Chapter 664: Beast

In the evening, in the lounge of a tavern.

“Is it just an engagement?” Chen Rui smiled and raised his cup.

Compared with the major personnel changes of the capital, the news of Samuel and Joanna’s engagement was trivial. Of course, for the 2 ‘involved parties’, this was the most important. After all kinds of hardships, the 2 lovers were finally able to come together.

Samuel hurriedly got up and bottomed up his drink, “The family has family rules. After the engagement, it will take at least 3 months before the wedding can be officially held.”

“Sit down, as I said, don’t be so restrained, “Chen Rui waved his hand to Samuel. What I hate the most is the unnecessary rules.”

Samuel sat down and said with a smile, “If Your Highness returns to the palace now, then your marriage with Princess Landbis of the Blue Glory Empire will definitely be resumed. Princess Landbis is known as the most shining pearl of the Blue Glory Empire. This marriage was envied by many people back then. I can be sure that Your Highness will experience more ‘rules’ in marriage than me now.”

Princess Landbis? The most shining pearl? Chen Rui frowned, and he shook his head indifferently. So what if she’s a princess? I even have 2 empresses. How can this Landbis be comparable?

“This is for you.” Chen Rui took out a long sword with a sheath in his hand and handed it over.

Samuel took the sword respectfully. When he touched it, the touch of the dark red sheath gave him an extraordinary feeling. At Chen Rui’s gesture, Samuel gently drew out the sword. He suddenly felt a chill, and he couldn’t help but shiver. The whole sword had no fancy accessories and no dazzling light. It was silent when it was waved, and the blade was extremely sharp. The pale blue sword had a faint texture like fish scales which looked simple and mysterious.

The weight and length of this sword were extremely handy. What surprised Samuel was the wonderful sense of combining with the sword as if it was a part of his body. He could activate its power and skill at ease. After just a few wielding, he was so fond of it and unwilling to put it down.

“I will follow Paul to the White Cliff soon, so I cannot participate in your engagement and even your wedding.” Chen Rui shrugged, “The quality of this ‘Flying Obliteration’ should be considered top grade in the legendary grade. I made it by myself. Consider it as a gift for you in advance. In addition to the buff attribute, there is also a feature that you would like very much. As long as you activate the rune on the sword with a special method, the blade can be turned into fragments and burst out. As long as you activate the corresponding, the fragments will automatically retract back.”

Flying Obliteration- Sharp, deepen wounds, increase wielding speed by 50%, absorb enemy power through damage to slowly restore physical strength.

Special attribute: The blade has the characteristics of splitting and merging; it can be split into hundreds of fragments and retracted. The fragment state increases the splash damage by 30%.

With Chen Rui’s current mechanical skills. The probability of making legendary grade equipment was quite high, but it was not so easy to make a quasi-artifact. In addition to personal status, he must also have corresponding inspiration like the Iron Tree Spark House in the mountain hobbit last time. Nonetheless, the value of this sword was definitely not under the quasi-artifact for Samuel.

Samuel’s eyes lit up as he stroked Flying Obliteration like it was a treasure. This sword attribute is too suitable for me, especially the characteristics of spliting and merging. It is just tailor-made for the improved version of [Dawn Extinction]. By the way, His Highness made it specially for me. He must have taken a considerable amount of effort to accommodate my new move. His Highness really put in effort in this...

Wait! Top grade legendary item? Made by hand?

Samuel suddenly thought that the full set of eternal black potions he had consumed was also from the hands of this Third Highness, and his heart beat violently: Peak stage of the Saint! Potion grand master! Also, a top mechanic master!

If the Third Highness returns to the palace now, it is very possible to directly become the first inheritor of the throne with this kind of strength. Why should...

“Your Highness,” Samuel barely suppressed the shock in his heart, “Forgive me for asking...”

Chen Rui shook his head, patted Samuel, and interrupted his question, “Everyone has a pursuit and perseverance in their hearts, just like you go to the Demon Realm and the Storm Island to train for Joanna, I also have my own goals. I can’t answer you too much right now. I have only 1 request – No matter what happens, you can’t reveal my identity to anyone at any time without my permission. If you want to treat this as an order, then this is my only order.”

Samuel didn’t ask anymore. He just nodded solemnly.

“Okay, I should go too. I hope that when we meet next time, you are already a dragon knight.” Chen Rui stood up and said, “By the way, that... Um, nothing. Take care.”

Chen Rui wanted to ask who the woman wearing the veil was, but he didn’t ask any more.

The veiled woman and Arthur must have such a deep bond that even the fusion of part of Arthur’s consciousness has produced such a strong reaction, but so what? Arthur is Arthur, me is me.

The Dragon Bright Empire is Arthur’s home, but not mine. I am just an occasional passer-by. Even if I came here, I will leave eventually.

It was like the sentence he often said to his beloved woman: I’m Chen Rui, Chen Rui’s Chen, Chen Rui’s Rui.

At this moment, he suddenly missed them badly in the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm.

Dark Moon Estate.

The former residence of the sheriff and financial officer.

A pair of beautiful eyes were looking at the 2 purple moons in the sky. Her red gem-like pupils seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist.

“Hey, Athena, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and eat, otherwise Paglio and the others will take it all.” Olypheus was slurred with a braised hoof in her mouth. In fact, judging from Ms. Black Dragon’s heap of food in front of her, the dishes on Paglio and Roman’s side were just insignificant.

“Alright, Olypheus.” Athena turned her head and smiled.

Delia on the side had experienced this before, so she understood what Athena was thinking. She handed over a glass of wine, “Miss him?”

“En.” Athena responded gently and took the wine. She was not someone who could hide her mind, especially in front of good friends.

Today was Delia’s birthday and a small party was held. Due to a series of large-scale events such as Catherine’s visit and follow-up cooperation, Shea, the empress, and Princess Alice couldn’t get out of the capital while Zola was unable to come as her training had reached a critical juncture. The rest of the friends had shown up.

“I’m sorry.” Isabella, who was sitting next to Krobelus across the table, said. Chen Rui went to the Dead Sea to look for the Dark Elemental King for several months without any news, and this dangerous journey was precisely for her.

For these close friends, this matter was no longer a secret including the relationship between Chen Rui and Isabella. Only Roman was a bit awkward. After all, Isabella was his father’s sister; even though it was nothing in the Demon Realm and he also contributed to this at the beginning.

Facing Athena and Kia, Ms. Secret Intelligence actually had a guilty conscience. It was completely different from facing Shea. Except for Zola, she usually avoided meeting them as much as possible. She just stayed in the Rainbow Valley for recuperation and occasionally went to the capital to help Her Majesty Empress to strategize. Isabella received an invitation from Roman for Delia’s birthday this time. Her close friend, Krobelus, also tried her best to convince her to go. Thinking that she might not have much time, Ms. Yini simply let go.

Surprisingly, perhaps out of sympathy, Isabella saw more of friendliness and tolerance in Athena’s eyes. It was not a deliberate pretense, but genuine kindness. This silenced the Devil’s Snare who was usually socially active; she did not speak until this moment.

“You don’t have to apologize.” Athena shook her head and smiled, “If it’s me or someone else, he will do the same. You should know him well, so you should trust him. He will be back in time.”

Kia also nodded. In fact, the little charming girl even secretly whispered to Athena beforehand, and she proposed to join forces to deter Isabella. However, when she really faced Isabella, the succubus maid couldn’t bear to be hard-hearted anymore when she suddenly remembered that she had been tortured by the [Soul Shackles] and waited for death every day.

It was not the first time Isabella heard the last sentence. Her nose was suddenly prickly, and she turned her face away, “Thank you.”

“Actually, I also miss my boss very much. I really miss him.” Ms. Black Dragon on the side interrupted with a bitter expression on her face as she wiped her greasy mouth. The pile of food in front of her had actually disappeared; not even many bones were left.

The one who responded most quickly was the little charming girl. She immediately revealed a vigilant expression. When did this little foodie female dragon hook up with my man?

The bias of this kind of speculation was quite problematic. She obviously blamed Olypheus first instead of the playboy.

Athena and Olypheus had been on the battlefield together. They knew Ms. Black Dragon much better than Kia, so they smiled nonchalantly. Isabella, who had recovered, asked, “You miss his salary, right? Is it almost time to pay?”

Olypheus nodded as she counted with her fingers earnestly and said, “The salary and all benefits are converted into 52 black crystal coins, 10 purple crystal coins and 13 white crystal coins per day. For 1 year, I should be paid 30,000 black crystal coins.”

Speaking of 30,000 black crystal coins, Ms. Black Dragon’s pupils all turned into the shape of black crystal coins. She almost salivated.

“Wait a minute, even if it is 53 black crystal coins per day, it should be less than 10,000 in half a year.” Kia was now the head of the Dark Moon’s Princess Retail Store, so she was very sensitive to the amount of money. She discovered Ms. Black Dragon’s error immediately.

“It should be 9,534 black crystal coins, based on the calculation of 183 days in half a year.” Isabella speedily calculated the result, “Olypheus, how did you calculate your 30,000?”

Ms. Black Dragon said frankly, “Isn’t it rounded up? 52 black crystal coins can be rounded up into 100, and the rest is less than 4, so I reluctantly discard it...”

Isabella, “...”

Everyone, “...”

“Who taught you to round up like this? And you even count half a year as 300 days.” Krobelus interjected. Although Ms. Emerald Dragon was weak in Dragon Inscription, she was not bad in mathematics related to financial management.

Seeing so many people pointing out her mistakes, Ms. Black Dragon said aggrievedly, “I am not very good at math... Uh, but according to your calculation, sister seems to have missed out a fraction just now. It should be 9,534 black crystal coins, 53 purple crystal coins and 79 white crystal coins.”

Isabella, “...”

Everyone, “...”

Ms. Black Dragon’s eyes gleamed as she suddenly thought of something, “By the way, boss also promised to pay me a special service fee to be a personal bodyguard. That is extra. There should be many, many...”

“Personal bodyguard? Also special service? What is it?” The little charming girl was all-ears again. Speaking of ‘special service’, the succubus was the most proficient among several sisters, so a kind of leap of association was immediately produced.

“This is a secret between boss and I! I can’t tell other people.” Olypheus shook her head resolutely, “My mother once taught me that I must be credible as a dragon.”

At this time, everyone shifted their attention with a different gaze. Did that guy really hook up with Olypheus?

Classmate Nephew slammed the table and said with envy and jealousy, “What a beast!”

The little charming girl had an idea and used the trump card, “Olypheus, if you tell us this secret, I will give you 100 black crystal coins.”

Olypheus’s eyes lit up suddenly, but she shook her head, “Mum said that a dragon should be determined and not easily change one’s position.”

Although Olypheus was somewhat unreliable, she was not a very scheming person, uh... dragon. These words inevitably made people suspicious. Athena’s voice immediately sounded, “1,000 black crystal coins.”

“Athena, you are such a good person!” Ms. Black Dragon was moved to tears, but she finally held on to her position, “But my mother also taught me...”

“10,000 black crystal coins.” This time, it was Isabella. In an instant, the 3 women seemed to form a tacit association.

“Mom also... wait a minute, 10,000 black crystal coins? Not white crystal coins or purple crystal coins?” The shiny-eyed Olypheus held Isabella’s hands, “Mom... uh, sister, are you really giving them to me?”

Hearing the title of ‘mother’, Isabella didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh as she broke free of Ms. Black Dragon’s greasy hands, “If you really think of me as a sister, you must tell us the whole secret.”

“En en!” Ms. Black Dragon said immediately, “My boss said that the special service is that if someone gets in the way, I will beat him up; if there is a magical bomb on the ground, I will step on it first; if there is a puddle, I will jump in and fill in...”

These words were far beyond everyone’s expectations. Although these unequal conditions were suspected of exploiting labor and abuse of child labor, they did not have the content as expected, which disappointed the 2 guys who were waiting for the good show.

“That’s it?” Isabella asked uneasily.

“Of course not. My memory is good.” Olypheus said triumphantly, “My boss also said that when I’m with sister, if a man dares to approach my sister, I will beat up that person badly; if sister’s yard door is locked, I will help the boss to secretly open it from the inside; if boss comes over the wall, I will act like I didn’t see it; if the boss wants to papapa with sister, I will help him guard the door... Uhm, what is papapa?? Can it be eaten?

Isabella, “...”

Everyone, “...”

The sister mentioned by Ms. Black Dragon was none other than Isabella. All of a sudden, several gazes turned to her. Ms. Secret Intelligence did not expect that she would spend 10,000 black crystal coins to mess things up. Her face was rarely blushed.

Master Poison Dragon and nephew at the side looked at each other, and they said indignantly, “Beast!”

TL: The little miser never fails to fuck things up 🤣. It can be ‘eaten’ depends on how to interpret it 🤔

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