Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1188: His and Hers New Moon Festival

Chapter 1188: His and Hers New Moon Festival

Silver Moon Celestial Capital.

There was a festive atmosphere everywhere. Sweet music and laughter could be heard from time to time, bringing more vigor and vitality to the serene forest.

The New Moon Festival was somewhat similar to that of a trade fair. There were ‘venues’ for various activities everywhere, such as music, sword dance, item trading, riding competitions, and so on. However, in addition to the main ceremony, there were several special venues for archery and riding competitions. The rest of the areas were spontaneous gatherings. For example, the elves, who like music, gather under a big tree to listen to a certain elf playing or singing. Those who liked it sat down to listen on the spot, and those who didn’t like it could go. Even if there was no audience, the elf performing was still enjoying it himself. There were many such small circles.

The elf who wanted to trade items put his own things on a table, and the elf who liked it could put the exchanged items or coins. As long as the 2 parties nod, they could take away the items they like. There was no heated dispute over bargaining. If one was not satisfied, he could put it back on the table again. If the trade failed, one would leave silently.

The New Moon Festival was very lively, but it didn’t seem noisy.

Kilanya, 1 of the elders presiding over the New Moon Festival, walked around various gathering places and venues. Some elves bowed to her along the way from time to time. Kilanya, who seemed to be casually inspecting the places in person, was actually looking left and right as if she was looking for something.

Kilanya’s heartbeat started to speed up after hearing the news that a certain Elf King had returned to the celestial capital. Particularly, Chief Commander Askari also said that when someone talked to Empress Liv, the person once mentioned that His Highness Span wanted to meet ‘her’.

Just this one sentence, and before Askari could say anything else, Kilanya hastily walked out and started the ‘inspection’.

Although the man chose another foreign woman instead of her, Kilanya still had that person in her heart. Even if she channeled her missing into training and learning, she still could not completely forget about him.

Finally, Kilanya found the man in the trading area. Like many elf powerhouses, the signs of age didn’t show on that handsome face, but the momentum in the eyes was more mature and refined. The slightly melancholy gaze added a bit of masculine charm that those kids couldn’t imitate no matter what.

Kilanya saw Span at first glance, but the gaze of joy and anticipation turned into gloominess in an instant, because there was a beautiful elf woman beside Span. She was holding his arm affectionately and walking side by side.

Span also patted the female elf’s face affectionately as the female elf smiled happily. Kilanya could clearly see that the female was holding a delicate gem flower in her hand. Span must have traded it from an elf who was setting up a stall and given it to the female elf.

Kilanya originally came to ‘coincidentally meet’ Span. She didn’t really expect anything to happen, just to meet. Even if it was just saying a few casual words and then passing by. But when Kilanya saw that there was such an intimate female elf beside Span, an unknown anger surged from her heart. She didn’t care about pretending to meet coincidentally and strode forward.

The elves who were about to bow along the way were frightened by that furious look.They hurriedly made way for her. They were wondering which elf dared to cause trouble at the New Moon Festival, which made madam elder so angry.

Span had already sensed that someone was walking toward him in a hurry. When he turned his head, he couldn’t help being startled when he found that it was actually Kilanya.

Kilanya was the daughter of Alucier, the highest instructor in the elf tribe, and a partner who experienced countless battles and adventures with him. Elf’s reaction to emotion was very sensitive. Span had always been very clear of the minds of Kilanya, including Kilanya’s sister, who was also the previous elf empress, Berismi. They were all good sisters, good comrades-in-arms, and good friends, but he just couldn’t find that feeling of being a lover until he met Meria.

20,000 years ago, the elf tribe encountered the Abyss crisis. Span desperately rescued the controlled Kilanya sisters from Ifrit, and he sealed the Tree of Nature at the cost of his life. If Meria hadn’t used the secret technique to share half of her life with him, he would be long gone.

Berismi was seriously injured at the time. She died of depression soon after. Span knew very well that he was part of the reason. He felt that he owed Kilanya and her sister, so he lived with Meria in the Dragon Valley for most of these years and rarely come back to the Jade Forest Sea. Seeing Kilanya again now, Span had mixed feelings, but more of it was the joy of reuniting with old friends, but to his surprise, Kilanya’s expression was surprisingly gloomy.

“Sir, it’s been a long time.” Kilanya walked in front of Span and lowered her head slightly. For some reason, this kind of etiquette and address made Span feel a little creepy. He could only return the courtesy.

Kilanya looked at the ‘female elf’ who was still holding Span’s arm, and lightning flashed in her eyes. Her brow moved slightly. Based on what Span knew about her, it meant that she was already extremely angry.

Kilanya glanced at the surrounding elves with murderous eyes. The kind of momentum was quite like ‘it’s a personal matter, get lost’. The elf elder’s power in the elf tribe was not a joke. With a wink, the elves in the vision, including the vendors were all gone.

After the idlers retreated, Kilanya turned her attention back to Span and immediately and immediately questioned.

“Who is she?”

This cold tone made Span finally react. So it’s because of this!

Before the Royal Highness Elf King could reply, the madam elder’s anger had already erupted like a series of cannons.

“I really didn’t expect that you would be such a person!”

“Don’t you have no room for another person in your heart?”

“Are you worthy of Meria?”

“Are you worthy of my sister, Berismi?”

Kilanya almost said, “Are you worthy of me?” Span was stunned by this continuous explosion while Zola on the side had already helped her father, “What?”

This sentence almost completely triggered Kilanya. On the verge of ‘explosion’, Span said, “Stop messing around, Zola. You should call Aunt Kilanya.”

“Zola?” The fire in Kilanya suddenly went out. Of course she knew who Zola was. She was stunned for a while.

Seeing Kilanya’s dumbfounded look, Span breathed a sigh of relief, “You should have seen her before.”

Kilanya had a fever on her face. She and Zola had met more than once. Zola’s appearance was clearly transformed into an elf’s appearance to follow her father to participate in the New Moon Festival.

No wonder, Span was so affectionate to the ‘female elf’! People are loving father and daughter!

When Zola called ‘Aunt Kilanya’, the elf elder lost all the momentum before. She just nodded in a panic; even her neck was red.

Span shook his head, wanting to get rid of her embarrassment. He said to Zola, “I haven’t seen Kilanya for a long time. We’ll just chat here. You can go with Lalaria and Alice.”

“Chat?” Ms. Fairy Dragon looked at her father and Kilanya with scrutiny. Kilanya is at the top of Mom’s blacklist, and father wants to be alone with her?

Span could only respond with a wry smile. Zola thought about it, and she gave Dad a warning gaze before she left.

On the other side of the archery field, Lalaria drew her bow and hit a round target 50 meters away with an arrow. Looking at Alice with an envious face, she seemed complacent. Just now Alice shot 10 arrows in a row, all of which missed the target without exception. Lalaria’s eyesight and control were much stronger than Alice’s. Although the first 2 arrows missed the target, when the third arrow was shot after some aiming, she had already hit the edge of the target.

The distance of 50 meters was not close. For Lalaria who was playing archery for the first time, it was indeed not bad that she could achieve such a result within 3 arrows.

While Lalaria was feeling proud, she suddenly noticed a lot of elves gathered around. When Alice missed the target with 10 arrows, there weren’t so many people yet. When Lalaria shot, the elves surrounded them.

At the same time, Lalaria noticed that the elves had different gazes. Some were contemptuous, some sighed, and more were pitiful. Alice saw that the atmosphere was not right, so she tactfully escaped first. The surrounding elves began to discuss in a low voice.

“Which family does this child belong to? Her archery skills are actually so bad!”

“Maybe it’s because she’s still young.”

“When I was her age, I already hit the bull’s eye every time!”

“Could it be that she lost her parents when she was a child? No one taught her?”


Lalaria didn’t expect her favorite results to be strongly despised. She was about to explode when a female elf stepped forward, “Little sister, it doesn’t matter. Sister will teach you.”

Little sister? Lalaria was furious. I’m much older than you short-lived elves.

“Hmph! Do you think I…” When Lalaria’s eyes fell on the female elf, she couldn’t take it away. This female elf was very beautiful. Even among the elves who were all handsome men and beautiful women, she was particularly outstanding.

“Sister…” Madam Lalaria quickly threw away her integrity and hugged the elf’s slender waist.

When the female elf was hugged by Lalaria, her maternal instinct was triggered. She gently stroked Lalaria’s hair, “What’s your name? Little sister.”

“My name is Lalaria…” Madam Lalaria, who succeeded in her trick easily, buried her head happily in the pair of plump chest.

The female elf only thought that the little elf girl was moved by her, but she never thought that it was a dragon satyr wearing elf skin, “My name is Altani. Let’s go over there, sister will teach you how to shoot arrows.”

Altani? Madam Lalaria froze for a moment. Sounds familiar? Right, it’s the dark elf from before…

Anyway, that dark elf is long gone. Such a beautiful woman should go to me. Whoever snatches her, I will fight desperately. That human is no exception. Oh Hohoho…

On the other hand, Alice, who escaped successfully, did not stay and wait for Lalaria – Anyway, with Lalaria’s strength, she should not be too dangerous here. I better go find brother.

Just now Alice deliberately took Lalaria and Span apart with this kind of premeditations. Solo ‘date’ with brother!

While looking for him, Alice was attracted by the performance.

Under the big tree, a male elf and a group of golden velvet finches were performing, which attracted the applause of many children. The golden velvet finch was a kind of docile bird. It was about the size of a fist. It had a fat body. The whole body was covered with feathers, and the wings were very small. They flapped in the air like fur balls. With the elf music conductor, it made all kinds of naive actions.

“Wow, it’s so cute.” Girls had the least immunity to this kind of animal, so Alice was immediately attracted.

“Yes.” An elf girl on the side also agreed. This was a girl who was about the same size as Alice. She had pointed ears, green curly hair, exquisite and lovely facial features. Her big eyes were staring at the golden velvet bird, ” I really want to touch it!”

“En!” Alice also wanted to touch those cute and fluffy birds. She nodded quickly.

“You want too? Let’s go together!” The elf girl’s eyes lit up, but her face became bitter again, “But that person definitely won’t allow us to touch it.”

Alice thought for a while, and she whispered a few words to the elf girl. The girl’s eyes were beaming, and the 2 lolis looked at each other with wicked smiles.

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