Chapter 906: Python

The task of rescuing Ms. Fairy Dragon was extremely difficult. They tossed around, changed position, changed rhythm and used some other techniques from time to time… The whole process was to compose a powerful dynamic movement of sex. Only the protagonist knew the taste of ‘hardships’.

According to the battlefield reporter Laia (pseudonym), for a long time later, the girls in the harem often used signs such as ‘please rescue’. Although she did not understand it, it sounded cool

Because the harem troupe was unwilling that Ms. Fairy Dragon was solely favored, they intervened collectively. Chen Rui felt a sudden increase in pressure. In order to maintain the stability and harmony of the crystal harem, he worked hard all day and tried to be fair to all. During this period of time, he really did his best, especially using up all his skills against the powerful fairies with impressive combat power such as Kia and Isabella.

The [Dual Training] of the Super System was originally a technique similar to life training, which could double the power of the skill, but it was abruptly manipulated as a ‘side job’, and the keyword was changed to ‘sex’. This skill was really amazing. Although the ‘field’ was getting more fertilized after getting plowed more and more, fortunately, the ‘ox’ was not getting thinner and thinner. As for the effect, the effect on Zola, the main ‘rescue target’ this time, was quite obvious.

Zola clearly felt that with the process of ‘rescue’, a trace of extremely powerful force in her soul was gradually dimmed. It was completely digested and absorbed by herself in the end.

It was not until the last bit of soul power completely disappeared and after a few days of ‘treatment’ that Chen Rui breathed a sigh of relief. He ended the high-intensity ‘rescue’ work that lasted for N days, rubbed his sore waist, and entered the Rainbow Valley which he deliberately sealed.

Chen Rui came all the way to the yard of a laboratory. There was a pool in the yard, which was the Fountain of Resurrection.

In the Fountain of Resurrection, there was a silver box lying quietly.

A box containing the power of destruction origin law.

According to Satan and Sariel, this contained the last page of the Book of Destruction.

But Chen Rui knew that there was not only the Book of Destruction, but another small box. Before seeing the other 2 silver boxes, he always thought that the other 2 boxes had the same small box, but now he knew that the small box was unique to this silver box.

This silver box was taken by that Pseudo-God Python.

Chen Rui slowly put his hand on the Fountain of Resurrection and channeled the power of the Super System. The Fountain of Resurrection dried up quickly and was kept in the galaxy garden. He slowly opened the silver box and sat opposite.

As soon as the silver box was opened, the powerful destructive breath instantly flooded the entire courtyard. Even the walls protected by ancient runes began to crack and dissipate quickly.

A red intent flashed in Chen Rui’s eyes. He seemed to have absorbed destructive breath and was not affected.

There was no special display in the [Analytical Eyes]. Obviously, that small box was either a special material that could block detection or it was a kind of space item-like existence. The original identity had surpassed the level that the [Analytical Eyes] could detect.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and spoke up, “Sir Python, let’s have a good talk.”

The small box didn’t move at all, still exuding a destructive breath that was increasingly stronger. The whole laboratory building began to collapse and annihilate. Chen Rui was unmoved as he just looked at the small box indifferently.

“Sir Python, I’ve admired your name for a long time. It’s really rude to only come to visit today.”

“I admire sir’s resourcefulness and courage. Over the years, you have been able to fool strong Pseudo-Gods like Satan in the palm of hand with your soul entity…”

Chen Rui’s tone paused, “By the way, I have an important news to tell Sir Python. Satan has obtained the second silver box at the Chaos Realm, and he is just 1 step away from completing the Book of Destruction.”

When Chen Rui’s avatar Shura was annihilated, the outcome between Satan and Sariel was not finalized yet, but Satan baited Sariel to send Shura to take the silver box, and he ‘killed’ Shura with the power of the silver box. Chen Rui had a hunch that the whole situation was under Satan’s control. Sariel was not an opponent, and the silver box would eventually fall into Satan’s hands.

Chen Rui’s biggest purpose now was to bait Python to show up, so he said that Satan got the silver box. In fact, this guess was correct.

The silver box finally moved. There was a special breath in the endless destruction. Chen Rui could keenly feel that when this breath passed through his body, his power, even his memory, talent, ability, and others seemed to be deprived by some special law. Abilities such as 4 season territory and time law could not be used temporarily.

Unfortunately, Chen Rui’s strength originated from the Super System. Although the strength of 4 season territory was deprived, the real Star Power was not affected.

Chen Rui did not fight back or flee; he remained seated.

That kind of deprivation power gradually disappeared. The silver box closed automatically, and that small box actually appeared outside the silver box.

The small box slowly exuded silver mist which condensed into a faint human shape, and an incomparably powerful soul power radiated out.

The [Analytical Eyes] still didn’t show anything. The figure was most likely just a spatial projection or an illusion.

“It’s been at least 1 million years… I can’t believe that the second page of the Book of Destruction still fell into Satan’s hands.” A strange and ethereal voice sounded. Although it was close in front, it seemed to be far away. To Chen Rui’s surprise, it was actually a female voice.

Python is a woman?

Chen Rui’s surprise was only fleeting. This woman was on par with Satan and Sariel. No matter her strength or wisdom, she is 1 of the top powerhouses. Even if she is just a soul entity, I am not a match for her.

“Madam, this time it’s not only Satan, but Sariel who is vying for the Book of Destruction.”

“Sariel?” Python’s voice carried a hint of contempt, “Although that guy is not weak and a little clever, when it comes to cunning, he is far worse than Satan. If they really fight, he is probably not Satan’s opponent.”

Python no doubt had discerning eyes. She directly foresaw the results of the 2 Pseudo-God battles. As the phantasm glanced at Chen Rui, Chen Rui instantly felt locked by a terrifying soul power. With a single thought, the opponent could inflict destructive damage to him.

“You purposely came here and took the risk to reveal my whereabouts just to report this irrelevant news?” Python said lightly, “You’re Sariel’s subordinate? I can sense a hint of the Evil Pupil’s breath among the power deprived of you… It makes me wonder why you didn’t dedicate this silver box directly to Sariel? Do you want to take it for yourself?”

“Madam’s sensing ability is no doubt extraordinary. To be honest with madam, Sariel once applied the ‘Evil Moon Sigil’ to me, and Satan also gave me a trace of soul power, but until now, I’m still free.” 2 badges emerged in Chen Rui’s hands, “To be honest with Madam, I can summon their avatars at any time. Madam should know that they can project their true self on their avatars.”

These 2 badges were carefully forged by Chen Rui, the mechanic grand master. He once had the real thing. Both the material and the shape were imitated exactly the same as the original. Without activating it, it is impossible to differentiate them based on their appearance alone.

Python actually laughed, “Are you threatening me?”

“It’s not a threat, it’s just self-protection.” The badge in Chen Rui’s hands disappeared again, “Madam is the top powerhouse among Pseudo-Gods. I don’t even have the qualifications to stand in front of madam in terms of strength, let alone conversation.”

“You don’t have to be humble. ” Python’s eyes flashed strangely, “If you can advance to Pseudo-God, at least you will be able to exist alongside me, or even surpass me.”

“Madam has overpraised.” Although Chen Ruu was praised by Python, he did not feel complacent at all, but he was more vigilant. The more Python said this, the less he would take this ‘ant’ lightly.

“I’m not overpraising.” Python suddenly restrained the pressure of her soul, “I have seen countless powerhouses or geniuses, but you are the 1 that impressed me the most. When I first saw you, your strength was only insignificant. At that time, you already could resist my ‘deprivation’ power just like you did today… Not only that, a part of my soul power is fused with the origin power of the Book of Destruction, which is actually devoured by your body. To this day, I no longer sense my soul breath in you, and you are able to survive intact under the origins might of the Book of Destruction, which even a normal Pseudo-God can’t do – Obviously, you have completely absorbed my part of soul power and the destruction origin law. As for your ability to break through to the peak stage of the Kingdom level in such a short period of time, it is not worthy of my surprise.”

Chen Rui was shocked. The scenes of the past appeared in his mind as if they were replaying footage, and the mystery in his mind finally came to light.

The first time he encountered the silver box in the underground treasure of Silent Night Wetland’s Fountain of Vitality, he opened the silver box. At That time, Roman and Delia’s royal family strength suddenly lost, and later he used this trick to scare away the pursuer, Broc. It turned out to be the power of [Deprivation] of Python!

Since opening the silver box that time, Chen Rui had been plagued by a nightmare for a long time, and that was Shura.

At first, he thought Shura was just an inner demon, but after he broke through the inner demon level and entered the next level evolution, Shura still lingered and became increasingly stronger. Finally, in the Tower of Glory at the bottom of the sea, after repelling the Holy Dragon Rodriguez, Chen Rui risked his life to let Shura take control of his body, then he completely defeated and assimilated Shura with the comprehension of ‘creation’ , which was the only way to truly get rid of the nightmare.

Until today Chen Rui understood that Shura was actually a product of Python’s soul power and the Book of Destruction’s origin power!

To be precise, when he opened the silver box for the first time and felt the destruction truth of the universe, the Super System absorbed the destruction origin that was partially integrated with the soul of Python, which happened to merged with the inner demon of the Alioth State at that time. It mutated into a special life entity with independent consciousness, which was Shura.

No wonder even Shura couldn’t explain his origins.

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