Chapter 966: Treants

After discussing the ruins, Chen Rui no longer stayed in Cloud City and left.

The pseudo-angel Kuhler gave Chen Rui a good impression. Although he was called an angel, he was human after all. Unlike Raphael, Michael and others, he did not have the kind of momentum that was aloof and regarded the common people as ants. However, there was a saying that once the mask was worn too much, it was easy to become the real face.

Therefore, Chen Rui often takes off his mask and becomes his true self in front of his relatives and friends.

The most important thing was that no matter how the world changes, he would ultimately not change.

Chen Rui suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the blue sky.

Those angels and even gods whom people need to look up, what kind of face did you have before you put on the mask? Do you still remember?

“What are you thinking?”

Zola’s voice interrupted Chen Rui’s thoughts. In front of him was the boundless sea. He was leaning on the main mast of the Devil’s Snare Ship with the beautiful Ms. Fairy Dragon in his arms. Chen Rui took a deep breath, calmed down, and gently stroked her hair, “It’s nothing.”


“En… Actually,” Chen Rui smiled and kissed her face, “I’m thinking about how to fulfill our Zola’s little wish.”

“Oh.” Ms. Fairy Dragon’s face suddenly turned red, and this little wish was to give Duoduo a younger brother or sister.

For this little wish, Ms. Fairy Dragon had been ‘diligent’ these days. According to Kia’s original words, it meant that she ‘enjoyed alone’.

Due to the lifespan and environment, the stronger the demons, the harder it was to have descendants. Chen Rui’s body was human. Although the powerhouse of the human world also had a rule that the stronger it was, the harder it was to give birth, in general, the human fertility was much stronger than that of demons. In the past, Chen Rui was weak and exhausted, so he didn’t think much about this aspect. Now he had a stable family. Athena, Kia, Zola, Shea, Catherine and Isabella made up a total of 6 lovers who had an official relationship with him. The sex frequency could be described by the word ‘hard work’, but up to now, he only had 1 daughter Duoduo. Furthermore, the little phoenix used the secret technique of talent to be born through Catherine. Is it because the combination of human and other races (the Demon Realm’s races) is difficult to have children? Or is it because of the soul reborn? Or because of the Super System? Chen Rui had always wondered. But let’s leave the problem of offspring to affinity. Anyway, there is Darling Duoduo now. She is the closest and dearest daughter. Anyhow, I am a justified father now.

Having a wife, having kids, having friends, and having a family. This life is worth it no matter what. Chen Rui kissed Zola again and hugged her tightly. He stood against the mast as he felt the sea breeze. His eyes were particularly calm.

Zola laid on his chest, feeling the strong heartbeat, feeling the tranquility and warmth in his heart; only to feel that his own heart was also warm, and there was a mass of inescapable happiness there.

“Chen Rui…


“I’m really happy. I no longer have to rely on desperate training and research to dilute my loneliness. I have lived ignorantly for so many years, and now I truly feel alive. How great.”


“For the rest of your life, you must hold me tight like this.”


“….” Ms. Fairy Dragon opened her mouth again, but didn’t say anything because she unceremoniously took a bite out of a certain poor imitator.

“Ah…my hand…”

Seeing Ms. Fairy Dragon’s puffed-up appearance, Chen Rui blew the back of his hand that had 2 teeth marks with a bitter face, and he suddenly whispered in her ear.

“Let’s go, let’s try to fulfill that little wish.” Ms. Fairy Dragon’s face blushed. Her ears were itchy, and her body couldn’t help but feel a little weak. Chen Rui laughed as he carried her up and walked to the ship cabin.

The sandmen, who were puzzled, turned a blind eye, and continued to carefully refer to the map while driving the Devil’s Snare Ship forward. The goal was the Jade Forest Sea.

The Devil’s Snare Ship sailed very fast. In the early morning 2 days later, they could already see the vast and lush forest sea.

After landing, Chen Rui put away the sandmen and the Devil’s Snare Ship. He took out a green leaf map specially made by the elf tribe that Finoia had given him.

The green leaf map was different from the ordinary magic map or compass. According to Finoia, it was a precious map made by the natural breath unique to the elf tribe, and it would not be disturbed by the different forces or enchantment of the Jade Forest Sea. The center of the map was the elf tribe’s Silver Moon Celestial Capital. Like a compass, no matter where the holder went, the green leaf’s pointer would always point to the correct location of the celestial capital.

As long as he found Finoia in the Silver Moon Celestial Capital, he would be able to find the Stone Fist Village of the forest hobbit. Chen Rui took Zola to the direction of the Silver Moon Celestial Capital in the direction of the green leaf pointer.

The Jade Forest Sea was extremely large, far exceeding the territory of ordinary kingdoms and even empires. The forest was full of towering ancient trees and strange plants, and there were countless unpredictable dangers.

Zola exuded a trace of dragon’s breath at the Kingdom level, and the approaching predators started to flee. However, there were also many carnivorous plants that relied on instinct to hunt and did not buy this. Once the prey reached the range, they would immediately launch an attack. Although it was difficult to pose a threat, they still had to be careful.

Chen Rui and Zola move forward hand in hand. Both of them were the strength of the peak stage of the Kingdom level. The strange powers in the forest sea had a lot of restrictions on the space power, so they couldn’t shift with all their strength, but Zola’s 6 element kingdom power was very wonderful. Chen Rui felt like being wrapped in wind elements and walking on the wind. Without activating any power by himself, his body was lightly driven by her to move forward quickly.

This speed was much faster than ground mounts or even the silver pegasus of elves. Chen Rui secretly lamented the mystery of magic elements, but for him, a magic idiot, he could only sigh with emotion.

About 6 hours later, Zola’s high-speed figure suddenly stopped while Chen Rui also keenly felt the abnormality ahead.

It was a huge ancient tree that would take at least 20 people to hug it. This kind of ancient tree was actually common in the Jade Forest Sea. It looked no different from ordinary trees on the surface, but Chen Rui and Zola both were able to sense that kind of pure and powerful life force.

Race: Treants.

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: SS-

Physique: SSSS-, Strength: SS-, Spirit: S, Speed: C

[Analysis]: Earth attribute, super gardener, entanglement power, enchantment barrier.

Danger level: Normal. This was the first time Chen Rui had seen a Kingdom level powerhouse with a speed of only C. These huge ancient trees also had a special talent ‘super gardener’. The area that I saw along the way is particularly lush with plants growing. It should be related to this kind of talent. It seems that the treants are also masters of farming.

Seeing the 2 people who stopped advancing, the treants moved slowly. As its huge body shook, a lot of dirt fell quickly, and many birds flew up from the branches in fright.

At the same time, special enchantment powers quickly spread out with the treant as the center, as if countless layers of translucent walls divided the space into countless ‘fragments’, blocking the way.

2 eyes slowly opened on the huge tree trunk, and the facial features were actually very vivid. The ‘eyebrows’ and ‘beards’ were lush branches and leaves. It looked like an old man from a distance.

The age of this ‘tree’ was unknown, but judging from the long breath of life, Zola was probably just a little girl in front of him.

The treant moved its ‘body’ (that was the trunk) again slowly. The ‘big mouth’ moved and made a grunting sound as if burping.

“Front… go… Stone… Fist…. “

The rhythm of these words was a slow one. When Chen Rui and Zola heard the words ‘Stone Fist’, their eyes lit up.

Stone Fist Village?

I wanted to go to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital first through Finoia and then to the Stone Fist Village, but I didn’t expect to come directly to the destination!

The treant over there continued in slow motion, “Vil… lage…”

I have an urgent matter. You old man is still going slowly. Such a bummer. I have no time for you.

“The Stone Fist Village is in front; no passing through!” The speed of the treant’s speech suddenly became faster. In fact, it was not the speed of the treant that had become faster, but the faster flow of time made the sentence more coherent. Chen Rui really couldn’t stand the speed of the treant, so he activated the time law.

“We are friends of the forest hobbit. The hobbit is in great danger now, please let us help the hobbit by passing through.”

“No one is allowed to pass!”

“Then, can you pass a message for me? My friend is the mechanic grand master Bernd of the hobbit tribe.”

“No! You can’t take 1 step forward!”


Chen Rui explained it for a while, and he did not hesitate to activate time law to speed up the conversation. However, the treant seemed to be not very good at words, and it had a stubborn temperament. He wouldn’t let anyone go.

Chen Rui had no choice but to look at Zola, “I can only get past it by force; try not to hurt him.”

Zola, who had been thinking about it for a long time, nodded and clenched Chen Rui’s hand. The index finger of the other hand moved slightly, and the enchantment ‘wall’ suddenly cracked.

The figures of the 2 people instantly moved into the criss-cross space. Following that, there were several cracks and turns. They had easily broken through the protection of the enchantment and appeared in the distance behind the treant.

This distance was already quite far. With the speed of the treant, it was too late to even turn around, but suddenly countless vines shot out from the ground like countless whips, overwhelmingly wrapping toward Chen Rui and Zola like lightning.

At this speed, there was absolutely no feeling of treant going slowly. At a closer look, these were actually roots and beards.

This scene made Chen Rui think of terms like ‘Lanruo Temple’ and ‘Grandma’.(Referencing to a haunted temple in a Chinese movie which is under the jurisdiction of the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma). He couldn’t help but snort. This kind of tentacle-like talent seemed to be very ecchi... Before the ‘tentacles’ wrapped them up, Zola’s beautiful purple eyes quickly blinked. The roots all over the sky stagnated for a while, and they all turned red. In a split second, they wilted and disappeared.

Immediately afterward, many roots broke out from the ground, almost inexhaustible.

When Zola blinked again, the originally hot air suddenly became cold, and the ground quickly froze. The ice was as strong as steel, and the roots could no longer break through from the ground. The treant seemed to want to turn back and continue to attack, but his movements were too slow. When he turned around, the 2 enemies had already disappeared from vision and perception.

Just as Chen Rui and Zola got rid of the treant, several treants appeared in front of them again, and they released the enchantment barrier without saying a word. It was very likely that the treant before used some special method to convey the news of the ‘intruders’.

The treants should be a very peaceful race, and their defense skills were quite good. The effect of the enchantment barrier activated by a combination of several treants would be doubled, and even Zola could not easily crack it. However, the attacks of the treants were relatively weak. Most of the treants only knew to entangle. Of course, this entanglement really was also very fierce and beastly, but for Chen Rui and his wife, it was far less troublesome than the enchantment barrier.

A faint yellow flame emanated from Zola’s body. With a move of her hand, a huge energy blade pierced into the barrier of the enchantment. The blade vibrated in a strange rhythm, and the blade surface began to crack. However, not only the ‘blade’ was cracked, the enchantment barrier that several treants jointly cast also cracked more and more. In the end, the entire joint barrier and the ‘blade’ collapsed at the same time. At the moment when Zola defeated the enchantment barriers and broke through the defense line, several whistles sounded. Something was coming at like lightning.

Zola frowned as the space beside her immediately froze. Dozens of objects stagnated in front of her for a few meters, which turned out to be silver arrows.

Although Zola froze the arrows, the other party’s reaction was quick. The whistles sounded again, and the tip of the dozens shooting arrows actually hit the tail of the front nock with accuracy, causing some kind of explosion that made the space shake.

Unfortunately, the other party still underestimated Zola’s power. No matter what changes happened to these feather arrows, they couldn’t shake Zola’s protection.

Chen Rui raised his brows slightly~ This kind of magical archery is by no means treants, but… elf!

After the treants’ enchantment barrier was broken, Chen Rui had sensed the elf hidden in the woods. A large number of elves seemed to be coming quickly from a distance.

According to the previous treant, this should be the Stone Fist Village where the forest hobbit is located. Why are there so many elves?

Chen Rui had stayed in the Silver Moon Celestial Capital for a long time, and he personally killed the 4-winged angel Isyorul of the church in the outskirts of the celestial capital. He was no stranger to the elf tribe. Judging from the kind of archery that Zola encountered just now and the equipment of the elves ahead, it should be the regular army of the elves.

What happened to the Stone Fist Village?

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