Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 917: The Choice of the Poison Dragon

Chapter 917: The Choice of the Poison Dragon

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the jet-black metal weapon on the ground.

A short stick. The front section was a large round mace, and the middle was connected by a chain.

The chain hammer, also known as the flail, was a heavy swinging weapon.

The flail seemed to be so heavy that when it fell to the ground, it left a sinkhole in the solid floor.

“This should be a good thing…” Master Poison Dragon looked at the flail with gleaming eyes. Paglio was a little jealous just now when Pagris gave Isabella a piece of Pseudo-God’s Holy Scale. According to the pace… are you going to give me another treasure? It seems that following that cunning human really has some benefits.

“This is a powerful artifact called ‘Thunder Flail’. Although it is only a primary artifact, it is extremely powerful.” Pagris was holding another ring inlaid with a green gem, “If you can pick it up, not only can you get this artifact, you can also have the right of inheritance to a huge treasure. The mystery of the treasure is in this ring.”

With that said, that ring also flew to the ground in front of Thunder Flail.

Artifact plus a huge treasure? Paglio thought he heard it wrong. Why are the giant dragons in the human world so generous? Have they forgotten the fine traditions of ‘being stingy’, ‘heartless rich’ and other virtues inherited from our ancestors?

In the spirit of carrying forward the self-enrichment traditions of the ancestors, Master Poison Dragon bent down without thinking to grab the flail, but the flail was heavier than he imagined. He couldn’t even move it.

First, he used 1 hand, then 2 hands… But no matter how hard he tried, it still didn’t move at all.

Paglio had already exerted all his strength, and his face was flushed, but he still couldn’t succeed. In the end, he had to stand up dejectedly. His old face was hot for a while – it is a precious treasure, but I can’t even pick it up. Plus, it’s in front of so many dragons, it’s so embarrassing.

Strangely, none of the dragon elders seemed surprised as if it was only natural that Paglio couldn’t pick it up.

“It’s normal that you can’t pick it up.” Pagris said slowly, “Under normal circumstances, only powerhouses above Demi-God can pick it up, but they can’t use the true power of Thunder Flail, including me, the Dragon Emperor. There is only 1 way, which is to burn the power of bloodline and try to get its approval.”

Burning the power of bloodline was different from the ordinary ‘blood recognition’. It reverses the blood of the whole body and activates the most initial as well as the strongest inheritance power hidden in the bloodline. The danger of this method was obvious, and it usually injured the vitality seriously; some even resulted in a coma.

“All the dragons in the Dragon Valley… can’t be recognized by it?” Master Poison Dragon was not a fool. He immediately understood a bit.

Pagris shrugged and gave a correct answer, “The previous master of this artifact is a poison dragon.”

The poison dragon was a very rare type of dragon just like a fairy dragon, so Paglio nodded in realization. He took a deep breath, and his strength began to surge: Isn’t it just burning the bloodline? For the sake of artifact and treasure, I will go all in… at most I’ll ask this human to give me a bottle of resurrection potion.

Master Poison Dragon gave Little Betty a ‘reassuring’ gaze and began to reverse the flow of blood in the whole body. Numerous flowing bumps suddenly appeared on his body, which was very terrifying.

When Paglio crouched down to hold the Thunder Flail again, the flail actually glowed faintly, and the short stick was slowly lifted up.

The golden light in Pagris’ eyes suddenly flourished. Not only the Dragon Emperor, but also Meria and several senior elders showed shocked expressions.

Paglio was struggling. Judging from the expression on his face, it was quite energy-consuming as if the short stick alone was heavy. The blood flowing back on his body was getting faster and faster. His blood erupted from his skin.

The green blood unique to the poison dragon flew out, and the ground was corroded into countless potholes. He even became a green ‘blood man’. The blood that splashed on the Thunder Flail seemed to be absorbed like encountering a sponge.

“Paglio…” Krobelus’ trembling voice sounded.

Hearing Little Betty’s voice, Paglio was refreshed. He ignored the bleeding and exerted strength in his hands. The flail was lifted up. The entire Thunder Flail burst out ‘buzzing’ black lightning.

When the flail was completely lifted up, Paglio was surprised to feel the flail in his hands suddenly become lighter. He tried to change from 2-handed to 1-handed, and he managed to hold the flail with only his right hand. With a wave, the buzzing black lightning drew terrifying trajectories in the air. The entire hall began to shake.

Seeing Paglio spinning the Thunder Flail, Dragon Emperor Pagris involuntarily stood up as his eyes glowing with excitement. Several elders such as Meria nodded frequently.

After the poison dragon stopped burning the bloodline, he felt that the flail became extremely heavy again. Although it was not like the situation where he could not move it before, he could only barely lift it with 1 hand and could not swing it freely.

With a ‘clang’, Paglio threw down the Thunder Flail, drank a bottle of grand master healing potion thrown by Chen Rui, and said to the Dragon Emperor, “Your Majesty, this should count as I qualified, right?!”

“Of course!” Pagris did not conceal the strange emotions in his eyes, “Actually, you are not able to use it freely because your strength and bloodline are not integrated with well enough. As long as you reach Demi-God or completely integrate the inherited power of burning bloodline just now, the power of Thunder Flail can truly be unleashed.”

“So, I can get the Thunder Flail and that treasure ring?” Master Poison Dragon’s eyes had turned into black crystal coins. He didn’t even care to wipe off the blood on his body.

“Of course, the son of Cairrealo.” Pagris’ smile contained a genuine cordial.

“What?” Master Poison Dragon’s hand that stretched out to the ring suddenly stopped, then he slowly stood up and looked at Dragon Emperor, “What do you mean?”

“Just as you understand, Cairrealo. Trisilarondoartes, your father’s full name.”

“Trisilarondoartes?” Paglio pointed his thumb to himself, “You got it wrong? My last name is Sandro Archilles!”

“Sandro Archilles? Is this the name given by the dragon who adopted you?” The Dragon Emperor did not mind Paglio’s rudeness at all, but he explained patiently, “Cairrealo. Trisilarondoartes, the elder of dragons, the famous warrior of dragons. He is like my sibling, my closest comrade and brother. He is your real father. Thunder Flail is the best proof. No one but his descendants can use this artifact with bloodline inheritance.”

Paglio sneered, “I’m the dragons of the Demon Realm. That Cairre or something, isn’t he the elder of the Dragon Valley, how could I be his descendant?!”

“It’s Cairrealo.” the Dragon Emperor solemnly corrected, ” When your father went to the Demon Realm for training and returned to the human world, he told me that he left a descendant in the Demon Realm. It’s a pity that your father died in a battle later. Since he has no other children, I have always kept the Thunder Flail and his inheritance. Your age, coupled with the Thunder Flail’s bloodline activation, can completely confirm that you are the son that Cairrealo left in the Demon Realm. Although dragons are born with innate advantages and strengths that are far superior to those of the same level, the difficulty of each advancement is far greater than that of ordinary people. Fortunately, we have a long time. Once we breakthrough, our strength will surpass the people of the same level again. With your age and your current Kingdom level strength, although not as good as Zola, you are also an extremely talented genius. You will inherit everything from your father, including artifacts, wealth and eldership. I’m very happy that Thunder Flail has a new owner. We in the Dragon Valley will welcome a new elder of great talent, the son of Cairrealo.”

“The elder of the Dragon Valley? Me?” Paglio was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly laughed exaggeratedly, “If this artifact and ring is given unconditionally, of course I will not refuse, but the elder of the Dragon Valley is still fine, as for Cairrealo. Trisilarondoartes, I don’t know who is he. Or you can say that he has nothing to do with me at all. I’m Paglio. Sandro Archilles! Sandro Archilles is my surname, and it has always been this! It will be this in the future too!”

Chen Rui saw Paglio’s somewhat furious smile, and he suddenly understood a lot.

“When I was born, I didn’t see anything except eggshells.”

“In these years, I have no relatives, but there are quite a few enemies.”

“The giant dragon doesn’t need friends, especially the poison dragon. Have you ever seen Gods have friends? They only need admiration and fear, not unnecessary care and understanding.”

This was Paglio. If he didn’t meet a certain human, which then led to a series of changes, perhaps he would always be the lonely poison dragon with no relatives or friends, only strength.

“Cairrealo is your father. That is irrefutable.” Pagris shook his head, “No matter what you have experienced or you are unwilling to accept this fact, you can’t change it; you can’t deceive yourself.”

“I’m sorry to let down your good intentions, Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor.” Paglio said coldly, “How can a loner like me be qualified to claim kinship with such a powerful family? Little Betty, let’s go!”

With that said, without even looking at the Thunder Flail and the green gem ring, he pulled Krobelus and walked out.

A light flashed in Pagris’ eyes, and an intangible barrier appeared at the entrance of the hall. Paglio and Krobelus, who had reached the entrance, were temporarily unable to advance an inch.

“If you can walk out of this door today, not only you can the artifact and the ring, I will also not force you on anything else.” The Dragon Emperor’s stern voice sounded, “If you can’t do it, stay in the Dragon Valley to think it over. We will talk about it another time. I mustn’t let the only descendant of my brother make this stupid mistake.”

At this moment, the power of the barrier suddenly disappeared.

Chen Rui’s figure appeared behind Paglio, “You all go first.”

The poison dragon laughed. It was a real hearty laugh. He understood the gaze of this cunning human. This guy must have absolute confidence. He immediately took Krobelus out of the door.

There was no need for extra politeness, only the absolute trust of life.

“Little Betty…”



(Our future children will definitely see more than eggshells when they are born.)

It seemed that there was a tacit connection in the heart as the 2 holding hands were even tighter.

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