Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 686: [Scorching Dragon Roar]

Chapter 686: [Scorching Dragon Roar]

Colina had always been hidden in the battle cage. Just now, Chen Rui’s [Star Explosion], an indiscriminate large aoe attack, was intended to force her to show up.

Colina was caught in her neck by Chen Rui. Although she was horrified, she did not panic. Her body suddenly turned into countless intertwined rays of light and scattered. Chen Rui was slightly surprised when his grasp was empty. The air suddenly became cold and a strong whirlwind full of sharp ice blades appeared.

Chen Rui crossed his arms to protect his head. When the ice blade touched his body, it only had time to leave a small white mark before it shattered. Due to the whirlwind, the shattered ice chips began to quickly crystallize and solidify on Chen Rui’s body. He turned into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

The power of the ice whirlwind gradually weakened in the violent breath, and it seemed to show signs of fading. Colina knew that she could not imprison the opponent for too long, and her sharp voice sounded, “Quick, attack with all your strength and kill him!”

The strength of this enemy was indeed extremely powerful, and the time of [Armor of Faith] was limited, so they must be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Murev’s physique was very special. The previous injury had been restored a little. Although [Star Explosion] caused his wound to crack, it was an external injury after all. Putting aside the wounds, the terrifying figure with a pair of bloody eyes had left the fear and trauma in his heart, so he must get rid of the enemy as soon as possible. Otherwise, the trauma would extend further in his heart, and he would never be able to get rid of it for the rest of his life. Murev’s golden giant arm burned with golden flames, and he charged toward the ice sculpture in the air, intending to completely crush the enemy with a full blow.

Clark waved both his hands quickly, and countless magic playing cards spun out to surround the ice sculptures from all directions before Murev. There were 2 small legions of ‘Fate Showdown’ behind the magic card.

April tapped her foot, and her ghostly figure went round and round. Under the cover of the magic card, she went behind the ice sculpture. Although her strength also had S++ evaluation, she was actually inferior to Murev, but her combat skills were more bizarre, especially the poisonous scorpion tail. Normally, it was a weapon to hold back the enemy, but the poison did not seem to have any effect on the enemy, which made April more cautious. Naturally, she did not spare any effort this time.

The ice whirlwind had been completely extinguished, and the ice layer on the surface of the ice sculpture had emitted a lot of steam which evaporated in an instant. The strange thing was that Chen Rui’s eyes were slightly closed, and the violent breath on his body disappeared. It seemed that the special state had been deactivated.

In the face of countless attacks coming in, Chen Rui’s hair had been blown backward by the strong wind, but his expression was still calm as water. Just as he was about to be overwhelmed by crises from all sides, the silent eyes suddenly opened, and the pupils burned with flame-like light!

The disappeared fierce and violent breath was hundreds of times stronger in an instant. It was no longer an ordinary breath, but a majestic and vast spirit which filled the space of the entire battle cage.

The moment Chen Rui opened his eyes. The 4 holy apprentices felt that the playing cards, soldiers, Murev, April… everything slowed down at the same time as if the flow of time was suddenly slowed by several times- An illusion?

Just when Murev and others were shocked, the ‘illusion’ returned to normal again. A sound was heard in the battle cage, “[Scorching Dragon Roar]!”

In the line of sight, the target to be killed suddenly turned into a blood-red sea. No, it was not a sea, but the horrifying and ferocious snake-like huge beast from before! There were actually dozens of them!

In the violent shake of the battle cage, the terrifying [Scorching Dragon Roar] rushed to all sides. Whether it was the magic playing cards, manifestation soldiers, or holy apprentices, everything nearby was swallowed by the red light!

Colina wanted to use the characteristics of the battle cage to divert the attack, but the violent breath of the Scorching Dragon was everywhere, and even the space was torn apart. The entire battle cage could not withstand the terrifying pressure. It was like a balloon blown to its limit that would collapse and burst at any time.

Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom!

The blood-red sea finally shattered the territory space, and the entire battle cage shattered into rays of light which dimmed and dissipated. Earthquake-like tremors occurred in the Hall of Light area due to the aftermath; buildings collapsed one after another; all the enchantments near the plaza were turned into dust; the ground sank by 3-4 meters. Under the powerful shock wave, the surrounding Light Knights were all blown away, and they couldn’t get up immediately when they fell to the ground. Many of the low-powered ones had fainted.

Under the moonlight, the red light of the plaza gradually extinguished. Except for a figure, there was no one and even no building standing upright.

A figure held a woman’s neck in his hand, Colina!

Since the battle cage was destroyed, Colina could no longer escape as before. Not to mention the power of [Scorching Dragon Roar], the destruction of the battle cage alone caused her spirit power to suffer a huge recoil. Even her [Armor of Faith] also disintegrated and disappeared. Having completely lost her resistance, her eyes were full of panic.

4 holy apprentices, equipped with [Armor of Faith], joined forces in a battle cage, and were completely defeated!

Chen Rui’s eyes were full of a murderous aura. His voice was cold like ice, “I rarely kill women, but you are an exception.”

“Holy apprentice won’t die…” Before Colina finished her sentence, a layer of destructive white light appeared on the surface of her body, then she trembled suddenly and let out a scream.

With a ‘bang’, Colina burst open, and there was no corpse just like the 2 children she had killed.

Chen Rui put down his hands and looked at the other 3 holy apprentices not far away. Murev fell to the ground motionless, covered in blood, as if he was dead. Clark and April were next to each other and their breath was very weak. A light blow could completely kill them.

Chen Rui walked over slowly. Just as he passed by Murev, Murev who had been motionless suddenly pounced up from behind. Chen Rui’s shoulder turned, Murev paused and stood dazedly on the spot as the ground behind him cracked open.

“Even if you are brave in this battle, you are still a coward and weak in another battlefield.” Chen Rui did not look at Murev anymore and continued to walk toward Clark. Murev wanted to say something, but a red mark suddenly appeared on his forehead which quickly spread in a straight line. His sturdy body suddenly fell down into halves, and the blood spread quickly.

When April watched Chen Rui walk over, she desperately tried to get up, but she couldn’t because of her injuries. On the other hand, Clark seemed calmer, “Before you kill me, tell me what is your definition of powerhouse?”

Chen Rui glanced at Clark, “Have a strong will and firm faith, constantly challenge yourself and surpass yourself. Even in the face of extreme difficulty or temptation, you still stick to the principles in your heart and don’t lose your original heart. Your original intention before obtaining power and becoming a holy apprentice was to use power to slaughter the weaklings and arbitrarily control their life and death?”

This was Chen Rui’s personal experience. In the illusion of [Refined Mind] back then, he was almost completely lost.

Clark was silent for a while, and he smiled bitterly, “You’re right. On another battlefield, Murev is just a weak man, and me too… After being reborn in the future, I hope I can become a real powerhouse… You can kill me now.”

Clark squeezed April’s hand hard. April shuddered. Instead of breaking free, she squeezed his hand. She always knew that Clark was interested in her. In the battle cage just now, if Clark hadn’t stood in front of her desperately, she would have been annihilated by the Scorching Dragon.

April suddenly regretted not holding this hand earlier and she gritted her teeth, “The holy apprentice has eternal life! Our soul will be reborn in God’s kingdom. Although you killed us today, one day…”

“Reborn? Eternal life?” Chen Rui was silent for a moment, then he asked, “God has existed for countless years, so the holy apprentice should have been reborn countless times? Do you still retain the memories of the past?”

April was stunned, “The reborn holy apprentice is a new beginning… God will re-give us [Armor of Faith] to continue the sacred mission.”

“A rebirth that loses everything in the past?” Chen Rui remembered a sentence he wrote when he was bored in his previous life: On the Nai He Bridge, drink Meng Po soup, forget all the past, after reincarnation, am I still me?

“I don’t know if the so-called rebirth is real. I only know 1 thing. There is no absolutely eternal thing in the world. Any immortal existence has a day of decay, even if it is deities…”

“Suddenly I don’t want both of you to be ‘reborn’ anymore. Take this as the price…” As Chen Rui waved his hand, the flame soul stone beaded chain on Clark’s wrist flew up and fell into his palm. He glanced at the 2 holding hands, “I think you don’t need it anymore.”

Seeing Chen Rui’s back leaving, Clark was holding April’s hand tightly. He gritted his teeth and said, “Sir Isyorul has a divine eye that can see through your original body through a medium object such as… fresh blood.”

Chen Rui paused, and he was shocked. He finally understood why he would still be found by the holy apprentices after using the techniques of [Breath Holding] and [Camouflage]. It turns out that Isyorul used a secret technique on the blood that I left on the Snowy Summit Stage from my previous injury. Then, ain’t I under the surveillance of the other party all the time?

“The divine eye can sense your trail directly in the power range. Once it exceeds the range, [Divine Spying] must be activated. This time, [Divine Spying] is used to locate you. Every time [Divine Spying] is activated, it will lose ? of the medium object. After 3 times, the medium object will disappear.”

Chen Rui’s eyes brightened. The Holy Light Mountain is far away. The holy apprentice was summoned at the last minute and came from the nearby empire this time, so only 4 came. This is also because of the teleportation point at Clear Mirror City. If I constantly change my identity, appearance, and location, especially if I go to remote places, even if the opponent knows my whereabouts and rushes over, it is likely to be in vain. As long as he uses up 3 times, I can completely get rid of the enemy’s tracking.

“Sir Isyorul is a 4-winged angel under Sir Raphael. He is far superior than the holy apprentice…”

Chen Rui nodded as he gradually disappeared into the night.

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