Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 635 - Faith Stealing! [Cloning]’s Abilities

Chapter 635: Faith Stealing! [Cloning]’s Abilities

In the hall of the church, a group of mercenaries was waiting. The leader was a middle-aged man with a fine stature, short hair and no beard. He was wearing a silver chain armor and a purple cloak behind his back. His eyes were gleaming. It was Dazwin, the leader of the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad.

Lucio was in the hands of a mercenary behind Dazwin. He obviously got caught. Since it was on the church site, the spearman hadn’t suffered much for the time being.

“Deacon Martier,” Dazwin said to the church deacon in front of him, “Thank you for your cooperation this time. Please forgive me for the disturbances. I will treat you to a good drink later at the Vanilla Tavern.”

Martier smiled, “It’s not a problem at all. Leader Dazwin has a long relationship with the church, so you don’t need to be so polite.”

Dazwin nodded and frowned slightly as he glanced at Lucio. When he received a report from the group members earlier that the queen bee crystal of the iron grenade bee was snatched away, his first reaction was anger, then when he heard that the brave person was actually Lucio who was laughed at as trash, he was surprised.

The Holy Feather Mercenary Squad was the most elite team in Town Gudam. They were robbed of the quest item now, and the robber even openly went to the mercenary union to deliver the mission. It was equivalent to slapping the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad in the face in public.

——When Lucio delivered the task, there were a lot of mercenaries present. This matter had spread quickly.

Although Lucio had rescued the 2 members first before snatching the queen bee crystal away, in any case, their reputation must be restored. He wanted to use this opportunity to teach Lucio severely as well as to deter the rest of the competitors. So when Dazwin heard that Lucio and his accomplice were heading to the Holy Church in the town, he immediately chased after them with his people.

Dazwin was a friend with the church’s Deacon Martier. He had taken the task of escorting the church personnel previously, so he was also familiar with Pastor Mana. In the name of the most elite mercenary group, he thought Pastor Mana would give him face since he came in person this time.

What puzzled Dazwin was that Lucio was only slightly surprised when he saw him coming with the people. Then, Lucio let them arrest him without resisting. There was always an indifferent sneer on his face. Compared with the usual decadent appearance, he seemed to be a different person.

At this moment, a furious voice sounded from the inner door, “Who is it?! How dare you cause trouble in this sacred place of faith!”

A bloated figure appeared in front of everyone. It was Pastor Mana who was in charge of Town Gudam’s Holy Church.

“Sir Pastor.” Dazwin bowed slightly, “Please forgive me for taking the liberty...”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mana’s cold voice, “Dazwin, you are so bold! You actually blaspheme the highest faith of light!”

Dazwin didn’t expect Pastor Mana to accuse him of such a thing as soon as he appeared. He immediately took out a small black bag, “We mercenaries are all unrefined people. If we have offended sir, please forgive us. Please accept a little compensation for the damaged facility, sir.”

In fact, not even a piece of wood in the church hall was not damaged. In view of the fatty’s usual temperament, the so-called ‘compensation’ was nothing more than a benefit. This was already giving face for the fatty. Even if he was making a pretense, there should be a limit.

Unexpectedly, the fatty didn’t even look at the little bag, and his face became unsightly, “What do you mean? You want to bribe a glorious pastor who dedicated his life to light faith? I will give you 10 minutes. Take back the bribe immediately, then let Lucio go and leave this place. Otherwise, the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad’s actions will be regarded as an attack to the church!”

Dazwin didn’t expect the fatty’s attitude to be so tough. His brows frowned more tightly, “Sir, Lucio and his accomplice robbed my squad members and submitted the mission under false pretense. This caused my squad to suffer a huge loss. I will now take him and that accomplice away for a fair...”

“Nonsense!” The fatty sneered disdainfully, “A clergy will rob your squad members?”

When these words came out, not only the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad and Deacon Martier, but even Lucio himself was stunned: Me? Clergy?

The spearman’s reaction speed was quite good. He smartly remained silent- Although I didn’t see master, judging from Mana’s tough attitude, master’s plan should have succeeded. The strength of the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad is just a disdainful ant for master’s level. I’ll just let the fatty handle this.

“Sir Mana, as everyone knows, Lucio is an ordinary mercenary. When did he become a clergy?” Dazwin glanced at the surprised Deacon Martier, “Deacon Martier, do you know about this?”

Martier was not a fool. He could pick up some clues from the abnormal attitude of his fatty boss. He rolled his eyes and said, “The appointment of personnel is usually appointed by Sir Pastor himself. There is no need to go through a mere deacon like me.

The fatty nodded. He was satisfied with Martier’s reaction, “Lucio has always been inspired by the light. He has secretly joined the church long ago, and he is responsible for investigation and security work. Now, he is even more fortunate to be a follower of a future Light Cavalry! Although his position is low, as a believer who serves the light wholeheartedly and a follower of a noble knight, it is impossible that he will rob! I believe Leader Dazwin also knows what is the crime to falsely accuse a clergy. In any case, even if this clergy really has any fault or crime, only the church can sentence him. Otherwise, even the law of the empire cannot be imposed on him, let alone you mercenaries!”

These words caused a commotion among the mercenaries. Many people showed angry expressions. The wind leopard beside the fatty had a ferocious temperament. It immediately roared when it saw the situation. Its hair stood up. With only a command, it would pounce forward. It no longer was the appearance of the meek cat in front of Chen Rui.

“Dazwin, I just want to ask before you decide to point your sword at the church, are you ready to bear all the consequences?” The fatty only barely reached Warrior, and he was actually very afraid of the mercenary’s combat power, but his attitude was still very tough.

“Calm down everyone!” Dazwin exuded a terrifying aura that suppressed the tense situation. The wind leopard immediately felt the pressure from the opponent, showing intense vigilance and hostility.

Dazwin took a deep look at Lucio and spoke up, “Since Lucio is a member of the church, there must be a misunderstanding about what happened today. I will hold those members responsible for the misreporting and interruption. Please forgive us, Sir Pastor. “

Attacking the church was a very bad crime. Once a conflict really occurred, they would be chased by the Light Knight Legion even if Lucio and that accomplice could be captured today. By then, not only the members of the mercenary squad, but even their family members would be in danger.

The strength of the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad was a trivial ant in front of the behemoth Holy Church. It could be obliterated easily.

After all, they were just making a fuss about Lucio’s matter. In the face of the threat of life, the warning for others and reputation were put aside. They couldn’t take this risk.

Under the gesture of Dazwin, Lucio was released. The spearman’s appearance still seemed very calm with an attitude of ‘I will not be bothered regardless of your identity. I just fight silently for high scores’.

Dazwin was slightly surprised. I don’t know what happened to this decadent “thrash spear”. but what is certain is that he is definitely not the previous Lucio.

The Holy Feather Mercenary Squad left the church angrily. Lucio quickly thanked Mana, and the fatty patted the spearman’s shoulder encouragingly as he secretly thought: This result should satisfy my partner. I wonder how well Richard’s spirit power has been restored.

The fatty didn’t know that when he confronted the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad, Chen Rui was undergoing an incredible change in the prayer hall.

What appeared in front of Chen Rui was his old enemy, Shura, who had been troubling him, but Shura now had become a strange existence——[Cloning].

Since evolving to become the Pole Star Emperor, it was the first time Chen Rui activated [Cloning]. Since this was out of the existence of the Super System, the Super System’s prompt was ‘unknown’.

After being activated, Chen Rui’s mind suddenly showed the characteristics of the clone. This clone was a copy of the original body which could become an independent life entity of consciousness, but it was completely controlled by the original body and could be canceled freely. If the clone died accidentally, it could be reborn after spending the corresponding time and faith power.

The strength and attributes of the clone were exactly the same as Chen Rui’s body. They were all S+, and the spirit power was S++, but unlike Shura who had all the Super System’ skills previously, the clone had Shura’s independent power: [Supernova Explosion], retaliating with one’s own skill, devour power, the mirage magic power, undead power and so on. In addition, there was another power that was most special for Chen Rui- Wheel of Hera.

Right now, the phantasm of the Wheel of Hera appeared around the Light God statue. Below was a disc full of primitive patterns. On the disc, there were various pillars of different heights. The whole space was filled with a bizarre force field.

Shura stretched his body and turned into a blood light, wrapping the Light God statue.

When the blood light began to seep into the Light God statue, it was suddenly subjected to a strong repulsive force. Ripples were shaken out of the blood light. At this moment, runes appeared on the pillars of the Wheel of Hera. The disc below began to rotate. Every time it turned, the blood light penetrated a little more.

Gradually, the repulsive force emitted by the god statue was assimilated by the blood light. There was a layer of phantasm on the Light God’s original blurry facial features. The phantasm twisted and it gradually became the appearance of Shura which was the appearance of Chen Rui!

Next, Chen Rui felt a stream of pure power passed into Shura’s body from the Wheel of Hera. This is... faith power!

This faith power was different from the faith that Chen Rui felt in the Super System. It seemed that it couldn’t be absorbed directly. However, something more amazing happened at this time. The blood light of Shura began to flicker, and the faith power of Light God began to disintegrate and transmitted into Chen Rui’s body. The production speed of the faith crystal in the Super System status bar suddenly doubled.

Shura was equivalent to a converter which stored the faith of Light God, then he refined it into its essence. He also converted them into faith power that was absorbable by Chen Rui and transmitted them to the Super System.

Compared with the speed and quantity of Shura’s absorption of Light God’s faith power, the absorption speed after this conversion was relatively slow, but this was enough to make Chen Rui ecstatic.

Shura can really steal and convert faith power!

In this way, the task of getting 1 million faith crystals has changed from impossible to possible!

TL: 🤔wouldn’t this act put him in danger? Since its faith power, it must be a powerhouse above Demi-God. If he comes for Chen Rui...

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