Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 972: The Most Critical Battle

Chapter 972: The Most Critical Battle

Empress Liv said, “Before the 2 of you enter, please listen to me. To tell you the truth, the situation is quite critical now. Our elf tribe is facing the juncture of life and death. Since the disaster 20,000 years ago, the holy tree has been eroded by the Abyss power, greatly reducing the reproduction ability of the elf tribe. It has dropped to a rather horrifying level in recent years.

We have tried every means to remove the Abyss power, but they have failed without exception. Especially now, the power of the seal is getting weaker and weaker, the power of the Abyss has slowly seeped out. It even produces the projection of the Abyss creatures. This place has become an extremely dangerous and deadly place! I don’t know how long the Tree of Nature can last. 100 years? Decades? Or even shorter…. “

A look of shock flashed across Chen Rui’s eyes. The situation was worse than he imagined.

Empress Liv sighed, “Actually, for 20,000 years, the elves have been trying to completely seal the Tree of Nature but to no avail. Just a few months ago, a few super powerhouses from our tribe entered and wanted to join forces to strengthen or reset the seal, but they ended up being besieged by a large number of monsters projected by the Abyss, so all of them died. The power of the Abyss is still spreading further. It is only the enchantment barriers of the treants that barely delay and block them off.”

Chen Rui was secretly shocked as he looked at the center of the calm-looking enchantment. He thought for a moment, and he asked, “Can the springwater of the Fountain of Vitality cure the Tree of Nature?”

He remembered that Blanche once said that springwater from the Fountain of Vitality could save the Tree of Nature. At that time, Chen Rui also gave her a bottle, and she made a great contribution to the elf tribe.

“The springwater of the Fountain of Vitality can indeed play a certain role, but it can only be used as a kind of medicine-like effect. It can enhance the potential of the Tree of Nature to enhance the power of securing the seal. We have used the Fountain of Vitality on the Tree of Nature. Even if you use it again, it won’t do much.”

With that said, Empress Liv expressed her regret, “The seal of life left by Elf King Span began to show signs of collapse, and the life force of the holy tree has been exhausted to the maximum, so it is weak and on the verge of death. Those landforms you see are all caused by the power of the Abyss, which means that it has eroded to the most important root of the Tree of Nature. We have no way to deal with this at all. The only possibility is after removing the Abyss power, mix the Fountain of Resurrection, Fountain of Vigor and Fountain of Vitality, the 3 legendary springwaters to use on the holy tree. Only then, there is hope to bring the holy tree back to life.”

Fountain of Resurrection, Fountain of Vigor and Fountain of Vitality? Chen Rui twitched the corners of his eyes. He had already determined that his ‘lottery’ was a bit fishy. The prophet who sat on the small bench to tell the fortune at the entrance of the hospital, you really found the right person…

“Excuse me, why didn’t the elf try to reach out to the Holy Church? As far as I know, the 3 archangels are the most powerful Pseudo-God, so they should be able to seal the Abyss power.”

“20,000 years ago, when the Cloud Rider Empire was destroyed, the 3 archangels descended to the Celestial Capital. They had only 1 way, which is to destroy the whole Tree of Nature.” Empress Liv said with a wry smile, “That is equivalent to announcing the end of the entire elf tribe, then Sir Alucier and the 3 archangels reached some sort of agreement. The Church gave up its intervention. If the seal cannot be successfully sealed now, this is the only last resort before the Abyss power breaks the seal.”

Chen Rui had fully understood the context for the incident. Empress Liv is right. The elf tribe has indeed reached the point of life and death. Not only do they need to seal the power of the Abyss, but they also need to rescue the Tree of Nature. As long as one is not completed, the elf tribe will perish.

Just for the sake of Old Father-in-law Elf King alone, I can’t sit back and watch this happen. Besides, the seal of the Abyss also involves the life and death of the entire human world and even the Demon Realm. Chen Rui took a deep breath and nodded, “Since the elf tribe trusts us so much, we will do our best to live up to the trust of Teacher Alucier and you. However, if my elf friends see anything that surprises you, please keep it a secret. “

“Rest assured, the elf tribe will honor your kindness regardless of success or failure.” Empress Liv looked at the elf tribe around, “Every elf present will swear in the name of Moonlight Goddess to never reveal any secret of both our friends.”

Chen Rui smiled slightly as he glanced at the elves’ holy tree in the enchantment. He secretly adjusted the power in his body and held Zola’s hand as he walked forward.

When walking into the enchantment barrier of the treants, there was no obstacle like passing through a soft wall of water. The moment they passed through this wall of water, the scene in front of Chen Rui and Zola suddenly changed drastically.

Their visions were full of blood red while the ground was scorched and cracked. There were no plants or animals. The only moving thing was the flowing lava. What was even more bizarre was the sky where the space collapsed constantly. The high-temperature blood rain rained from it. The air was filled with suffocating destructive breath.

This situation was somewhat similar to the previous kingdom of the Psychedelic Forest, and it was more oppressive. Chen Rui suddenly understood that Alucier deliberately activated the kingdom by imitating the Abyss previously, not only for the purpose of testing but also for them to better adapt to the battle at hand.

In the distance was the Tree of Nature. From this angle, the Tree of Nature looked clearer and more eerie. Even every leaf had turned red. Chen Rui and Zola looked at each other, then they cautiously went in the direction of the Tree of Nature.

The surroundings were very quiet. There was no sound except for both their footsteps. This ‘quietness’ revealed an intangible pressure. Coupled with the suffocating heat, they formed a deadly and dangerous feeling.

The longer they stayed here, the greater the pressure. If they were weak-willed people, even if they weren’t attacked, their minds would collapse over time.

They walked for a long time, but they always kept a constant distance from the Tree of Nature as if they were walking in circle. This should be a kind of spatial interference similar to a maze. Chen Rui encountered this before when facing the Tower of Glory at the bottom of the Dead Sea. At that time, the Old Dragon Emperor Father-in-law Auglas cracked it by force.

However, the space maze here was far better than the maze at the bottom of the sea. Chen Rui’s strength, strictly speaking, was still a considerable distance from Auglas back then even if he activated the [Pole Star Transformation]. It would not be easy to crack like the Old Dragon Emperor Father-in-law did.

Zola stopped as the Secret Shadow appeared in her hand. Blue runes appeared around her. In the blink of an eye, they merged into circles of ripple-like light that spread with the fairy dragon as the center. The ripples disappeared into the bloody space.

The blood color gradually solidified, and a crack appeared in the sky ahead. The crack spread quickly, then a hole was broken.

Zola used the method of breaking through the force with wit. When she walked forward just now, she had been calculating the structure of this space. Using the skill of ‘breaking the surface with lines’, she cracked this space maze that even Auglas might not be able to crack.

The hole gradually closed again automatically, but Zola and Chen Rui had already shifted into the hole and entered the real area of ??the Tree of Nature.

The Tree of Nature in the real area was not in front, but it was suspended in the sky inconceivably. This situation was like seeing the altar in the underground mine of the Thick Soil Castle last time.

As soon as they entered this area, a terrifying pressure rushed at their faces. There was a special kind of spirit power in the blazing breath that was 10 times more than the heat outside: Hatred.

This hatred was so strong that even the souls of Zola and Chen Rui trembled involuntarily. It was the same terrifying hatred that Chen Rui once sensed in the Shion Palace. Therefore, he could almost guess the enemy whom he was about to face.

The blood river on the ground began to be turbulent while the lava condensed into a large terrifying figure that appeared in Chen Rui and Zola’s vision.

Abyss creatures! Countless of them!

Outside the enchantment barrier, a huge crystal ball showed the situation inside. Seeing this scene, the elves could not help looking nervous. The last time, the powerhouses of the elf tribe died in the siege of the Abyss creatures; none were spared. Due to the weakening of the seal, the Abyss creatures this time were much more numerous and stronger than when the elf powerhouses entered last time.

These 2 people, can they… The highest number of the Abyss creatures were the berserk demon and the gap demon, followed by the blazing flame witch, and the least were the abyss lords which seemed to be hundreds of them. These were by no means ordinary Abyss creatures. In addition to their powerful destruction power, they were also surrounded by a strong hatred breath. They were obviously elites who had accepted some kind of ruler-level power, and their combat power was far better than those that Chen Rui encountered in the ‘fear’ altar at the underground mine of the Thick Soil Castle.

– This is not the previous ‘practice’ in the forest. It is the real enemy with great threat!

In addition to training in the illusion, Chen Rui was facing the real abyss army for the first time. This moment came sooner than he imagined. Although he was a little nervous, he was more determined and ready to fight.

Chen Rui took a deep breath, and a star-like brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes. The elves in front of the crystal ball saw the dazzling red starlight shined. A figure wearing a brilliant armor appeared, and a powerful breath surged out. The Abyss creatures that rushed in the front were pushed back under this powerful impact; the weak ones were turned into smoke and dissipated.

That armor that seems familiar… Elf Empress Liv and the others were shocked, and they thought of a person.

Those ‘informers’ who had seen the Crown of Thorns in the Stone Fist Village were more shocked. The third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire who has 1 of the 3 holy relics, is the mysterious powerhouse who actually killed the Holy Church’s 4-winged angel Isyorul back then!

What is the ‘mystery’ here?

“Mother, this person…” Princess Royal Philly couldn’t help but say it.

“No matter what your judgment or guess is.” Empress Liv turned her head and glanced at her daughter, “As the eldest princess of the elf tribe, you should remember the promise of the elf to your friends just now.

All the elves had calmed down. This is the most critical battle, which is related to the life and death of the elf tribe. As for other things, it can be ignored.

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