Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 393 - The Strongest Legion in the Future and the Capital’s Shock

Chapter 393: The Strongest Legion in the Future and the Capital’s Shock

Town Yankou, the ancient battlefield.

The [Mist of the Netherland], that had been dyed red with blood, finally dispersed gradually.

The oncoming wind was filled with gruesome bloody breath, but Diak couldn’t smell it anymore. Compared with his almost numb sense of smell, the strong impact of the corpse mountain and blood vision was enough to completely collapse his mind.

Out of the entire Blue Lava Army of 100,000 people, only 2 survived.

1 was Diak, and the other was Sulfur.

If Diak hadn’t yelled out his capital envoy identity, his fate would have been the same as Titan, Nader, and all the corpses on the ground.

Sulfur’s survival wasn’t due to Diak who was still protecting his subordinates at the moment of life and death, but because the corpse necromancer was interested in this “little guy” who had previously dispelled his mist, and Sulfur also possessed undead magic breath.

Athena suppressed the writhing sensation in her stomach. As she stared blankly at the hellish ancient battlefield, she felt difficult to calm her mood. Although she grew up in Warlock Fortress, followed the father of the First General, and had witnessed some small wars, this was the first time she had seen such a large-scale death.

Is this the real war?

Are those glorious credits built on so many corpses and blood?

“Madam Athena.” Guradam’s voice interrupted Athena’s thoughts, “I want to keep this little undead magician by my side, is that alright?”

After a little interrogation, Guradam became more and more interested in Sulfur. It was rare to meet a little guy who also researched undead magic. If it weren’t for the master-slave contract, he could even accept a servant.

“Of course.” Athena came back to her senses. Her father once said that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to oneself. If these troops were allowed to invade the Dark Moon, then the soldiers of the Dark Moon and even the innocent people would be the ones lying on the ground.

“This is a brilliant victory for sir. If it isn’t because the capital envoy may be useful, I wouldn’t deliberately ask sir to spare him just now. Sir’s undead magic accomplishments opened my eyes, especially the skeletal magician and cavalry. The emergence of this new type of army will signify a kind of war revolution.”

Guradam laughed triumphantly. This woman did not pretend to be “that man”‘s wife to give him orders, but she kept showing a respectful gesture. It made him feel very satisfied.

At this moment, Guradam had a warning omen, and he looked into the air. From a distance, he saw 2 black dots rapidly magnified. Obviously, their flying speed was extremely fast. When Guradam focused his vision, he found out it was actually 2 giant dragons.

Guradam instinctively felt the power of these 2 giant dragons, especially the petite green dragon. Even he inevitably had a feeling of palpitations.

“Madam Athena, get out of here!”

Athena was taken aback. At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from the huge tawny-colored dragon, “Athena!”

Athena felt relieved. A smile of joy appeared on her face, “I’m here!”

A black shadow stood on the dragon’s back, and he dashed toward them at a terrifying speed which was faster than that of the dragon. He had appeared in front of Guradam in the blink of an eye.

It’s him! Guradam was secretly surprised at this speed and power breath. It’s impossible!

Immediately afterwards, the 2 giant dragons also began to accelerate. When they landed on the ground, they had become a male and a female.

Guradam recognized the man whom he feared most, the poison dragon, Paglio. He didn’t know the woman, but her body exuded the Demon Overlord breath which made his heart tremble.

Chen Rui looked at the bloody hell around and frowned. He saw many of these scenes in [Refined Mind]’s Illusion state, but this was the first time that he saw it in a true scene. At this moment, his heart throbbed more than Athena.

War is the cruelest and also the most beneficial topic of higher beings.

No matter how sacred it is depicted, war is always the cruelest act of violence.

However, the establishment of a peaceful and stable regime depends not only on dreams and hopes, but it always resorts to blood and iron in the end. With the current situation, if we want real peace, we must first have war.

We are likely to face such a cruel scene in the future, so we must adapt to it.

Chen Rui calmed his mind and said, “It seems that we are still a step late. Athena, are you okay?”

“I’m okay, Sir Guradam unleashed his mighty power this time. The Blue Lava’s 100,000 army has all been killed.”

The 100,000 army has all been killed? Chen Rui was secretly surprised. Initially, I only expected the Blue Lava army to be defeated, but I did not expect that Guradam could actually kill them all! I have not seen him for a long time, and Guradam’s undead power has improved so quickly. I now feel very fortunate that I have decided to subdue this corpse necromancer.

Of course, the successful establishment of Guradam’s undead army was inseparable from the special environment of the ancient battlefield. After the residents of Town Yankou migrated, a large number of magic circles and altars were set up here, which was equivalent to Guradam’s home stadium. If it was another place, there would definitely not be so many undead for him to transform, and he would definitely not be able to achieve this kind of result.

Guradam proudly presented his research results to Chen Rui. These skeletal magicians were actually inspired by Chen Rui.

Seeing that Guradam turned his vision into reality so quickly, Chen Rui couldn’t help but to admire Guradam. He said, “I have a little suggestion. These skeletal magicians and cavalry are powerful. The elemental attack of the skeletal magician is simple, but it is very effective. The shortcoming is that the defense is low, and the element restoration is too slow. I’m afraid it will have a bad influence on the battle situation. As for the cavalry, the shortcoming of the skeletal horse is speed and stability. If the cavalry cannot fully exert its mobility and impact ability, it can only be used as a decoration to shock the enemy.”

Guradam nodded, and then he shook his head, “I have done many experiments on this, but there is still no optimal solution.”

“Is it possible to consider... borrowing the power of equipment?” Chen Rui thought, “Skeletal magicians can use certain magic equipment to speed up element power restoration. As for the cavalry, I can also design a set of equipment to greatly enhance their speed and stability .”

“You... Master, please forgive me for being rude.” Guradam’s eyes flashed red, “Do you really know how to design magic equipment which are capable of dealing with such a difficult problem?”

“Of course.” Chen Rui smiled with strong confidence, “Not only that, I think you can also add the categories of troops. For instance, archers, air force and so on. Also, the elite troops should be separated from ordinary cannon fodder skeleton soldiers to use some special high grade equipment. Especially the terror knight, they should at least be equipped with excellent grade weapons and armor. You don’t have to worry about the funds and sources of these equipment, I can be fully responsible for it. You have let me witness the power of the undead in the battle today. I believe that in the future battlefield, our undead army, your research results, and your reputation concealed for 2000 years will all shine with unprecedented splendor. This will make the deepest mark in the history of undead magic in the Demon Realm.”

Chen Rui’s words were definitely not to win over Guradam, but he had complete self-confidence. If we continue to develop in this way, Guradam’s undead army will definitely be the most powerful force of the Dark Moon in the future battles!

Perhaps it will even become the most intimidating and terrifying army in the entire Demon Realm!

The red light in Guradam’s eyes became brighter and brighter. He bowed respectfully. Although he didn’t say a word, the thoughts in his mind were already flooding.

“When can I leave this place? The smell of blood is too unpleasant. I have to go back and admire our treasure,” Krobelus said.

Guradam looked at the emerald dragon vigilantly. Chen Rui smiled slightly, “This is Ms. Krobelus, Paglio’s wife. She will be our trusted partner in the future. Athena, you two should get to know each other.”

When Krobelus heard the word ‘wife’, her face blushed slightly. Her impression of her own man’s symbiotic partner improved a lot. Athena didn’t expect that the poison dragon actually had such a beautiful wife. She started talking with Krobelus immediately. Both women had very open and straightforward temperaments, so their relationship became harmonious very soon.

Hearing the name of Ms. Emerald Dragon, Diak, who had been in a state of numbness, finally reacted. He exerted some force to rush forward as though clutching at straws, “Madam Krobelus, help me! I want to leave this terrifying place!”

Before he got close, an intangible force drove him out. He immediately fainted to the ground. Krobelus, who was regarded as a savior by Diak, was the one who did it.

Although she knew that the “Sulfur” who deceived her into the Blue Lake Mountain Range at that time was Chen Rui’s transformation, Ms. Emerald Dragon still felt upset when she saw this real Diak now. How dare he disturb me chatting with Athena!

Sulfur wanted to say something on the side, but he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to speak anymore when Ms. Emerald Dragon glared past him.

(This powerful undead magician is actually this man’s servant!)

(The Dark Moon actually has such a powerful force!)

(Madam Krobelus is actually a dragon, and she is... actually in a group with these guys!)

(If this continues, maybe this empire will really change radically...)

Fallen Angel Capital.

Royal palace.

Obsidian was sitting in the Imperial Garden with a gloomy expression. Even the concubine who was accompanying him did not dare to say a word. Just the day before yesterday, when Royal Highness Regent received a battle report, he smashed the bones of a concubine who was still teasing him.

Since his favorite concubine leaked the secrets previously, to be more accurate, after this leak caused “Charles’” death, Obsidian no longer trusted anyone around him. He also became more cruel and violent.

For the next 2 days, Obsidian still had a gloomy face. No one dared to be the unlucky one to touch the Royal Highness.

Facing the encirclement of the Red Spirit Estate and Blue Lava Estate, the Dark Moon did not defend, but they took the risky initiative to attack the 90,000 army instead. The Dark Moon actually defeated them!

In this battle, the Dark Moon used a new weapon such as a continuous explosion crossbow, and there is actually an official dragon knight aerial legion! This is not dozens of wyverns with the title of legion, but hundreds or even thousands of them!

Only the capital has a dragon knight legion in the entire Fallen Angel Empire!

Not only that, there is a mysterious powerhouse hidden in the Dark Moon. In addition to Shea who has reached the Demon Emperor level, there is also a mysterious powerhouse. Josh was defeated by the mysterious powerhouse on the battlefield. He was seriously injured, and he has returned to the Red Spirit Estate to recuperate. The capital envoy, Rus, was also beheaded by this person. As for the Demon Overlord Krobelus, her whereabouts is unknown.

According to this situation, the Dark Moon, which could barely rank at the end of the 4 estates by its area and population, is definitely the first of the 4 estates!

How can this barren estate, which has been tightly controlled by me, have such a strong strength?

The only hope now is the Blue Lava Lord Titan. When the Dark Moon is exhausted after just defeating the Red Spirit Estate, with the cunning Blue Lava Lord Titan, the Blue Lava Army should be able to inflict heavy damage on the Dark Moon.

At this moment, an emergency report came. Obsidian got up quickly. He took a few steps forward to take it.

After merely glancing at the texts on the emergency report, Obsidian’s gaze was frozen. He exuded a terrifying breath. The unlucky guard who sent the emergency report burst and succumbed to death before he could even scream.

For a moment, everyone including his concubine held their breath, lest they became the next innocent victim.

The content of the battle report was – The Blue Lava Army has disappeared strangely in the area of ​​Town Yankou, and their whereabouts are unknown. According to the news released by the Dark Moon not long after that, the Blue Lava Army of 100,000 had been completely annihilated. The capital envoy, Diak, who accompanied the army has become the only survivor. He is currently “a guest” in the Dark Moon.

Obsidian’s eyes fell on the word “completely annihilated”. He felt utterly shocked. This is not defeat, but complete annihilation! There is no survivor in the 100,000 army? Including Lord Titan who is at the middle stage of the Demon Emperor? How powerful is their army to be able to do this?

After receiving the news of the Red Spirit’s defeat, Obsidian believed that he had been underestimating the power of the Dark Moon. However, after receiving this report, Obsidian felt that he could not identify the true strength of the Dark Moon at all.


How did this happen?

Is it the power left by my dead nephew, Grimm? My brother, Midnight Sun’s descendants is about to rise again?

No, we must not let this kind of bud continue to grow!

The problem is, judging from the powerful force displayed by the Dark Moon, there is no estate in the empire that can compete with it. Unless... I lead the army personally.

However, there are also some concerns by leading personally. After the capital specially approved the Red Spirit Lord Josh to launch the war of lords previously, the military forces headed by Warlock Fortress General George expressed strong dissatisfaction and accusations, and they even showed signs of unrest and mutiny. Now that the Dark Moon has defeated the joint forces of 2 major estates, it will surely spread throughout the Fallen Angel Empire and even the entire Demon Realm. The diehard individuals of the suppressed Lord of Midnight Sun will definitely be more eager to take action. Those fence-sitters will also be tempted. Not only personally leading the army to attack the Dark Moon was not justified, but it might also give excuses and opportunities to those who are dissatisfied to initiate a mutiny. This is temporarily undesirable.

When Obsidian was in a dilemma, another person came to report tremblingly, “The Red Spirit Lord Josh sent an emergency magic letter, claiming that the loss was extremely heavy, and he was also badly injured this time. The casualties are in urgent need of care. He hereby requests the Your Highness Regent to return the 1 billion fundraising money and part of the interest in advance to alleviate the urgent needs.”

Obsidian’s face suddenly turned pale, and the man was still reporting, “The Blue Lava Lord’s son, Chandler, asked Your Highness to return the fundraising money of the Blue Lava Estate to resolve the predicament of the estate...”

“Your Highness, the elder of the empire, Elder Roy, is outside to request to see you. He asked Your Highness to return the family’s fundraising money in order to compensate the Rus Family who died in the war.”

This completely ignited Obsidian’s roar, “Asshole! An elder family needs to reach out and ask me for money just to compensate for a dead person! Get lost! Ask him to get lost!”

The depression in Obsidian’s heart had reached its maximum. The serious consequences of the “death” of “Charles” had gradually manifested after this war of lords. For Royal Highness Regent, this depression was just the beginning.

Was there a psychologist or counselor in Demon Realm? The king is drepressed🤕

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