Chapter 932: Gift

Holy Light Mountain.

The plaza of the Holy Blessing Hall.

With a gloomy face, Michael stood in front of the giant statue of the 12-winged angel.

In front of the statue was the figure of a black long-haired man gathered by white light. He had an otherworldly demeanor.

“Python? Demon?” The black-haired man frowned, “I didn’t expect that woman to have such courage to break into the Holy Light Mountain. Have we been too lax over the years? Or perhaps it’s because it has been a long time since we last showed that we are ignored by these ill-intentioned guys? Shall we wake Gabriel from the Black Prison Desert and join us for a trip to the Demon Realm?”

“It’s not necessary for now. The most urgent task is to further digest and absorb the faith power. Anyway, after 100 years, the seal between the 2 worlds will be loosened again, and it will not be too late for us to meet those ‘old friends’ by then. But this time, it’s my carelessness to lose ‘Wind Badge’ and 2 4-winged servants.”

With that said, a cold light flashed in Michael’s eyes, “Python has lost her body, and this time she was severely injured by me again, so there is nothing to worry about. If it wasn’t for me to wake up in a hurry, and I have to separate out a part of my strength to suppress the source of faith that was not fully digested, I would have killed her. However, the demon ant was indeed out of my expectation. Although he was only Demi-God’s strength, he had ‘Earth Badge’ and ‘Tower of Glory’. He actually slipped away under my watch! “

“The Tower of Glory!” The black-haired man raised his eyebrows, “It seems that the traitor Rodriguez escaped to the Demon Realm. However, since the Tower of Glory is in the hands of the demons, then Rodriguez must have fallen, which is good news. After this incident, Python and the demon will definitely not dare to come again. But this incident has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us. Whether it is the Black Death Followers or other enemies, we must not let our guard down.”

Michael sighed, “You’re right. Raphael, there is still a key issue, the Snow Dallet Tree will take at least 10,000 years to regenerate seedlings. During this time, the church can no longer convert the [Body of Light Blessing] ], so we can only rely on the sources of the 2 Holy Empires. This way, the faith power, combat power and influence power will be greatly reduced.”

The black-haired man was Raphael, one of the 3 archangels like Michael. He replied, “There is good news. The holy relic that was lost by the Cloud Rider Empire has been discovered.”

Michael’s eyes lit up, “It’s really good news. It can somewhat solve the immediate pressing needs.”

“I heard that the Black Death Followers are also paying attention to this holy relic. Just in case, I have sent 3 holy apprentices to assist.” Raphael pondered and said, “The discovery of the Nightmare Wilderness is indeed surprising and unexpected. Those stupid orcs have been blinded by the Black Death Followers for so many years. This time I sent an 8-winged angel to bloodbath the Nightmare Wilderness with the Tribunal. All tribes suspected of evil faith were wiped out to avoid future troubles.”

“You’re doing it right. Those cultists really deserve to die.” Michael’s eyes flashed coldly, “Compared to the fallen guys in the Demon Realm, the abyss is the biggest enemy. No matter what, we can’t let those guys come back to this world. It should at least be after we become real gods. Otherwise, everything will be completely destroyed…”

“En, the might of my soul is approaching completion. During this time, I will concentrate on the movement of this world. You can continue to sleep.”

Michael nodded. His body slowly became thinner before finally dissipating into the air.

Dragon Valley.


There was a faint scent of tea in the courtyard. Isabella sat in front of a small table with an exquisite tea set.

Unlike the Demon Realm’s year-round constant climate, the human world not only had abundant light elements, but it also had 4 seasons. It was the hot summer, and Isabella, who had just arrived in the human world, was inevitably a little not used to it.

Not long ago, she discovered some ‘tea leaves’ with an excellent variety and texture in the Dragon Valley which contained the power of the light element. After drinking it, not only the body’s adaptation to the climatic environment was further strengthened, but she was already able to unleash her talent strength and normal combat power in this environment. Furthermore, she could also absorb the Holy Scale bestowed by Dragon Emperor Pagris faster.

Even Dragon Emperor Pagris couldn’t see Isabella’s demon identity now. Of course, it was thanked to the Evil Blue Tear and that piece of Holy Scale.

Isabella first habitually filled the empty cups on the opposite table, then she picked up the teacup in front of her, smelled the tea, and took a sip.

At the Demon Realm, although all her sisters and friends had tasted her tea, most of them were not used to drinking it. Even her best friend, Ms. Betty, was no exception. Apart from Chen Rui, only Zola really liked it. Ms. Fairy Dragon had become addicted to what she called a ‘bitter drink.’ Every time she had the time, she would come to her small house for a cup of tea.

Now in the Dragon Valley, in addition to Zola, Meria and Span were also in love with her tea art. The newly recognized adoptive parents were really kind to her, making her feel the long-lost affection. In the past 2 days, Dragon Emperor Pagris sent people a lot of training resources. The Elf King and his wife brought Zola and the reluctant ‘son of the Dragon Emperor’s brother’ plus his wife and a certain truly handsome slime for a closed-door training, so they were currently absent.

Despite being alone, there was still a sense of comfort and ease, which was the complete opposite of the loneliness she felt in those days among the crowd.

The only thing she was worried about was him. I wonder how he is now.

The strength of that Python is Pseudo-God. I wonder if he can…

Although she was worried and wanted to be by his side, she could only wait like this.

“This beautiful lady, is Madam Meria here?”

An unfamiliar voice sounded behind her, and Isabella looked back. It was a strange man with snake pupils. He was obviously a dragon.

The dragon stared at her with a look of lustful gaze, which made Isabella frown and shake her head, “Not here.”

“Are you… that Ms. Isabella? What about Sir Span and Madam Zola?”

“Thanks to the treasure presented by Royal Majesty Pagris, father and mother went with Sister Zola for training.” Isabella pointed out the name of the Dragon Emperor, intending to warn the dragon.

“Oh,” the dragons responded, but he still looked at her intently, “Don’t you feel too lonely drinking tea alone?”

That look made Isabella disgusted. However, this sentence made Madam Aunt’s blue eyes light up. She looked at the dragon carefully and sighed deliberately, “Yeah, it’s too lonely to be alone.”

“Do you need my company to break up your loneliness? Charming lady.”

As Ms. Yini glanced at the pair of snake pupils, her eyes were seducing, “Answer me a question first, am I the most beautiful and alluring woman you have ever seen?”

“Of course.” The dragon shrugged.

“Am I your favorite, most loved woman?”

“Uh… yes.”

“Then, you now say loudly ‘except for the favorite Yini, I won’t bother the rest of the women’. “Ms. Yini showed a shrewd smile. She blinked her eyes and looked very charming, “If you say it, I have a special reward for you.”

“This…” The snake-eyed man couldn’t hold back, and he smiled bitterly, “How did you recognize me?”

Ms. Yini sighed as she raised the sound recording stone hidden behind her back, “It’s just 1 step away. What a pity.”

The snake-eyed man’s face had changed back to that of Chen Rui. As he sat down at the table opposite Isabella and looked at the sound recording stone, his forehead was sweating as he sighed a breath of relief - If I really say it and it is recorded by this evil fairy, as soon as it is played in the harem, perhaps half of the crystal harem would collapse immediately.

Madam Aunt smiled charmingly, put away the sound recording stone, and got up to pour him a cup of tea, “Except Betty, Dodo and Zola, no one knows it’s called ‘tea’. Even father and mother only know it’s called a ‘bitter drink’. With a flaw, coupled with your habitual little actions, it becomes a big flaw.”

“So it is.” Chen Rui scratched his head as he smiled and said, “Actually, even if there is no such flaw, I’m afraid that I can’t hide it from my wife after saying more.”

Isabella naturally understood the meaning of the term ‘wife’, and she felt sweet, “It’s too late to say something to compliment. This test is actually a manifestation of distrust of your wife, and it is also a very despicable behavior. Unless you give me a nice gift, I can’t promise that one day… a handsome man will be used to test whether a guy takes me seriously.”

“Of course.” Chen Rui smiled, “I have prepared a gift. This is an important gift specially prepared for my Yini.”

Ms. Yini’s eyes rolled, and she showed a charming expression, “Really? It seems that you came prepared, but this gift better satisfies me…”

All of a sudden, her words came to an abrupt end.

Chen Rui had a pair of pale green boots, which were not a suitable gift for a woman, whether in style or otherwise.

However, Isabella’s eyes froze, as if she saw something incredible, then she slowly stood up.

Her face had completely lost the previous ease, and she had completely lost the usual charm and amorous feelings. There was only a kind of strong emotion that seemed to be moving. This emotion had been suppressed, but it could not be suppressed completely as her body trembled involuntarily.

The trembling hand touched the pair of boots. At the moment of approach, she timidly did not dare to touch it, until a warm palm gently held her hand and placed it on the boots.

Feeling that long-lost power breath, it seemed that time had suddenly flowed backward to 100 years ago.

Then slowly, slowly, slowly rewind from 100 years ago to the present.

From the moment he met the man in front of him, everything became faster, until the current Dragon Valley.

Her vision was blurry.

Because unknowingly, the tears had been pouring out.

For the first time, she did not suppress her emotion.

Unreservedly, she fully vented out her inner emotions, including those hidden deep in her mind.

Just like the girl who cried up to the sky in the torrential rain 100 years ago.

The difference was that then there was endless despair and pain, but now it was full of hope and happiness.

The shackle in the deepest part of the mind and also the last shackle, shattered and dissipated into wisps of light smoke.

She didn’t speak, but she just pressed her body tightly to the chest, which had been soaked with her tears. She felt the strength and warmth of his arms. A feeling of true rebirth was born in her heart, just like the legendary phoenix.

“For the rest of your life, don’t let me go.”

After saying a sentence silently in her mind, her blue eyes slowly closed. At this moment, she felt an unprecedented peace.

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