Chapter 979: Elf King

Chen Rui didn’t notice the elves’ reaction. He was still immersed in the surprise of the growth of the creation origin.

After the creation origin had expanded to a certain extent, it finally stopped. The origin power had been condensed into a real law rudiment, which meant that the law of the creation origin could be directly activated. Moreover, Chen Rui’s benefits were far more than that.

If the destruction origin was likened to thunder that destroyed everything, then the creation origin was like a growing tree. What he previously comprehended through the destruction origin at the juncture of life and death was like a seed. Under the effect of the ‘wood’ magic card, the seeds sprouted and grew into seedlings. With its guidance, the general outline of the future would take shape step by step. Coupled with nurturing and watering, it would definitely grow into a real towering tree step by step.

The best ‘nutrient’ for this was naturally the 3 holy relics and the complete Book of Creation at the Light Divinity Temple. These things that were out of reach for ordinary people were actually within reach for Chen Rui. As long as the 2 complete origins were obtained, the universe law of the Super System would also be completely perfected, resulting in qualitative changes and evolution to the next level.

Chen Rui felt that the road ahead was unprecedentedly clear as if it had changed from a thorny path to a smooth one, so his spirits were inevitably lifted.

“Detected faith creature that can grow. The level and function are unknown. It can be transplanted to the Star Conferring Platform. It takes 30 minutes to transplant and consumes 10 million faith crystals. Do you want to transplant?”

The prompt of the Super System brought Chen Rui back to his senses. He finally realized the abnormality in his hand – There is really a seedling!

That crappy playing card had disappeared, and it had become this seedling, which actually ‘grew’ out of his palm. The stems and leaves were like jade carvings that were green and lovely, exuding a gentle and pure life force.

This is…

Chen Rui subconsciously looked at the original location of the Tree of Nature. It was empty. The old withered tree and the seal had all disappeared, leaving only the seedling in his palm.

Chen Rui suddenly understood. The elf once said that the Tree of Nature has its own will, and the ‘self-destruction’ just now should be the Tree of Nature’s own choice. It used the help of the 3 kinds of springwater to burn the last life force.

The Tree of Nature was used as a medium by the fallen elves 20,000 years ago to open a passage for the Abyss with the power of blood sacrifice. After being sealed, the passage was never completely closed, and it became a time bomb. The Tree of Nature had even been transformed into a more terrifying Abyss’ breeding nest.

Although Chen Rui’s lucky victory temporarily canceled the power of the Abyss this time, the hidden dangers of the passage still exist, so the Tree of Nature chose the ‘radical cure’ method by ending itself, which completely cut off the passage of the Abyss.

Of course, the Tree of Nature didn’t self-destruct completely. With the power of 2 essence leaves and the damn card, the seed of life was reactivated in the hands of Chen Rui. A new Tree of Nature grew. Uh, to be precise, it was still a tender shoot.

Thinking of the ‘wood’ on the magic card, Chen Rui was speechless for a while. It was really a mission related to ‘wood’… The Leaf of Nature used to seal twice are all from Alucier, plus this special card and the conditions of 3 springwaters. That damn fortune teller definitely has premeditations!

However, the mission is finally completed. Not only I eliminate the threat of the Abyss and comprehend the true creation origin, but I also obtain a ‘growable’ faith creature. As long as this faith creature with strange power is in hand, the complete comprehension of the creation origin is by no means difficult in the future…

Chen Rui saw the elves around him staring at the tender sprout in his hand, and he suddenly reacted. After this hard battle, even his brain was confused – This tender sprout is a good thing, but it is about the holy tree of the elf tribe’s survival! If it is really transplanted to the Star Conferring Platform, the elves will surely strongly oppose it. Let alone the ‘fortune teller’, even if I kidnapped this precious baby and escaped, I will not be able to face the Old Father-in-law Elf King in the future.

“Cough…” Chen Rui forced a cough, prompting the existence of a human in the elves. No doubt, most of the elves’ eyes were focused on him, and the strange look made him shiver.

Could it be with the reborn of the Tree of Nature, the elves also have some kind of gay attribute…

In the weird atmosphere, Empress Liv finally said, “Thank you for everything you have done for the elf tribe, dear human friend… and congratulations on being the blessed one and guardian of the Tree of Nature. As for Ms. Zola, I’m very sorry…”

“Zola is fine. She has just been transferred to another space.” Chen Rui raised the tender sprout in his hand slightly and changed the topic, “Your Majesty said the blessed one and guardian of the Tree of Nature just now? “

“Yes, although the Tree of Nature has chosen a race other than the elf to become the highest blessed one and guardian… It’s a bit unexpected for us, but the will of the holy tree is beyond doubt.”

Chen Rui nodded in confusion, only to hear Empress Liv say a surprising sentence, “Then, as the empress of the elf tribe, I now sincerely invite you to join the Silver Moon Celestial Capital and become a member of the elf tribe.”

“Join the celestial capital to become a member of the elf tribe?”

“You have not only dispelled the plague of the Abyss that shrouded the celestial capital for 20,000 years, but you also saved the holy tree of the elf tribe and received the approval of the holy tree. These are enough for all elves to remember and appreciate. There is only one kind of person in elf history with this great achievement: the hero king of the elf tribe, that is, the Elf King.”

Elf King? Isn’t this the same level as my old father-in-law? Sounds good. Chen Rui shrugged, “But, I’m human, does it still matter?”

Empress Liv nodded, “With your merits, you are qualified to choose any elf woman as your spouse to join the Silver Moon Celestial Capital, Your Highness Hero King.”

It turns out that the ‘welfare’ is a marriage – Any female elf? Including the beautiful and mature Her Majesty Empress herself?

This idea was just an extended thought. Looking at Empress Liv’s serious face, Chen Rui put away his playful thoughts and shook his head, “I understand Your Majesty’s kindness, but my original intention to help the elf tribe is just for friends. I don’t ask for anything in return, so don’t mention things like marriage.”

The elf ladies were all beauties. Even if he picked one randomly, she would be above the standard. If Chen Rui was still single, then he must have been stunned with joy with his ‘little buddy’. However, the crystal harem was overcrowded now, and he was satisfied. Whether it was considering the crystal harem’s collapse problem or his distaste for a political marriage without feelings, he would not agree to this request.

“Your Highness can redeem this right at any time…” Empress Liv frowned, but she did not force him. She went straight to the topic, “Now there is 1 most important thing to ask Your Highness to complete – The Tree of Nature is reborn, but it is the most vulnerable time. This place we are in now is the most suitable natural source for the growth of the holy tree, but it has been completely destroyed by the Abyss power. Even with the nurturing of Your Highness’ Fountain of Vitality, Fountain of Resurrection and Fountain of Vigor, it will take at least 2 years to recover. Before that, I plead Your Highness to do everything in your power to protect the Tree of Nature.”

“Your Majesty means… to let me protect this sprout, ugh, this Tree of Nature for 2 years?” Chen Rui’s eyes widened. Did I hear it right?

Empress Liv said apologetically, “I know this will make thing difficult for Your Highness, but the Tree of Nature has chosen Your Highness as the guardian and blessed one. Furthermore, Your Highness has the 3 legendary springwaters that can provide the most needed power for the Tree of Nature. This is also the request of all elves, so… Your Highness, please agree to this request!”

It’s not difficult at all! Chen Rui added a sentence in his mind. He was so delighted. After deliberately pondering for a moment, he nodded ‘reluctantly’ and asked, “This is a major issue for the survival of the elf tribe. I can’t seem to find a reason to refuse.”

Empress Liv’s next sentence made him dumbfounded, “Then please stay in the Celestial Capital for 2 years and wait for the natural source to fully recover, Your Highness.”

“I’m sorry, it’s impossible.” Chen Rui answered quite affirmatively this time without the slightest hesitation. He was going to the Blue Glory Empire immediately, and he had very important plans, so it was impossible to stay in the Silver Moon Celestial Capital, let alone 2 years.

Empress Liv frowned, “Others are negotiable, but Your Highness cannot refuse this condition. Please understand…”

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Chen Rui, “This time I had something important to go to another place. The reason why I came to the Celestial Capital was to fulfill my promise to Grand Master Finoia. I also coincidentally accepted a commission from Sir Alucier. Now the commission has been completed, it is no exaggeration to say that if I insist on leaving or even forcefully take the Tree of Nature with me, you all can’t stop me. It’s the same even if the legendary sir prophet makes a move personally.”

Python also left several soul imprints of peak stage Pseudo-God back then which could control the Tower of Glory to freely activate the [Star Gate]. Even Michael, who was ‘closest to God’, was helpless back then. Chen Rui didn’t think Alucier’s combat power would be even higher than Michael’s. Besides, the legendary prophet couldn’t leave the Psychedelic Forest because of the price he paid for foreseeing the future. With the strength of the elves in front of him, they really couldn’t keep him.

As soon as Chen Rui said to take away the Tree of Nature, the elves suddenly whispered. Many of them looked ugly, revealing hostility in their eyes.

Chen Rui didn’t care, and he said indifferently, “Everyone has witnessed the danger I experienced when I faced the Abyss just now. I don’t want my efforts to help my friends at the risk of death… to be treated with contempt. I have my own schedule and arrangements. I will leave the Silver Moon Celestial Capital now. I can hand over the Tree of Nature to any elf. Considering my friendship with Finoia, I can also give a part of the 3 springwaters to the elf tribe. As for the rest, I think… I don’t have to say more.”

“You’re the guardian recognized by the Tree of Nature. The Tree of Nature cannot leave you until it grows or is successfully transplanted, otherwise there is a danger of exhaustion and death.” It was not Empress Liv who spoke but Kilanya, “You can bring the Tree of Nature with you, provided you will protect it.”

The last sentence surprised the elves as they looked at each other.

“This Royal Highness has another identity. His wife, the fairy dragon, is Span’s daughter.” Kilanya’s words eased the eyes of many elves. It turns out that this human is actually the son-in-law of Elf King Span!

Although Empress Liv learned about this relationship from the mouths of several super powerhouses, the holy tree was the key to the continuation of the elf tribe. She was impossible to let go of it. She thought of something, and she asked Kilanya, “Taking away the Tree of Nature… is teacher’s intent?”

Kilanya nodded slightly, “This is the only hope for the revival of the Tree of Nature, and the last prophecy of sir father.”

“Last?” The elves were shocked.

Kilanya’s gaze dimmed, “Father’s life force has only the last few years left. He can no longer make the next prophecy.”

The legendary prophet was the highest instructor and guide of the elf tribe. His prestige in the elf tribe was irreplaceable. When they heard that Alucier only had a few years left to live, the elves showed sad expressions in their eyes, and the hostility in their eyes also disappeared. It seemed that they had chosen to trust him.

Empress Liv took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Rui, “Your Highness, please forgive my previous rudeness, because after all the holy tree is related to the survival of my tribe. In this case, please take good care of the Tree of Nature. After 2 years, please return to the Celestial Capital and plant the Tree of Nature in the nature source. During this period, the elf tribe will provide Your Highness with all the help we can provide: super powerhouse, elf army… Including the 2 strongest legions, the Phantom Shooter Legion and the elf’s Element Master Legion, can be dispatched at Your Highness’ disposal.”

“Since the elf tribe trusts me like this, I swear with my life that I will spare no effort to protect the Tree of Nature. After 2 years, I will return it to you unscathed.” Chen Rui bowed back at the elf empress. He understood their concerns. Besides, the Tree of Nature was very important for mastering the source of creation. To keep for 2 years… No, even if it was only half a year, it could also play a vital role when he goes to the Holy Light Mountain. Therefore, instead of putting on any displeased facial expressions or even blackmailing them, he gave the elf tribe a reason to be excused.

As for the privilege of dispatching the army, it was certainly due to the Tree of Nature, which did not have much effect on Chen Rui. Besides, he did not want to involve the elf tribe in the big things he was going to do.

As soon as Chen Rui turned his head, he saw Finoia’s grateful gaze. He gave his old friend a determined smile and began to transplant the Tree of Nature.

The transplantation of the Tree of Nature went very smoothly. Under the amazed gaze of the elves, the Tree of Nature completely disappeared into Chen Rui’s hands. Although they could not see the holy tree, they could clearly sense that the holy tree was still alive. Not only that, it also exuded an unprecedented vitality. The elves looked at Chen Rui with a little more gratitude and awe.

On the Star Conferring Platform, there was an extra seedling.

The moment the seedling appeared on the Star Conferring Platform, Chen Rui clearly felt that the breath of life in the entire Super System’s solar system suddenly became richer. Signs of life began to appear on some originally unmanned planets.

The Tree of Nature – growable faith creature, unknown level, unknown function, transplantable. Currently consumes 1,000 faith crystals per day.

Although the function was unknown, and 1,000 units of faith crystal were consumed every day, Chen Rui faintly felt that the Tree of Nature should have another magical effect, but he unfortunately had no time to study it carefully. However, just the point that it could give life to the unmanned planets, the trip was worthwhile.

After solving the problem of the Tree of Nature, Chen Rui did not stay in the Silver Moon Celestial Capital and left directly. Empress Liv, Finoia and others sent him all the way to the gate of the Celestial Capital.

When they parted, Chen Rui saw an ‘acquaintance’.

A 12 or 13-year-old elf girl with green curly hair and beautiful lovely facial features. She was riding a snow-white unicorn and strolling in this direction.

Along the way, 1 of the silver pegasus accidentally snorted, and the unicorn immediately stomped the silver pegasus fiercely and made a posture to pounce on it. The silver pegasus was so frightened that it fled backward. Even the elf knight on the back almost fell off.

The unicorn raised its head with a proud expression in its eyes, and it continued to move forward.

The elf girl showed a surprised expression when she saw the empress, Finoia and others. She was about to ask the unicorn to go ahead, but the unicorn was faster than her. It took the initiative to run toward this direction, not the elf empress, but Chen Rui.

The unicorn trotted all the way to Chen Rui, and it seemed a little hesitant. Chen Rui smiled slightly and stretched out his hand. The familiar breath made the unicorn finally confirm its guess. It neighed excitedly and rubbed him affectionately.

Many elves nearby were taken aback. Except for little Princess Michelle, even an elf whose strength surpassed the unruly unicorn White Wind can’t tame it, yet it is so intimate to this ‘stranger’.

Chen Rui had 2 aura fruits in his hands, which was the favorite food of the unicorn. White Wind was overjoyed. While staring at the aura fruits, it suddenly thought of something. It paused with tears in its eyes.

Chen Rui knew what White Wind had in mind. The past scenes came to his mind, and a touch of sadness surged. He gently stroked the unicorn’s mane and said with the [Analytical Eyes], “I miss her too, White Wind.”

The unicorn bowed its head, and big drops of tears fell to the ground. The elves couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Your Majesty.” Chen Rui suddenly turned around and said to Empress Liv behind him, “The ‘right’ you mentioned earlier to join the Celestial Capital… does it include half-elf?”

The elf empress was startled. She pondered for a moment before replying, “Yes.”

“Then… I will always reserve the right to join the celestial capital.” Chen Rui’s words made most of the elves in the audience feel puzzled. Only Empress Liv and Finoia understood the meaning of this sentence, and Princess Royal Philly also vaguely guessed it.

“Excuse me, are you…” Michelle, who jumped off the unicorn, asked hesitantly.

“Take care of yourself and White Wind.” Chen Rui didn’t answer as he touched the little elf princess’ head. He put a handful of aura fruit in her hand, bowed his head slightly to the elves behind him, and strode forward.

“Hey! That…” Michelle blinked her big eyes and looked at the back of the human, but she did not say further.

“Michelle.” The elf empress sounded beside her.

“Mommy, why did he…”

“Let’s go. There are some things that you will understand when you grow up.”

“Will there be no doubts when I grow up?”

“No, you’ll have more doubts. That’s life.”

“Then what shall I do?”

“Use your eyes and your hands to find the answer…”

During the mother-daughter’s question and answer, the figure in front gradually went away.

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