Chapter 949: Marriage

On the way out of the Shion Palace, Chen Rui was lost in thought.

Veronica asked him to leave the Dragon Bright Empire because the return of the Prince ‘Arthur’ would create some kind of hindrance and put ‘Arthur’ in danger?

When Chen Rui said unreservedly about ‘Arthur’’s true feelings to Veronica, with his peak stage of the Kingdom level sensing ability, he keenly captured a slight emotional fluctuation in it.

It was… fear.

Veronica was actually fearful.

Veronica of the Kingdom level, is fearful of Arthur, whose apparent strength is not even Demon King level?

It should have nothing to do with strength, but heart.

Her heart, as if it was frozen, was so cold that it could cut off everything, but she was afraid of the sincerity that could melt the cold. This state was somewhat similar to Isabella back then.

This fluctuation was only fleeting, and it soon returned to silence. Chen Rui would definitely not give up just like that. Whether it was to find out the truth or to fulfill Arthur’s state of mind, he would approach that frozen heart again.

No matter what the truth was, Chen Rui would make every effort to try to ‘rescue’ her. He had made all kinds of mental preparations for that, even including giving her the final liberation.

“Your Highness Arthur!” The voice of the imperial guards at the gate of the Shion Palace interrupted Chen Rui’s thoughts, “His Majesty summoned Your Highness to go to the side hall to discuss matters.”

Chen Rui nodded and walked toward the side hall of the palace.

When he was in the corridor, there were 2 people who happened to be coming from the opposite direction; 1 of which was Second Prince Garfield.

Garfield was talking and laughing with the man beside him, but when he saw Chen Rui, his face suddenly turned cold.

“Second brother.” Chen Rui greeted him with a smile.

“Brother Arthur.” Garfield forced a smile, “You’ve been in the limelight lately. The whole empire is talking about the yellow dragon wine.”

“Thanks to second brother for taking care of Golden Estate for so many years. Especially when you left, you took painstaking effort.”

This was an obvious irony. Garfield couldn’t help but snort coldly. The troubles he left behind when he handed over the Golden Estate instead brought out Arthur’s extraordinary talent. The current development of the Golden Estate far exceeded his 7 years of operation. Which could see at a glance who was better or worse.

The atmosphere became awkward for a while, then the handsome and imposing purple-haired man on the side said in time, “Proyo. Kurwich, it’s an honor to meet the Royal Highness Third Prince.”

The name made Chen Rui frown. Proyo was the eldest son of the Military Administration Council’s Dean Chamosco; he was also the deputy legion commander of the Dragon Scale Legion, an upstart in the imperial army, and the fiancé of Princess Freya, the sister of ‘Arthur’.

Chen Rui had a very good impression on Freya, especially the kind of special intimacy. The Golden Estate was adjacent to the capital, but the Golden Estate City to Yerodisha was at least a day’s journey away. However, in just 2 months, Freya came no less than 10 times to the Golden Estate. Even when the estate was in the most ‘dire’ situation, the princess forked out her own money to help her brother.

“Oh it’s General Proyo, I heard that you just returned from the Cold Winter Fortress? Nice to meet you.” Chen Rui nodded to Proyo, “It’s a pity that I’m going to see His Majesty now. We’ll get together again next time. “

Proyo laughed, “I have heard the reputation of the yellow dragon wine all the way from the Cold Winter Fortress back to the capital. Since the Royal Highness Third Prince has said it, I have to go to the Golden Estate for a drink. I hope Your Highness will not be stingy by then.”

“You’re most welcome.” Chen Rui glanced at Garfield, “As for some people, don’t humiliate yourself.”

After speaking, Garfield walked straight forward without even looking at the pale-faced Garfield.

In the side hall, Chen Rui met Lex the Great.

“You went to the Shion Palace just now?”


“You seem to be a little diligent in visiting there recently? Is there nothing to do in your estate?”

“It’s manageable.” Chen Rui nodded, “The estate is developing very well now, so don’t worry about it for the time being.”

“Are you showing off?”

“Yes.” Chen Rui’s answer was somewhat surprising, “If I don’t even have the capital to show off, I don’t deserve to stand in front of Your Majesty.”

Lex the Great squinted slightly, “I don’t know whether to admire or hate your confidence, but too much confidence is arrogance. Your achievements are still insignificant. In other words, there’s still a long time before you can be arrogant.”

“I know.” Chen Rui smiled lightly, “These are really insignificant; perhaps you can call them warm-ups. I believe the real good show will be staged soon.”

In all fairness, the ‘achievements’ of the yellow dragon wine, the auction, the rapid pacification and development of the Golden Estate, even Lex the Great himself or any talent in the empire, couldn’t do it; but these were just warm-ups?

Lex the Great’s brows twitched. After 7 years, this son has really changed completely. Whether it’s words or actions, it’s completely unexpected, almost… out of control.

As a father, there was a little gratification in his heart, but for the Dragon Bright Empire’s ruler who was used to controlling everything, it was not so gratifying.

“Very good, I’m looking forward to your really good show.” Lex the Great nodded. His tone changed, “I called you here today for another matter. I initially wanted to send someone to the estate to inform you, but you happened to come to the palace, so I’ll tell you face to face. The news of your return has spread throughout the human world, including our largest alliance, the Blue Glory Empire. Your marriage to Princess Pearl Landbis, which has been dragging on for 7 years, should be completed. The last time you disappeared before the engagement ceremony. According to royal protocol, this ceremony must be completed first. So, before the 20th of next month, you have to rush to the Blue Glory Empire to hold the engagement ceremony with Princess Landbis. Then, bring Princess Landbis back to the Empire for marriage.”

“Go to the Blue Glory Empire to get engaged? Then bring the princess back to get married?” Chen Rui was surprised and asked deliberately, “Can I refuse?”

Lex the Great glanced at him, “What do you think?”

“I have 1 condition.”

Lex the Great sneered coldly, “You’re not qualified to negotiate terms right now.”

“I have.” Chen Rui’s words carried an undeniable firmness. Although his strength shown now was only ‘Warrior’ while Lex the Great’s strength was peak stage of Saint, once these 2 words were uttered, even this ruler couldn’t help but tremble.

Lex the Great took a deep breath and stopped arguing with the qualification problem, “Veronica?”

Chen Rui changed his mind and asked, “No? Didn’t Your Majesty say that anyone can be a bargaining chip?”

There was a strange light in Lex the Great’s eyes, and he shook his head with certainty, “You’re not qualified enough to trade, my son.”

Son? Not the prince? Chen Rui showed a strange expression, “It’s surprising, Your Majesty. As far as I know, she’s just a poor victim who has no value anymore. Reasons like sudden death due to illness or disappearance can accomplish this deal. However, from Your Majesty’s determination, it seems that you would rather give me the Dragon Knight Legion… no, even the Holy Light Robe, than let Veronica come with me?”

The real focus of these words was not Veronica, but the Holy Light Robe used as an ‘example’.

Lex the Great didn’t have too much suspicion, and he just sneered, “No matter what it is, your qualifications are far from enough… However, if you are really interested in the legion, I can consider putting you in a fortress for a period of time to train.”

“It’s just an example. My hobby is internal affairs, and I’m not interested in the military for the time being.” Chen Rui spread his hands, showing no indifference, “I’d better go back to the estate first. Today is the 3rd, next month’s 20th… It’s just a month and a half. I need to think about something seriously.”

“It’s better not some kind of botched plan to escape marriage or pretend to be sick.”

“How could it be? Your Majesty underestimates me too much.” Chen Rui shrugged, “But to be honest, this marriage came too fast, I’m not mentally prepared at all. Can you…”

Lex the Great interrupted immediately, “No way! The Dragon Bright Empire and the Blue Glory Empire have been preparing for 7 years! As for you, you don’t need to prepare at all now. Don’t think about delaying it for even a day!”

“What if I want to accumulate some bargaining chips before then?”

“Your intellect and attention seem to have foolishly diverged.” Lex the Great said coldly, “I don’t care what plans or deals you have. This time you must go to the Blue Glory Empire. I will send Proyo and the elites of the Dragon Scale Legion to escort you there. There must be no mistakes!

“Okay, Your Majesty, if it’s your order.” Chen Rui sighed and agreed.

He had no particular resistance to going to the Blue Glory Empire to participate in the engagement ceremony because the holy relic of the town of the Blue Glory Empire was his goal. Meanwhile, he was also an ‘old friend’ of the aspiring Madam Princess, so he believed that there would be a common ‘topic’ at that time. The Elf Grand Master Finoia invited him to go to the Jade Forest Sea when he had time last time, saying that he had something to give away, so he could drop by this time.

“You must be focused in this trip to the Blue Glory Empire! You represent the entire Dragon Bright Empire. I can see that you have almost forgotten the court etiquette. I will send someone to teach you. As for the engagement gift… As a mechanical grand master, I believe you don’t need me to worry about it. Now you can go back to the estate; go back directly!”

Chen Rui bowed, frowning a little.

As a bargaining chip, Veronica seems to be placed in a high position by Lex the Great; is it to use against Arthur?

The most troublesome thing was that although the wedding time with Landbis was expected, it came too soon.

At this time, there was still a month and a half before the engagement time of the Blue Glory Empire. If he went directly to the teleportation array, it would take at least half a month on the road, so he had less than a month left on hand.

Chen Rui’s original plan was to first promote aromatic millet wine, then promote the magic game and its subsidiary products, magic phone, to expand to the entire human world step by step. After finishing, he would use this as a bargaining chip to showdown with Lex the Great, get Holy Light Robe from the Dragon Bright Empire, and deal with Veronica’s matter. Following that, he would go to the Blue Glory Empire to get the Holy Grail. The final destination was the most difficult mission location —The Holy Light Mountain.

In the Holy Light Mountain, he was likely to encounter a fierce battle or even face a powerful enemy like Michael again, but at that time he wasn’t worried. He just had to bring Tiffany back and understand the creation origin along the way. Even if he was exposed, it didn’t matter. Therefore, all matters must be handled in advance.

Now that the wedding was going to be held so soon, his plans were completely disrupted. The promotion of magic games was no easier than the promotion of aromatic millet wine. It needed to build the ‘base stations’ piece by piece. 1 month was not enough to launch it into popularity into the whole human world.

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