Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 913: The Dragons’ Elders Council

Chapter 913: The Dragons’ Elders Council

The Dragon Valley was not a valley, but a collective name for a huge mountain. Unlike the Dragon Island in the Demon Realm, which had separate islands, the dragons in the Dragon Valley were relatively close to their den and had a closer ethnic relationship.

The core of the Dragon Valley was the Holy Spirit Summit in the central mountain, which was a huge peak that needed to be looked up at.

This was where the royal palace of the ruler of the Dragon Valley, Dragon Emperor Pagris, was located.

The palace of dragons was completely different from the elf tribe’s feeling of delicate beauty and exquisiteness to the point of a strand of hair. It looked more majestic and… ‘vulgar’.

The so-called ‘vulgar’ was the feeling of a nouveau riche. Even every inch of the material on the ground was a valuable treasure which looked crystal clear and shining. Everyone could see that it was a valuable commodity. This was the consistent style of dragons.

In the palace, the regular elder council was being held.

The convening of the elder council was a major event for the dragons. Generally speaking, it was held every 5,000 years. The Dragon Emperor and all the elders would attend it, mainly to discuss the personnel changes of the dragons, discuss the future development, and vote to decide some important matters.

Personnel changes include the promotion of elders, the selection of elites, and so on. Today’s conference had attracted the attention of more dragons than ever because it was said that this personnel change was an unprecedented big change.

The previous direct apprentice of the Great Elder Nierince, the current Great Elder Meria, was likely to step down. Not only that, Meria had made countless mistakes in serving as the great elder for nearly 30,000 years. If the crimes were convicted, the great elder might face imprisonment or even exile.

For the dragons of the Dragon Valley, the Great Elder Meria sometimes appeared to be very domineering. Sometimes she would even prank, which made many dragons complain, but as the great elder, Meria definitely lived up to the title. Over the years, she had contributed numerous times to help the dragons. Almost every giant dragon of the magic department in the entire Dragon Valley had received more or less guidance from her. Therefore, she had a high prestige.

This time, the most promising candidate to replace Meria as the great elder was Stanwell. Stanwell was a ‘newbie’ who was promoted after the Dragon Emperor Pagris ascended the throne, and his promotion speed was very fast. In just 20,000 years, he had become the second person in the elder council after Meria – For dragons, 20,000 years was really nothing. It was like a guy who had no foundation and had been in politics for less than 10 years, actually holding the important position of Deputy Prime Minister.

In fact, everyone understood that behind Stanwell was the Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor. Throughout the ages, there had been a wonderful balance between the elder council of the Dragon Valley and the Dragon Emperor. The decision-making power of the elder council sometimes even constrained the Dragon Emperor. It was a bit similar to the relationship between Chen Rui’s previous life’s king and parliament. Of course, this ‘king’ had much more power.

The current Dragon Emperor Pagris belonged to the type of heroic talent and was more authoritarian. He had always wanted to cancel this constraint and realize his absolute reign. When he first ascended the throne 20,000 years ago, due to his unstable foundation, he adopted a softer approach to the elder council. Zola’s marriage was 1 of the means he used to win over the Great Elder Meria.

As a result, Zola ran away from the marriage and the Elf King beat Pelin up out of anger. Meria was a very smart person. After thinking about it, she did not calm the situation. On the contrary, she escalated this matter by taking the initiative to hand over the ‘authority’ to the Dragon Emperor. Pagris knew the intent of this move. Not only did he not blame Meria, but he also admitted the mistake of ‘presumptuous matchmaking’, and comforted the Meria couple more.

The result of this matter was a win-win situation, Meria gained Pagris’ trust, and the Dragon Emperor’s position was further consolidated. However, the position of the great elder had the power to interfere with every major policy, and Meria had a very high prestige among the dragons. This was always uncomfortable for Pagris who had a strong desire to control.

As the saying went, when a new king is crowned, he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor. For 20,000 years, Pagris had been cultivating his own direct power. Confidant Stanwell was a representative figure who emerged because of this.

This elder council was the time for Stanwell to ‘show his sword’. To be precise, the one who really showed his sword was the Dragon Emperor Pagris who had been planning for 20,000 years.

After Meria, Pelin and Gueroas arrived at the palace hall, the elder council was officially convened.

First of all, Dragon Emperor Pagris routinely summarized the development of the Dragon Valley’s dragons over the past 5,000 years, and he expressed his gratitude to the elder council for their support.

After the Great Elder Meria paid tribute to the Dragon Emperor on behalf of the elder council, Stanwell started pointing out the series of crimes that Meria committed. Stanwell’s move was expected by the elders. In fact, everyone knew that most of the so-called ‘crimes’ such as deceiving the emperor, misbehavior, personal gain, and suppressing newcomers were partly caused by Meria’s dominance, but most of them were ungrounded.

“These charges are well-documented. Everyone can prove it. I’ll just give 1 example.” Stanwell glanced at Pelin, “During the union marriage between Meria and Pelin, Meria’s daughter, Zola, ran away from the marriage. Instead of apologizing to Pelin, Meria instigated her husband, Span, to go to Pelin’s house to severely injure him as well as looted his wealth! This kind of domineering atrocity is simply outrageous! Elder Pelin, as a victim, you only need to say if there is any such thing?”

Pelin didn’t dare to look at Meria. He just nodded, “Yes.”

“Great elder,” Stanwell smiled slightly, “What do you have to say?”

Meria didn’t even look at Stanwell. She turned her gaze to Dragon Emperor Pagris, “Your Majesty, do you think so too?”

Pagris shrugged, smiling silently.

“Stanwell, go on.” Meria turned her head at Stanwell, and she said lightly.

Stanwell felt that the 2 eyes of the great elder fairy dragon penetrated his soul like sharp arrows, and he shivered slightly. He did not dare to look directly and looked away, then he continued. Many of the following ‘crimes’ were truths among the false; most of those truths were actually condoned by Pagris deliberately back then, but Meria did not explain it. Dragon Emperor Gelgoris did not open his mouth either.

In the end, Stanwell finally showed his fangs, “Meria is no longer fit to be the great elder, and her actions are too unacceptable, I suggest imprisoning her for 10,000 years or expelling her from the Dragon Valley to set an example.”

Whether it was imprisonment or expulsion, it was considered the most serious punishment, and there was basically no possibility of a comeback. It seemed that the Dragon Emperor was determined to bring down the great elder this time, but Meria’s prestige was evident. In addition, these years she did not only hard work, even her credits were also undeniable. If she was really punished like this, the elders would feel disheartened. For a while, there was a commotion of discussion.

“Your Majesty, I have something urgent to report.” After Stanwell finished speaking, Gueroas came out, “The trial field on Storm Island has been destroyed.”

“What?” Pagris frowned, “Who did this?”

Gueroas looked at Meria, “The son-in-law of the Great Elder Meria.”

Gueroas might seem indifferent and quiet, but he was not a simple-minded person. After the battle on the Storm Island, his first reaction was to block the news and forbid anyone to communicate with the Dragon Valley, including Pelin. Meria and the others just entered the palace at the right time to participate in the elder council, which was also Gueroas’ idea. The purpose was to not give Stanwell time to prepare or respond. Taking the initiative to ‘expose’ this matter now was undoubtedly a way to make concessions in order to gain advantages.

“It’s Meria again!” Stanwell no doubt immediately jumped out to criticize, “This trial field is very important to the dragons, and it was 1 of the only correct decisions for Meria. Unexpectedly…”

“Wait a minute.” Pagris heard the key issue and interrupted Stanwell, “Did you mention her son-in-law?”

The elders also realized this. The voice of the discussion suddenly subsided, and all eyes looked at Gueroas.

“Zola is back.” Gueroas’ next sentence shocked the audience, “She defeated Elder Pelin.”

“Zola… defeated Pelin?” Pagris was taken aback, thinking he had heard it wrong, “Are you sure it was Zola and not… Meria or Span?”

“Yeah, it’s Zola, and it’s a total defeat.” Gueroas glanced at Pelin, “Elder Pelin?”

Pelin felt the astonished eyes of everyone and wanted to find a hole to burrow into, but the fact was obvious. Even if he were to fight with Zola again, it would only be more embarrassing. He couldn’t deny it, so he nodded.

“Zola defeated Elder Pelin with his best power of lightning. Don’t laugh at Elder Pelin. If it is the same level, whether it is me, Span or Meria against Zola, it will be the same result as Elder Pelin!”

Stanwell said in horror, “You mean, Zola has reached the peak stage of the Kingdom level?”

“It’s not just an ordinary peak stage of the Kingdom level! At that time, I was protecting the dragons who participated in the trial field, and I attacked her without knowing the context. As a result…” Gueroas sighed and paused, ” Zola actually resisted my 70% strength blow unscathed. Elder Pelin, including all the dragon elites of the trials, can testify. Zola is the most outstanding genius I have seen in the dragons like no other!”

Pelin also nodded quickly: Losing to the most outstanding is not an embarrassing thing, especially since Gueroas has admitted that he himself is not a match for Zola at the same level.

In just 20,000 years, she had reached the peak stage of the Kingdom level! Invincible in the same realm! And she could even fight with a person of a higher level!

3 almost ‘impossible’ things were all concentrated in 1 person!

No wonder Gueroas used 2 phrases: the most outstanding genius! Like no other!

Not to mention the elders, even Pagris was moved. Stanwell didn’t expect such a turning point, and he was momentarily stunned.

“Meria, is this true?”

This effect was exactly what Meria expected. Meria smiled lightly, “Compared with other things, I’m more happy to be reunited with my daughter. As for strength… Zola is now outside the palace. If Your Majesty does not believe it, you can summon her immediately.”

“Okay!” Pagris nodded, “Gueroas, bring Zola to the hall immediately. I think, not only me, all the elders are impatient to see the most outstanding dragon genius.”

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