Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 555 - Guradam’s Hope of Advancement

Chapter 555: Guradam’s Hope of Advancement

Chen Rui watched Isabella get out of his sight in a complicated mood. In fact, since he really started to feel Isabella with his heart, he felt something abnormal.

This cold and charming woman was far superior to man in terms of mental means, and she could even easily manipulate people’s minds. She was a veritable Devil’s Snare. She smiled on the surface as if she didn’t care about anything and could give up everything, but in fact, her heart had been tightly closed. It was herself who really gave up.

Chen Rui didn’t know whether the past of the Breeze Shadow Boots left some indelible imprint, but he could feel the heavy shackles in Isabella’s heart. If Kia used a cheerful smile to evaporate the tears behind, then Isabella had become a pool of ashes that was about to burn out. Whether the next moment was a new lease of life or complete annihilation, it depended on her own.

There was no doubt that Isabella liked him. In the beginning, he might be just a substitute for some kind of illusory character in her mind. Step by step, she had a real fascination for him. Perhaps this kind of feeling could become the key to healing her soul, unlocking that heavy shackles step by step.

If life was just the first sight, Chen Rui had seen a tear that couldn’t be evaporated by the flames. That scene would be unforgettable for a lifetime. He would not let tragedy happen to his own woman again.

Anyway, in his heart, he had already decided to be the Sir Uncle of a guy.

Leaving the palace, Chen Rui put on a cloak and walked all the way out of the city gate. He found Guradam in the specially divided undead area in the southern suburbs.

Guradam became famous in this decisive battle. The entire Demon Realm knew that the undead magic master, who disappeared 2 years ago, was back, and he also brought powerful undead soldiers that were never seen before. Although the undead also exposed many shortcomings in the battle, they revealed more strength. They could compete with any regular elite army including the aerial legion and cavalry.

Facing this master who signed a master-subordinate contract with him, Guradam’s mentality was completely different from that of the past. At first, the 2 were hostile. Chen Rui was not his opponent. However, he used the water from the Fountain of Resurrection to severely wound Guradam and escaped. Then, Guradam was subdued by Paglio in Town Yankou, and he was forced to sign a master-subordinate contract with Chen Rui under coercion and lure.

To a certain extent, Guradam, like Zola, was an avid scientific research talent. In order to gain a long life to study the undead magic, this undead magic master did not hesitate to take the risk of transforming himself into an immortal corpse necromancer. This was also the reason why he succumbed to Chen Rui at that time. The master-subordinate contract was not like the master-servant contract. Although it was also impossible to betray, the death of the master would not lead to the death of the subordinate, and the master could not use the contract to prematurely end the life of the subordinate.

What Guradam did not expect was that it was precisely because of this “submission” that he was inspired by a qualitative change. Undead magician, undead cavalry, [Poison Explosion]... In addition, there were huge amounts of funding including massive standard army equipment, skeleton magician magic items, and even the complete giant dragon corpse. His great success today was absolutely inseparable from this master.

The power shown by Chen Rui also impressed Guradam. In Silent Night Wetland, he was only a Demon King-level power, and later his strength leaped at an unimaginable speed. Great Demon King, Demon Emperor... By the time of the decisive battle of Leith Wilderness, he was already able to fight against the peak stage of the Demon Overlord Obsidian!

“Master, rest assured, even if you are not there, I will completely obey madam’s dispatch.” Guradam said respectfully after learning Chen Rui’s intention of visiting.

Let alone Guradam’s best impression of Athena, just the beautiful lady with glasses was enough to make Guradam lower his head fearfully. He witnessed the scene where Ms. Zola crushed the 2 dragons of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord in full view. There were also several Demon Overlords present, and none of them dared to breathe.

Chen Rui nodded with satisfaction, “Try to complete the transformation of the undead in the ancient battlefield of Town Yankou. Don’t worry about the equipment, this time it is more than enough.”

“Master, there is 1 more thing. I reached the peak stage of the Demon Emperor 2,000 years ago, but I have been stagnant after being transformed into a corpse necromancer. The body of the undead is unlike other creatures. For instance my current state, it is almost impossible to directly advance the level. Even if master you have black potions, they have no effect on me. Even longevity potion and resurrection potion are equivalent to severe poisons. According to ancient records, plus my research findings, if I want to advance to the next realm, it requires quite complicated rituals and considerable risks. All these are fine, the key is that it needs a lot of precious materials...”

Guradam didn’t feel at ease as the materials needed for the ceremony were extremely rare, and the types were extremely diverse. A lot of money was already spent to arm the undead previously. In fact, the value of the materials needed this time was even more than the huge sums of money for the undead. It was hard to get them all with his own strength, so he mentioned it nervously. What Chen Rui needs is my power to create undead. There is no shortage of Demon Overlords around him. There are even 3 dragons, plus the most terrifying madam (corpse necromancer did not know that Zola was also a dragon). I also heard that the Earth Elemental King recognizes master as his only best friend.

“Tell me, how can I help you?” Chen Rui agreed without any hesitation. Guradam was his people. There was only benefit for him if Guradam became stronger. He was never stingy with his own people.

Hearing such a pleasant answer, Guradam suddenly had a strange feeling of “a true gentleman will sacrifice his life for a friend who understands him”. The 2 red lights in his eye sockets brightened, “The body of the corpse necromancer is a tool that can be discarded at any time, so the key lies in the soul fire. If I can get all the materials, I may undergo qualitative changes under special rituals. This kind of ritual requires very strict requirements and a lot of precious materials. Back then, some of them were in Master Paglio’s treasures, and I collected some after I came out... “

Paglio’s treasures ended up in Chen Rui’s hands back then, and the poor corpse necromancer, who was drenched in “sulfur acid”, barely took away his life box. Chen Rui understood what he meant. After asking about the required materials, he took them out 1 by 1 from the storage warehouse.

Some materials were used or not in the poison dragon’s treasure, but Chen Rui later got many good stuff including the crystal dragon’s treasures and the various materials gifted by the Custer Family. Guradam got more complete materials than he expected, so he couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

“The remaining materials are in short supply, but it shouldn’t be a big problem. I will commission the Custer Family, the top commercial family of the Dark Shadow Empire to collect them. But... What are these Dragon Power Essence and Siren’s Heart?” Guradam requested many rare materials, but Chen Rui knew their origin and purpose after he absorbed a lot of relevant knowledge in the Dark Shadow Empire and the Bloody Empire’s Mechanical Association. Nonetheless, he had never heard of these 2 materials.

“I am not too clear as well. Dragon Power Essence should be related to giant dragon and siren is a kind of sea creature of the Dead Sea. I don’t know if the Siren’s Heart is their heart?”

Siren of the Dead Sea? Chen Rui thought of Earth Elemental King who was heading to the Dead Sea soon, and his heart moved, but it was better to understand the specific details of these 2 materials. If he got it wrong, then Guradam’s ritual was not an advancement but suicide instead.

“Leave the materials issue to me. You can handle the matter in hand at ease. My suggestion is just for reference. The bone magic and spirit dragon transformation should be executed based on your undead magic basic theory.”

Guradam nodded. He personally sent Chen Rui out of the southern suburbs.

Back in the Dark Moon City, Chen Rui did not return to his residence. Instead, he went to the southeast block. Dragon Power Essence and Siren’s Heart were very important to Guradam and must be figured out. He happened to have a teacher who received the inheritance of thousands of years. Therefore, he should be able to get a satisfactory answer. Besides, there were some important items from the ancient alchemy civilization that he wanted to give to Tetenis.

The backyard of the Cloak Gang was very lively and filled with the aroma of food. Tetenis, Skye and his wife, Eve, Alian, the old goblin and his daughters, Ms. Sasa, were all there. They were barbecuing in a circle. Master Xingxing was not present due to some affairs of the mechanics association.

The arrival of “Aguile” immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Especially the 2 girls, Alian and Eve, whose quick-witted eyes were shining with joy. The one who reacted most quickly was the old goblin, Didi, who immediately greeted him and bowed deeply, “Master.”

Chen Rui nodded and motioned the old goblin to continue to sit down without the need to be too polite.

“Teacher.” Chen Rui bowed to Tetenis and he greeted Skye and others. This time in the Dark Moon battle, the improved magic crystal cannon provided by Tetenis played a big role. As long as there was plenty of time to create more and better magic crystal cannons, then the military power of the Fallen Angel Empire would be greatly enhanced.

Skye spoke up, “The Dark Moon battle can be described as shocking to the Demon Realm. The incredible Regent Obsidian was killed by you and Princess Royal. The weak defeated the strong in this battle. It is unbelievable. You and Princess Shea will be recorded into the Demon Realm’s history to be extolled by future generations. Soon, you will be called Royal Highness Prince Consort.”

Chen Rui shook his head, “Master Skye has overstated it. This is the credit of Princess Royal Highness and all the soldiers. As for the title... No matter what I look like, I’m just the master’s friend, Aguile.”

Skye smiled delightedly and nodded, “Since I’m a friend, don’t hesitate if you need my help. Although Xingxing is not here, I know that he also has this attitude.”

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. The Dark Moon’s estate is incomparable to the entire empire. For Shea, the capital is the core of her power, but it is also an unfamiliar environment that must be supported by all parties like the Mechanic Association. The Fallen Angel Empire’s Mechanic Association lacks top masters such as Nate and Anderson with the title of “top”, so its influence is far inferior to the other 2 empires. If Skye, who was the number 1 master of leather armor in the past, is willing to come out and join the association under the name of Fonsaq, and with the influence of Master Xingxing, it can definitely compete with the other 2 empires. It was a considerable help for Shea.

Skye glanced at his supportive wife and daughter, “You should be going to the capital, right? Now that Nate of the Bloody Empire is ruined and I don’t have to worry about revenge, I can come out to seek fame and fortune.”

Chen Rui knew Skye’s personality. Not only did he have no desire for fame and wealth, but he was also very indifferent to them. Especially after the great changes back then, he paid more attention to the family and he just wanted to live a stable life. Now he actively proposed to come out, it was obviously to repay his kindness.

“Since master is interested in fame and fortune, I can’t help but be a villain that helped you in hope of repayment.” Chen Rui did not pretend to refuse, but he accepted it generously. Both of them smiled at each other without any more words.

Siren? Don’t tell me he will get another siren into his harem... Dragon’s essence 🤔what ‘essence’🤨?

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