Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 970: Legendary Prophet

Chapter 970: Legendary Prophet

Chen Rui was slightly surprised by Alucier’s first address. The human who controls the future of the world?

For now, he had already controlled the future of the Demon Realm. As for the human world, after various promotions such as magic games, he couldn’t say that he had complete control. However, in the future, he had some long-term plans for the war between the Demon Realm and the human world. Is this all ‘foreseen’ by Alucier?

Also, Zola has actually become the ‘light of hope’ for elementals. What does this sentence mean?

With apprehension and doubt, Chen Rui and Zola walked into the hut.

As expected, there was another beautiful space in the small thatched hut, which looked spacious and bright, but the appearance of the Alucier in the hall greatly exceeded the expectations of the 2 of them.

The elves that Chen Rui had seen, including the dark elf of the Demon Realm, were all handsome and beautiful, but the legendary prophet in front of him had subverted his common sense.

The figure was not as slender and delicate as the elf tribe, but bloated. The black robe was exaggeratedly stretched, and it was almost impossible to imagine what proportion of the body was below. What was more terrifying was his face. The left half still retained some of the characteristics of the elf tribe, with pointed ears and vaguely handsome facial features, but the right half of his face was purely a strange red-skinned monster. Especially the faint green eye, which gave people a chilling and terrifying feeling. A dry wooden staff was held in the hand that resembled claws. The body exuded an unpleasant smell of decay.

Race: Unable to determine!

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: Unable to determine!

This ‘unable to determine’ display represented only 1 thing – This quirky elf prophet, Alucier, is a Pseudo-God!

No wonder even Span, who was known as the strongest in the elf tribe back then, had to respectfully call him ‘teacher’. The test in the forest just now must be Alucier’s kingdom power.

Chen Rui did not dare to be rude, so he bowed with Zola, “Greetings, Sir Alucier.”

“No need to be polite, please sit down.” Alucier’s voice was hoarse and jerky, which could only be described as unpleasant, but in their ears, there was a feeling of peace.

Chen Rui and Zola sat down together. Alucier asked, “Let me introduce myself first. My so-called ‘prophecy’ does have some special talents to peek some of the main trajectories in destiny, which is precognition, but this kind of prediction has considerable flexibility, which is variable. I can only predict, not solve, unless… it is a prediction that has been fulfilled.”

Can only predict, can’t solve? Chen Rui held back his question again, and Zola asked, “Sir Alucier, can you predict our future?”

“As I said just now, the light of hope of elementals- whether hope can become a reality or not depends on your efforts and the flow of fate; the same is true for him who changes the future of the world.”

“So how can I change the future of the world?” Chen Rui asked tentatively, “Is it possible to determine the direction of my current efforts?”

“I think you should already have the answer in your mind.” Alucier’s left eye flashed a wise light, “It was there long ago.”

Why does this kind of answer feel like a fortune teller at the hospital gate? Chen Rui shrugged, but he did have the answer in his mind. As Alucier said, it was there long ago.

Zola looked at Chen Rui and wisely changed the subject, “Sir Alucier, can we ask some other questions?”

“Call me teacher, the child of Span and Meria, the owner of the [6 Elements Kingdom].” Alucier looked at Zola with a kind expression on the left side of his face, “You carry a lot of hope, and you will also face a lot of difficulties. Fortunately, you’re not alone—and neither is your lover. So, look straight ahead and keep walking; it’s your way. It’s also the way for both of you.”

“Understood, teacher.” Zola glanced at Chen Rui secretly with joy flashing in his eyes.

“As for you, Your Highness Arthur… Let’s call you that now. I can answer some of the questions in your mind.” Alucier shifted his gaze to Chen Rui, “You have a special heritage that I can’t describe in words. In fact, I cannot foresee your future, or even perceive your past. The reason why I say that you have mastered the future of the world is only because I have foreseen the future outline of the world, not yours. In other words, your arrival has just given me a clearer answer.”

Chen Rui’s heart skipped a beat. A special inheritance? Unable to foresee my future or perceive the past? Is it the secret of the Super System or crossover? It seems that this prophet’s talent is really terrifying. He actually sensed it to this extent!

“Don’t be nervous. Everyone has their own secrets, just like the power you have. Don’t worry, I have no intention of spying on your secrets.” Alucier sensed Chen Rui’s mood change and shook his head, “Let’s change the subject, such as… magic game. This is an amazing initiative, whether you can change anything or not, it will be remembered in history. I sensed the breath of the alchemy world in the magic game brought back from the elves. You should have part of the inheritance of the alchemy civilization, then do you know the main plane and sub-worlds?”

Chen Rui nodded, and Alucier continued, “The alchemy world is 1 of many sub-worlds, but it is not the only sub-worlds with intelligent life. For instance… shaman civilization. Half of my current body is the great priest of the shaman. Like the alchemy civilization, the shaman civilization has been destroyed, and it is the terrifying Abyss that destroyed it. Only a few people escaped, and this great priest was 1 of them. He was lucky to escape to this main plane where the gods descended, then he… ran into me. He was on the verge of death and chose to merge with me. I originally has some special spirit talents, and the great priest has incredible predictive ability… That’s the real reason I’m a ‘legendary prophet’.”

Chen Rui and Zola showed a realization expression, and Alucier sighed, “There is a price to pay for peeping or changing fate. As 1 of the costs, my strength and I have never been able to leave this Psychedelic Forest. Moreover, with every prophecy, my life force will be weakened by the twist of fate and pain. Now, it has almost come to an end.”

Chen Rui was silent while Alucier seemed very calm, “I have been trying to use foreknowledge to control my destiny all my life, but it is only now that I understand that even if I can foresee the future, I may not be able to change it. Every time you peep at the trajectory of destiny, it also peeps at you. Perhaps I don’t need any foresight… Only by truly mastering and surpassing myself, I can only truly master and surpass destiny.”

In this passage, Chen Rui suddenly thought of a classic movie line, “Regarding the future, every time you look at it, it changes because you look at it. Because of this, everything else changes.”

Even if you understood the ‘plot’ and made corresponding adjustments, changes in some things would trigger a butterfly effect, causing chain changes to the entire ‘script’. In a sense, foreknowledge could bring a lot of convenience, but this kind of ‘cleverness’ would also cause more variables. It was better to be firm in faith, follow your own path, and go forward.

Chen Rui vaguely understood why this legendary prophet would ‘only predict but not solve’. He seemed to have certain gains and changes in his mentality.

“Okay, you came all the way here, and listened to an old guy like me pretending to be profound and mysterious for a long time…” Alucier smiled, “The little guy Finoia should have told you that everyone who comes here will get my gifts. Here is a stack of cards. Each of you draws 1. It should be reminded that if you draw the main card, you can get the treasure directly. The higher the card level, the better the treasure. However, if you draw the secondary card, you must complete a mission, and you will get the corresponding reward according to the degree of completion. You can also choose not to draw, give up your chance and leave this place.”

After that, a stack of cards appeared in front of Chen Rui and Zola. The card seemed a little familiar to Chen Rui. It was the ancient magic card ‘Fate Showdown’, but now the role of this card was obviously not to play but to draw a lottery.

The cards were shuffled automatically, then they were suspended in the air one by one. Next, all the patterns on the back became hazy.

Now that he was here, he definitely couldn’t enter the treasure hill and come back empty-handed. Chen Rui glanced at Zola, and Zola showed a moving smile. She stretched out her slender finger and pointed to a card.

The card suddenly brightened and turned over.

The face of the card was a beautiful woman in a white robe with a crown on her head.

The order main card that was second only to ‘Golden King’, ‘Silver Queen’.

Alucier nodded. The ‘Silver Queen’ main card fell into Zola’s hands. It suddenly turned into a 6-color halo, which gradually condensed into a delicate crown.

“It’s yours now, child.”

Zola’s eyes lit up. She could clearly sense the power contained in this crown. It was the 6 element power, which was not ordinary power but the same origin power as element source power!

These 6 elements of origin were perfectly combined, and this combination alone could give her great inspiration, and even break through the current bottleneck to enter the level of Demi-God in one fell swoop.

As a mechanic grand master, Chen Rui judged the quality of this crown at a glance. He couldn’t help but express his astonishment: It’s an artifact! A powerful artifact!

Its level surpasses even my secret weapon, the Tower of Glory!

An artifact far superior to the Tower of Glory! Alucier actually gave it to Zola!

“Sir Alucier! This artifact…”

“The Element Goddess Crown.” Alucier raised the wooden staff in his hand gently, “It just found the most suitable owner for it. Zola, you have to remember that when you accept the power, you also accept the responsibility given by destiny.”

“I know, teacher. I’ll go down the path I choose, no matter what’s ahead.” Zola rarely did not fake daze or be perfunctory, “I have a best friend who said that even fighting, I’m not alone. It’s my luck and also my happiness; it’s my greatest source of power.”

Ms. Fairy Dragon had strong confidence in her purple eyes. She was wise, brave, determined, and persevering. This was the real Zola.

“What I want to say is that your beauty is so attractive, dear Ms. Zola.” Chen Rui looked at Zola without concealing the affection in his eyes.

“What?” Ms. Fairy Dragon felt sweet secretly, but she pretended not to hear clearly, hoping he would say it again.

Alucier’s indifferent voice sounded, “Bring it along to meet the master of elements, and you will have unexpected gains.”

The master of elements?

Elemental King?

Chen Rui nodded secretly and shook Zola’s hand, “Give me a little luck, dear lady…”

With that said, the hand that had held Zola pointed to the card.

I have touch the jade hand of the lucky girl, even if I can’t win special prizes such as ‘Golden King’ and ‘Darkness King, there should be great hope for top prizes such as ‘Silver Queen’ and ‘Phantom Concubine’, right?

The card flashed and turned over.

Chen Rui’s expression instantly became excited.

The card was… a pile of wood.

— Nothing else, just a pile of wood.

The resource secondary card, ‘wood’, and the level was the lowest.

This made someone have the urge to chop his hand.

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