Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 522 - Chen Rui vs Crystal Dragon

Chapter 522: Chen Rui vs Crystal Dragon

As soon as the [Star Devouring] mode was activated, the terrifying soul power flooded into the “black hole”. However, the Super System continued to warn, “The energy accumulation of the invading soul energy is too large. It is recommended to use the [Star Conversion] mode at the same time, otherwise it will overflow in 10 minutes!”

Chen Rui knew that the huge “accumulated” soul energy was produced when he lost consciousness. Fortunately, he woke up in time. Once his consciousness was completely overwritten by this kind of foreign soul, even if the Super System automatically assimilated this kind of soul power, his original consciousness would also be erased.

Chen Rui activated the [Star Conversion] mode without hesitation. The current [Star Conversion] had evolved a lot compared to the original. With the insight of [Summer Territory], he could directly absorb and resolve the power swallowed by the [Star Devouring] just like the Northsea power in martial arts novels.

However, this power was still too large, and the accumulation volume that entered Chen Rui’s consciousness was too much. Once the [Star Devouring] was activated, the terrifying soul power surged like a flood. It would not take long for the Super System to warn frequently.

Chen Rui was like a hungry person desperately eating. However, no matter how hungry or how large his appetite, there would be a time that he would be overwhelmed. Now the frequency of [Star Conversion] had begun to fail to keep up with the speed of [Star Devouring].

There were irregular distortions appearing on Chen Rui’s muscles. What was even more uncomfortable was his consciousness. The entire galaxy was sometimes blurred and sometimes clear, and the light of the “sun” was also dimmed. In fact, the Super System itself had not collapsed. It was more of an illusion of Chen Rui’s consciousness after suffering a strong impact. This also showed that he was currently on the verge of danger.

Chen Rui had experienced the test of Alioth State [Refined Mind]. With his current state of mind, he did not need to be afraid of the inner demon or the danger of losing his will, but the capacity of consciousness was always limited. From the perspective of the quantity and quality of the soul power, this level of consciousness from the ancient alchemy civilization far surpassed Glorfin’s Demon Overlord level. It should have reached the level of Demi-God.

If this Demi-God consciousness could be decomposed and absorbed in an orderly manner, Chen Rui would increase his strength step by step. However, it couldn’t be slowed down at all.

Faced with the continual surge of terrifying power, not only his consciousness, but his body was also filled and expanded by a substantial power that his whole person was about to burst.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his eyes which had been replaced by a pair of scary red pupils with a black background. Layers of dark vortexes appeared around his body, faintly exuding the breath of destruction. As soon as he fell into this state, the state of soul swallowing and absorbing suddenly accelerated, and the bursting sensation gradually disappeared.

Soon, that kind of evil blood eyes returned to black and white. Chen Rui gasped and continued to hold on persistently. He instinctively felt that if this kind of soul power was absorbed by Shura, then even if he could luckily end up escaping from the danger of bursting due to the overwhelming power, he would definitely be swallowed by Shura.

Shura didn’t seem to be reconciled as he tried to seize the initiative of his consciousness from time to time. This situation of being attacked from both in and out was quite unbeneficial for Chen Rui.

Chen Rui desperately suppressed Shura’s will. He yelled and began to attack everything around frantically, venting the power that was about to burst out, but this attack was just a temporary relief. Gradually, his consciousness began to appear fuzzy.

In a daze, he seemed to smash many things all the way. The surrounding dim scenery quickly retreated, and the sound of cracking and collapse came one after another.

Finally, when he calmed his mind, he found that he was already outside the ruins. There was a light in front of him. He faintly heard the clanging sound of digging rocks. He came back to the mine area.

This movement was not small. The Dragon Inscription, which was originally a warning for protection, was triggered long ago. Several crystal men walked toward this side. Before Chen Rui could be seen clearly, the crystal men were shattered by a powerful force.

Chen Rui was able to maintain his sane clarity at last, and he did not harm those frightened miners, but all the crystal men in his sight were wiped out. There was a roar from the depths of the mine. As the sound approached, a powerful pressure shrouded him.

The crystal men in the nearby mine were fine, but the weak miners were bleeding from their orifices due to the shock of the sound. They suffered serious injuries, and some even fainted.

Usually, the powerful pressure of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord together with the dragon’s talent would make Chen Rui’s mind intensively deterred. However, at this time, his mind was surging with a higher level of soul power. Not only did he not retreat, but instead he greeted the pressure with a roar.


It was the crystal dragon, Jacob, who exuded the dragon demeanor roar. After he was severely injured by Paglio in the Crystal Valley last time, he finally found this healing place, but there was an intruder again. When he heard his name actually being called out, he was subconsciously startled. Then, he saw a figure rushing over quickly. Although the power fluctuations were strong, the breath revealed was only at the level of the Demon Emperor.

“Ignorant trash!”

You know my great name and still dare to come to court death? Jacob didn’t care about the origin of this person. Anyone who dared to disturb his healing should die. He laughed sinisterly at the moment. As he was about to crush this ignorant Demon Emperor, a fist in front of him magnified.


The speed and strength of this punch were far beyond Jacob’s expectations. As he was caught off guard, his whole body involuntarily flew backward under the impact of the berserk power. His neck almost twisted to the back of the head, and there was a dent punch mark on his face.

Jacob was furious, but the figure quickly caught up with him in mid-air., Another heavy punch hit the crystal dragon’s abdomen. This punch made Jacob’s speed of flying backward instantly accelerate. His body was actually embedded in the rock wall. Chen Rui didn’t give the opponent a chance to catch a breath. When he was about to continue the attack, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He had already been punched. At this time, Jacob’s roar sounded through the cave.

By right, even with the Mystic Jade Armor, a raging punch from the peak stage of the Demon Overlord was enough to crush Chen Rui’s chest bone through the armor, but this punch only made him stagger back a few steps. The shallow white mark on his chest instantly disappeared. Now, he felt that the swelling power in his body was somewhat relieved instead.

Jacob’s realm and strength were far better than Chen Rui. Previously, he only took 2 punches carelessly. His anger was raging, and his attack was like a violent storm that enveloped Chen Rui.

Chen Rui’s muscular reflexes had reached an astonishing level under the stimulation of the surging force that desperately needed a release, but his consciousness still couldn’t keep up with the peak stage of the Demon Overlord level. Moreover, now he was in a berserk state, so it was difficult to make a timely response. He could only resist with some instinctive actions. He was at a disadvantage now.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Rui didn’t know how many attacks he had taken, but this kind of blow that was enough to destroy his body had now alleviated his crisis of body explosion. His spirit power was constantly increasing in the process of absorbing the soul power, and his reaction was getting stronger. The timing and trajectory of Jacob’s punches became clearer.

“Boom!” Chen Rui held Jacob’s elbow in time, then he hit the crystal dragon with a headbutt. While the opponent was knocked back in a dizzy, he caught up with a powerful knee attack, followed by another punch that sent Jacob flying out.

In some kind of cave in the mine, the lamp spirits who were resting felt the ground shake suddenly, and it became more and more intense. It was as if something terrifying was about to break out of the ground. Gensha quickly led the lamp spirits to transfer the energy-transforming machine outside the cave.

Not long after they got out of the cave, they felt an earth shattering impact. 2 terrifying breaths soared into the sky, and the explosion of the collision kept coming. The 2 figures fought from mid-air till the ground. The scene was extremely fierce, and there were all terrifying traces of destruction nearby. Even the medusas in the mangrove forest were alarmed.

From the beginning, Jacob had the upper hand, and they were now evenly matched. The more he fought, the more frightened he was. He no longer deem this opponent as a Demon Emperor- How could there be such a terrifying Demon Emperor, battling with a peak stage of the Demon Overlord to this extent?

This opponent is unpredictable. Sometimes, he seems to be a different person, and his attack method is even more strange. Even Jacob was astonished at that kind of destructive breath.

“Who are you?!” Jacob forced Chen Rui back with a punch and shouted.

The battle with Jacob enabled Chen Rui to find the outlet for soul power. He only felt relieved that the crisis of bursting was resolved a lot. At the moment, he tried his best to suppress the turbulent power. He smiled ghastly, “Do you still remember your old friend who fought with Paglio against you at the Crystal Valley? It’s a pity that your wealth is gone, otherwise I don’t mind taking it again.”

Jacob’s pupils shrank. His murderous intent skyrocketed, “It’s you!”

This man deceived his trust as a genius mechanic master and a master of magic circles to steal the ancient rune slabs. He also teamed up with a terrifying woman to destroy the Crystal Valley which he had run for many years, then he attracted the greatest enemy of his life and took away the treasures he had accumulated for many years. He was Jacob’s most hated enemy.

Facing this kind of enemy with deep hatred, the crystal dragon’s pale blue eyes turned red. There was no need for any nonsense. With a wild roar, his strength soared, and he launched a fierce attack.

Chen Rui succeeded in provoking his hatred with a single sentence. The crystal dragon’s reaction was exactly what he wanted. He let go of the suppressing force and greeted the crystal dragon.

Jacob attacked vigorously for a while. When he saw that he could not defeat his opponent, he shook his body and revealed his true body. A giant crystal dragon measuring more than 10 meters in length waved its tail. Chen Rui didn’t avoid it. He put his pair of arms in front of him in a posture that was ready to take the blow. However, the power of the dragon body was way stronger than that of the human form. This sweep sent Chen Rui’s body flying away. Before he even landed, he was shrouded by the dragon breath.

This dragon breath contained the terrifying power of crystallization and exploding. Chen Rui seemed to be caught off guard. He was shot, and his whole body instantly solidified into a piece of crystal.

Jacob roared triumphantly. The crystal burst instantly, and his body was broken to pieces. However, the crystal dragon’s eyes suddenly showed a vigilant expression. A figure dived down in the air, and a punch containing massive strength hit its wing. Then, the beating sound from the dragon’s body continued.

The explosion just now had shattered the outer layer of the crystal shell. Chen Rui, who was in the center, was not crystallized by the dragon’s breath. Instead, this blow reminded him of mad beast, Lafar, and Kia’s mother, Freya, who was killed by Jacob using the same method in the Crystal Valley. With the rage in his heart, his attacks became more and more furious.

Although the power after turning into a dragon body had become stronger, the larger body also meant that the targets that could be attacked were larger and more blind spots. Under Chen Rui’s fierce attack, Jacob was gradually in a disadvantaged position.

Jacob fluttered his wings, pulled the distance away, and howled. He shook his body and scattered countless scales. These scales turned into crystal pillars. The entire space became a crystal world——[Crystal Territory]!

Chen Rui had seen the crystal dragon’s territory twice, but as a bystander in the past, it felt completely different from personally experiencing it today. In the entire [Crystal Territory], there was only the sky and the turbulent ocean; there was no land.

There were some crystal lights in the ocean which seemed to be flowing liquid crystals. Connecting the ocean and the sky were countless huge crystal pillars. The scene was magnificent.

This territory was not only good-looking, all magic-related powers would not work in this territory. It could be called the absolute nemesis of magic.

Not only that, Chen Rui felt a certain resonance wave between the pillars and the ocean. The power in his body was fading fast, and his attacks were also disintegrated under this wave. When he hit Jacob, it just caused a wave in the ocean below. The crystal dragon itself was not hurt at all. Jacob had perfectly integrated with the “sky and earth” in the entire territory, how could Chen Rui, as a mere person,shake the power of the sky and earth?

The “crystal breath” in this territory was extremely strong. Even if he stood still, his body would feel faintly crystallized. The true territory of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord was not comparable to the pseudo-territory of the Demon Emperor.

Chen Rui’s current unexpected power was only caused by the near-explosion body of the Demi-God power. It was equivalent to a kind of venting, and it was exhaustible. Once this power was consumed by [Star Conversion], he was no match for Jacob of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord even if he didn’t return to his original state. If he continued to fight like this, he must be the one who would lose, so he must kill Jacob before the skyrocketing soul power was exhausted.

The ocean was turbulent. Jacob was hit by hundreds of punches in succession by Chen Rui, yet he was still unharmed. His giant tail swept away and shook him into the ocean. The ocean water suddenly turned into a solid crystal, solidifying Chen Rui’s body and rendering him completely immobile.

Jacob didn’t attack, but he urged the territory power to continuously strengthen and thicken the power of crystalizing the enemy. The ocean water constantly scoured the solidified crystal, making it bigger and bigger.

With the characteristics of [Crystal Territory], the opponent’s power would be exhausted by then. In the end, the opponent would truly become a lifeless crystal.

When Jacob was exerting his force, he suddenly shivered inexplicably. A kind of breath in the [Crystal Territory] became more and more rich, gradually flooding the entire territory.

This was a huge soul power, and it seemed to have some incredible characteristics. For the crystal dragon, this “quality” feeling had a kind of innate pressure which produced a strong horror in his heart like a servant who saw his master.

The vast soul pressure suddenly turned into bursts of chill with destructive breath. For a while, the flow of the entire ocean became slow, and the surface of the ocean gradually solidified- This was not crystallization but freezing!

“Crack...” A crack appeared in a crystal pillar that reached the sky. Then, 2, 3, 10 pillars...

Due to the terrifying low-temperature that pierced the soul, the crystal pillars were frozen and cracked. The ocean had long been turned into a world of ice.

Not to mention the destructive power destruction contained in the cold air, the special pressure made it difficult for Jacob to exert his power. He used his territory power several times, but he was unable to dissipate the cold air. In the midst of shock, he suddenly felt a strong and fierce breath come from below. The entire [Crystal Territory] was reflected in a fiery red color.

When he lowered his head, he suddenly saw a huge unknown demonic beast wrapped in a powerful horror breath. It was breaking out of the ice and charging toward him.

In an instant, a strong crisis emerged from the crystal dragon’s mind.

What made the crystal dragon so fearful? Was it that the soul inheritance Chen Rui got was the master of crystal dragon?

Note: Star Conversion wasn’t bracketed previously, but I added the [ ] considering [Star Devouring] as a skill.

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