Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1011: Reasonable Brother-in-law

Chapter 1011: Reasonable Brother-in-law

Golden Estate, the southern suburbs.

On the ground, the soldiers of the Iron Scale Legion and the Jade Legion raised their heads and looked at the sky.

In the sky, there were 2 huge figures.

2 rare holy dragons and 2 legendary dragon knights were fighting to the death.

In the hands of the 2 knights were not ordinary weapons, but a terrifying giant spear about 10 meters long – The dragon spear.

This was the most common air combat weapon of the dragon knight, which could directly attack or be thrown. This spear had a special structure where it could be held by humans with 1 hand, but ordinary people could not hold it at all, let alone wielding it for battle. Only an extraordinary and well-trained dragon knight could use the dragon spear freely.

The lethality of this weapon was quite massive. Even the giant dragon with strong defense would be severely injured hard. The 2 sides had been circling back and forth for several rounds. The smaller holy dragon was Anderlu, and there were several criss-crossing wounds on his abdomen. The deepest scar spread all the way to the back, and the scales were lifted up, which looked shocking. Bracklin’s dragon body was much stronger, but he still had many wounds. The most obvious being the 2 blood holes in the flank where blood dripped continuously when flying.

Although Anderlu was 1 of the young geniuses of the dragons, he was too young after all. His current strength was the peak stage of the Pseudo-Saint, which was the peak stage of the Demon Emperor. Meanwhile, Bracklin was much older than Anderlu and had quite a powerful defense talent. His strength had reached the early stage of the Demon Overlord. Both dragon knights, Samuel and Trinis, were the early stage of the Saint. Samuel’s combat power was better than Trinis, but in this ‘air combat’, Samuel’s greatest speed advantage could not be exerted. All in all, Samuel’s side was much inferior. He maintained a stalemate due to the tacit cooperation and agility. After a long time, he gradually fell into a disadvantageous position.

The 2 giant dragons circled in the air and flew back again. Anderlu’s body shook, launching a secret technique, and his speed suddenly increased, rushing straight toward Bracklin.

Bracklin opened his mouth, and a mass of dragon breath containing destructive breath was sprayed at Anderlu, but he was actually charging territory power to guard against the blind spots on the left and right, especially behind him. This move was called [Phase Shift]. It was Anderlu’s usual combat technique. The one rushing in front of him was not the real body, but his phantom. His real body would appear somewhere.

Bracklin had experienced this trick in previous battles. Anderlu had also used it in the previous rounds, so the first dragon breath only used 30% of his power. The purpose was to break the phantom. The real power was accumulated to guard against the sudden attack that appeared beside or behind.

However, an unexpected thing happened. The dragon breath did not pass through Anderlu’s ‘phantom’, but it hit his real body. Anderlu was only at the Demon Emperor, and he was hit head-on by the dragon breath of a Demon Overlord. Even if Bracklin didn’t use all his power, the blow was not light. The scales on his chest were all bloody. The fighting style of the shota dragon was the opposite of his introverted appearance. With a muffled sound, his speed did not decrease but increased as he rushing toward Bracklin. In the blink of an eye, he had already reached his front.

Bracklin didn’t expect that Anderlu didn’t use [Phase Shift] and rushed up against the dragon breath instead. Due to this miscalculation, it was too late to dodge now. Bracklin gritted his teeth, and the accumulated territory power charged throughout his body was ready to burst out like a hedgehog. If Anderlu didn’t avoid it, even with Samuel’s support, he would be severely injured or even killed by that powerful impact.

Unexpectedly, Anderlu didn’t mean to dodge at all and charged straight forward. Everyone below only saw the light shining brightly, and there was an unclear screaming. At the same time, their vision was distorted strongly. When their vision was restored, 2 huge figures in the air seemed to lose strength at the same time and fell down.



After the 2 consecutive tremors, there were 2 large pits on the ground as though meteorites had fallen. It could be seen that the impact of the falling was so hard that it was not just ordinary weight.

Zamindar could see it clearly that when the 2 giant dragons clashed, Anderlu was severely impated, and blood spurted from his scales. At the same time, Samuel’s dragon spear also penetrated Bracklin’s body. In pain, Bracklin bit Anderlu’s neck, tearing off a large piece of meat. Trinis’s reaction was half a beat slower. When the dragon spear stabbed into Anderlu’s chest, it only entered a little before being cut off by Samuel.

Samuel’s next move was the [Dawn Extinction]. The ‘Flying Obliteration’ burst into countless shards and splashed onto Bracklin’s huge body like a rain. This move was extremely close, and the shards were extremely sharp. The damage caused was quite terrifying. Even Bracklin, who had a strong defense, couldn’t resist it. He was seriously injured and fell down in tragic screams.

The seriously injured Anderlu also fell. Bracklin quickly got up, but Anderlu seemed to be out of strength and couldn’t get up again.

The 2 figures were still intertwined in the air, and a lightning-like sword light suddenly flourished. A figure fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and he seemed to have passed out; it was Trinis.

After knocking down Trinis, Samuel’s body flickered and stood beside Anderlu in an instant. His crossed the long sword, staring at Bracklin who was walking slowly across from him and asking, “Anderlu! How are you?”

In the melee battle just now, Samuel had to devote a part of his strength to protect Anderlu, so he was severely affected by Bracklin’s shock. In addition to the damage he suffered from the previous Bracklin’s sneak attack, he was also seriously injured.

“Not dead yet…” Anderlu replied weakly. He was unable to turn his head, but his pupils moved toward Bracklin who was moving forward, “Actually, that guy isn’t much better than me.”

“Little Anderlu, you lunatic! Idiot!” Bracklin gritted his teeth, “Why would you fight so hard for a human!”

“Because… the dragon knight is the partner of the giant dragon.”

“Partner?” Bracklin snapped, “Are you out of your mind with what those old men taught you?”

“Samuel is my partner, and that man is not yours.”

“Idiot! Let me help you wake up!”

“Come one step further, die!” Although Samuel’s body was shaking slightly from the pain, the hand holding the sword was still firm. Most of the shards of ‘Flying Obliteration’ were now in Bracklin’s body. Even if it had the function of automatic retrieval, it could not be recovered under the restriction power of the holy dragon. What he was holding was a spare long sword, which he used to defeat Trinis just now.

“This is your life-and-death duel with that Trinis, not me and Anderlu.” Bracklin sneered, “Let alone how much power you have left, my uncle is Demi-God Elder Stanwell of the Dragon Valley. You are a mere human. How dare you kill the most honorable holy dragon?”

Samuel didn’t talk nonsense. The long sword in his hand glowed with a strong light. Apparently, all his strength was gathered to do the fatal blow.

Bracklin stared at Samuel for a moment, and didn’t move forward. He suddenly shook his body, and countless shards with blood flew out in the blink of an eye. The dragon had turned into back into the human form. He looked bruised and wounded. He just sat on the ground, “Hmph! Little Anderlu, you won. However, I didn’t lose to you, but because of that guy…”

With that said, Bracklin pointed at the ‘unconscious’ Trinis, “That guy lost the duel and faked being dead on the ground! This guy actually fought along with me just now. It’s my disgrace. If you still don’t get up, I’ll shred you into pieces!”

The last sentence was obviously addressed to Trinis, who shuddered and finally ‘woke up.’

He was utterly ashamed. Even the soldiers of the Iron Scale Legion looked unnatural.

“Not only the Ash Suit, but your previous power… and the effect of black potions.” Samuel’s long sword pointed at Trinis who got up, showing a contemptuous expression, “You’re the guy who can only rely on external forces. Dueling with people like you is also my shame. Since you have lost, your life is mine now.”

Trinis shuddered, and beads of sweat dripped from his face, “Wait a minute, I have something to say…”

Samuel didn’t give him a chance. He shook the long sword and walked over slowly. Trinis stepped back in panic, and he accidentally tripped under his feet and fell to the ground. He said in horror, “You can’t kill me!”

“Samuel!” A familiar voice sounded. Chen Rui and the others rushed over on horseback.

Trinis exclaimed, “Your Highness Arthur! Samuel is going to kill me!”

Chen Rui dismounted. He already had already seen the results of the battle. Before he could ask any questions, Zamindar hurried over and reported what had just happened to the ‘Holy Child’.

At this moment, 3 light streams flickered in the sky. In the blink of an eye, 3 people appeared in the field.

“Sir Fagerius!” Trinis’ tense nerves finally relaxed completely, “Help!”

1 of those who came was Commander Fagerius of the Dragon Bright Empire’s dragon knight legion. Fagerius was a Kingdom level powerhouse, and his niece was the wife of Second Prince Garfield. With this relationship, the 2 were relatively close. When Samuel injured Garfield who ‘harassed’ Veronica at the Shion Palace, he was the one who came and captured Samuel after hearing the news.

However, Fagerius was not completely on the second prince’s side. In his early years, he was greatly favored by Lex, and the whole family survived because of it. He swore allegiance to Lex. Now that his strength advancement was super-level, he didn’t retire for training like a normal super powerhouse, but he continued to serve Lex.

Seeing Trinis’ appearance, Fagerius frowned, “Samuel! What do you want to do?!”

“This is the result of a life and death duel.” Chen Rui’s voice sounded, “Obviously, this Sir Trinis is defeated.”

“1 is the legion commander of the Jade Legion, and the other is the legion commander of the Iron Scale Legion. You do not represent individuals, but the Golden Estate and the entire empire! What life-and-death duel? It’s simply nonsense!” Fagerius associated them with big names immediately and scolded both of them. He obviously did not acknowledge the result of the duel.

“Sir Fagerius, this is a fair duel of dragon knights with all the soldiers here to testify. As the arbiter, I don’t think it’s nonsense.” Zamindar’s voice sounded.

“You don’t have the right to speak here.” Fagerius said lightly, “This is the internal affairs of the empire. Even if your teacher, Parsali, is here, he is not qualified to interfere.”

“I am just a knight who is witnessing a fair…” While Zamindar was talking, he suddenly felt a terrifying pressure, and he actually could not speak for a moment.

“Bracklin!” Another voice sounded. A gloomy-looking man walked up to Bracklin’s side, “Who is so daring to hurt you like this?”

“Uncle…” Bracklin said embarrassedly, “It’s just a practice match.”

Zamindar was shocked. This man is actually the elder of the Dragon Valley, Demi-God Stanwell whom Bracklin had previously spoken of!

“Practice match? Little Anderlu from the Pelin Family doesn’t have this ability.” Stanwell glanced at Samuel who was treating Anderlu, and he ghastly said, “That guy did it?”

Samuel felt like he was locked in by an extremely terrifying breath as if the other party could annihilate him with a single thought.

“Whose uncle… are you.”

When the voice sounded, Samuel suddenly felt the terrifying breath being swept away by some kind fo force.

It was Chen Rui who spoke. He had already walked in front of Samuel.

This time even Fagerius was taken aback. Stanwell was the Demi-God level elder of the Dragon Valley. He was originally the most trusted person by the Dragon Emperor Pagris. He almost replaced Meria as the great elder. Later, for some unknown reason, he gradually fell out of favor, but he was still an important member of the elder council. ‘Arthur’ actually addressed Stanwell so rudely, which was simply ignorant.

“It’s just a fair duel.” Chen Rui smiled. In Fagerius’ eyes, this smile was simply a rhythm to court death.

This should be the prince of the Golden Estate. He gave Stanwell a strange feeling. He didn’t know how this person defused his oppression on Samuel (probably some kind of item). When he heard that the other party was so rude, he raised his brows and was about to give this ignorant person an unforgettable lesson. Then, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears, “Isn’t it? Brother-in-law.”

Hearing the words ‘brother-in-law’, Stanwell’s heart skipped a beat. Although the prince looked different, the smile became more familiar the more he looked at it. He couldn’t help but recall the scene of him being abused in front of a group of juniors in the Dragon Valley. A chill rose from his back.

That’s right, it’s this guy! Meria’s son-in-law! The terrifying human that can kill me in 1 second!

It is true that the Dragon Valley and the Golden Estate have cooperation, but I never imagined that this guy is the lord of the Golden Estate and the third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire! How unfair!

No wonder the Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor strictly prohibited the spreading of anything related to this human in the Dragon Valley. No wonder Gueroas stayed here all the time… Stanwell glanced back at Gueroas who came with him.

Gueroas nodded, confirming his suspicions.

“Young people need to be trained to grow. Yes! It’s just a duel.” Stanwell, who quickly reacted, said with a certain look, “Fair duel.”

This time, not only Fagerius and the others, but even Bracklin was dumbfounded. Is this still my vengeful uncle? When did he become so ‘reasonable’?

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