Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1108: Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 1108: Unexpected Encounter

A certain person was famous due to the run. Wherever he went, his vigorous posture and his loud voice attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone talked about him while pointing at him.

Python’s condition was simple: Paglio shouts the slogans and runs 3 laps around the entire block of the Dark Moon.

The reason why Master Poison Dragon rushed out was also his little plan. He wanted to run 3 laps at the speed of the Demi-God level, so no one could see him.

However, when he started, he suddenly felt that his speed was slowed down by a strange power. He was unable to exert his speed – Slowly, slowly…

In ordinary people’s vision, Paglio’s movements were like some slow-motion close-ups in magic television, but the actual speed was similar to that of ordinary people, making it look extraordinarily ‘elegant’.

Paglio knew that it was Python who was deliberately trolling him even with his eyes closed. By now, he had no other choice. Instead of being thrown into the street naked, he would rather be willing to admit defeat.

As a result, Master Poison Dragon ran forward while shouting Ms. Betty’s name. Since his hearing was far superior to ordinary people, the words of the onlookers sounded in his ears almost word for word.

“Who is this idiot?” (Filtered by Master Poison Dragon)

“He is definitely sick.” (Filtered by Master Poison Dragon)

“Look at the idiot streaking!” (Filtered by Master Poison Dragon)

“Must be driven mad by a woman.” (Master Poison Dragon nodded desperately)


However, there were also voices from some nympho women.

“Wow, this man is in good shape…” (Master Poison Dragon’s ears perked up)

“Who is Ms. Betty, so lucky…” (Master Poison Dragon’s eyes lit up)

“If only a man would do this for me…”

Master Poison Dragon automatically filtered out most of the taunts. He tried to keep those nympho voices as much as possible and magnify them infinitely. Since I have to run anyway. It’s better…

This guy tried his best to imagine himself running naked amid the cheers of a group of beautiful cheerleaders.

Therefore, the more he ran, the more high-spirited he was.

Hungry and thirsty resentful wives, take a look at master’s robust figure!

Chen Rui, who was watching the fun from behind, broke out in cold sweat – Running naked and still so energetic, how insensitive this guy is?

The Dark Moon’s guards were not to be messed with. When Paglio ran half a lap, they had already appeared, trying to catch the ‘madman’ who disturbed the peace and order.

Of course, Paglio didn’t want to be caught, not just simply because of humiliation, but if it interfered with his ‘streaking’, Python would do a different trick. Perhaps it would be worse than death.

Of course, these guards were all under Athena, so he could not activate a killing move like poison. Python’s purpose is to humiliate me in front of everyone’s eyes, so she will definitely make trouble. But… I can always escape, right?

In this way, behind the streaking vigorous figure, there was another series of shouting guards, but they could not catch up, nor could they overwhelm the voice of “Ms. Betty, I love you”.

The group of relatives and friends followed behind while laughing, but some scenes could not be seen by Duoduo, so when Ms. Duoduo proposed to eat black pomegranate juice. Everyone stopped and accompanied the little baby to have a drink in the midst of chaos. Anyway, there were 3 laps in total.

Many people along the way had taken out the image recording stone to record this classic scene. This farce would definitely be honored as the news of the Dark Moon local television station, and maybe even enter the vision of the Fallen Angel Empire television station—— The development of magic television was quite rapid nowadays. With the approval of the capital, the 4 estates of the Fallen Angel Empire had established their own local television stations and newspaper offices. The public’s response was favorable.

Suddenly, Paglio’s running figure was stopped by some force, then he felt a change in the space, and he had appeared on a mountain in the suburbs.

Master Poison Dragon felt that the power of space replacement was quite powerful, far exceeding his control. He couldn’t help but be stunned. Could it be that the damn woman’s tricks?

I have gone all in anyway. I’m not afraid!

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in front of him.


This voice made the poison dragon suddenly get out of that special feeling about himself as he stammered, “Au… Au…”

“Your strength has reached the Demi-God level? But why are you… dressing like this?”

The poison dragon blushed. He was dying to turn into a geodragon to find a hole to burrow into, “Sir Auglas!”

It turned out that the person who transferred Paglio with space power was the Demon Realm’s Dragon Island Emperor Auglas.

“Put your clothes on first! You’ve really disgraced dragons!” Auglas frowned. He had just arrived at the Dark Moon Estate today and wanted to visit his daughters, but he unexpectedly met a ‘madman’ who was running around streaking. After a look, it was actually Paglio. That’s why he activated the means to get him to the suburbs, so as not to continue the humiliation.

A stranger was fine, but he met an acquaintance, and it was the Dragon Emperor. Faced with the rebuke from Auglas, Master Poison Dragon was speechless and embarrassed. Just as he was about to speak, a cold snort came from behind, which made him shiver.

Auglas’s eyes turned to the woman who appeared out of thin air from behind. This woman was very attractive, but her features were slightly blurred, so he couldn’t see it very clearly. Only the scorching light from her deep eyes was particularly noticeable.

Her strength was supposed to be the peak stage of the Demi-God, but somehow, it gave Auglas, a Pseudo-God, a sense of danger.

Although vigilant, Auglas was not afraid. He said coldly, “You’re the ‘Betty’ that this guy said? No matter what your reasons are, I will not allow you to humiliate the dragons like this!”

Betty? Of course not. If she was Little Betty, I might as well die. Then again, Little Betty is the best… Paglio was about to explain when he heard Python let out a disdainful sneer at Auglas.

“Dragons are great?” Python’s gaze and voice expressed unabashed contempt, “Just winged lizards.”

This sentence made Auglas furious. With a wave of his hand, an intense yellow light flew toward Python.

In Auglas’s opinion, although this woman was strange, her strength was lower than him. After all, she was only at the peak stage of the Demi-God, which was far different from his own Pseudo-God level, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

This powerful attack wouldn’t kill her directly, but it would break down all her protective power and imprison her – No matter what the relationship between this woman and Paglio is, if she dares to humiliate dragons in front of me, I must punish her as a lesson. I will not let her go so easily.

Python didn’t avoid it. The yellow light turned into a claw shape and instantly shrouded her. Python’s body trembled slightly and seemed to be completely suppressed, but there was a strange smile on her face.

After Auglas took control of Python, he was about to reprimand Paglio a few more words when his facial expression changed suddenly. The claw-shaped light suddenly swelled up like a blown ball. In the blink of an eye, with a ‘boom’ sound, it actually exploded, scattering countless light shreds like blooming flowers.

From the center of the explosion, a red energy swept toward Auglas. Auglas quickly stretched out his hand, but he did not expect that the power was far beyond what he expected. His body was pushed back by more than 10 meters, leaving 2 drag marks on the ground under his feet.

Auglas’ pupils shrank slightly as the woman approached slowly. Her graceful posture was light, but her whole body exuded a breath as powerful as his, “Let me tell you how to use the power of Pseudo-God.”

With that said, the woman was gone, and Auglas’s heart was full of warning signs. He turned back suddenly, parrying a heavy punch. This time, unlike the rush last time, Auglas who was on high alert just shook slightly.

After the attack was blocked, Python instantly appeared on the side again. Auglas’ spirit power quickly captured the swift figure and punched her quickly.

The might contained in this punch was far better than the yellow light before, but before the maximum power was released, it was interrupted by a pull. This pull was very strange. It diverted the force away diagonally, deviating from the target that he wanted to hit. Before Auglas could make the next response, the back of his hand hurt, and a knife palm had already hit his wrist. The power contained in the fist instantly collapsed. At the same time, his wrist was held firmly.

Auglas knew something it was bad. He increased his strength and swung his arm like a whip, getting rid of the opponent’s restraint, but he had been hit at the ribs.

This blow was like a cone, concentrating the power on 1 point. Even if dragons’ physique was super strong, it couldn’t stand it. Auglas had very rich combat experience. He tapped his feet and borrowed the force to retreat, unloading most of the force, but the sense of danger was approaching again. The woman’s movements were extremely fast. She chased after him like a shadow. In desperation, Auglas put his hands in a defensive posture.

These changes happened in an instant. Paglio’s eyes were dazzled. It seemed that Auglas’ figure had already fled backward, then he heard the sound of intensive beating. Auglas was obviously in a disadvantageous position.

Paglio sucked in a breath of cold air. What Python used is actually the same tactics she used during her lectures in the Ghastly Floating Land. I never imagined that it would be so powerful in practice. Even the dragons who are best at melee combat and also the Dragon Emperor are suppressed.

It seems that this terrifying woman is really showing mercy in her usual training, otherwise…

“Boom!” There was a loud sound, and a huge hole appeared on the ground ahead. Judging from the direction of the spreading crack, it should have been a heavy blow from Auglas.

Python’s figure flew backward swiftly, then she slowly landed on the opposite. She still had that contemptuous sneer.

On Auglas’s body, there were countless dented fist marks, and those marks quickly recovered as if he was unscathed. However, the Dragon Emperor’s face at this time didn’t have the slightest despise at all. His face looked extremely solemn.

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