Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1163: Goodbye Friend

Chapter 1163: Goodbye Friend

Note: Sorry for missing 2 chapters from last week. 2 more chapters are released now.

Mountain Xilang.

When Chen Rui set foot on the Earth Realm of the earth elementals again, he couldn’t help but think of his adventures in this underground world. The strong and brave female swordswoman in the past had now become his wife and the mother of his future child; the Elemental King he first met had also become his best friend.

Unlike usual, on the way to Earth Palace, there was not a single earth elemental in sight.

Suspicions arose in Chen Rui’s mind as he walked all the way to the magnificent palace that was perfectly integrated with the earth.

In the huge king’s chamber, there was only 1 figure.

Familiar figure.

1 of Chen Rui’s close friends, Earth Elemental King, Moore.

The Earth Elemental King stared at him while approaching, “I have been waiting for you, Chen Rui.”

Chen Rui frowned, “You already know what happened?”

“Yes.” Moore looked away slightly, “This moment may come sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon.”

Chen Rui looked directly into Moore’s eyes, “You knew it was going to happen?”

“Yes.” Moore answered this word again. Although his breath was still at the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, for some reason, Chen Rui felt that there seemed to be many things missing from the king.

“I want to know what happened to Zola?” Chen Rui asked sternly, “No matter what you concealed before, I want to hear the real answer to this matter, instead of a perfunctory and ambiguous answer.”

“Since I’m here waiting for you, I’m not going to give you a perfunctory answer.” Moore sighed, “The real answer is that Zola is already elementalized.”

“Elementalized!” Chen Rui was startled, “What does this mean?”

“This means… she is about to turn into a real element creature, become a part of the elemental world, and most likely will completely lose her original consciousness.”

The result was faster than Chen Rui expected. He had an heartquake, “Why is this happening?”

“Since Zola got the Elemental Goddess Crown… no, maybe since she successfully mastered the [6 Elements Kingdom], she has embarked on a different path.”

“The [6 Elements Kingdom]!” Chen Rui clenched his fists, “What is actually going on?!”

“Although I don’t like the word ‘fate’, I have to lament the unpredictability of fate. The [6 Elements Kingdom] made her touch the faith of elements, which is equivalent to entering the realm of another world. Everything started from there. “

[6 Elements Kingdom]! Chen Rui stood there dumbfounded as if struck by lightning. In order to satisfy Zola’s wish, I tried my best to find the 6 elements source power. Finally, Zola succeeded in the [6 Elements Kingdom], which is the most powerful kingdom of the fairy dragons. Her strength also increased sharply. However, this actually made Zola come to such a dead end today!

It was like with my own hands…

“The [6 Elements Kingdom] doesn’t mean anything. It’s just ‘touching’ elemental faith, which is considered to have a foundation. Besides, Zola is not the first fairy dragon in history to own the [6 Elements Kingdom].” Moore noticed Chen Rui’s self-blame, “If the [6 Elements Kingdom] allowed Zola to touch the faith of elements, then the recognition of the Elemental Goddess Crown gave her the ability to ‘control’ this kind of faith.”

“Elemental Messenger?” Chen Rui thought of what Moore and Hegel said when they arrived at the Dark Moon.

Moore nodded, “Elemental Messenger is the commander of elements. It can maximize the power of elements and exert its greatest power. The reason is that an Elemental Messenger can control the faith of elements. As a creature outside the world of elements, it’s a special case that she can become an Elemental Messenger. The reason is exactly the Elemental Goddess Crown. From the moment Zola got this artifact, her ‘foundation’ became a real ‘qualification’.”

“Qualification?” Chen Rui caught a keyword.

Moore didn’t answer. He just continued on his own, “So when the Elemental Goddess Staff is awakened in advance, we can only turn to Zola who also has the Elemental Goddess Armament. In fact, we were not confident if Zola could control the Elemental Goddess Staff. If Zola failed, not only she would be deprived of the [6 Elements Kingdom], but also the Elemental Goddess Crown, and so on. This is equivalent to losing her ‘qualification’.”

“Maybe that’s the best ending!” Chen Rui’s clenched fists trembled slightly. Even if Zola lost her strength, it doesn’t matter. At least she will be safe and sound.

“Not necessarily. In fact, in that case, there will be 2 endings. First, the Elemental Goddess Crown and the Elemental Goddess Staff will absorb the deprived [6 Elements Kingdom] and fall into silence again; second, the Elemental Goddess Staff and the Elemental Goddess Crown resonate under the power of the [6 Elements Kingdom], erupting a more dangerous shockwave and completely dismantling the seal of the elemental world. The most terrifying doom calamity will come by then. Not only the elemental world, but the entire main planes may be annihilated.”

The entire main plane will be annihilated? Chen Rui’s pupils were constricted. Before he could ask, Moore’s words attracted his attention again, “Fortunately, Zola created a third ending and successfully controlled the Elemental Goddess Staff. Her strength has stepped into Pseudo-God. At the same time, it also allowed her to obtain a further ‘qualification’.”

“It’s ‘qualification’ again! What exactly is it?!”

“The power contained in the artifacts is secondary. The Elemental Goddess Crown symbolizes ‘faith’, the Elemental Goddess Staff symbolizes ‘soul’, and the Elemental Goddess Robe symbolizes ‘life’.” Moore’s gaze became deep, “The true meaning of these 3 elements of the Elemental Goddess Armament is… Godhood!”

“Godhood!” Chen Rui was shocked again, Moore’s words were very clear. It is not Pseudo-Godhood, but Godhood!

The true core of god!

Chen Rui finally understood, “Could it be…the so-called qualification is to inherit the Godhood of the elemental goddess!”

“To be precise, it is the shattered Godhood! In fact, the element origin fragments that the Elemental Kings had been looking for are the fragment projections of the elemental goddess’ Godhood. Only when the 6 origin fragments are all assembled, can the shattered Godhood of the elemental goddess start to condense again. At present, Zola still has the last test before the final qualification, that is…” While Moore said it, suddenly there was a ‘click’. A crack appeared in his solid body.

This scene surprised Chen Rui. Ignoring the huge amount of information revealed by those words just now, he exclaimed, “What’s happening to you?”

“I’m fine…” Moore didn’t look at the cracks on his body. “Once she finally obtains the complete inheritance, she will gain unimaginable power, but from another perspective, she will lose even more.”

“Crack! Crack! Crack!” There were a few more cracks on Moore’s body, which became more shocking. The Crown of Thorns immediately appeared on Chen Rui’s head, and he activated [Divine Healing]. However, when the strongest healing light fell on Earth Elemental King, it had no effect.

“It’s useless. It’s not an injury.” Moore smiled flatly, “Let’s continue the talk.”

Chen Rui already vaguely understood why Moore or other Elemental Kings were so secretive about some things and refused to disclose them. It turned out that saying these things would cause self-destruction under the influence of some kind of taboo force.

“You don’t need to talk anymore, Moore. You just need to tell me how to save Zola.”

“If you want to achieve this wish, you must listen to me.” Moore shook his head, “It’s the last chance anyway.”

“Last?” Chen Rui was shocked again.

“Elemental Kings are the avatars of the Main Elemental Messengers on the main plane. We have independent consciousness. In addition to accumulating power and knowledge, the most important meaning of existence is to find the Godhood fragment projections of the elemental goddess, which is the origin fragments. Now we have found all the 6 element origin fragments with your help, the mission has been completed. It is time… to return. Not only me, but also other Elemental Kings and elementals.”

“You mean, Lambost, Ogmarton, they all…” Chen Rui’s heart trembled when he thought of the Earth Realm, which was empty and without the earth elementals.

“That’s right. In fact, both my elemental heart and origin fragment have returned. What is in front of you now is the consciousness that has not fully returned. Fortunately, you came here before I completely return.”

“Complete return?” Chen Rui’s heart tightened. The resentment in his heart had completely disappeared, leaving only horror. The elemental hearts and origin fragments of the 6 Elemental Kings had all returned to the world of elements!

“Then ‘Moore’…”

Moore sighed, “‘Moore’ is just a shadow. Even if it has an independent consciousness, it is still a shadow after all. Just like a bubble, it will burst after all. Now the meaning of its existence is over, it will return to the original body. Just like a drop of water enters the sea, it can’t make any waves.”

Chen Rui’s heart trembled. At that time, ‘Moore’s’ independent consciousness would disappear, but the knowledge and experience would be integrated into the soul of the Main Elemental Messenger, which meant that ‘Moore’ would completely cease to exist. Not only Moore, but also Lambost, Delkus, Ogmarton, Sethtine, and Hegel, and all the elementals who ever had independent consciousness.

“I don’t have much time. To make a long story short, Zola’s path is irreversible. If you act rashly now, instead of stopping anything, you will harm her even more. However, nothing is absolute. I have left my last trace of soul power in the Fertile Yuan Soil. When it emits a strong colorful light, it means that Zola has entered the final test. When it emits golden light and splits open, it will open the entrance of the elemental world. You can use faith power to protect yourself and enter the elemental world. At that time, your choice with her will determine your ending, and perhaps the ending of everything…”

Moore just said a few words, and terrifying cracks occurred one after another on his body. Even his face was cracked. His whole body was already crumbling.

“Moore!” Chen Rui felt strong remorse, “It’s all my fault! If I hadn’t found all the origin fragments! None of this would have happened!”

“You’re wrong… this is fate. It will come sooner or later, and it has nothing to do with you. Furthermore, it is because you found the origin fragment that we have been truly relieved. Not only me, but also all the creatures in the elemental world, including the main Elemental Messenger. This is what elementals have been looking forward to. From now on, there will be no more Elemental War…”

“What is the meaning of Elemental War and what is seal of the elemental world? Also, the doom calamity you mentioned on the main plane…” Chen Rui’s voice stopped abruptly, and he didn’t ask further, because the surface of Moore’s body had already begun to disintegrate little by little.

“Lambost asked me to convey a message to you,” Moore’s voice was much weaker, “‘Thank you’.”

Chen Rui gritted his teeth and tried the Holy Grail, the Crown of Thorns and other powers in succession, but they couldn’t stop Moore’s body from collapsing. A strong sadness welled up in his mind.

“It’s surprising. In my impression, water elementals never really say these 2 words to people. You have a strange appeal. The closer one is to you, the more one can feel the ‘authenticity’. If you can, please maintain that precious truth, because it is more precious than power…”

Chen Rui’s eyes were red with hot tears rolling in them.

Moore’s body became thinner when he said this, “Elementals can’t cry, but I can feel the warmth of that sadness… Thank you for everything you did for ‘Moore’. Thank you for your friendship that made me feel ‘my’ existence. If Lambost said ‘thank you’ to you, then what I want to say is – ‘Sorry’. Goodbye, friend.”

Moore’s figure completely disappeared, leaving only the Fertile Yuan Soil lying quietly on the ground. The last words before the annihilation of the Earth Elemental King could be vaguely heard in the air.

“Whether you are that person or not, try to truly transcend fate…”

TL: Hopes the factor of ‘Chen Rui’ will let ‘Moore’ keep living in the Main Elemental Messenger…

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