Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 611 - The Nether Sea

Chapter 611: The Nether Sea

Destiny had always been unpredictable. When the naga girl took the initiative to accept the sea sacrifice imprint, she was already ready to die. She did not expect so many things to happen later. Maybe at the moment she encountered “Aguile” whom her sister Strena brought back, the trajectory of the wheel of fate began to change.

Chen Rui also didn’t expect that kind of bizarre change would occur after Adeline used the resurrection potion to rebirth. It should be because a considerable amount of power of the mirage’s [Illusion Kingdom] remained in the naga girl’s body. The advantage was that the girl suddenly had a huge amount of spirit power that could control the mist of the Hidden Misty Island and even create a powerful illusion like the mirage. Of course, she was not proficient in using it yet. The downside was that Adeline was affected by some special power and couldn’t leave the Hidden Misty Island even if she had the soul body that the mirage wanted to use in order to get rid of the imprisonment. This should be an aftereffect of the failure of the fusion – She inherited the “property” and also the “debt” at the same time.

Adeline was not depressed. After experiencing the test of life and death, the naga girl seemed to have grown a lot suddenly. Nothing was more important than helping “Aguile” out of danger and save the lives of her sister and companions.

“Don’t worry, there must be a way.”

From the previous encounter with King Octopus, Chen Rui could guess that the mirage and Red Pipit were both imprisoned by the Dark Dragon Emperor to guard the treasure. There must be a way to cancel the imprisonment in the Dark Dragon Emperor’s treasure.

Seeing Chen Rui’s determined eyes, Adeline lowered her head and nodded slightly. She felt a lot of peace in her heart.

“Now that you have become the new controller of the Hidden Misty Island, the nagas and the elementals’ illusion control should be canceled.” Chen Rui knew that there was an awkward emotion in Adeline’s heart, so he spoke up to resolve the awkward atmosphere. In fact, the naga girl was a little sister who needed care in his mind. He had no extra thoughts.

No doubt, when he mentioned this, Adeline’s expression became natural as she replied, “Those people and elementals have broken away from the illusion. They will be fine after a day of rest. In front of the Hidden Misty Island is the Nether Sea, also known as the ‘Dead Sea’. Unfortunately, there is no more news about the Dead Sea in my inherited memory.”

The name of the Dead Sea reminded Chen Rui of the “Salt Lake” in another world where nobody would drown. However, the “Dead Sea” here was definitely a dead place full of threats.

Adeline looked up at the mist-winding sky in the distance, “I felt something strange approaching the Hidden Misty Island from the eastern sky.”

In the sky? Chen Rui raised his eyebrows. Perhaps it is the King Royal Highness who threatened not to wait for me. By the way, the Dark Elemental King arrived at the right time. After everything was settled, he happened to appear.

Chen Rui’s guess was not wrong. It was precisely Dark Elemental King Hegel who came. But Hegel looked very haggard. His airship had been badly damaged. Many of his dark elementals suffered casualties. Seeing Chen Rui waiting for him at the Hidden Misty Island and seeing his embarrassing situation at a glance, Hegel’s heart was quite uncomfortable.

Hegel was attacked by a large number of powerful flying sea beasts in the air and was stuck in a bitter battle. He almost couldn’t reach here. The result of the battle of the Hidden Misty Island also made Hegel feel unbelievable. He stopped here last time and was defeated by the mirage’s [Illusion Kingdom]. Now, it was incredible that “Aguile” actually defeated that hidden powerhouse – No matter what method it was, victory meant victory. If Aguile could survive the Hidden Misty Island, Hegel had to admit that Aguile had surpassed his previous exploration, no matter if he depended on luck or strength.

After inquiring about what happened previously from the dark elementals that followed Chen Rui, the Dark Elemental King was silent for a moment before he spoke up, “I want to thank you for not giving up these dark elementals in the most dangerous moment. Although it can’t resolve our feud, I can promise in the name of dark elements that I will not activate any form of revenge against you in the entire area of ​​the Dead Sea.”

It turns out that you are still thinking about ticks while looking for the fragment! Chen Rui mocked Hegel briefly in his mind, and he shrugged, “If the origin fragment of the dark element is not in the Hidden Misty Island, then we must move on. Now we only know that the sea area of ​​the next stop is called the Nether Sea. It seems that there is still 1 powerful enemy, and the rest is unknown. Does Your Highness Hegel plan to continue on the airship?”

“The location of the origin fragment of the dark element should be in the depths of the sea, but my airship is no longer usable.” The Dark Elemental King frowned, “I still have a ship, plus the dark elementals whom you saved, we can be reorganized into 3 ships. We must pass this level.”

Chen Rui thought for a while, and he said, “Your Highness, to be honest, I have a treasure map which shows the location of the Dark Dragon Emperor’s treasure hundreds of thousands of years ago. It’s probably the same goal as the origin fragment that you are looking for. It is also related to 2 of my friends...”

At this stage, he certainly couldn’t hide the Dark Dragon Emperor’s treasure from Hegel. It was better to be honest. Especially after hearing Hegel’s words just now, Chen Rui had faintly grasped some of the Dark Elemental King’s personality.

Sure enough, Hegel interrupted him disdainfully, “Treasure? It’s nothing more than money or treasure. Such an stupid and ignorant values! Don’t you know that only your own power is the greatest wealth in this world? The glitzy fame and wealth you are chasing is worthless in the eyes of the Elemental King! I only want the origin fragment of the dark element and nothing else. If the 2 are not together, then I will not help you find the so-called treasure.”

“Of course! As for the treasure... As King Royal Highness said, we just have different values. So that’s it.” Chen Rui did not explain too much, and he said to Strena, “You stay and take care of Adeline. I will find a way to cancel her imprisonment.”

Strena pondered for a moment, and she asked Chen Rui sternly, “After this incident is over, do you plan to take her away?”

“If she wants to.” Chen Rui looked at the naga girl, “To be honest, she is not suitable for fighting even if she has the power of the mirage. Besides, I have given her the promise and hope. It will definitely come true.”

Strena took a deep look at Chen Rui, “Thank you. Then, let me go to the Nether Sea with you. Not just to help you find the treasure, but also for the destiny of the naga tribe. As for Adeline... I believe she can take care of herself even if she is alone.”

Adeline nodded to her sister. In fact, although she was still unable to skillfully manipulate the magic power left over from the mirage, she should be able to protect herself on the Hidden Misty Island with her current ability.

“So... take a rest for 2 days, then...” After the arrangements were made, Chen Rui, who had been holding back his fatigue, was unable to control the aftereffect of the [Royal Star Transformation]. He stood unsteadily and fell down. Strena quickly reacted and gave him a hand.

Strena carried Chen Rui immediately. She suddenly thought of something and glanced at Adeline with a strange expression, which met her sister’s knowing smile. The female naga warrior calmed down inexplicably. She carried Chen Rui who had fallen asleep toward the tent area.

2 days later, the Devil’s Snare Ship left the Hidden Misty Island with 3 big black ships. Under Adeline’s control, the mist in front of the ship team disappeared without a trace. The journey was unimpeded.

Strena didn’t look at her sister who waved goodbye to the shore, but she looked down at the scimitars in her hand which were the new weapon that Chen Rui had given her. They were sufficient to withstand the ultimate move of the “flame scimitars”. The slightly red eyes of the female naga warrior were reflected on the mirror-like scimitar surface.

A few days later, the 4 ships left the Hidden Misty Sea covered by mist and entered the Nether Sea that Adeline said. The color of the sea here was darker which looked like black at first glance, giving people a sense of horror.

The weather in the Nether Sea area was very bad. It was full of hurricanes, thunder and storms which was completely different from the Hidden Misty Sea before like it was 2 different worlds.

The body of the Dark Elemental King’s ship was made of a dark crystal which had a variety of strange effects. It should be a lifelong companion crystal of the dark elementals. Chen Rui visually observed that the value of this crystal was by no means under the expensive gold crystal. In fact, it was even more than that. These 3 ships alone were invaluable. No wonder King Royal Highness looked down on the “vain” treasures.

“Look! What is that?”

This was already the third day of entering the Nether Sea. The fleet finally encountered... a ship.

The speed of the fleet team gradually slowed down. With Chen Rui and Hegel’s eyesight, they could already see the ship clearly. Its appearance was relatively old. It seemed that no one was on the ship; it looked rather lifeless.

Strena noticed that the color of the water here was darker. It was impossible to see the situation in the water at all. Even spirit power could not penetrate through.

“Go closer to take a look!” Hegel’s voice reached the Devil’s Snare Ship. The 4 ships formed a semicircle as they gradually approached the ship.

As they approached the ship, the weaker nagas on the Devil’s Snare Ship all had an illusion like intangible pairs of eyes were staring at them out of thin air. Their backs subconsciously felt bursts of coolness. A strange sense of fear surged in their minds.

The fear quickly dissipated. Hegel’s voice sounded, “Hmph! Ignorant thing. You actually dare to show off [Terror] in front of the dark elementals! Shoot at them. No matter what it is, blast it to pieces!”

The 3 black ships launched cannon attacks together, and the ship was shot all over. It soon sank into the sea.

“Left full rudder! Quick!” Chen Rui suddenly shouted, “Hegel! Watch out for the water!”

Almost at the same time, several huge things suddenly appeared on the surface of the water without warning. A black ship of the Dark Elemental King did not manage to dodge. The whole ship was overturned by the emerging thing. Fortunately, the ship of the dark elementals was extraordinary. It flew unsteadily in the air for a while before it landed on the water. It was just that some of the sailors in it swayed and plunged into the water.

Those things that emerged were actually large ships. After they emerged from the water, the side cannons on both sides of the ships began to drain quickly. These ships were covered with seaweed and other foreign objects. It was as if they had been sunk on the seabed for many years, and were awakened by Hegel’s cannon attacks!

The ship was no longer empty. After seeing the sailors, Chen Rui’s eyes flashed with surprises. He finally understood the meaning of King Octopus’ “fearless”. No wonder it is also called “dead sea”. It turns out that these sailors are all undead beings!

The ship of the undead!

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