Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1067: Premonition

Chapter 1067: Premonition


The dark cloud above his head had turned crimson, covering the sky endlessly.

Not only the sky, but even the sea was red, rolling and undulating while exuding scorching heat as if it was boiling. The air was filled with suffocating breath.

“This is our destination?” Chen Rui asked when he saw the Water Elemental King Lambost looking a little shocked.

“Yes.” Lambost came back to his senses, and the surprise in his eyes gradually settled down, “But, I still guessed something wrongly; I was already wrong back then.”

Chen Rui rarely saw such a solemn expression on Lambost. He asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I didn’t expect that not only the mutation of the water element, but also the danger level of this Double Teeth Sea Area is countless times stronger than what I expected back then, no, before I came here.” Lambost said solemnly, “If your friends are really trapped here, I’m afraid things don’t look great. If we leave now, it’s still not too late, otherwise even you will be trapped in it. “

“Since I decided to look for them, I will not make other choices. I can sense that at least one friend is still alive, and I will not abandon her.” Chen Rui glanced at Lambost, “I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The danger to Your Highness should be higher here, but Your Highness doesn’t seem to want to leave?”

“The only thing I can hope for right now, or ‘extravagant hope’, is that it’s an ‘illusion’ – Hope my feeling is wrong.” Lambost did not deny it, “This is not about accompanying you to find your friends. Just that I myself have to figure out the real secrets contained in this sea area.”

“Then, let’s continue together.” Chen Rui nodded.

The environment here was completely different from the outer area just now. The sea contained powerful strange powers and uncontrollable aggressive water element, which were even more terrifying than lava. Not to mention diving into the bottom of the sea, they were under heavy attacks when even sailing on the water. Meanwhile, the sky felt even more dangerous. The red color emanating from the clouds implied more terrifying power like intangible reefs. A slight carelessness would erupt a chain of dangers. The higher the altitude, the higher the danger.

Therefore, the Aqua Water Ship did not transform into a seahawk or a swimming fish this time, but into another form.

This was a slender figure. The most notable feature was that the 3 pairs of feet were very long, especially the middle and hind feet, which were like spiders. When it landed on the sea, there were circles of tiny ripples, but it didn’t seem to touch the sea water at all. When it moved forward lightly, it slid dozens of meters away.

Chen Rui immediately remembered a certain kind of water insect he saw by the pond when he was a child, and the local name was ‘water spider’. But when he grew up, he learned that the real water spider was another kind of insect which was called ‘water strider’. After crossing over to this other world, he occasionally saw similar insects, but he didn’t pay attention. Now when he saw the transformation of the Aqua Water Ship that was activated by Lambost, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Of course, now was not the time to study these principles. Chen Rui’s attention was all focused on the eerie sea area nearby.

After the Aqua Water Ship slid for a while, the suffocation in the air became stronger and stronger. They were apparently approaching some kind of power in the sea area.

The sea ahead began to boil violently. A stream of water flow suddenly burst out and rushed toward the Aqua Water Ship.

Looking carefully, this was not a ‘water flow’. Instead, it was emitting a steaming mist on the outside while the inside was a blood-colored light. A long trajectory like a tail extended out of the mist. Lambost instinctively had a very dangerous omen. The water elemental heart told him that even if he was an elemental king who had special abilities that surpassed ordinary Demon Overlord or even super-level, once he was hit by the power of this kind of thing, he would immediately collapse and die.

Race: Blood soul

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: SS

Physique: SS, Strength: SS, Spirit: SS, Speed: SS.

Attribute: Immortality, soul-snatching.

Danger level: Low.

Chen Rui saw the data of this thing from the [Analytical Eyes]. With a flick of his finger, a sharp wind easily smashed the incoming blood soul away. Soon, the data became so dense that it was almost impossible to display it individually. The Aqua Water Ship had been surrounded by blood souls appearing in all directions.

Not all of them were at the Kingdom Level. There were many at the Demon Overlord and Demon Emperor, and the number was very large. That kind of ‘soul-snatching’ attribute, which made the Super System frequently alarm, was obviously a strange power that invaded one’s soul.

So many powerful blood souls. If they were in the ordinary place of the Demon Realm, it was impossible to imagine. In Chen Rui’s cognition, only the Ghastly Floating Land could be compared with it. Who knew what place this Crimson Double Teeth Sea Area exactly was.

A single blood soul was not very dangerous for Chen Rui at the peak stage of the Demi-God level. Even at the Kingdom Level, the danger level was not high. However, there were so many blood souls in front of them, and there was the Water Elemental King beside him. Therefore, Chen Rui had to be cautious.

Chen Rui raised his hands slowly while exuding bursts of chills. He activated the power of [Winter Territory] again. The blood souls were frozen in the air. The boiling sea gradually stagnant. The freezing began to spread around the Aqua Water Ship.

This time, Chen Rui clearly sensed a different resistance from the previous outer edge. Although the range of hundreds of meters was frozen by the cold power of the [Winter Territory], the range could no longer be expanded. Under this solidification, there was an agitated and terrifying force.

The restless power became stronger and stronger as the ice surface began to show cracks. Chen Rui frowned. When his open palms suddenly clenched into fists, all the frozen things, including the blood souls, burst open.

The whole seawater seemed to be emptied; it was only refilled by the surrounding seawater the next moment.

However, the sea began to boil again. Countless blood souls reappeared and encircled them again.

Chen Rui frowned. Unexpectedly, even [Winter Territory] could not completely eliminate the blood souls. The breath around him changed again. There was a strange vitality in the boiling sea water. Even Lambost felt that the power that he had lost before quickly recovered.

On the contrary, the blood souls, which were the crimson core wrapped in mist, were mixed with a special power, which immediately destroyed the original balance. The whole thing burst open and turned into nothingness.

Lambost was secretly surprised. As the Water Elemental King, he knew very well that this was not an ordinary water element or light element treatment but another type of powerful law power.

“Creation!” Lambost said the word in surprise. This Chen Rui actually has both creation and destruction law power. Judging from that kind of law power, it seems to be quite close to origin?

The [Spring Territory] that combined creation power had a much stronger targeted effect on the blood souls than destruction power. Consequently, the blood souls close to the [Spring Territory] dissipate one after another.

It was a pity that the power of these blood souls seemed to be endless as they were constantly reborn from the sea and rushed toward them. Chen Rui’s [Spring Territory] was tyrannical, but the opponent’s frenzy attack regardless of casualties also gradually consumed his power bit by bit. If it went on like this, he would eventually be exhausted.

“We should have entered some kind of special kingdom. If we don’t defeat the source, these things will be reborn infinitely.” Lambost saw the key and looked up at the sky. “If I guessed correctly, the source should be there. “

Chen Rui raised his head following the Water Elemental King’s gaze. He looked at the endless red cloud and took a deep breath, “Got it.”

With that said, his figure had already appeared in the air, and his body was burning with violent breath. In the shouting, countless winding and huge Scorching Dragons flew out. The charging energy was like a deafening roar that flew toward the sky of crimson clouds.

[Scorching Dragon Roar]!

This blow [Scorching Dragon Roar] carried the pure and powerful power of destruction law. It seemed to span through the distance and space as it rushed straight to the red cloud.

Chen Rui frowned. When the Scorching Dragons approached the crimson clouds, the great impact didn’t even move the crimson the slightest as if it was a stone slab.

Then, the Scorching Dragons quickly dimmed before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Lambost sighed. The [Scorching Dragon Roar] just now was almost equivalent to the strongest strike at the Demi-God Level, but it couldn’t even shake the crimson clouds.

“Unfortunately, it seems that my guess is correct. It is impossible to break through here. Follow the Aqua Water Ship and try to escape. I will cover you.”

Chen Rui glanced at Lambost unexpectedly. The Water Elemental King shook his head and smiled, “I’m not Moore, our friendship has not yet reached the stage of life and death together, but the situation is very critical now, I can’t rely on myself alone to escape. The discovery here today is very important. If you manage to escape, be sure to tell Moore about it right away; he’ll understand.”

Chen Rui waved his hand, defeated the blood souls approaching Lambost, and shook his head, “It’s not time for despair yet.”

“The strength of the enemy has far surpassed that of Demi-God.” Lambost was calm as he slowly rose into the air, “You should know that for the elements, death is just another way of existence. Not to mention that the Elemental King will not really die. After a few years, there will be a new king. Compared with life and death, it is more important to pass on what you have seen and heard today. If possible, I hope you will hand over the water origin fragment to the next Water Elemental King .”

“Demi-God’s power is really no longer effective.” Chen Rui didn’t look at the Aqua Water Ship under his feet. He just looked up at the sky, “Lambost, I don’t know what your guess is, but I have a hunch that I will meet some kind of ‘acquaintance’. I didn’t expect a ‘reunion’ so soon. Let’s see if it is 1 of those 2 ‘old friends’ or the third ‘new friend’.”

The Water Elemental King was about to speak, but his elemental heart suddenly felt a shocking breath emanating from Chen Rui’s body. The breath instantly surpassed the initial Demi-God level.

The next second, his vision was full of bright purple light.

A low voice came from the figure in the bright starlight, “[Invade Like Fire]!”

The ‘destruction’ law power in the elemental heart’s perception had undergone an indescribable fusion. In the blink of an eye, it had stacked to a level that surpassed the perception of the elemental heart.

No, this is no longer law!

Lambost was startled, “Might!”

In the starlight, a crimson light rushed straight to the sky.

There was no astonishing momentum or extraordinary speed. Although it was just a bland blow, before it got close, the crimson clouds that were like an immovable rock quickly rolled up.

The red light pierced into the crimson clouds. Lambost heard the sound of something breaking from the sky. Explosions and vortexes kept appearing in the boiling sea water. The blood souls collided with each other like headless flies as the entire sea area space shook.

The shaking of the sea area far exceeded the general tsunami. The Water Elemental King felt that his vision was distorted as everything became blurred. He could only sense with the elemental heart that some kind of displacement had appeared in the space.

When Lambost’s vision recovered, he found that the surrounding scene had changed. A suffocating and oppressive force rushed to his face.

It was no longer the endless sea and sky. 2 islands shaped like teeth could be seen in the distance, facing each other far away.

In the sky, the crimson clouds were still dense, but there was a deep hole that could not be closed for a while. It was caused by the blow just now.

It was this blow that brought the 2 of them to their true destination.

Lambost had never been to this place. He just barely sensed the existence of the 2 islands with the weak feedback from the water element.

The dazzling light in the air had converged into the armor that faintly emitted brilliance. The owner of the armor slowly landed beside him.

Lambost’s gaze on Chen Rui was different. In the situation just now, Demi-God’s strength will definitely not be able to break through the space. It is indeed a real might. It turns out that this Chen Rui is not Demi-God but Pseudo-God!

Pseudo-God is already the peak existence in the world. In terms of qualifications, a Pseudo-God already has the ability to approach God.

No doubt as Earth Elemental King Moore said, this is a Pseudo-God’s inheritor. I just didn’t expect that the speed of accepting inheritance would actually be so fast.

Moreover, he is not just at the early stage of the Pseudo-God. Judging from the power of the strike that pierced the crimson clouds, he should have reached the intermediate stage of the Pseudo-God.

However, Lambost was not in the mood to think about Chen Rui’s strength now. He was looking at his feet.

Underneath was sea water – Boiling sea water.

However, this was no longer ordinary ‘water’ but a high-temperature lava. The fiery torrent was filled with dangerous destruction breath.

In the torrent close to the island, there was a faint reflection of crystals. If one looked closely, these were flower-like things. They floated up and down in the terrifying torrent that was enough to melt metal as if they grew in this torrent.

TL: The third ruler of the Abyss?

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