Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 919: The Dragon Valley Wedding

Chapter 919: The Dragon Valley Wedding

The next day, in the Dragon Valley.

A grand wedding kicked off.

Although the preparation time was very hasty, it did not affect the grandness of the wedding at all. Almost all the dragons in the Dragon Valley came.

This time the wedding was presided over by the Dragon Emperor Royal Majesty Pagris himself. The 2 daughters of the Great Elder Meria were getting married. 1 was Fairy Dragon Zola who once left the Dragon Valley and the other was Meria’s newly recognized daughter, called Isabella, who seemed to be a human. What’s even more surprising was that the groom, ‘Richard’, was also human.

Although this ‘Richard’ was a human, he was an amazing powerhouse. The Storm Island’s trial field, which had been well received by dragons, was Richard’s masterpiece. The ‘official version’ of trial illusion called the ‘Infinite Warrior OL’, which was tried at the Rainbow Summit yesterday, was 100 times stronger than the original trial. Not only was it not dangerous, but it was also extremely interesting and challenging. The dragons that had tried it couldn’t get enough of it.

It was said that ‘Richard’ would popularize this illusion throughout the Dragon Valley where every giant dragon could participate in the ‘Infinite Warrior OL’. This alone was enough to make all dragons cheer.

What happened yesterday was far more than this one. The Great Elder Meria, who was initially expected to step down or even be expelled, regained the unanimous support of the Dragon Emperor Pagris and the elders, while the Elder Stanwell, who was the most vocal, not only got nothing, but he also failed miserably and lost face after ‘sparring’ with the great elder’s son-in-law, ‘Richard’.

It was said to be sparring, but in fact, he was beaten in front of many dragons who participated in the trial. Stanwell, who had the strength of Demi-God level, had no power to fight back ‘Richard’. Richard’s strength was evident. It seemed that the previous defeat of Golden Dragon Elder Mayroskea and Red Dragon Elder Russola to this human on the Storm Island was not accidental; he must have held back mercifully.

Due to time constraints, the wedding skipped a lot of red tape, but the Dragon Valley’s traditional ‘test’ for the groom was unavoidable. If he failed to pass the test, he must pay a considerable amount of money to redeem each dragon participating in the wedding. Otherwise, he would not be able to go to the bride’s side to complete the wedding. In front of Chen Rui was the dragons’ favorite test – the ‘Scale of Wealth’.

The Scale of Wealth was actually a long-established artifact of the dragons. It did not have any lethality or protection, and its only function was to measure wealth and value.

The core content of the ‘Scale of Wealth’ test was ‘Wealth Comparison’. A representative selected by the dragons and the groom would each take out a corresponding amount of treasures and put them on the artifact scale to measure and compare. If the groom wins, he would get all the wealth put in by the other party, and the celebration gifts sent by all the dragons participating in the wedding would be doubled; if the other party wins, the groom’s wealth would belong to the other party. All the celebration gifts sent by the dragons would be returned, plus paying double the gift money. In short, winning would bring double gain; losing would bring double loss.

The representative participating in the competition was usually the loser in the pursuit of the bride. Although he failed in love, he could win wealth as compensation. Generally speaking, this aggrieved ‘representative’ would go all-out in the game, so the groom’s winning rate was very slim. When Span and Meria got married, the representative they encountered was Gueroas, Meria’s biggest suitor, and Span failed miserably. The Old Father-in-law Elf King not only lost all his fortune on the Scale of Wealth, but he also paid double the gift money to all the dragons present. This was also 1 of the reasons the old father-in-law had always been hostile toward Gueroas.

Dragons were financial masters. In other words, misers, but naturally they would not miss this good opportunity to accumulate wealth where the more they bet, the more they earn. Plus the additional ransom money that would be paid if the groom failed to pass the test, it was definitely a huge windfall, so the dragons gave large sums of gift money as if they were high.

The representative who appeared this time was somewhat unexpected. It was not Karru, whom Zola escaped from the marriage, but the loser Stanwell from the elder council. Stanwell was beaten badly by the human yesterday. Today, he intended to use the wedding to ‘revenge’, which was also reasonable. Since he couldn’t win in a fight, he would be able to vent his frustration if he could win all the wealth of the human.

Dragons had a very long lifespan, so it was no exaggeration to say that the wealth they accumulated was comparable to an empire; not to mention an elder like Stanwell. Hence, everyone was full of confidence in Stanwell’s victory.

Meria and Span didn’t even know about Stanwell’s appearance beforehand. They were both shocked and had a bad omen.

The Scale of Wealth looked like a huge scale with a height of 3 meters. In fact, the 2 trays were space doors, which could accommodate wealth to the maximum extent. The types include equipment, treasures, coins, etc., which must be counted outside the space ring. After the 2 sides entered the tray space, the scale would display the wealth value of the treasures presented by both sides to enable measurement and comparison. The time limit was 10 minutes, and the things handed up could not be retrieved. Although there was no direct display of treasures to outsiders in the whole process, the justice of the scale was absolute. The wealth of the losing party would automatically fall into the space of the other party.

Under the eager gazes of the dragons, Chen Rui and Stanwell flew onto the scale trays and disappeared.

However, Stanwell’s tray began to glow, and the color representing wealth began to change from green to blue, then from blue to purple… and it turned into dazzling gold in the end. The scale completely tilted toward Stanwell’s side.

The dragons exclaimed in amazement. Everyone knew what this color represented. It was no exaggeration to say that Stanwell bet on all his properties. It seems that this sir elder who was humiliated yesterday no doubt lived up to expectations.

At this moment, the dragons were in a commotion for a while because the balance moved again. It actually tilted toward Chen Rui’s side. Everyone saw that the tray had turned into the color of the rainbow, which was an unprecedented color!

The 2 sides in the space were able to see each other’s scale, which shocked Stanwell. Originally, according to yesterday’s gambling agreement, after he lost to Chen Rui, he should apologize to Meria in public and compensate for all the property. Later, Dragon Emperor Pagris mediated from it, avoiding the public apology and letting Stanwell participate in the test of the Scale of Wealth as a representative. If Stanwell lost, then he would pay all his property as a gift; if he won, he could get a lot of money, and let Chen Rui pay double the dragons’ gift, which was also considered a vent of his frustration. After all, Stanwell was a direct descendant of Pagris, and the Dragon Emperor did have a set of methods to coax and appease him.

It was a pity that Stanwell, who believed he would win today, was unexpectedly sad again.

Seeing the rainbow light, Stanwell’s face twitched. He gritted his teeth, and a golden ring appeared in his hand. The shiny gold of the scale suddenly turned dark gold, which once again attracted the wonder of the dragons. However, this time the dragons were amazed because although Stanwell’s scale turned dark gold, the entire scale was still firmly tilted toward Chen Rui’s side without even moving.

Stanwell broke out in cold sweat. He was trembling while he took out 2 silver scimitars. The dark golden color of the balance seemed a little darker, but the tilt remained unchanged.

This result cast hopelessness in Stanwell’s mind. He was just stunned there, not even aware of the 10-minute flashing warning. It wasn’t until the end of the time when he was teleported out that the elder holy dragon recovered his senses. Looking at the empty hands, he fainted on the spot.

In the space on the other side, Chen Rui was smiling from ear to ear as he looked at the countless coins, antiquities, and wealth beside him. He hurriedly used the storage warehouse to collect them one by one.

In fact, Chen Rui didn’t do anything. He took out the God-Eating Mask, the Sword of Fallen Angel, the Wrath King Armor and the Demon Shield. When he saw the light of the rainbow and the tilt of the scale, Chen Rui, who originally planned to throw the Tower of Glory, immediately calmed down. Although these equipment appeared to be quasi-artifacts, they were parts of some kind of supreme artifact in legends, so the value they contained was no doubt immeasurable.

As a senior elder of dragons, Stanwell must be extremely wealthy. Meanwhile, even if Chen Rui lost, Stanwell would not be able to take the things with him. At most, Chen Rui had to compensate for the gift money only.

Seeing the human walking out of the Scale of Wealth with a smile, all the dragons were shocked. This guy actually won Stanwell, and now everyone has to pay double the gift money!

Meria and Span naturally laughed heartily, especially the Old Father-in-law Elf King. The son-in-law made them proud this time; he was much stronger than Span in the past.

The next representative was a girl. This girl had a demure and beautiful appearance, but she looked bitter and enraged. It was Stanwell’s sister, Loraine.

Chen Rui could fully understand the rage of this girl. Whether it was just winning her brother Stanwell’s fortune, or the ‘brother-in-law’ title that had been quietly spread by the dragons, there were good reasons for Sister Loraine to be so hateful.

Sister Loraine knew that even her brother’s Demi-God level strength was no match for this human, so she calmly chose what she was best at – The ancient magic card ‘Fate Showdown’.

In the end, it was natural that the 2 siblings grieved together.

Under the eyes of Zola and Isabella in the distance, Chen Rui did not dare to show mercy. He used quick tactics to beat Sister Loraine 3 times consecutively within 10 minutes, almost instantly defeating the poor holy dragon girl. He passed the test neatly without any entanglement or flirting.

The dramatic part was the final test, where the biggest ‘sufferer’ of the wedding, Karru, Zola’s betrothed partner, appeared on the stage.

“About that… Sir Richard, I…I…”

Looking at the timid ‘beautiful’ sissy, Chen Rui had a helpless feeling. This test is probably going to be difficult. What are we going to compete in? Embroidery? Needlework? Nonsense…

Karru was about to say something when Ms. Fairy Dragon seemed to cough slightly from behind.

Sissy’s already tense nerves seemed to be flicked, and he shivered suddenly. His speech became several times smoother, “Sir Richard, I have no problem here!”

“Thank you.” Chen Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

“No no no! I should be the one thanking you.” Sissy looked back in fear and said sincerely.

Is it to thank me for marrying Ms. Fairy Dragon, saving you from trouble?

How much trauma did Darling Zola leave in the heart of this kid…

Chen Rui gave Karru a friendly smile, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and walked forward.

“You… you are a good person.”

Chen Rui’s body was shocked by the sissy’s praise from behind, and the cheering voice of a certain ‘Master! Good person! Truly-handsome’ almost made him lose balance and fall down. After taking a deep breath, he finally stabilized himself and stepped onto the ceremonial stage.

Today, Zola and Isabella were both dressed in the traditional costumes of dragons, which were elegant and luxurious. They looked particularly alluring.

Chen Rui bowed to Meria and Span, took the hands of the 2 brides, and walked toward Pagris.

As the witness of the wedding, the Dragon Emperor looked at the 3 newlyweds walking hand in hand. His eyes swept over a certain poison dragon with a face of ‘I don’t know you’, and a knowing smile appeared on his face as he began to read the wedding oath.

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