Chapter 1028: Change

The feeling of the complete fusion of the soul was very wonderful. The pleasure was almost indescribable with texts, and some feelings were even more than the intercourse between men and women. Especially after fusing many times, it was so enchanting that it was impossible to let go.

Chen Rui was currently immersed in this kind of pleasure. For some reason, today’s feeling seemed to be stronger than before; his soul almost seemed to be enchanted. Python’s voice sounded in time, “Focus your mind. Let’s comprehend the origin power of creation together.”

Chen Rui took a deep breath, concentrated, and expanded the fusion of soul power. He sensed the breath released by the Book of Creation was constantly exchanging with his own creation power through the memory imprint of [Deep Analysis].

The creation origin power in his body was constantly changing, like a ‘seed’ which began to slowly sprout and grow from a ‘bud’ to a ‘small tree’. Then, it slowly grew into a ‘small tree’ and eventually, a ‘big tree’.

In the past, when the final ‘big tree’ was formed, the converging origin power began to collapse. His effort would be in vain in the end.

It seemed to be going very well today. The trunk of the big tree had grown and was rapidly growing branches and leaves with no sign of collapse at all. If it could be completely formed, then it was possible to comprehend the complete creation origin, which would lead to a qualitative change.

The branches and leaves of the ‘big tree’ began to become lush, and the vague ‘origin’ feeling became progressively clearer.

However, at the moment when the ‘towering tree’ was about to take shape, Chen Rui’s soul power was unable to maintain that subtle feeling, and the signs of collapse surged again.

In a hurry, a large amount of pure breath was transmitted from the soul. The strong feeling like the fusion of soul and flesh reappeared. His soul power was filled in an instant. The signs of collapse gradually disappeared, and the big tree continued to condense and form.

This was the soul power delivered by Python. Originally, Chen Rui’s soul should be vigilant and resistant to this power, but it was too tempting to condense the complete creation origin. Furthermore, it was the last day of staying in the Holy Light Mountain as per the plan. Coupled with the instinct to be attracted by that wonderful feeling, Chen Rui finally couldn’t resist the temptation. He gradually gave up resistance and blended in this power.

What he originally lacked was the last ‘step at the door’, but now he was supported by Pseudo-God’s soul power. It was as if he had been injected by a gush of vitality, and an incomparably huge power filled in his soul.

With the help of this power, the ‘big tree’ in the soul grew faster and faster. A dazzling light flashed, and he finally completed the final forming process.

This was a towering tree. Every leaf and every branch was full of vast life force and mysterious universe. At the same time, Chen Rui only sensed that there was a special kind of law breath in his soul. This kind of law was completely opposite to the destruction. The only thing in common was that it was incomparably powerful.

Create law!

And it is a complete creation law!

Chen Rui was overjoyed. At this moment, in his soul, he saw a face on that towering tree.

This face was made of all the branches and leaves – A woman’s face.

The big tree of creation origin is actually…

Chen Rui was startled. When he saw a strange smile on the face, a familiar voice sounded.

“Are you surprised?”

“Python!” Chen Rui finally realized that something was wrong, “What have you done? Didn’t I comprehend the creation origin law?”

“Yes, you did comprehend the complete creation origin, which was done with my help.” Python smiled smugly, “In return, I decide to accept your body and soul.”

Chen Rui’s consciousness withdrew from his soul. Only then did he find that the entire space became pitch black at some point. His body and life force seemed to be bitten, chewed and digested by countless mouths. That feeling was harrowing.

“Don’t try to do some useless work to call for help or activate space skills to escape, because the space here is an independent existence and is completely isolated from the outside… Isn’t this feeling familiar? That’s right! It’s the Tower of Glory!”

“The Tower of Glory!” Chen Rui exclaimed, “How could you activate it?!”

“My soul imprint is not used like that. Most of the soul imprint burned by your last experiment has infiltrated this artifact. Although I can’t control this artifact for now, it is enough to summon it and use some simple functions. Even if the 3 greatest abilities of this space artifact cannot be used, it still has many magical effects. For example, the current space isolation. Of course, this required the power of Pseudo-God… This is a level that you cannot reach in your life because your life is coming to an end.”

“Even if you kill me, you can’t get the creation origin law! Don’t force me…”

“You still want to bluff?” Python smiled tenderly, “I’ve already concluded that your kind of power like the Kingdom of God can only target invading souls. Now I am not only devouring your soul but also your body. As long as I peel off your body and soul layer by layer and devour them, the remaining will be the complete creation origin! I have been preparing for this day for a long time.”

“Devour me?” Chen Rui couldn’t help shivering. It turned out that Python actually has such a terrifying plan!

“You can delay time to try to escape… For example, you can ask some questions, and I will answer them patiently one by one before your body and consciousness completely dissipate – This is my last tribute to you.”

“Since it’s the last question, let me die with no doubts. How to dispel that spirit gathering magic circle?”

Python showed a surprised expression, “It’s amazing that you are still thinking about that woman at this time. To tell you the truth, it is almost impossible to rescue that woman! The spirit gathering magic circle is not only Raphael’s own power, but it also contains the vast mind power of the Holy Light Mountain, which is almost flawless. Only when the spirit gathering magic circle is activated is the weakest time, you can use the reverse rune method to break the confinement. But at that time, how can you save people under Raphael’s watch?”

“When the spirit gathering magic circle is activated, activate the reverse rune method? Isn’t that during the canonization ceremony?” Chen Rui sighed, “This is really difficult.”

“It’s not only difficult… However, I think you should pay more attention to your current situation.” Python’s face smiled, “So, any more last words?”

“The Demon Realm and the human world fight every 500 years. What’s the secret in this? Why hasn’t the Demon Realm ever succeeded? Even if it is close to victory, it will fail inexplicably?”

“Actually, it’s not called failure, it’s just no result because humans can’t invade the Demon Realm. ‘No result’ is the rule of war. Once someone violates the rule, they will be ‘corrected’.”

Chen Rui was shocked by Python’s answer as if he had touched a big secret – More than 300 years ago, the Lord of Midnight Sun of the Demon Realm led his army to attack the human world and he was dead for some unknown reason. It turned out to be the result of being ‘corrected’!

“Why is this happening? Did the super powerhouses participate in the war?”

Python didn’t answer, but instead, she asked, “You should have seen the sacrificial ceremony… Why would the people who held the ritual use themselves as sacrifices?”

“You mean…” Chen Rui said movingly, “This kind of war is actually some kind of sacrifice!”

“You won’t understand even if I say more…” Python’s contemptuous voice suddenly changed, revealing a bit of horror, “My power! You… what exactly did you do?”

“Finally noticed it?” Chen Rui smiled, “This seems to be the exact words I asked you before, right? It’s too uncreative to copy it like this.”

“This is ‘deprivation’? You actually used ‘deprivation’ on me!” Python’s voice became high pitch. The devouring power in the surrounding space suddenly surged, “Ignorant bastard!”

However, that power suddenly stopped. The entire face condensed by the canopy contorted and screamed, “No! Such a vast faith and creation power! This is not your own power!”

“Python.” Chen Rui’s voice sounded through her whole soul, “Remember what I said when facing Michael? You underestimated me! Last time, this time, it’s still the same. Just now, you needed time to ‘digest’ my body and soul, but I’m also delaying, or rather, ‘brewing’!”

“Damn it! What kind of tree is this?” Countless branches and leaves have shrouded Python’s ‘face’ as if her whole soul was imprisoned, “Is it… impossible!”

“I had long since taken the precaution of your ill intentions, so I deliberately ‘accepted’ or ‘borrowed’ your power to merge and fully grasp the creation origin law. I also deliberately let you summon the Tower of Glory, which exactly isolates my movement…”

“Stop!” There was fear in Python’s voice, “I will cancel your control now! I can go and save your woman! I swear by my soul!”

Chen Rui ignored Python and just said to himself, “Your biggest failure is… You don’t understand what a complete creation origin means to me…”

Chen Rui didn’t finish the sentence.

The accumulated power of the Tree of Nature.

A complete fusion of ‘Arthur’ soul.

The comprehension of 2 origin laws, ‘destruction’ and ‘creation’.


When the quantitative change had reached the extreme, one only needed an opportunity to have a qualitative change.

‘Creation’ was an opportunity.

This was the last method to completely cancel the hidden danger of Python, and he finally successfully did it at this moment.

Chen Rui closed his eyes, and the breath around him began to change strangely. Circles of crystal white light radiated out. The white light contained 2 origin breaths of creation and destruction.

Python seemed to sense some oncoming terrifying danger. She became hysterical again, “Stop now, or I will detonate my whole soul and die together with you!”

Chen Rui didn’t speak anymore. The white light around him became more and more clear and refined. It was full of vitality like an endless galaxy.

He had not activated any kind of item or skill now, nor had he activated the [Pole Star Transformation], but the mystery contained in the galaxy seemed to be greater than when the [Galaxy Territory] kingdom was activated at his strongest state.

Python never imagined that what was originally a well-planned plan had suffered such an incredible turn. She felt that the entire soul entity was being disintegrated in this change. She immediately gritted her teeth and detonated a part of the soul entity at any cost.

Even Raphael or Michael could not ignore the vastness of this power. If it was not in the space of the Tower of Glory, even the entire top of the Holy Light Mountain would be shocked.

At the moment of the explosion, Chen Rui’s eyes opened. His left eye was destructive power, his right eye was creation power. He seemed to have become a vast universe.

The kind of terrifying soul that exploded in the ‘vast universe’ was just like a wave in the sea – Fleeting.

The next moment, the galaxy emitted an incomparably bright light.

TL: How far did he grow? Can he rival Raphael now?

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