Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 631 - Spearman’s Luck

Chapter 631: Spearman’s Luck

A thick cloud layer shrouded the sky, and it looked gloomy. It seemed to be a sign of a storm.

The terrain of the Blue Wild Forest was relatively winding. Although Lucio was familiar with the road, he and Chen Rui walked for nearly 5 hours before reaching the said Mighty Poison Land. This was a mountain forest with darker plants and rugged terrain. There were many bones buried in the soil and fallen leaves along the way, most of which were human.

Lucio’s footsteps slowed down. His face became more tense as he lowered his voice extremely cautiously, “Sir Richard, we have entered the manticore’s lair and may be noticed at any time. If sir wants to set a trap, we can’t go further.”

“Set a trap?” Chen Rui was startled. He showed a thoughtful expression, “I want to confirm first, there are manticore eggs in that Mighty Poison Cave?”

“There are 1 male and 1 female manticore in the Mighty Poison Cave. Just 3 months ago, the Agni Squad encountered a female manticore who was about to lay eggs. Except for the 2 who escaped by chance, the rest were killed by the male manticore.” Lucio’s tone was empathetic and bleak, “The female manticore should have laid eggs smoothly by now. Pastor Mana is a member of the Holy Church. After learning the news, he immediately offered a reward. Although the reward is high, the mission is too difficult. Even the strongest Holy Feather Mercenary Squad in the town did not accept the mission.”

The territory of the Yang Shao Empire was not vast, but it was quite famous in each empire. Robben, the founder, was once a mercenary. He led a mercenary group to create the miracle of an empire. Yang Shao Empire was relatively loose in mercenary management, giving mercenaries a lot of free space. They were called the empire of mercenaries. 1 of the 3 general associations of the mercenary union was located in the royal capital, and the other 2 general associations were located in the Dragon Bright Empire and Blue Glory Empire.

Town Gudam was not considered an important town in the Yang Shao Empire. However, the strength of the mercenary branch was not weak. According to Lucio, the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad was a black crystal-level team. The leader, Dazwin, was close to Saint while the rest of the members were also extraordinary in strength, especially their tacit understanding in cooperation. They were also considered quite well-known in the entire mercenary world, yet they dared not take this mission.

In fact, everyone understood that it was not that the Holy Feather Mercenary Squad could not complete it, but that the price to be paid was too great. Therefore, they were unwilling to do it.

Chen Rui looked at the cave in the distance and continued to walk forward, “Since there are surely manticore eggs in the Mighty Poison Cave, then let’s go.”

“Oh.” Just as Lucio replied, he felt something was wrong immediately, “Huh? Just go like this? Wait! Sir...”

“Sir! At least 1 of the 2 manticore’s strengths is close to Saint, and the demonic beasts are very talented. Their combat power is even higher than that of humans of the same level...” Lucio did not control his volume due to his anxiety. A roar from a distance sounded, making the spearman’s legs wobbly and almost urinating.

A long and large figure flew out of the cave in the distance, flapping its wings toward this side. Lucio did not expect to alarm the terrifying demonic beasts so quickly. He had goosebumps all over his body. The nightmare that had troubled him for 1 year reappeared in front of him.

The spearman desperately tried to tell himself to run away, but his feeble feet were as heavy as lead. He could only tightly hold the handle of the spear in his hand as if it was the only thing that could be grasped.

The terrifying and hideous demonic beast was getting closer. Accompanied by the roar that once traumatized Lucio, the scene 1 year ago reappeared in his mind. The devilish figure, the sharp claws, one after another collapsing companions, the blood-red sight...

As the heavy breath sounded loudly in his ears, his spirit, which he once thought to have been cooled by decadence, burned suddenly. His fear was suddenly covered by another kind of rage and hatred. The spearman grasped the weapon that could only be called a stick in his hand, let out a roar that even he couldn’t believe, and charged forward with all his strength.

This was the most powerful strike Lucio had ever made since that incident, and it might be the last strike in his life. Lucio didn’t know why he did this. Maybe it was just a near-instinct reaction. Most importantly, he had already done so.

Suddenly, the spearman saw a light as dazzling as the sun in the gloomy jungle. It did not have the warmth of the sun; there was only an indescribable destructive power.

When Lucio recovered his senses, the light had disappeared. The oncoming nightmare also disappeared.

The spearmen looked at the stick he stabbed in surprise... Is this the power of my strike? What a joke, it’s impossible!

While he was astonished, Chen Rui’s figure appeared in front of him with 3 oval objects floating in his hands which were about 30 centimeters long. It had a grayish-brown shell with white strips.

“These are... manticore eggs?” Lucio still maintained the posture of launching the spear, but he looked particularly stiff. How is this possible? If the previous nightmare is the past, then the scene before him is another dream?

“Okay, we can go back.” The other party’s reaction was calm. As if the 3 eggs were eggs laid by ordinary poultry, not eggs laid by the frightening demonic beast manticore.

Lucio dropped the spear and pinched his thigh violently. He finally woke up- It is not a dream, it is real! So, what about the 2 manticores?

In such a short time, he can be unscathed...

Lucio’s gaze at Chen Rui was no longer fear, but it was another kind of complete awe on the spiritual level.

Saint powerhouse!

Lucio bowed deeply. This general etiquette was similar to the Demon Realm, except that the hands were slightly different. The Demon Realm placed either the left or right hand on the abdomen or heart while the etiquette in the human world was that the right hand was placed on the left shoulder.

When Lucio recalled that he had the idea of using the power of the Red Beard to deal with ‘Richard’ in the mercenary union, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed: Let alone killing him, the other party didn’t even have to exert any effort to kill red-bearded Rodan.

“It is my honor to meet a powerhouse like sir! These 2 manticores are the biggest disaster in the Blue Wild Forest. At least 300 mercenaries have died in their hands including my former companions. No words can describe my gratitude and respect for sir.”

Chen Rui shook his head slightly, “Today I can kill them, someone stronger can kill me someday. The so-called disaster or enmity is nothing more than the survival law after all. Natural selection; survival of the fittest. From a certain perspective, I’m also a weakling. As a weakling, I still have the right to survive or move forward to become stronger, but the prerequisite is that I do not give up this right. Do you understand?”

Lucio nodded and smiled bitterly, “I actually understand this. I may understand a little bit more now. If... sir can give me a chance to live.”


The spearman hesitated for a while before he finally gritted his teeth and spoke up, “I have 1 thing to confess to sir. Sir should have been training in a hidden place for many years without asking about worldly affairs. Actually... these days are a bit special, even if sir gets the mercenary badge and goes from Yang Shao Capital to Dragon Bright Empire, you cannot go to the White Cliff because a while later is the day when the Light Divinity Temple selects Divinity Temple Cavalry. Now the White Cliff has begun to be closed. No one is allowed to enter except for related personnel. We must wait until the selection of the Divinity Temple Cavalry is completed before it will reopen and allow believers to enter for praying.”

“Divinity Temple Cavalry selection?” The news really surprised Chen Rui, “How long will it take until it reopens?”

Lucio replied respectfully, “Divinity Temple Cavalry is selected once every 50 years. It is said that there are various trials and competitions. Each time takes about 2-3 months.”

Chen Rui’s brows frowned tightly. I have only 5 months at most. Besides getting the Snow Dallet flower, there is also a huge burden of 1 million faith crystals. If the selection of Divinity Temple Cavalry alone takes 3 months, I’m afraid that I will not be able to catch up later. I must not wait passively.

“Please forgive my previous ignorance, sir.” After understanding the power level of the other party, Lucio no longer dared to have extra thoughts. Offending a Master powerhouse and offending an advanced powerhouse were completely different concepts, “If sir really has something important to go to the White Cliff in a low-key manner, I have an idea.”

Chen Rui glanced at Lucio, “Tell me.”

“Sir can get through the relationship with Holy Church’s clergy and try to become the relevant personnel for selecting the cavalry.”


Lucio nodded, “For example, Pastor Mana, the publisher of this mission. My father had a little friendship with Pastor Mana during his lifetime. I know this person has a great desire for power and money. He offers a reward for manticore eggs this time is definitely not to cancel the hidden dangers of Town Gudam... In fact, Pastor Mana has long been dissatisfied with being the head of the church in Town Gudam. He has long coveted the position of the bishop of the capital. According to practice, after the selection of the Divinity Temple Cavalry this time, there will be related changes and adjustments in the positions of the Holy Churches everywhere. For Pastor Mana, it is a long-awaited opportunity. He is likely to use the manticore eggs for bribery.”

Chen Rui didn’t expect the miserable spearmen to have this analytical ability. His eyes brightened, “You mean...”

“Bypassing the mission of the union and using the manticore egg to bribe Pastor Mana. Perhaps I can be of little help to sir.”

“Your plan does have a reference value, but...” Chen Rui pondered for a moment. He suddenly smiled with a deep meaning, “Since I’m going to enter the White Cliff in secret, then, the more you know, the faster you will die. Since you can think of going through Pastor Mana, it is impossible not to think of this. Aren’t you afraid...”

Lucio suddenly knelt on 1 knee, “I once swore that my life belongs to the person who can kill these 2 manticores to avenge my companions! I want to be a follower of sir!”

After he went all in to stab in the previous moment of life and death, the spearman felt that his nerves that had been numbed by decadence and wine seemed to regain a little more sobriety. It is a great opportunity to meet a Saint powerhouse, even if this opportunity meant the danger of death at any time. If I miss it, I’m afraid I will regret it for a lifetime.

From the moment of the previous confession, Lucio was determined to take a bet.

Accepting a follower as soon as I arrive at a new place. This kind of scene is too common... Chen Rui understood Lucio’s intentions. I am too unfamiliar with the situation of the human world and I needed time urgently. Lucio is a good candidate who is familiar with the environment. The plan is indeed feasible.

“You’re wrong. Only the dead are the most reliable keepers of secrets.”

These words made Lucio, who was kneeling on 1 knee, shiver in cold sweat.

“However, Sir Lucio, congratulations. You made the right bet. The following is a matter of contract procedure.” Chen Rui smiled, “1 thing I want to say to you most is, your luck has greatly increased now.”

TL: And the danger the spearman faces will increase as well😏...

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