Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1175: The Child Who is about to be Born

Chapter 1175: The Child Who is about to be Born

The matter of the elemental world came to an end for the time being. As the crisis in the elemental world subsided, the main plane gradually returned to normal.

Everything seemed to be back to normal, including Chen Rui’s life. The previous events seemed to be over, but for him, this was just the beginning.

As time passed, Chen Rui’s severed arm had basically completely healed. If there was any difference from before, it was the 7 artifacts. Since that time, the Dark Shadow Cape, that had always been unable to analyze successfully, actually could be used somehow.

[Element Depletion]—Passive special attribute, greatly reduces the damage of elements from 30% to 70%.

[Stealth] – Completely hide oneself, blind the enemy’s senses, and can attack in the stealth state. After being attacked, the concealment will lose effectiveness. The duration is 1 hour. It can be used every 6 hours.

[Reduction]- Directly weaken all attributes of nearby enemies. The reduction was proportional to the comprehensive value of one’s own strength. The greater the strength, the better the reduction effect. The target can be locked. The duration is 30 minutes. It can be used every 6 hours.

The Dark Shadow Cape was indeed a powerful equipment, [Element Depletion] was the nemesis of all magic and element attribute attacks. Coupled with the Asmodeus Royal Family’s own bloodline talent [Element Weakening], it was almost equivalent to being immune from all magic like the black dragon. No wonder Catherine used to deal with those magic-trained enemies almost with ease.

However, there were exceptions here. That was Fairy Dragon Zola. Zola’s magic had reached the extreme level of ’ignoring magic immunity’. Even the real black dragon couldn’t contend with her. Many people had actually been looking forward to the contest between Zola and Catherine. In fact, Zola also had this intention when she was training in the Ghastly Floating Land. But at that time Catherine was only at the peak stage of the Kingdom level, and Zola was already at the intermediate stage of the Demi-God. So the Fairy Dragon didn’t want to bully her. Later, Catherine advanced to Demi-God, and Chen Rui took Duoduo to the human world to seek help, so she ‘missed’ Zola again. When Catherine received part of the power of Duoduo’s Heart of God Blessing to advance to the peak stage of the Demi-God, Zola who was also peak stage of the Demi-God had the chance to compete at the same level.

It was said that the 2 had a ‘friendly’ competition in private. The result of the competition was unknown, but since then, the relationship between Zola and Catherine had become closer. Later, Zola stepped into Pseudo-God because of the opportunity of the elemental world. After a series of changes, she now had the strength of the peak stage of the Pseudo-God. Although Catherine had faintly touched the edge of Pseudo-God, the gap was too far apart after all. There was no point of comparison for the time being.

The skill of [Stealth] was very similar to Chen Rui’s [Sneak]. Both had the effect of concealing. The difference was that in the state of [Stealth], one could actually launch continuous attacks, that was, stealth strikes. On the other hand, [Sneak] would be ineffective once the attack was launched.

The disadvantage of [Stealth] was that it would appear as soon as one was attacked. In the small plain of the Jergal Fortress, Raizen made Catherine appear with an AOE attack. Meanwhile, for [Sneak], as long as one didn’t launch an attack and withstand it, no matter how the opponent uses the AOE attack, it would not appear. Both concealment techniques had their advantages. [Stealth] was more suitable for getting kill in 1 hit and retreating; [Sneak] was more suitable for scouting or escaping.

The benefits of [Element Depletion] were even more self-evident. But the key was to be directly proportional to one’s own strength. No wonder when Catherine’s Nirvana power dropped sharply, she was still unable to defeat Broc even with the Dark Shadow Cape.

The 7 artifacts were all analyzed successfully and could be used. Normally, it would be a great joy for Chen Rui, but after experiencing the battle in the elemental world, Chen Rui’s mood was completely opposite.

No matter how strong the 7 artifacts were, they were just foreign objects. If he relied too much on them, once they lost their effectiveness, it would be like losing his arms in a battle in the elemental world.

More importantly, the 7 artifacts were definitely related to ‘that person’, so Chen Rui no longer intended to use them as frequently as before.

I myself am the real strength I can rely on.

It was not like Chen Rui didn’t doubt the entire Super System before, but the Super System had existed since his crossover, long before he got the first of the 7 artifacts. It should be due to the mobile phone he picked up on Earth. As the master of the Galaxy Divinity Temple and even the entire Super System universe, Chen Rui could be sure that he was the only supreme controller, and he was even above the ‘God’ of each galaxy. In other words, he was the supreme God here.

The Super System was still safe, at least for now. Therefore, the most suspicious thing was the holy tree of the elf tribe that was still on the Star Conferring Platform.

This was a faith creature, and it was also the only growth-type faith creature in the Super System. From the current seedling to the current big tree, its growth speed was amazing. This tree needed to consume 1000 faith crystals every day. So far, in the data shown by the Super System, its function was still ‘unknown’.

There was no need to elaborate on the use of the Tree of Nature for the elf tribe. If Chen Rui destroyed this holy tree, then the elf tribe would lose the ability to reproduce, resulting in extinction. It could be said that the life and death of the elf tribe were in Chen Rui’s grasp at any time. Hence, when the Legendary Prophet Alucier asked Chen Rui to take away the holy tree, which shocked the whole elf tribe. Chen Rui’s title of the ‘Elf King’ came from this.

Originally, Chen Rui planned to return the holy tree to the elf tribe as promised, but Alucier later asked Finoia to tell him not to return the holy tree for the time being. He didn’t know if the appearance of ‘that person’ was related to this.

Chen Rui also secretly observed the Tree of Nature of the Star Conferring Platform, but he found nothing unusual on the surface. Chen Rui thought about it, and did not transplant or try to destroy the Tree of Nature. The elf tribe was naturally 1 of the concerns. However, Chen Rui was also worried about ‘that person’. Although ‘that person’ was unknown, how could he allow someone else to interfere with his business. Chen Rui certainly could not tolerate the existence of such a time bomb. But for now, it was better to be cautious and not to disturb ‘him’, because that was the existence that could destroy Gods. If there was any accident, the consequences would be disastrous.

What Chen Rui had to do now was to further improve his own strength. Originally, he was inevitably a little complacent after being able to faintly overwhelm Michael and Satan. However, in the battle of the elemental world, he encountered the real strength of SSSS++ of the Main Elemental Messenger. When the 7 artifacts could not play a role, he must launch the strongest [All Star Gods View] power in 1-on-1 battle to barely win a fight. Subsequently, he witnessed the existence above the Pseudo-God. As the saying went, there are always people stronger than you. Self-confidence was necessary, but overconfidence would only stop him from moving forward.

In the desperate attempt, the potential and power of [All Star Gods View] had been confirmed. This was undoubtedly an effective way to increase strength. The rest would depend on Chen Rui’s efforts and experiment in day to day training.

One day, Chen Rui had just finished training on the training ground. When his consciousness withdrew from the Super System, he heard a loud sound, which shook even the room with enchantment.

Chen Rui was taken aback. In a flash, he jumped out of the window.

The 2 huts containing sundries in the yard had collapsed. Athena, Alice and others were actually on the opposite side.

“Athena!” Chen Rui appeared in front of Athena instantly, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine…” Athena smiled wryly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“You mean…” Chen Rui looked at her swollen belly.

“It’s getting worse these days.” Athena showed an apologetic expression as she looked at Alice and Kia who were still in shock, “Fortunately, no one was hurt.”

It turned out that Athena’s recent state was very abnormal. First of all, her strength had broken through to the intermediate stage of Kingdom level in one fell swoop. This was a good thing. The problem was that her strength sometimes exploded involuntarily, causing damage beyond imagination.

“Zola tried several methods, but none of them helped her control her power. She went to Python this morning to find a solution. She should be back soon.”

“I should be the one to apologize. I’m too obsessed with training these days.” Chen Rui showed an apologetic expression. During this period, he had been troubled by those doubts, especially someone in his body. As a result, he spent more time on training, causing him to almost ignore the people around him.

Athena shook her head, and suddenly her face changed again. Chen Rui immediately had a warning sign, and he grabbed her fist. Chen Rui’s hair suddenly flew back. His clothes bulged up as if blown by the wind, then it returned to normal. The people around didn’t even feel the slightest special feeling.

Isabella and the others who understood immediately saw that Chen Rui had forcibly taken the power of Athena’s explosion. At the same time, he eliminated it in a very clever way.

“No doubt it’s a little bit out of control.” Chen Rui smiled, “But it’s okay, I’ll just be with you.”

With that said, Chen Rui glanced aside where Zola and Python had already appeared. At the moment when Athena’s power lost control just now, Zola and Python had already come to the yard.

Originally, Python would come to the residence from time to time to discuss some training issues with Chen Rui. Since the elemental world war, Python did not come again. This was the first time since then.

Python didn’t take another glance at Chen Rui. She went straight to Athena, examined her body for a while, and nodded, “I saw the power explosion just now. Although I’m not very proficient in subjects like pregnancy, I can be sure that your child is about to be born. These out-of-control states are actually induced by the fetus. Your child is carrying the purest destruction origin, which is not an ordinary person.”

“Will it be born soon?” Not only Chen Rui, but also Athena and others asked in unison. All of them looked surprised.

“This child’s strength has exceeded my previous expectations, but this may not be a good thing for the maternal body. I’m afraid that this kind of power will go out of control in the future, and the power will become more and more powerful… If this continues, the danger of childbirth will also multiply. If you are not careful, not only the lives of those around you, but also Athena herself will be in danger.”

Chen Rui was taken aback, “Then what should we do?”

“No matter what, I will give birth to the child.” Athena’s eyes were full of firmness, which was a firmness that belonged to a mother, “Python, please help me.”

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