Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1001: Attack on Shura

Chapter 1001: Attack on Shura

The ‘adventure’ to Mountain Xilang was smooth sailing. Chen Rui came to the Walan Fortress smoothly and entered the Earth Realm through the teleportation portal.

As the savior and friend of the earth elementals, as well as the best friend of the Earth Elemental King Moore, Chen Rui was warmly welcomed by the earth elementals. Alice, who had been there once, was not timid at all. Instead, she appeared to be generous and experienced with dealings. Since having an intimate kiss with Chen Rui at the black rainforest, this loli had assumed herself to be an official fiancée.

Chen Rui and Moore hugged and he directly took out today’s ‘main course’, the earth origin fragment, from the storage warehouse. Earth Elemental King immediately sensed the purest earth element power connected to the soul. There was an unbelievable expression in his eyes, then the disbelief turned into a surprise.

The dark yellow crystalline polymorph turned into a bizarre mask in Moore’s hands. Moore put the mask on his face, and they gradually merged into one. The originally angular ‘stone’ facial features actually turned into an actual face which was vivid and expressive.

From a distance, Moore looked like a human wearing rock armor.

“The earth origin fragment, ‘the Face of Earth’, has finally returned to my hands. No words can express my gratitude, my friend.” Moore’s smile was much clearer than before. The only thing that remained unchanged was the kind of sincerity.

“Between true friends, there is no need for extra gratitude.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, “It is very surprising that the Fire Elemental King Ogmarton was the one who provided the whereabouts of the earth origin fragment. He also abandoned the initial condition negotiated. Meanwhile, Ogmarton was specially summoned by your old nemesis, the Wind Elemental King Sethtine…”

Moore was taken aback for a moment. An expression of surprise crossed his face as if thinking of something. He said in a deep tone, “I want to know the real reason.”

“Actually, I want to know too.” Chen Rui shrugged, “The 3 Kings of Light made this puzzling decision after meeting Zola.”


Moore’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a thoughtful expression. Chen Rui, who was accustomed to seeing his stone face before, felt a little unaccustomed to that meticulous expression. At the moment, he briefly talked about Zola’s advancement to a Demi-god and his relationship with the 3 Kings of Light in Storm Island.

Moore was surprised by how quickly Zola advanced to Demi-God, but he was most surprised by something else, “Zola got the Element Goddess Crown? Now I understand…”

“Understand what?” Chen Rui asked curiously. He never understood why the 3 Kings of Light treated Zola so differently that they even risked the fall in the next Elemental War in order to collect the 6 elements origin fragment by giving the news of the earth origin fragment to his nemesis friend for free.

“I’m very sorry, I can’t tell you for the time being due to some kind of restriction.” Moore expressed his guilt.

“You don’t need to apologize, I understand.” This answer was actually expected by Chen Rui. Moore’s relationship with him was different from that of the 3 Kings of Light. Moore said that he couldn’t tell him for the time being, so the ‘restriction’ must be a big deal.

“Actually, I just hope Zola doesn’t encounter any unexpected danger.”

“In the future, she may have more power than she can imagine, but at the same time, it also means taking on heavier responsibilities.” Moore’s words were exactly the same as the 3 Kings of Light.

“No matter what it is, I will face it with her.” Chen Rui’s voice was not loud, but there was unquestionable firmness.

Alice’s big eyes flickered on the side. She felt that this man exuded a special charm, which had nothing to do with appearance, but momentum and temperament.

(Suddenly, I envy Teacher Zola, and I envy Athena and my sister…)

(Fortunately, I got him with a kiss. Uhm, at least I got half of him.)

“If possible, do your best to find the fire origin fragment. This will be the hope of all elementals.”

Although Chen Rui was curious about what would happen to the 6 elements fragment, he didn’t ask more and just nodded, “Don’t worry, this is also my promise to Fire Elemental King. By the way… can you give me some earth element source power? I want to modify a thing to improve its power. I have obtained the source power of the light element, fire element and wind element.”

Moore was startled, “Could it be… the ‘Cosmos Annihilation’ of the 6 elements?”

“Yes, I’ve got this structure from the Wind Elemental King.” Chen Rui shrugged, “You won’t be angry, right? He’s your nemesis.”

“Essentially, there’s no real opposition between elements. You’ll understand this later. Now that you’ve got the ‘Cosmos Annihilation’ structure, you should know its dangers, so I won’t go into it. Just stay here for a while, I will contact Hegel and Lambost as soon as possible and ask them to come to the Earth Realm. Firstly is to tell them the news of the appearance of Element Goddess Crown, and the other is to help you get all 6 element source powers.”

Alice’s big eyes on the side were brighter. Staying here for a while means that I can spend many days alone with brother, and that kiss ‘game’…

Thinking of this, the loli’s face could not help turning into a red apple.

Meanwhile, in another sunny world.

Unlike the bright sunshine outside, this huge platform in some valley was shrouded in a dark and bloody breath.

In the distance of the platform was a group of mysterious people wearing cloaks and masks. The 2 mysterious people sitting in the middle were wearing red cloaks, and the masks on their faces were also maroon. They were obviously the leaders. In the core area, there were also men in the cloak either wearing a dark golden mask, a blood red mask or a pale red mask with the corresponding golden and red robes. The rest of the men in the cloak were mostly dressed up in black robes and golden masks.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the 2 figures in the cloak wearing pale golden masks on the platform. They were fighting fiercely. Although the momentum was astonishing, the platform was only shaking slightly, and there was no sign of any power overflowing. A solid enchantment was obviously set up.

“Kurci, what do you think of these 2 people?” The man in the cloak in the maroon mask asked to the side. His action seemed to be casual, but except for a few people around him, the others couldn’t hear the conversation.

“Rotts.” Kurci was another man in the cloak with a red robe and red mask, “I said it a long time ago, I’m optimistic about Thunder Dragon. His strength is well-deserved number 1 among the Destruction Messengers.”

“I’m afraid you’re going to miss out this time.” Rotts shook his head, “I’m optimistic about Shura. He will replace Thunder Dragon as the top Destruction Envoy and get the highest main altar guardian qualification.”

“I admit that Shura is really not simple. He has been hiding his super-level strength until the last time when the east district base was surrounded by the Holy Church. He killed the 2-winged angel of the church and rescuing Chief Bishop Soranly. Although the origin of this person is unknown, his hatred against the church is beyond doubt. He also has an amazing destruction physique. He is reasonable to be promoted to Destruction Messenger. However, it is a bit exaggerated to say that he can defeat Thunder Dragon. Thunder Dragon is a veteran Kingdom level powerhouse who is extremely rich in fighting skills and experience. He is only 1 step away from Demi-God. Although Shura is the best among the members, he is still not his opponent.”

Rotts thought for a while, then he spoke up to the side, “Kruchwert, pay attention to the battle situation. Although the battle disregards death, these 2 are the elites of the church. Try not to let them suffer casualties.”

“Understood.” The Chief Destruction Messenger with a dark golden mask and red robe beside him stood up.

“Recently, the church has suffered many setbacks, whether it is personnel or base.” Kurci’s voice was very solemn, “Especially the fear main altar. The power of the Fear Lord has been greatly weakened. This is a huge loss that is almost irreparable.”

Rotts nodded and said, “Kurci, what do you think of the magic game that the dragons made?”

“It’s quite a wonderful thing. It has self-righteous superiority factor everywhere, but it’s a good thing for training. Unfortunately, our strength can’t benefit from it. We can only watch it as a spectator, and we can’t enter the dungeon.”

“I have heard some of the cultists who entered the dungeon describe the situation, which gives me a strange feeling, but it should be just an illusion… Well, let’s not discuss this boring thing. For now, our focus is still on protecting the existing resources. The achievements of so many years of hard construction and operation must not be destroyed in one fell swoop.”

“Yes, although we have the largest trump card, we must not slack off. Otherwise, even if the great will finally come, it will be weakened a lot.” Kurci stretched out a finger, “So, absolutely no more mistakes are allowed at the hatred main altar!”

During the conversation, the situation of the battle changed suddenly. Thunder Dragon’s vigorous attack forced back Shura. With a loud shout, silver lightning flashed all over his body as his hands formed claws, and he pressed at Shura in the air, “[Lightning Prison]!”

Shura’s body was instantly intertwined with countless lightning, forming a square cage. The cage instantly burst into a terrifying light, completely engulfing Shura inside.

Chief Destruction Messenger Kruchwert, who witnessed this scene, moved his fingers slightly. When he was about to make a move, he realized something and stopped again.

After the cage engulfed Shura, it completely burst open and turned into nothingness together with the person inside. However, the ‘nothingness’ turned into a black hole. The black hole condensed into a black-robed human figure in the blink of an eye, imitating the posture of the Thunder Dragon and pressing with both claws.

This gesture surprised Thunder Dragon. What made him even more in disbelief was that countless intertwined lightning appeared beside him, instantly forming a square cage. It was his own killing move!

The Thunder Dragon, who was surrounded by lightning, shuddered. A strong sense of crisis ensured him that all this was not an illusion. He immediately shrank his body into a ball, and his hands formed a strange seal. Countless mirror-like lights appeared around his body.

The lightning in the cage hit the ‘mirror’, and the ‘mirror’ cracked, but at the same time, a lot of lightning was reflected back. The shining thunder light was eventually extinguished. Although the Thunder Dragon was still standing in the field, he was already scorched black. His power had also been greatly weakened. After all, what he just took was his own biggest killing move, and he couldn’t use more power to protect himself in a hurry.

Thunder Dragon raised his head abruptly, and he saw Shura’s figure appearing in the air with his red eyes exuding destructive breath.

“[Star Explosion]!”

That brilliant death starlight reflected the expression of despair in Thunder Dragon’s pupils. Even in his heyday, he couldn’t resist this move, let alone in this state of injury and exhaustion.

The incomparably shining starlight was instantly extinguished in a palm. A figure with a dark golden mask and a red cloak appeared in the field, it was Chief Destruction Messenger Kruchwert.

The voice of Archbishop Rotts sounded, “Shura, Thunder Dragon, this battle is very exciting. You are all elites of the church. No matter who is injured, it is the loss of the church. No matter whether this battle is victory or loss, the church has gained 2 strongest Destruction Messengers. Kurci and I have unanimously decided that both of you will receive the highest guardianship and corresponding rewards at the same time. I hope you can work together to protect the most important main altar.”

“Yes!” Shura and Thunder Dragon bowed at the same time. When Shura heard the words ‘main altar’, a strange light suddenly appeared in the red eyes, and an implicit smile appeared under the mask.

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