechanic knowledge is here. I also gave a pharmacy book to Aldas. You can ask him for reference if you need it. If you find it useless, find a solid mechanic master to pass it on.”

Chen Rui saw that this book should have been newly written, and it had accumulated his life’s hard work. Although the old man scolded fiercely, it was solely for the sake of the 2 apprentices. This action… was obviously making arrangements for his death.

Chen Rui accepted the book with a smile, then he took out a sword and put it on the table. This sword was very ordinary. According to the rank, it barely reached the excellent grade, but it had a strange spirituality.

The old man frowned and his gaze suddenly became serious. He carefully held up the sword. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he became. His hands actually trembled slightly, “You… forged this sword?”

“No.” Chen Rui shook his head, “I went to… Uh, the Dead Sea this time, and I ran into a reclusive mechanic grand master.”

A cold light flashed in Tetenis’s eyes, “What does this grand master look like? Is it a great demon with 1 eye blind?”

“No, it’s a dark elf. He gave me a lot of inspiration. This sword was his work.” This trip to the human world was too sensational, so Chen Rui didn’t say it very clearly, but he fully explained the mechanics experience gained from the 2 grand masters at the Jade Forest Sea.

Tetenis listened attentively and muttered to himself, “Mechanics is creating life’? Life…”

The old man seemed to be deeply engrossed and ignored Chen Rui. Referring to the sword, he began hammering on the forging platform set up in the yard.

The initial form of a sword was gradually taking shape. From Chen Rui’s eyes, this initial form could create a legendary grade weapon, but the old man threw it aside in annoyance, “No!”

“How could such a profound truth be expressed in such a clumsy way. How could it be possible!”

“Wrong again!”


The old man’s expression was alternating between joy and rage. After hammering for a while, he stopped to look at the sword and thought for a while, then he started to hammer again.

Chen Rui knew that this was the sign of breaking through the bottleneck. He had the same experience in the refinery of the Super System, and even almost fell into a state of madness, destroying everything. Tetenis was a quasi-grand master who had inherited knowledge for thousands of years, and his own accumulation was also very abundant. It was only 1 step away from the grand master. What was missing was just an epiphany.

As long as he really realized it, he could pierce this layer of window paper and enter a whole new realm.

In the blink of an eye, 3 days had passed. Tetenis couldn’t even sleep and just kept forging. When he was hungry and thirsty, he picked up what Chen Rui put on the table to eat. He didn’t say a word to others. He even held that sword when he occasionally took a break.

Chen Rui had been accompanying Tetenis. He also helped the old man to stop the visit from Lisa and Aldas.

On the afternoon of the third day, Tetenis suddenly threw the sword that had been precious to his life into the furnace. He closed his eyes, and let the sword from the grand master melt step by step into a liquid state.

After a while, Tetenis’ eyes suddenly opened. He solidified the iron, refined and hammered into shape… A series of processes were flowing like a stream and finished in one go.

Soon, a brand new sword appeared in front of his eyes. This sword was completely different from Bernd’s rugged style. It had a fine and delicate vibe, but they both faintly exuded a hint of spirituality.

Although the spirituality of this sword was obviously not as good as the one that was destroyed. It was still spirituality just like… the bud of life.

“Haha!” Tetenis’ usual stern face changed, and he laughed wildly. Although he lost a sword made by the grand master, he gained more.

“Congratulations, teacher! You finally really touched the edge of the grand master.” Chen Rui lamented in his mind. In contrast to me using the ‘creation’ law of the Super System to perceive the way of life in alchemy, Tetenis just broke his current framework and established a new understanding, really jumping out of his original framework that restricted himself and finding his own way. These are the so-called different routes leading to the same goal.

“Touched the edge?” Tetenis took a deep look at Chen Rui, “Honestly, are you…”

“Hehe, I’m far worse than teacher.” Chen Rui scratched his head and didn’t deny it. In fact, he spent hundreds of days in the Super System to understand it while Tetenis only took 3 days. Of course, Tetenis’s accumulation was not what Chen Rui could match at present.

Tetenis’ eyes shined with surprise; he was even happier than his own success. He didn’t have much time left. Even if he touched the edge of the grand master, he was still not the opponent of that strong enemy. Chen Rui can actually reach a realm similar to me at such an age. This savvy and talent can be called an infinite genius. With time, he can definitely become the most dazzling alchemy grand master in the history of the Demon Realm.

With such an inheritor, even if I’m defeated in this alchemy match, I can still die with a smile.

At this moment, Tetenis suddenly sensed something, and Chen Rui also glanced at the door. There was only a knock on the door. Before they could open the door, there were already 2 figures in the yard. The protective magic circle of the door seemed to be non-existent to these 2 people.

Both of them wore black cloaks which seemed very mysterious.

1 of the figures let out a weird laugh, “Tetenis, you are in a good mood.”

Race: Great demon (mutated).

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: S.

Physique: S-, Strength: S, Spirit: S, Speed: S-.

[Analysis]: Fire attribute. Risk level: low.

Now the Demon Overlord-level strength was no longer a threat in Chen Rui’s eyes. What really caught his attention was another figure.

Race: Corpse necromancer.

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: S+.

Physique: A-, Strength: A-, Spirit: S+, Speed: A-.

[Analysis]: Clone. Degree of danger: Fair.

The corpse necromancer of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord was not surprising. What made Chen Rui secretly startled was the ‘clone’ shown in [Analysis] - Chen Rui encountered Lich King Glorios in the Land of Hatred in the Dead Sea, and Glorios was a kingdom-level powerhouse. As his soul was restricted by the power of the holy dragon, he could only appear as a clone of the Demon Overlord level. As a result, the Dark Elemental King and Chen Rui teamed up to destroy his life box.

Now, another corpse necromancer of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord appeared in front of Chen Rui. Then, this clone’s original body is most likely a kingdom-level powerhouse! Thinking of this, Chen Rui’s gaze suddenly became serious.

“Saman!” Tetenis gritted his teeth while Chen Rui raised his brows: This man in the cloak is actually the old enemy that teacher will face, Alchemist Saman, who deceived and annihilated his master more than 9,000 years ago.

Saman lifted off the cloak on his head. He looked like a middle-aged man. His one eye was blind, and he had a few scars on his face and looked very hideous.

“Don’t you welcome me?” Saman’s voice was unpleasantly hoarse, “I came to visit you specially. Take care of yourself, your life is mine… By the way, you can have it for 3 months. “

Saman was the apprentice of the Demon Realm’s mechanics grand master, Rosenberg. In order to covet the Inheritance Crystal formed by Rosenberg and another potion grand master, he killed Dawor, the winner of the inheritance assessment, and severely injured his teacher, Rosenberg. Rosenberg launched a special contract in the Inheritance Crystal and divided the inherited imprint into halves which landed on Dawor and Saman respectively, so the 2 became the inheritors of the crystal at the same time.

Under the power of contract, Dawor was resurrected and could not be killed by Saman. Only by using the rule to win the opponent’s life could he completely get rid of the contract and obtain all the inheritance. If the opponent was killed by other means, not only could he not be able to obtain the complete inheritance, but there would also be a terrifying recoil. This kind of imprint was very wonderful and could be passed on from generation to generation using the method of inheritance within a 10,000 year contract period.

Not only that, Rosenberg did not hesitate to burn his life as the medium to perform the most powerful curse on Saman. The most important restriction in the curse was that Saman’s imprint could not be inherited. It meant that if Saman failed once, he would truly die. As a result, the 2 sides’ imprint battle would last for 10,000 years. However, Saman had some miraculous encounters, remained undefeated and lived to the present. Tetenis’ teacher was defeated and died in Saman’s hands. This competition with Tetenis would be the last time in the 10,000-year period.

After this time, Saman would completely get rid of the shackles of the contract and curse.

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