Chapter 575: Hunting

In the eastern suburb, the hunters unloaded their preys out of the carriage and carried them into a grand courtyard.

“My friends, it’s a surprisingly big harvest today!” Diak looked excited.

Lawson licked his lips, “The thought of that plump and beautiful chick made me feel thirsty. I can’t wait to enjoy her.

“You impatient guy!” Diak shook his head, “Let’s have a good drink first. I found this in the VIP room just now.”

Zall saw a few bottles of aromatic millet wine in his hand and smiled, “Yes, we have a drink first, then send someone out to explore the situation outside. The more delicious the prey, the more slowly we must enjoy.

Lawson nodded and instructed his servants to place the women into separate rooms and prepare food. Diak said, “Zall, that blonde girl is much better than Marlene. How about giving Marlene to me?”

Lawson asked curiously, “When did you change your taste?”

Diak grinned, “Although I’m not very interested in little girls, I have a soft spot for sisters. With the younger sister in hand, do I still need to worry about the elder sister being disobedient?”

After seeing the blonde girl, Zall really didn’t have much interest in Marlene anymore. He was happy to do him a favor, so he agreed instantly, “No problem.”

The 3 of them showed smiles that only men could understand at the same time. Diak poured 3 glasses of wine, “Come, cheers to our wonderful preys.”

At this time, the palace hall appeared to be gloomy, and the air seemed to be freezing. Shea’s expression was extremely cold. General Crawford frowned and did not speak. The eyes of Disjaro, Stiller and others were also faintly anxious. Especially the Mishan Family Patriarch Angley whose tension and anxiety couldn’t be concealed from his usual gloomy expression.

The footsteps outside the hall sounded, and a female imperial guard came to report, “Your Majesty, the Princess Villa’s chaos has been quelled by Sir Aguile’s imperial guards and garrison guard team. The fire has been extinguished, and the civilians who caused the trouble have been arrested.”

Shea didn’t care about this. She asked, “How is Envoy Celine’s situation? Is she injured?”

“When Sir Aguile hurried there, most of the Princess Villa had been burned down.” The female guard hesitated slightly, “Envoy Celine is still missing.”

“What? Envoy Celine is missing?” Shea stood up suddenly, and she said angrily, “What is the garrison guard team doing?! They only went to the Princess Villa after it was mostly burned down! Where is Lilu, the person in charge of the villa? What actually happened?”

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news. The Dark Shadow Empire’s envoy disappeared in the Fallen Angel Capital. Especially at this critical juncture, if anything happens to her, the consequences will be disastrous. Angley trembled involuntarily as he clenched his slightly trembling fists. He came forward and bowed, “Your Majesty, there must be something fishy with this matter, please allow me to investigate.”

“No need! The secret intelligence department should be conducting a thorough investigation already...” Shea said to Crawford with a cold gaze. “Please rest assured, general. We will definitely ensure the safety of Ms. Celine. General, please go to the side hall and rest for a while. I believe that Ms. Celine will come soon. Once the culprit behind the scenes is identified, he will be severely punished! From now on, no one will take a step out of the palace to avoid leaking the news which will affect Ms. Celine’s safety.”

Crawford thought for a while, saluted, and left the hall with the guards.

As soon as Crawford left, the ministers immediately started talking in a low voice. Scheming the Dark Shadow Empire’s envoy at this crucial time is extremely sinister. This kind of disaster must be eradicated. Only Angley had a cold sweat on his forehead. His heart was uneasy. He just prayed that things would not develop to the worst point.

Soon, an imperial guard came to report, “The secret intelligence department has investigated the whole matter. The first group of people who caused the trouble in the Princess Villa were the rogues instigated by the Night Chamber of Commerce’s Cody. They were expelled after being exposed by Lilu. Later, Mishan Family’s wine industry manager, Damond, brought the garrison guard team leader, Basroya, into the villa. Damond claimed that Lilu stole the Mishan Family’s secret wine recipe and was the mastermind of the burning of the wine cellar in the eastern suburb last night. As a result, Lilu was captured by Basroya.”

“Lilu steals the secret recipe?” Shea frowned.

“When the secret intelligence department rushed to the garrison guard department, they found that Basroya was preparing to torture Lilu to extract a confession. Later, Basroya was taken by the secret intelligence department. Damond confessed that Plinton, a key member of the Mishan Family, instructed him to falsely accuse Lilu in order to create chaos in the Princess Villa.”

“Your Majesty! I didn’t expect that Plinton would actually be so despicable! The wine cellar explosion was originally his negligence. Not only did he not repent, he actually tried to shift the responsibility to the Princess Villa!” Angley immediately stood up with a hateful expression on his face, “I employed the wrong people. Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I’ll go and capture him now and hand it over to Your Majesty for punishment!”

Angley’s words made Shea’s eyes swiftly flashed a sneer. She ignored him and asked the imperial guard, “Put these aside first. What is the situation of the Princess Villa and the envoy?”

“After Lilu left, someone immediately took the lead in making trouble. These people have been caught by the secret intelligence department. After interrogation, the person behind the scenes was Zall, the son of Sir Angley. When the chaos happened, Zall was in the VIP building of the villa and his whereabouts are now unknown. The secret intelligence department is urgently investigating.”

As soon as Zall’s name came out, all the ministers looked at each other. What Angely was most worried about finally happened. His face turned pale in an instant. I didn’t expect Zall, who is always shrewd, is actually so incompetent this time. He left so many traces and even exposed himself!

The previous false accusation could still be blamed on Plinton, but now it was directly related to his son. It was no longer possible to shirk the responsibility. Angley’s thoughts turned quickly and he bowed deeply, “Your Majesty, Zall is young and ignorant. He must be misled by Plinton! Please forgive him, Your Majesty!”

“Misled? At this point, do you still want to quibble?” Shea exuded a ghastly breath, “Where is Envoy Celine?”

Angley gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee, “Your Majesty, I really don’t know! There must be some misunderstanding. I will personally find the whereabouts of the envoy and behead the rebellious son as an apology to Your Majesty!”

“Before the secret intelligence department has any definite news, don’t even think about going anywhere! I want to see what role the Mishan Family played in this kidnapping incident!”

Angley knelt down on both knees and knocked his head on the floor, “Your Majesty, I can guarantee with my life that the Mishan Family has nothing to do with the disappearance of the envoy!”

“How can you guarantee? How can the mere Mishan Family be comparable to the fate and survival of the entire empire?” Shea shouted furiously, “Order the imperial guards and secret intelligence department to immediately control the Mishan Family and all related industries. Be sure to find out the whereabouts of the envoy! If there are opposers, kill them!”

The imperial guard hurriedly executed the order. Angley knelt on the ground while trembling. No one came out to intercede, including the Leif Family that was the closest to Angley. Basroya, who was previously suspected of co-framing Lilu with Damond, was a member of the Leif Family. Now the Leif Family was too busy to take care of themselves, how would they dare to intercede?

This matter was too serious; it had far exceeded the scope of the interests of the elder families as it endangered the entire emperor empire. Once something really happened to Celine, the consequences were simply unimaginable.

In the eastern suburb courtyard, Zall didn’t even know that he had become a “famous person.” He was still enthusiastically and happily drinking with Diak and Lawson.

This time, he made a great contribution to the family by successfully smashing the Princess Villa. He also harvested top-notch prey. It was a huge harvest. When Zall thought of the beautiful appearance of the blonde girl, his mouth was dry.

“Enough of wine, it’s time to do the official business. Lawson, have the rooms been arranged?”

“Of course.” Lawson grinned, “1 person per room. It’s well-distanced with soundproofing facilities. We can have all the fun. I have turned on the protective magic circle of the courtyard and ordered not to see any foreign guests. Even if the sky falls, they will have to wait for us to finish enjoying.”

Diak’s eyes flickered. He thought slightly, then smiled deeply, “Yes, it’s about time for the hunting game to start.”

At this moment, the ground shook suddenly like an earthquake. The people in the courtyard couldn’t stand still.

Lawson exclaimed, “What happened?”

A guard screamed, “Bad news! Young Master Lawson, a terrifying enemy broke in. He has killed the guards outside and is attacking the protective magic circle of the courtyard!”

“Who is it?”

“The enemy is quite terrifying. The first layer magic circle is about to collapse!”

“So fast!?” Lawson was taken aback. This magic circle was set up by his grandmother, Stiller, who loved him the most. It had 5 layers. Stiller was the empire’s top magician. Even the Demon Overlord powerhouse could not break in so quickly. It showed that the strength of this person was terrifying.

There was a very ominous premonition in Zall’s heart. Lawson was no longer in a “hunting” mood. He had already been holding a blue bead. It was a life-saving item given to him by his grandmother which could be used to summon her in the most dangerous time.

In the palace, the shocking news came again.

“Someone witnessed Zall of the Mishan Family, Lawson of the Boll Family, and Diak of the royal family taking advantage of the chaos to abduct several women from the Princess Villa.”

The news made the Boll Family’s patriarch, Tolga, Elder Stiller, and the royal family’s Disjaro look shocked at the same time, but the kneeling Angley’s eyes gleamed. For him, the more forces involved, the better. The law will not punish numerous offenders. Now the Boll Family and the royal family are dragged into the trouble, and the Leif Family can barely be spared. By then, Shea must consider carefully even if she wants to punish us heavily.

When Shea was in a rage, the report came again, “The latest emergency report from the secret intelligence department found that the envoy is likely to be detained in the Boll Family’s courtyard in the eastern suburb. Sir Aguile has rushed to the rescue!”

As soon as the report ended, Stiller’s body suddenly lit up with a bright blue light. Old Cowen stepped forward and blocked in front of Shea as he said sharply, “Stiller, what are you trying to do?”

Stiller was surprised too. She hurriedly used her magic power to suppress the light and bowed to Shea, “Your Majesty, please forgive me. This is... Lawson’s emergency summon for help.”

“Very well, Stiller, you don’t have to suppress the power of the summon.” Shea said coldly, “Not only you, everyone in the hall, follow me to the Boll Family’s courtyard in the eastern suburb now! Take a look at what happened there!”

TL: What will happen to the 3 families involved? Will the family masters be executed? Or only the 3 sons? How will this incident affect the decision of the Dark Shadow Empire?

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