Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 694: Grand Master

Chapter 694: Grand Master

In fact, it was not easy for Chen Rui to crack the magic circles, but the gain was absolutely worth it. Both practice and theory were very important in magic circles. If it was just in 1 of them, it would be of little value. One needs to continuously absorb, learn and improve to make progress.

Finoia was a true magic circle quasi-grand master. In all fairness, his level was much higher than Chen Rui, but Chen Rui had the knowledge of Dragon Inscription and ancient runes, so his comprehensive strength was about par with Finoia. Facing such an opponent at the same level, with the help of [Deep Analysis], Chen Rui gained a lot of valuable insights including some magic circle details and techniques.

However, starting from the seventh magic circle, Chen Rui did not crack it anymore. Instead, he just passed it directly. Firstly, he didn’t want to delay too much time. Secondly, he was already familiar with Finoia’s setup style, so there was no need to crack it to gain insight anymore. Thirdly, he also wanted to leave some face for the grand master whom he was about to visit.

Finally, after passing the last magic circle, Chen Rui saw the destination this time, the Purple Heart Treehouse.

It was not so much a treehouse as it was a huge tree. On the purple trunk, there was a small house.

This shape was very different from Chen Rui’s imagined grand master house. Such a small house… probably just enough for 1 person to lie down. The only mechanic grand master of the elf tribe lives in this place?

At this moment, the door of the treehouse opened. A halo was projected on the ground in front of Chen Rui, and 2 figures appeared. One was a slender male elf with a very young appearance. In contrast to the arrogance and self-superiority of the general elf, he gave people a natural and cordial feeling. His calm gaze carried insightful maturity and wisdom. Next to him was a very old the white bearded hobbit, but in terms of real age, he might not be comparable to the ‘young’ elf.

The male elf spoke, “I’m Finoia, this is the mechanics grand master Bernd of the forest hobbit tribe. Welcome to the Purple Heart Treehouse, young human friend.”

“Richard is glad to meet Sir Grand Master Finoia and Sir Grand Master Bernd.” I didn’t expect there would be 2 grand masters. Chen Rui did not dare to neglect and bowed.

Finoia and Bernd formally saluted back. The elf grand master spoke up, “Sir Richard doesn’t need to be too polite. The magic circle accomplishments that sir showed when you came here are already qualified enough to communicate with us in an equal position. Please come into the treehouse with me. “

Chen Rui thought about it for a while, and he walked into the halo without hesitation. The halo had the effect of fixed position teleportation. Chen Rui felt that he had arrived at a bright and spacious place. This was a hall with a magnificent style and exquisite facilities. There were many rooms.

“This is… an independently built space! It can be called a perfect hexagon branch structure. It turns out that Sir Finoia is also a top space magician. This is really admirable!” It turned out that there was a cave in this small treehouse which was similar to Zola’s Rainbow Valley. It was very stable, but the space was much smaller.

“Sir Richard has good eyesight! Do you also have experience in space magic?” Finoia’s eyes lit up with a bit of surprise. It was not surprising to recognize the independent space, but it was rare to explain the type of space structure immediately.

Chen Rui shook his head, “Unfortunately, my talent in magic is not as good as that of ordinary magic apprentices. I only have a little understanding of some theories. Please don’t laugh at me, Sir Finoia.”

The old hobbit interrupted, “Skills are specialized. Not everyone is as leisurely as a guy who can live for thousands of years and study all the knick and knack.”

Finoia smiled slightly, “Bernd, don’t be jealous. Moonlight Goddess is fair. Although the elf has a long life, the fertility rate is not high, and the population growth has been slow.”

“Hmph, why don’t you say that if the fertility rate is high, the elf tribe would have ruled the world long ago?”

Finoia smiled without saying a word, and he waved, “Please sit down, Sir Richard.”

Chen Rui sat down, “Sir Finoia, the way I came to visit this time is a bit rude, please forgive me.”

“It’s okay, today happens to be the trial for Starlight College.” Finoia smiled, “You still gave me a little face for not cracking all the magic circles and let the students find this place directly.”

Chen Rui laughed and did not explain too much. No matter which location, only talented people had the right to speak. Excessive modesty could sometimes have counterproductive effects.

“Let me be straightforward, I came to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital because I was commissioned by the Hobbit King Ovge of the Thick Soil Castle hill to hand over Grand Master Rick’s relic to Sir Finoia.” Chen Rui took out the old blueprint and handed it over.

Seeing the blueprint, Finoia trembled. He took it with both hands with rare excitement on his calm face. After seeing it carefully, he nodded, “That’s it, very good, very good.”

“This is the magic weapon that you and Old Rick researched together back then?” Bernd leaned over to look at the blueprint while frowning, “This blueprint should have a very clever concealed inscription technique, and it’s incomplete. It must be pieced together in order to see the original thing.”

“Yes, I still have half here.” Finoia took out a blueprint of the same texture. When the 2 were put together, they glowed with golden light and turned into a brand new complete blueprint.

A special device was drawn on this blueprint with various cross-sections and data analysis. Chen Rui was shocked when he glanced at it. It is actually such a thing! It seems that even if they are on 2 completely parallel planes, the inventions and creativity are still surprisingly similar.

“If I guess it right, this magic weapon can give ordinary people the ability to fight against powerhouses just like a miniature magic crystal cannon.” Chen Rui said, “If the war tactics are right, even mid-to-high-level powerhouses will be deterred. Perhaps its advent will change the form of the future war. However, at present, the design of this weapon is still in its rudimentary form with various flaws such as aiming…”

The more Finoia and Bernd listened, the more surprised they were. This kind of comment had surpassed the scope of knowledge of the magic circle. Only a real alchemist or even a grand master could have such excellent insights. Some aspects even inspired Finoia as he was seeing things from a whole new perspective.

The shape or structure of this magic weapon was very similar to the thermal weapon of another world. Chen Rui actually retained a lot of memory of it. He just mentioned the idea of ??the aiming scope.

After Chen Rui finished speaking, the elf grand master carefully digested what he had just heard. After a long time, he took a deep breath and looked at the human with an eager gaze.

“I haven’t left the Jade Forest Sea for many years. It seems that I’m out of touch with the outside world. I don’t know when such a human genius alchemy grand master appeared in the world.”

“I can only say that I admire this kind of insight. No wonder the kid, Ovge, entrusted a human to come. You are less than 30 years old?” The old hobbit scratched his head vigorously, “Looks like both Finoia and I have lived in vain for a long time.”

“The 2 grand masters have misunderstood. In fact, I’m still far from the grand master. This time I came to the Jade Forest Sea to ask the 2 grand masters about the true meaning of mechanical skills…” Chen Rui’s mind shifted, and he included Bernd.

Bernd grinned, “These words fully demonstrate the cunning of humans. I became a grand master for less than 1 year. Except for Finoia, only the upper layers of the forest hobbit know. How did you hear that the forest sea has 2 grand masters?”

“Sir Richard, don’t mind us. Since you’re a friend of the mountain hobbit, you should know that the hobbit tribe is straightforward like this. However, the hobbit has a proverb that says, ‘The hammer can tell the truth best.’ Is sir willing to show us, the 2 old guys, your mechanic skills?” When Finoia glanced at the next room, the door of that room opened. There was a separate space inside which was a mechanics room.

“Of course, this is my honor.” Chen Rui was overjoyed when he heard Finoia’s intention of giving him pointers.

At the Holy Light Mountain, the Glory Forest of the Holy Blessing Summit.

The book in the hands of the 4-winged angel statue suddenly burst into red flames which spread to the whole body in the blink of an eye. The nearby woods were burning, and the Glory Forest was full of blazing breath. If Chen Rui was here, he could sense that the flow of faith power around had doubled.

The blazing breath gradually dissipated. The strange thing was that the white forest trees that were still blazing just now had no trace of being burned, but the leaves turned into a fiery red color.

A man appeared outside the Glory Forest where the Holy Light Mountain’s 3 major leaders led by Pope Vantis were waiting respectfully.

Seeing Isyorul appear, the 3 major leaders said in unison, “Congratulations Sir Isyorul!”

Isyorul had a hint of joy in his eyes, “This time I finally succeeded. The power of Shackles of True Flame is completely integrated into the Judgement Book. For this reason, Eudora contributed a lot of precious fire element treasures; her credit is indispensable.”

“It is an honor for Eudora to be able to contribute to sir.” Eudora bowed, but she was secretly upset. In fact, those fire element treasures were prepared for the phoenix egg. As the hateful Richard stole the phoenix egg, her previous work was completely abandoned. Now she had no choice but to sacrifice the treasures to Isyorul.

“I’m a person who rewards and penalizes clearly. I will speak in favor of you in front of Sir Raphael in the future.” These words made Eudora overjoyed. Isyorul glanced at Vantis, “As for Vantis, as the highest leader of the church, you will bear the greatest responsibility for the holy trees’ disappearance this time; punishment is definitely inevitable. But before that, I have to personally capture the damn cultist to see if there is any hope of recovering the holy trees.”

As long as the Snow Dallet Trees could be recovered, the bad consequences of this incident could be greatly reduced. Vantis hurriedly said, “Thank you sir. At present, the eastern part has been completely sealed off, especially for the few empires that can travel through teleportation. Sir can arrive in the eastern region first, then activate [Divine Spying]. I believe that the cultist must be unable to escape.”

Isyorul nodded slightly, turned his hand over, and the dim blood bead had already appeared in his hand. His eyes shot out with fiery breath, “No matter who you are, this time, you can’t escape my hands!”

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