Chapter 598: Nagas

The sea began to tumble, and the Devil’s Snare Ship kept tumbling and tilting. If it weren’t for the special device, the ship would have sunk. Those huge sea snakes appeared from time to time to attack the ship and the sailors. The water arrows or ice bombs of the water elementals could not penetrate their smooth and tough skin. Instead, 2 water elementals were eaten.

Chen Rui was a step late in the rescue. In the midst of panic and anger, he soared into the air and swung the [Aura Blade] with all his strength. The sea snake’s neck happened to tilt and was cut into half of its flesh. It screamed in pain and plunged into the water again.

The sea snake who had suffered damage was even more cunning. It relied on its superiority in the water to continuously hit and toss the ship. Even if the Devil’s Snare Ship had a solid texture, it couldn’t withstand the attack for a long time. Many parts had begun to send out warnings. There was a danger of collapse if this continued.

“Activate the icebreaker and emergency thruster!” Chen Rui yelled as the nearby sea began to freeze unbelievably quickly.

The turbulent sea water froze at a speed visible to the naked eyes. The movement of the sea snakes emerging from the waves slowed down. As a sea snake was about to jump out, half of its body stiffened. Chen Rui teleported to the front in an instant to cut its head off.

Instead of blood overflowing, a large amount of blood in the cut wound was sucked into the broken limb strangely. It gradually solidified and froze.

The water elementals on the Devil’s Snare Ship were the most sensitive to the water element power. They instinctively felt that this freezing power was not the power of pure water elementals, but a kind of chill that penetrated into the soul of life from inside to outside with a horrifying destructive breath.

Although the water elementals were not the targets of the chill, they still couldn’t help but shudder.

The sandmen faithfully executed the order. The tail of the Devil’s Snare Ship blasted blue flames, and the entire sail was expanded to its limit. The ship glowed with light blue light as it hurried to the nearby island.

The movement of the sea snakes behind had become extremely slow. Their entire bodies and souls were all stunned by the cold. They were temporarily unable to pursue the Devil’s Snare Ship. Their frozen parts in the sea made a continuous burst of sound and gradually began to dissolve. At this time, the sea water showed a pool of red color. The severed limbs floated on the surface of the water, and the bloody smell gradually spread out.

This was the [Winter Territory] that Chen Rui realized without the help of the Super System. Even the huge sea snakes that dived into the water couldn’t escape the power of destruction that went deep into the soul.

There was an irregular churning in the sea ahead. It seemed that a large number of sea snakes rushed toward their side at an extremely fast speed.

Chen Rui thought that the Devil’s Snare Ship would definitely be unstoppable in this environment. He immediately activated [Sonic Boom] and caught up with the Devil’s Snare Ship. He issued an order loudly, “Right rudder 18. Get ashore at full speed!”

Although he avoided the nagas on the Thunder Snake Archipelago, it was impossible not to dock at the shore with the current emergency situation.

The Devil’s Snare Ship turned to the right and sailed quickly to the nearest island. The sea snakes coming from behind smelled the blood of their companions, and they came surging at a startling speed.

According to this acceleration calculation, I’m afraid that Devil’s Snare Ship will be surrounded before it gets to the shore. Chen Rui’s figure turned around in the air, then he flew in the direction of the sea snakes. He landed on a rock that was about 5 meters wide.

When Chen Rui stretched his hands, a huge light ball spurted out continuously at the direction of the sea snakes. The [Aurora Shot] directly “dived” into the sea and burst due to some kind of pressure. It splashed out a water pillar that was more than 10 meters high. Chen Rui’s mind shifted. He continuously launched [Aurora Shots], and the bursting water pillar suddenly became blood-red. Those with weaker power were blown into several segments.

The attack and massacre attracted the attention of the sea snakes. They rushed toward the reef. Chen Rui did not fly away from the reef, but he quietly watched the undulating and rolling waves approaching.

“Boom!” The surface of the water almost exploded apart. A meandering and huge body burst out of the waves, and it rushed straight to Chen Rui. He could already clearly see the hideous appearance and extremely sharp teeth.

The sea snake’s movements were extremely swift and violent, but the moment the body jumped out of the water, it suddenly became slow. The black and green skin lost its luster. It seemed to have aged countless times in an instant. Not only for this sea snake, but also for the 2 snakes rushing out from behind. Before the sea snake dived into the water, a faint purple sword light flashed, cutting off the big head. The giant body twisted and fell to the surface of the sea after the decapitation. The blood spread quickly in sea. As for the other 2 sea snakes, one was beheaded while the other was wounded and dived into the sea.

The blood of the companions made the sea snakes become more ferocious. In an instant, several huge bodies burst out of the water and attacked in a roar like there was a giant monster with multiple heads at the bottom of the sea.

Chen Rui activated [Autumn Territory] with all his strength. He clenched his left hand and bombarded the enemy with multiple waves. The “sharp” feature of the Northsea Sword in his right hand was brought into full play. He successively killed several huge sea snakes, and the blood stained the nearby sea into red color.

The sea snakes’ offense was even more frantic. Chen Rui finally began to be overwhelmed. With the protective shields on his body, he fell into a passive position. He could kill all these sea snakes if he went all out, but the purpose of this trip was not this. He was just entering the Black Sea now, and there were many dangers behind. Skills like [Royal Star Transformation] were definitely not suitable for use at present as the aftereffect was too strong.

The cracks of the blue shield gradually increased. Then, the rock beneath his feet was empty. It turned out that the reef was shattered from the bottom by the sea snakes. When Chen Rui saw the Devil’s Snare Ship approaching the shore, his body teleported, and he appeared in the sky instantly. The infuriated sea snakes roared out of the water, but they couldn’t reach the target.

Chen Rui did not continue to attack. He quickly flew toward the island where the ship was docked.

The sea snakes immediately kept pursuing. The sandmen and the earth elementals had already quickly disembarked after landing as Chen Rui ordered. In the previous battle, Dodo was frightened by the sea snakes. He formed 2 hands to cover his own mouth tightly, lest he attracts the attention of the sea snakes.

When Chen Rui moved past the Devil’s Snare Ship, he quickly used the storage warehouse. The entire ship disappeared out of thin air, then he took Dodo and sailors into the valley beside the shore at the fastest speed.

The sea snakes that couldn’t catch up wandered furiously along the shore; they couldn’t wait to revenge when the enemy came out. Chen Rui, who witnessed all of this on the cliff, knew that he could no longer sail on this road. He immediately led everyone to move forward.

This island was very large and the terrain was complex. Items such as magic map or magic compass were basically unusable due to the interference by some kind of foreign force. They could only move forward by relying on a special sensing of the water elementals. This is only the outer edge of the Thunder Snake Archipelago. According to this schedule, I’m afraid it will be more difficult to reach the Hidden Misty Island within the time set by the Dark Elemental King.

Chen Rui ordered them to have a rest as they walked to a forest. Dodo, who had been hungry and thirsty for a long time, immediately slumped down and lay on the ground and gasped. The power of the sandmen and water elementals was also weakened a lot. The water element in the sea area was abundant, so the water elementals could automatically absorb the power of the water element to replenish their energy. Meanwhile, the sandmen could search for sand and gravel to replenish the defects and exhaustion on their bodies.

Due to the lack of appetite caused by seasickness, Dodo’s favorite foods in the past such as barbecued meat already tasted like chewing wax. Perhaps only fresh plants could increase his appetite. The slime sneaked away while the master asked the water elementals about the situation of the islands nearby.

In this dense forest. There were many novel plants which were not even in the memory of the slime who was a “plant delicacy enthusiast”. Dodo’s onion face suddenly had a long nose like Pinocchio in Chen Rui’s story. He was sniffing while foraging.

After enjoying 2 lush vines and a big yellow round fruit, the slime’s appetite increased. His previous anorexia was gone. His long nose twitched as he smelled a tempting scent again. After searching along the scent, he saw a fist-sized red fruit which resembled a strawberry growing in a bush.

The salivating slime immediately jumped toward the red fruit and swallowed it in one bite. The taste was indescribable. After eating more than 10 of them, he felt dizzy. His body was uncontrollable as if he drank some kind of strong alcoholic drink.

Just when Dodo staggered back in a drunken state, he suddenly bumped into something. The drunk slime screamed, “Who dares to stop Master Dodo’s way!”

This tone was quite similar to Paglio and Roman’s arrogance, but a cold murderous aura instantly locked the slime. Master Dodo shivered suddenly and was partly sober. His mouth opened wide agape when he saw a tall body in front of him.

After looking up to see the appearance of this body, Master Dodo’s mouth exaggeratedly widened two-thirds of his face. The next second, a piercing scream came out.

Dodo’s scream immediately caught Chen Rui’s attention. He was about to look in the direction of the call, but he stopped abruptly and showed a vigilant expression. He ordered the sandmen and the water elementals to gather together.

Soon, there was a rustling sound from the woods; a figure appeared in the line of sight.

This creature was about 2 meters tall with long green hair and a beautiful appearance. The upper body had obvious female characteristics. The towering chest was tightly wrapped by 2 simple golden scale armors, and the lower body was a maroon snake body covered with fine scales. What was even more surprising was that she had 6 arms, each of which held a long scimitar.

The nagas!

On the outermost island of the Thunder Snake Archipelago, I still couldn’t avoid the naga tribe!

Chen Rui’s eyes showed a high degree of vigilance. This nagas actually had S level comprehensive strength in [Analytical Eyes], and the value was quite close to S+. She exuded a violent fighting intent as she firmly locked her gaze on him. She did not put her guard down at all because he appeared to be the strength of the peak stage Demon Emperor.

The naga began to move, squirming in unhurriedly. Chen Rui’s current eyesight was no longer what it used to be. He noticed that the naga’s posture of holding the scimitars while on the move was almost impeccable. She could issue a thunderous horrible blow at any time.

In the dense forest behind, the rustling sounds sounded one after another. One after another terrifying figures appeared. Besides a few 6-armed ones, most of them had 4 arms.

The leader of this group of nagas was obviously the one moving forward in front of him. Chen Rui thought about it, saluted to the leader, and said in the common language, “Please forgive my friends and I for breaking into the naga estate, but we have no hostile intent. We are willing to make friendship and efforts to become friends of the naga tribe.”

The naga stopped 4-5 meters in front of Chen Rui and spoke up coldly, “I will give you 2 choices. First, resist and die now; second, give up resistance and die in 2 days!”

TL: Will Chen Rui find another way to resolve this crisis? Meanwhile, Dodo is just doing Dodos thing😆...

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