Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 546 - The Super [Black Dragon Cannon]

Chapter 546: The Super [Black Dragon Cannon]

The light and dark crystal effect that contained the Fertile Yuan Soil’s peculiar power was very magical. Faced with the strong pressure of Obsidian, Shea finally burst out of her potential and broke through her current realm. Her [Heart of Light and Dark] was mutated, and she directly advanced to the Demon Overlord level. However, her current strength was still quite unstable. Not only did she urgently need a period of focused training, but she also had to master a brand new territory power again in order to be regarded as a real Demon Overlord.

Unfortunately, Shea didn’t have this time at all in the current situation.

A rookie who had just realized the realm of Demon Overlord still had no chance of winning against the veteran of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord.

There was a long purple sword in Obsidian’s hand which pierced toward Shea’s heart. Shea was barely able to grasp the opponent’s attack trajectory. When she blocked with her sword, the long sword was shaken off.

Seeing that she was about to be stabbed by this sword, Shea’s figure had appeared in the distance in an instant. This was unlike the average teleportation talent of the great demon clan. This was the supplementary skill, [Lightweight], of Magic Feather Tulle on her. When she received a fatal attack, she would automatically teleport out of danger, but it was limited to twice per hour.

Obsidian was slightly surprised, but he reacted very quickly. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Shea and slashed again. The [Lightweight] was triggered again, and she dodged it. However, she had reached the 2 limits and could no longer dodge Obsidian’s third blow. Right after Shea barely dodged a sword, she was blown away by a punch. She fell right next to the veiled woman- The sober Olypheus just drank the potion given by the woman. The woman lifted up Shea, whose internal organs were severely injured, then she handed Shea to Olypheus before walking slowly toward Obsidian.

Obsidian hated the woman who caused him a huge setback. As he was about to kill her, the woman said, “Your Highness, it’s been a long time.”

The familiar voice stopped Obsidian, “You...”

The woman’s veil was dyed red with blood. However, she walked toward Obsidian step by step elegantly like this was a ball instead of a battlefield, “Your Highness, do you still remember 30 years ago when we first met, I gave you a multiple choice question? Do you want me or my ability?”

“It’s really you!” Obsidian was utterly shocked, “Impossible! You are actually not dead!”

At the Leisure Moon Inn on the outskirts of the city, he saw this woman and “Charles” disappeared into ashes with his own eyes!

If this woman is not dead, then “Charles”...

The news was really shocking. Obsidian felt that his heart was beating more violently than ever before. Some things that he had initially confirmed began to undergo earth-shaking change.

The woman had come to Obsidian’s side, and she whispered, “That man has something for me to bring to Your Highness.”

That man... is really not dead? Obsidian’s attention had completely shifted from Shea’s side. While listening attentively, the woman’s volume suddenly rose, “Olypheus! Run!”

The item that the woman held behind her suddenly lit up. It contained terrifying destructive fluctuations.

The mountain in the distance of the wilderness was another battlefield where fierce tremors and clamor were constantly occurring.

Smoke and dust flew everywhere, several figures intersected at an unimaginable high speed. The ground nearby seemed to be cut by several layers. There were exaggerated cracks and signs of damage everywhere.

“Asshole!” The elder family Demon Overlord Barroco got up from the huge hole in the ground with a grim face. If it were for Stiller activating a magic shield in time for him, his heart would have been dug out by the poison dragon.

In the battle of Demon Overlords between both sides, the capital should have taken an absolute advantage. There were 3 peak stage Demon Overlords, Baroco, Stiller, and Disjaro. The intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord were Salgar, Stebil, and Faravit. There was only 1 early stage of the Demon Overlord, Lunters; The Dark Moon only had 1 peak stage of the Demon Overlord, Paglio, the intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord included Ms. Emerald Dragon Krobelus who had recently advanced, Vanim. Toro, who surrendered to the Dark Moon, plus Pegasus and the spirit dragon who were converted into the undead.

Taking into account the situation of Pegasus and spirit dragon, especially the current state whereby the spirit dragon couldn’t be separated from the controller, the actual combat intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord power could only be regarded as 1.5 or even less. 7 vs 5 was actually 7 vs 4. It was only a matter of time before the capital side won.

However, the plan would never keep up with the changes. The real situation was quite the opposite. There were weird traps and magic circles that terrified the peak stage of the Demon Overlord everywhere in this mountainous area. The 7 Demon Overlords of the capital had been suppressed by the other side until now.

There is no doubt that these traps are set long ago! No wonder the sinister poison dragon deliberately led everyone to this place!

This it too cunning! Too shameless!

The long sword in Disjaro’s right hand released countless sword lights at Paglio. Paglio flashed slightly, and he had already dodged far away. Before the sword lights could catch up, they were disintegrated up by some intangible resistance. Then, the poison dragon appeared ghostly behind Disjaro.

The [Holy Wings] appeared behind Disjaro, and he struck behind his back with his left hand wrapped in [Dark Flame]. Paglio’s body burst open as he was hit. Disjaro felt that the [Dark Flame] was recoiled back into his body by a strange force, making him feel very uncomfortable. The emerald dragon’s punch across the distance had arrived from the front. Half of Disjaro’s armor was frozen by this blow containing the power of the water element. He was about to melt it with [Dark Flame], but Paglio’s real body and fist appeared in front of him at the same time.

Due to the freezing, Disjaro was already unable to dodge. His defense was greatly reduced by the [Overlord Armor Reduction]. The poison dragon hit his chest with a fierce blow, and ice flakes burst apart. The armor suddenly had a fist dent of flesh and blood; there was even a faint green smoke.

Disjaro let out a muffled sound, and he took 8 steps back. Ignoring the severe pain, the chest injury quickly burned with [Dark Flame] which barely suppressed the terrifying poison. Just as the poison dragon was about to pursue him, the [Thunderstrike] reinforced by Stiller had arrived. Paglio screamed, and he appeared behind Vanim out of thin air to let him block Stebil’s blow.

“Shameless dragons!” Stiller yelled angrily. She was the only person in the capital who had not been injured so far. It was not that Paglio treated women preferentially, but that Stiller’s magic power was powerful, and she was good in defense. Even so, she still couldn’t crack the deep magic traps. She couldn’t even find a way out of this damn place.

“It’s called using the brain, idiots!” Paglio grinned. This was the “home field” that he set up with Zola the other day. It was set mainly by the Dragon Inscription, and there were some magic circles with ancient runes which also had a considerable interference effect on the territory power. Due to time and material issues, this formation could only last for 1 day which was enough for now.

In the current situation, the poison dragon and Krobelus who were familiar with the Dragon Inscriptions were mainly attacking. The 2 undead and Vanim were in a fixed defense position, and they actually had the upper hand. The original plan was to let the poison dragon, emerald dragon and black dragon lure those Demon Overlords to a duel here while Zola lurked beside Shea to prepare for a sneak attack on Obsidian. However, the appearance of 2 giant dragons of the Dragon Island disrupted this plan. Paglio knew that Olypheus could not stop Obsidian. He just hoped that she could try her best to delay Obsidian, then wait until he or Zola solved the enemy, they could converge their attacks at Obsidian.

Although the poison dragon had the upper hand, the opponent’s strength was not trivial after all, so it was quite difficult to win in a short time.

In the middle of the battlefield in the wilderness, the expected explosion did not appear. The veiled woman fell to the ground, and her wrist was pinned into the ground by a long purple sword. Obsidian, whose eyes turned black and white, had a destructive item floating in his hands. Under the mysterious power of [Heart of Light and Dark], the destructive light quickly dimmed.

“Want to trick me? You damn traitor!” Obsidian’s face was full of hideous expression, and his hands glowed with a rope-like purple light stream which bound Isabella- This traitor involved the huge secret of the human “Charles”. She can’t die before I get the answer.

There was no fear in Isabella’s eyes. Instead, there was a kind of relief that saw through life and death. Perhaps this kind of relief had already existed in her heart, so she was so disregarding her life and death. As the head of an intel department, she had more than one way to turn herself into a corpse even in such a confined situation.

What made her anxious was that Olypheus, who was supporting Shea in the distance, did not take Shea to the Paglio’s battlefield according to her previous instructions. Instead, she stood there blankly as though she was stupefied.

“Olypheus, run away!” Isabella held back the sharp pain in her wrist and shouted again.

Facing the approaching Obsidian, Olypheus still dazedly stood still. She didn’t even notice that Shea had broken free.

It was not out of fear, but her mind was buzzing at the moment; it was all that voice.

“Run quickly!”

“Olypheus, run quickly!”

“Olypheus, run away!”

The scene seemed to overlap with a nightmare in her deep memory, and the voice became familiar and close.

“Olypheus, run away!”

In the nightmare, she just trembled all over and utterly frightened. She didn’t dare to move as she watched the heart of the figure standing in front of her pierced by a claw.

Facing Shea who rushed over with great difficulty, Obsidian’s face showed a cold murderous intent. At this moment, a sense of danger suddenly appeared in his heart. Not only Obsidian, but Shea and Isabella also felt it. The source was the utterly frightened black dragon girl.

In Olypheus’s hollow eyes, big tears suddenly dropped, and her trembling lips murmured a word, “Mom...”

The sound suddenly became louder, and the terrifying sound wave spread around with Olypheus as the center. Shea, who had rushed toward Obsidian, was blown away by the air current; the wyverns in the air nearby were shocked to the ground; the soldiers of both sides covered their ears in pain.

In the high-pitched scream, Olypheus’ pupils gradually turned white. A mark gradually emerged on her forehead. It was 3 small diamonds. The center was slightly larger and the sides were slightly smaller. At the same time, her black hair with blood began to flutter, and her nails quickly extended to half a foot long.

Obsidian felt the dramatic change in Olypheus’ breath. This change was not a level up, but it seemed to be the activation of some kind of bloodline power. Not only that, she also had a breath similar to Shea’s [Heart of Light and Dark] previously, Obsidian had a hunch that this level of breath seemed to be greater than the one that seemed to be the Midnight Sun previously...

“Swoosh!” Olypheus’ figure appeared in front of Obsidian in a split second. Her claws made a terrifying sound in the air. Obsidian parried with his purple sword. When the claws hit on the sword, there were actually sparks splashing around. Obsidian’s body trembled slightly, seemingly startled at the power that Olypheus burst out at this time.

Tremors and cracks continued to appear on the ground, and Isabella, who fell on the ground, could no longer see Olypheus’ figure with lightning speed. Even Shea, who had just advanced to Demon Overlord, felt extremely difficult to catch up with the speed.

There were already a few thin blood marks on Obsidian’s face, but he was not angry or impatient. Instead, he calmly responded to Olypheus’s frenzy attack. From his experience, although this black dragon girl had undergone a strong mutation, it was not her own power, but she was venting a certain energy that could not be suppressed.

As soon as this energy disappeared, her body and spirit would definitely lose the combat power due to exhaustion, so he only needed to hold on for this period of time.

Olypheus’s figure was knocked off by Obsidian and fell into the crowd. She jumped up, and everywhere she passed, whether it was the capital army or the Dark Moon Army, the soldiers were torn apart under the terrifying power.


Isabella, who was tied to the ground in front, called out with all her strength. She had noticed something wrong with Olypheus. She seemed to have lost her mind. Olypheus shook. This voice seems to be the one previously...

Olypheus’ figure flashed in front of Isabella in an instant, and the sharp claws in her hand flashed with cold light. Isabella was closing her eyes and waiting to die, but the rope was cut off by Olypheus

Olypheus set Isabella free, then she raised her hands. She pointed her right index finger at Obsidian while holding her right wrist with her left hand. The long nails looked particularly hideous. This was exactly the pose of launching [Black Dragon Cannon].

Before the [Black Dragon Cannon] was released, there were countless spreading cracks on the ground around Olypheus. Isabella behind her was unable to move due to the pressure.

“Swoosh!” A cluster of black ball flickering with faint white light whistled toward Obsidian. This [Black Dragon Cannon] was much smaller than the previous one, but Obsidian’s face showed a solemn expression – This blow contains a power that is far greater than before. It should be the release of the uncontrollable power of the higher realm in her body.

Obsidian did not resist it forcefully. With a flap of [Holy Wings], he appeared in the sky, but this black ball tracked him at a very fast speed like it had a spirit. Obsidian couldn’t dodge, his black and white eyes were shining. He resisted this super [Black Dragon Cannon] with his hands emitting [Dark Flame].

The sky on the battlefield seemed to darken at this moment. The cluster of [Black Dragon Cannon] surrounding Obsidian was constantly twisted and deformed in the air, and white electric currents were sparking. After a few minutes, its speed finally slowed down. It disappeared completely with an explosion sound.

Obsidian’s figure appeared in the sky. The cloak behind him had completely disappeared, and a large number of cracks appeared on his black armor. Especially the left hand without gloves was covered with green color.

“Mom...” Olypheus’ pupils returned to jet black, and tears overflowed from her eyes. Her body that had lost strength swayed and collapsed. She was caught by Isabella from behind. The sharp nails were retracted, but the diamond mark on her forehead still hadn’t faded away.

Obsidian’s heart was fuming with rage. This power of [Black Dragon Cannon] is not only terrifying, but it also has the weird attribute of destroying equipment. The most troublesome thing is that the poison on my left hand seems to be activated. My whole arm is numb. It is even spreading throughout my body. This poison must be suppressed first, then I will kill the enemies below!

Everyone must die!

At this moment, a horse neigh sounded. Horse neighing on the battlefield was extremely common, but this neighing sound overwhelmed almost all the sounds.

In an instant, the seriously injured Isabella and Shea were pumped up, and their eyes lit up at the same time. Even Olypheus, whose mind had begun to blur, seemed to regain a sense of sobriety.

A fiery red figure rushed in from behind the capital army’s right wing.

Chen Rui finally made it? Maybe the weird attribute of [Black Dragon Cannon] can be improved to even steal equipment😏.

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