Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 544 - The Approaching Obsidian

Chapter 544: The Approaching Obsidian

No matter in which world, there was always an endless killing of the same kind in an intelligent life.

From a certain perspective, the kind of history written in blood was the one driving the so-called advancement of civilization.

The moment 2 torrent-like people intersected, almost all people lost their superfluous feelings, leaving only the most primitive and instinctive massacre movements of the body.

There was a mutated minotaur charging in front of the Wild Force Legion in the right wing of the capital. It had reached the level of the Great Demon King which was almost the highest level of the minotaur. His strength was very berserk. Every time he swung the hammer in his hand, dozens of soldiers in front of him would be smashed into pieces.

However, under the continuous swings, the minotaur’s movements became slower and slower. Eventually, due to exhaustion, a Demon King-level general of the opponent fatally slashed to his knees and staggered the minotaur. The Dark Moon soldiers who were immersed in killing swarmed up and quickly passed the minotaur, leaving only a wounded corpse on the ground like a tiger that was gnawed into bones by countless man-eating ants.

In a large-scale charge with a total of more than 1 million soldiers, the individual’s power seemed so insignificant. Only Demon Emperor-level powerhouses, who had comprehended the territory power, could have better self-protection ability in this environment. They could at least escape if the enemy did not have a Demon Emperor-level opponent.

The battlefield was very gruesome and violent. Those who were hesitant, cowardly, and ran away tend to die faster.

Soldiers on both side were deeply immersed in killing. Only some experienced generals could stay clear-headed to lead the soldiers in order to try their best to exchange the least cost for the greatest lethality.

The only people who could maintain the “calm” state of the whole army are the undead, because apart from individual controllers, they didn’t know what was excitement or fear. Especially the violent bombardment of the skeleton magicians on the skeleton towers, they had caused the First Coalition Legion and the Second Coalition Legion to suffer. If it weren’t for the magical legion, they would have fallen at any moment.

The magic of the magician legion had high damage output. However, they didn’t have the range buff like the opponent’s skeleton towers, and their spell must be cast behind the heavy protection as they did not dare to push forward and attack fearlessly like those skeleton magicians. They all knew that the best way to destroy these undead was to destroy Guradam. It was a pity that the legendary undead magic master was not only powerful, but he was also cunning. He had maintained his position at the farthest point of the skeleton tower. When 2 generals of the Demon Emperor level, who ventured to kill, barely broke through in front of the skeleton tower, they were torn to pieces by the hidden vampires near the tower building.

The magic power of magician legion was not endless. Soon, they could only take turns to recover and attack. They drank one after another bottles of rejuvenation potion or even a white potion that would buff magic power in a short period of time regardless of cost in order to maintain the power output. However, the effect of the potion would become less effective after repeated use; the lower the purity of the potion, the worse the negative effects on the consumer. If they kept using potions, it would even cause a severe and lingering illness. The effect of potion would become weaker and cause permanent damage to the mind or body. Unless it was a potion with a purity of 100% in Chen Rui’s Super System, the damage could be avoided. However, even if the redeemed potion was taken continuously, the effect would still be reduced inevitably. In particular, high grade potion would exhaust more inner potential. For example, buff-type white potion and black potions must be taken at a certain interval, otherwise it would be useless.

The left wing of the capital suffered even more from the undead aerial legion above. The Dragon Rider Legion was completely controlled by the opponent when Commander Salgar was not present. The magician legion whose magic power had dropped found it harder and harder to defend the assault from the air. Although the front melee soldiers were brave and strong, they were also at the brink of collapse under the pincer attack from both side. The magician formation shrank uncontrollably, and the undead formation was gradually expanding.

In contrast to the advantageous situation of the right wing, Dark Moon’s left wing was struggling. The Blue Lava Estate representative Lord Sumen was the deputy legion commander of the original Azure Legion. Although the soldiers were fighting desperately, their strength was still not as good as the capital elite after all. The front commander of the capital’s right wing was the former coalition army deputy commander, Pallor. The fiasco of Town Dico inflicted severe injuries on Pallor. Although his injuries were not healed, he insisted on participating in the war as an ordinary general. Now Pallor wanted to use the blood of the Dark Moon to wash away the shame, so he was very trying hard. If it was not for the Red Blood Legion led by Kaguron and his sister, the left wing of the Dark Moon would have been defeated by the enemy.

The most important of the entire battle group was the central army lineup which also had the most intense battle. Obsidian was surrounded by 50,000 of the most elite imperial guards and 5 elite legions that were about about 350,000 soldiers. They had never been used in the previous war. All the forces of the direct royal families’s bloodline were used in the decisive battle this time, putting the Dark Moon central army on the opposite side under tremendous pressure.

Shea only had the Moon Shadow Legion and Flame Legion which amounted to less than 200,000 soldiers. They were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, the strength of this batch of central army was extraordinary. The soldiers of this batch of Flame Legion were all elites who were trained by Athena using Chen Rui’s methods and they had undergone the devil fruit’s transformation. Whether it was personal strength or overall cooperation, they surprised the capital elites on the opposite side. They withstood the strong impact of the other side despite the less number.

The Moon Shadow Legion did not have the powerful melee strength of the Flame Legion. Therefore, they were situated behind the Flame Legion. Tim had trained a large number of excellent archers at the Walan Fortress in Mountain Xilang. They were assigned with the medusas, forming a formation with powerful long-range shooting capabilities.

In the middle of the archers, there was a magician legion commanded by Monroe, the son of Crawford, the lord of the Dark Shadow Empire’s Blood Vine Flower Estate. These magicians were not undead creatures, but they were the reward given by Crawford to thank the Dark Moon for helping to solve the Crystal Valley’s mineral problem. Monroe, like Tim, was not strong in combat power, but he had outstanding commanding ability. The magician legion was not anxious to launch large-scale magic that consumed magic power, but they temporarily buffed their allies. By right, the long-range formation defense was relatively weak and vulnerable to air strikes, but wyvern riders led by Roman in the air made up for this weakness. The capital’s aerial power was suppressed by the undead on the right wing, so the central army’s sky became Roman’s world. The explosion of magic bombs thrown by the wyverns from time to time resounded throughtout the capital army.

These were still within the scope of conventional operations. The capital elites were most uneasy about 2 “things.”

The first was the strange goldmen in the front row. There were hundreds of them. Their power ranged from Higher Demon to Demon King who had amazing defense and immunity to magic. What was more terrifying was that after they had already fallen to the ground and “died” for a period of time, they would resurrect and massacre rampantly unless their bodies were completely destroyed.

These were the goldman made by Zola. It was originally used as a “housekeeping robot”. After being inspired by Chen Rui, it was made into a fighting machine similar to the crystal puppet. The goldman’s speed was relatively slow, but they had extremely strong [Anti-Magic] attributes. As long as their cores were not destroyed, they could recover for a period of time and fight again. They were excellent tank.

The second thing that frightened the capital army were the ghostly black-robed magicians lurking in the Flame Legion. These magicians didn’t have any attacks like [Thunder], [Fireball]. Instead, they used an unpopular magic, [Corpse Explosion]. [Corpse Explosion] was one of the undead magic which could use strange dark elements to induce corpses to explode and damage the surrounding enemies, but their impact was relatively small. However, the power of [Corpse Explosion] created by these magicians was much larger. Not only would the explosion itself harm the nearby soldiers, the corpses that exploded would also emit a kind of poison that caused a large number of soldiers to be poisoned. Of course, only the capital army was poisoned. The goldmen at the front were not afraid of this kind of poison.

This was no longer the traditional [Corpse Explosion], but [Poison Explosion]!

Naturally, those who could cast this magic were only Guradam’s clone projections. These 5 magicians were all projections of Guradam. Although their level of strength was only the Great Demon King, the improved [Poison Explosion] power was quite considerable. The only disadvantage was that it cost too much spirit power to cast continuously. Even so, with the magicians in the position, the capital army still dare not get too close.

Despite this, the capital army still relied on the advantage in terms of number to gain the upper hand. More importantly, the Obsidian, the central core, had not yet made a move.

The battle between both central armies was in a state of stalemate, and there were 1 dominant and 1 passive from the 2 wings of both sides. Over time, except for the position of the central army, the angle of the 2 wings had rotated. The number of soldiers had also been declining sharply in the bloody battle. This was not only a contest between individual and overall combat power, but it was also a contest of endurance and will. Whoever collapsed first would be the loser.

Despite the Dark Moon Army’s bravery, when the overall combat power was slightly inferior to the opponent, the disadvantages in number gradually manifested. Especially the central army, the number of goldmen was now less than 100, and 3 out of 5 Guradam clones were destroyed. The magician legion under Monroe had begun to take turns to rest, the wyverns in the air were reduced by nearly half, all the magic bombs were consumed, and even medusas and the archers began to suffer casualties. The situation was precarious.

Shea knew that once the central army was defeated, the entire Dark Moon Army would collapse without any suspense. At the moment, regardless of danger, she personally came to the front to command the battle. Encouraged by her lead, the morale of the Dark Moon Army was greatly boosted.

For some reason, the momentum of the capital army gradually weakened over time.

Many soldiers in the central army, left wing and right wing had begun to experience unexpected fatigue, and their weapon-wielding hands have also slowed down. Naturally, the Dark Moon Army would not let go of the weaknesses exposed by the enemy. They stepped up their attack and turned the tide of the previous crisis.

Obsidian, who had been observing the war situation at the core of the capital’s central army, finally moved. He instantly appeared on the front line, looking at Shea’s figure not far away with murderous eyes. He completely ignored the swarming Dark Moon Army.

Obsidian lifted his black cloak and slowly blocked it in front of him. When he flicked it, there was a rain of blood. The soldiers in front had turned into pieces of flesh and bones scattered all over the place in the blink of an eye. Even the sturdy goldmen were broken into pieces. This move cleared out a blood-colored fan area of about 30 meters.

His ghastly voice sounded through the entire battlefield, “Shea. Lucifer! Traitor who dares to commit a rebellion!

Do you dare to fight with me?! “

The battle between the highest commanders, will Shea, who has consumed the light and dark crystal, have a chance to win?

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