Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1032: Start! Canonization Ceremony

Chapter 1032: Start! Canonization Ceremony

5 days had passed.

Tomorrow was the day of the ‘Holy Child Canonization Ceremony’.

All the invited guests had arrived at the White Cliff, including Lex the Great of the Dragon Bright Empire, and the ‘fiancée’ who was ‘abandoned’, Princess Pearl Landbis of the Blue Glory Empire.

Landbis came with Klongter the Great. Generally speaking, the king would bring the prince or the child who was most likely to become inheritors. First, they took this opportunity to build contacts through the ceremony; second, it was also a kind of etiquette, showing respect for the church. Victor and other princes did not accompany them. In a sense, this had already shown Klongter the Great’s inclination in the selection of the throne inheritor.

Princess Landbis, who was the ‘victim’, had never expressed any opinion on the event that ‘Arthur’ was about to be canonized as the Holy Child after she was refused marriage and made a vow of celibacy. She seemed quite silent.

Of course, the human world was not like the Demon Realm. With the emergence of magic newspapers and magic television, the profession of ‘reporter’ emerged. For the time being, the reporters of the Demon Realm were just serious ‘journalists’. With the step-by-step improvement of the entertainment of newspapers and television, a series of ‘gossip’ entertainment reporters with the characteristics of the Demon Realm would be created accordingly.

Lex the Great arrived at the White Cliff 2 days earlier than Klongter, and he also brought a princess with him. This princess was different from Landbis and didn’t match the word ‘inheritor’, but her relationship with ‘Arthur’ was closer than Landbis.

Freya. Roland.

The only sister of ‘Arthur’ of the same mother.

However, the fact that Lex the Great brought Freya here was apparently a perfunctory for the so-called etiquette. As everyone knew, ‘Arthur’ was expelled from the Dragon Bright Empire by Lex the Great. Although ‘Arthur’ was too bright, and it was inevitable that the ruler would be wary, it also reflected from another angle that Lex the Great had the ability to govern the country but no capacity to accommodate.

After ‘Arthur’ left the Dragon Bright Empire, he was immediately recruited by the church as the ‘Holy Child’. According to the reliable news deliberately revealed by the church, this ‘Holy Child’ would definitely become the next pope.

On one side was the future ruler of the empire, and on the other was the future pope of the Holy Church. Anyone could easily tell which one was better or worse with their eyes closed. For Lex the Great, who ‘abandoned’ his son for power and even cut off the father and son relationship, this news was nothing less than a shameful slap in the face.

In any case, at the request of the church, Lex the Great participated in this ceremony as a special guest, because after all, it was a grand ceremony of canonization for the ‘future pope’. As the ruler of the Holy Empire, he must be present even if it was just out of etiquette.

If he came, he would be slapped in the face; if he didn’t come, it would be even more embarrassing.

Nevertheless… it seemed that this time Lex the Great was planning to be shamed all the way to the end. He did another disgraceful thing once he came.

It was said that Lex the Great had privately met with the 3 giant leaders of the Holy Light Mountain, claiming that the current ‘Arthur’ was not his son. It was likely that another suspicious soul occupied the body of ‘Arthur’.

It was a pity that neither Vantis nor the other 2 archbishops didn’t bother his words. Many people saw that when Lex the Great left the hall that day, his entire face was unsightly.

On the second day of this ‘failed private meeting’, someone spread the relevant news. Lex the Great was naturally disgraced.

Even the kings of other kingdoms couldn’t help but to look at him with strange gazes – You’ve already broken away from the father-son relationship with ‘Arthur’, why do you have to endure it to the end? At this point, you still want to accuse him to prove that you are correct? It is no longer a matter of being petty.

To put it nicely, it is called stubborn. Otherwise, it is called an idiot.

In fact, Chen Rui ‘confessed’ to Raphael a long time ago that he had a new soul after being baptized by the ancient alchemy civilization, and Raphael’s meaning was also very clear- What he wanted was ability, that was the ‘Holy Child’ who could activate [Divine Blessing]. Whether he was ‘Arthur’ or a ‘Prince’, it didn’t matter at all.

In any case, Chen Rui was already the ‘Holy Child’ for sure, and Lex the Great could only be regarded as a villain in vain.

In this farce ‘story background’, the Holy Church’s ‘Holy Child’ canonization ceremony kicked off.

This day was an important day for the Holy Church and for the entire human world. The rulers of the various empires and kingdoms in the human world had participated in this ‘Holy Child’ canonization ceremony, which should be said to be far more than the ordinary scale. Even the elves, the hobbit and the dragons sent representatives to participate.

The mountain hobbit and the cave hobbit had been merged into 1; they sent Elder Askari. Meanwhile, the forest hobbit sent the mechanic grand master, Bernd.

In addition to the mechanics grand master Finoia, the elf tribe also sent a female elf elder. It was said that as soon as the elf elder named Kilanya appeared, he was immediately greeted by the 8-winged angel Camael. She was obviously an elder with an outstanding identity and strength. Since they cooperated with the church in areas such as magic gun and magic game, the 2 sides who had always had a rigid relationship began to break the ice. Sending Kilanya and Finoia to participate in the ceremony this time was a showing a great deal of respect.

Similarly, the dragons, who had a cooperative relationship with the church, also expressed their importance and sent a super-level elder as the representative, Stanwell, specially designated by the Dragon Emperor.

Although Stanwell lost to Meria in the battle for the great elder position, was beaten by a certain son-in-law of the Great Elder Fairy Dragon, and he lost all his wealth in a wedding bet, Stanwell was a holy dragon after all. He was still highly regarded by the Dragon Emperor Pagris. During this time, he was in charge of the dragons’ foreign affairs and cooperation with other races. As the main person in charge of contact and cooperation with the church, it was understandable that Stanwell was also present at this ceremony.

Stanwell forced himself to come this time. The holy dragon elder knew very well – This ‘Arthur’ was simply the lunatic son-in-law ‘Richard’ of Meria. The word ‘brother-in-law’ had become a nightmare he couldn’t get rid of.

These overbearing humans had all been tricked by this guy, but the Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor had already issued a gag order to the entire clan, and he even made Stanwell make the most vicious oath of secrecy in person, so Stanwell would not disclose any relevant information. —— Let those stupid church believers and the so-called 3 archangels be tricked then. This damn ‘Richard’ will never do anything without certainty. I shall just wait to watch a good show.

In addition, there were 2 human mechanic grand masters, Chique and Falaqini. The former witnessed the ‘creation’ of the Grand Master ‘Arthur’ with his own eyes, and he appreciated it; as for the latter, he had never had an encounter with Chen Rui. Rumors had that he also expressed his doubt for the ‘human top mechanic grand master’ title on some occasions. However, just after the elf Grand Master Finoia publicly expressed his admiration for ‘Arthur’s’ mechanic skills, Falaqini’s ‘doubt’ also disappeared, because Finoia was recognized as the strongest mechanic grand master regardless of skill, age, or seniority. Since Finoia admired ‘Arthur’ so much, ‘Arthur’ was certainly not unworthy. As for whether Falaqini admited the ‘top grand master’ in his mind, it was unknown.

Holy Light Mountain.

Holy Blessing Summit, the Cloud Platform.

The sun was shining and there were no clouds.

In the limelight, Prince ‘Arthur’ appeared in vision.

Today’s ‘Arthur’ was wearing a white robe inlaid with exquisite silver borders, showing an ancient and elegant charm. ‘Arthur’ was very handsome with blond hair and white robe. He was surrounded by sacred breath. Judging from the appearance alone, he indeed had the demeanor of being the best of the best.

Landbis watched ‘Arthur’ step onto the red carpet leading to the Holy Glory Platform, thinking in her mind: No wonder ‘Arthur’ agreed to me to publicly refuse marriage in exchange for Holy Grail, and he even easily quit the Dragon Bright Empire’s political arena (Landbis didn’t think ‘Arthur’ would be defeated so easily), it turns out that he has such a bigger ‘stage’. He doesn’t care about the ordinary throne at all.

The secret trade had ended, and they no longer owed each other. It seemed that Landbis had taken advantage of the interests, but the 2 could be regarded as acquaintances. If they could maintain a relationship that was at least friendly, it would still be quite favorable for her to completely control the Blue Glory Empire in the future.

Lex stared at the figure who didn’t even look here, his seemingly indifferent and hostile eyes flickering with inexplicable emotions. Freya’s gaze was an expression of adoration that could not be concealed. Although she was told that the ‘Holy Child’ was not her brother, the girl felt in her mind that she did have such a ‘brother’. Especially after his care for her upon his return was more like a real ‘brother’ than a ‘royal brother’.

The eyes of the elf and the hobbit were relatively calmer. The elders of the mountain hobbit were just fine. The hobbit grand master Bernd was an insider like Kilanya and Finoia. Knowing that something would definitely happen today that might shock the entire Holy Light Mountain, he was more like watching the fun.

The person who felt the most schadenfreude was a representative of the dragons – Just pretend; keep pretending.

Under various gazes, Chen Rui stepped onto the Holy Glory Platform step by step.

On the Holy Glory Platform were the Holy Light Mountain’s 3 giant leaders, Pope Vantis, Archbishop Pusmeer and Archbishop Holy Lady Eudora.

But these 3 giant leaders were not the real highlight of the canonization ceremony today. Even saying ‘Arthur’ wasn’t the real protagonist today.

The protagonist should be Raphael, 1 of the 3 archangels under the legendary Light God. This powerful and noble existence would come to this ceremony and canonize ‘Arthur’.

‘Arthur’ had reached the Holy Glory Platform, and Vantis stood up and began to give a speech.

After reading the speech, the canonization ceremony had officially started, but His Holiness Pope Glorious did not immediately announce the canonization of ‘Arthur’. Instead, he introduced the achievements of ‘Arthur’, including the recognition of the 3 holy relics, the destruction of the cultist main altar and so on.

Many guests in the audience felt that His Holiness Pope Glorious, who had always been concise, was a bit wordy in his speech today. He did not go to the main topic for a long time as if… he was delaying time.

Gradually, Vantis himself could not delay any longer. He could only do his best to prolong the opening speech as much as possible.

Because the following should be Raphael’s appearance to announce ‘Arthur’ as the Holy Child, and the Holy Child would convert 100 Divinity Temple Knights into light-element physiques in front of all the guests, then he would accept Raphael’s baptism to become the most devout believer.

The problem was – Until now, that Sir Raphael had not appeared? His Holiness Pope Glorious, who tried his best to ‘delay’, could not help oozing sweat from his forehead.

TL: Did something more important attract Raphael’s attention?

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