Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1058: Double Kingdom

Chapter 1058: Double Kingdom

When the pursuer, Ms. Emerald Dragon, finally remembered Catherine who needed protection, she turned back to escort the almost forgotten Royal Majesty Empress back to the team’s meeting point.

Zola brought Dodo to search in another direction and returned to no avail. Seeing Catherine advancing to Demi-God, she couldn’t help but be startled. In fact, in the mind of Ms. Fairy Dragon, the Demon Realm’s top beauty, Royal Majesty, had always been a strong competitor in the harem. Unexpectedly, she had also become a Demi-God. Her power also seemed to be able to rival against hers. Therefore, she was secretly surprised.

The 2 of them felt a special connection between each other, which should be the relationship between the goddesses of ‘that world’.

Soon after, Chen Rui, who was always worried about Catherine, rushed over with the Tower of Glory carrying his teammates.

Catherine’s weak period lasted for about half a day before returning to normal. The main reason was that she was not familiar with the power she currently had.

Before participating in this test, Catherine’s strength was at the critical point between the peak stage of the Kingdom Level and Demi-God. As she herself said to Chen Rui, Duoduo’s ‘parasitic birth’ gave her an incredible power in which she had only absorbed part of it.

With the success of this [Star-level Enhancement], Catherine gained the status of ‘Wisdom’ in the Galaxy Territory. At the same time, she felt the infinite life force and faith power in the entire Galaxy Territory. Facing the crisis, Catherine wisely chose to enter training ground.

Those who got the god position could freely use the training ground in the Super System. After advancing to the Purple Pole Star Emperor, the maximum time law of the training ground reached 1:1000. The training ground projection that could be placed outside was still only half the effect, but the users were not limited to linked targets. One could enter after taking the faith fruit that could be exchanged from the exchange center. The user relying on the power of the fruit was different from the link targets. There was a considerable time limit, and the highest privilege time law could not be used.

In the training ground of the Super System, Catherine’s talent and comprehension made Chen Rui secretly ashamed. This is the real genius! I only got lucky because of the Super System and the crossover. When Catherine launched a big move similar to the constellation, Chen Rui couldn’t help but be surprised.

That ‘phoenix’ constellation was not a virtual energy. Rather, it was composed of the strongest ‘Wisdom’ faith planet in the Super System’s galaxy, forming a galaxy territory with real life and faith.

In fact, this was equivalent to a small part of his ‘big galaxy kingdom’.

Chen Rui had seen a similar form somewhere. That was Chaos Realm. There were huge ‘corpses’ that were actually huge solar systems, but these solar systems were dead silent and had no life.

Did Catherine become a real god?

Then what about me who can confer a god?

In any case, it doesn’t make sense to explore these now. Even if he and Catherine and others really embark on this incredible road, his current strength was still only weak in front of those real powerhouses, let alone gods.

Perhaps this was a towering road, but there was still a long way to go.

Seeing Chen Rui’s anxiety while Paglio and Krobelus continued to express their admiration for Catherine’s kingdom, Ms. Fairy Dragon inevitably felt a little bit of a rivalry. Catherine was just a new Demi-God, and she’s on the verge of reaching the intermediate stage of the Demi-God. If she were to challenge her or something, it was obviously bullying. Not to mention that Catherine had been getting along very well with her during this time. Also, she was the mommy of the dearest Ms. Duoduo. Feeling helpless, Zola had to hide the little unwillingness in her mind.

However, Ms. Fairy Dragon’s depression was discovered by the attentive Isabella. She brought the ‘sister’ to the side. After asking a few questions, she already understood.

Soon, Chen Rui, who was instructed by Isabella, came to Zola and said a few caring words. Ms. Fairy Dragon was still fake dazed on the surface, but she felt much more comfortable in her mind.

Chen Rui took the opportunity to raise the doubt in his mind. Catherine advanced to the Demi-God after obtaining the ‘Wisdom’ Goddess position of the Super System, so she had the ‘phoenix constellation’ in the solar system territory. Meanwhile, Zola obtained the ‘Knowledge’ Goddess position after advancing to Demi-God, so was there any change in her the [6 Elements Kingdom]?

Zola immediately activated the [6 Elements Kingdom]. Chen Rui clearly sensed the element power and breath that belonged to heaven and earth instead of the ‘solar system’. Just as he was thinking about it, a playful expression flashed past Ms. Fairy Dragon’s purple eyes. The [6 Elements Kingdom] suddenly disappeared, and a dazzling starlight flickered, faintly revealing a colorful expression. When the shining stars stood out in the nebula, the majestic and vast life and faith power surged out.

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. This is a double kingdom!

In addition to the [6 Elements Kingdom], Zola also has the ‘god conferring’ kingdom power of the Super System!

It turned out that after Zola became the ‘Knowledge’ Goddess last time, she had always felt a brand new power lingering in her. Due to the limitation of the original [6 Elements Kingdom], she had been unable to jump out of this frame and form its own shape. These days, through the actual combat training at the Ghastly Floating Land, although she still did not break through to the intermediate stage of the Demi-God, she successfully separated this brand new kingdom. Like Chen Rui, she became an extremely rare double kingdom owner.

Different from Catherine’s ‘phoenix’ constellation, Zola’s constellation was an arc with a faint sense of layers. Chen Rui named this constellation as ‘rainbow’. The name obviously won Zola’s heart, and she happily kissed him.

“The [6 Elements Kingdom], the power of the rainbow constellation, the Element Goddess Crown.” Chen Rui shook his head with a smile, “These are the rhythms of the protagonist’s halo. Are you the actual crossover, Zola?”

“What?” To Ms. Fairy Dragon, the word ‘crossover’ was indeed a bit new, so she humbly froze.

“Okay!” It was Paglio on the side who was furious. Master Poison Dragon’s face was full of jealousy, envy and hatred, “You all are… what is that word? Oh, the ‘cheating’ hero and heroine! Where should the poor and lowly bastard like us stand?”

Master Poison Dragon was really unwilling. In the beginning, this cunning human was just a weakling with no power. I watched this guy walk all the way to this stage. From looking down to looking straight and now looking up; the depression in my mind is indescribable. On the other hand, even if that madwoman turned out to be slightly stronger than I, she was still at the same level. Now she’s actually far ahead, and Catherine is the same. Little Betty’s close friend Isabella is about to be at the intermediate stage of Kingdom Level. Maybe someday, there will be women who seem to be related to this guy, except for those who are not the combat type, their speed of power increase is exponential!

What? The power of the man related to him is also increasing? I’m now at the peak stage of the Kingdom Level? My ass! Can that be compared to a woman?

The friendship between Chen Rui and the dead duck dragon had existed since he crossed over to this world. How could he still not know what this guy was thinking? After forcibly suppressing the unscrupulous nephew who was stirring troubles together with him as Sir Uncle, he lightly took a look at the poison dragon with a strange smile.

This ‘friendship’ smile made Master Poison Dragon shudder a little bit, “What are you smiling at?”

“Congratulations, my forever friend.”

“You cunning human, what…”

“I heard that you are going to propose to Betty?”

“Ah?” This knife firmly hit the weak point of Master Poison Dragon. Even if he didn’t look back, he could still feel the resentment and expectation of Ms. Betty behind him.

What is said at that kind of time doesn’t count.

You must have heard it wrong.

I still want to be single for a few hundred more years. I can’t just hang on a tree like this.

My harem dream has not come true. I want to bring a group of female dragons to fly above this guy’s house still.

I can’t say these out, otherwise I will surely be screwed. Paglio suddenly pointed to the sky, “Look, what is that?!”

Unfortunately, the same move wouldn’t work for the dragon fighter, that was, a dragon female fighter who was full of marriage resentment. In addition, the fairy dragon ‘accidentally’ cast a restraint spell on the side, causing the poison dragon who wanted to escape to suddenly stay in place.

Seeing that the situation was not ideal, Student Nephew, as an ally, immediately came to ‘assist’. He was the first one who jumped out and denounced the poison dragon as irresponsible for playing with feelings, and he strongly demanded that the wedding be held now. The marriage would be witnessed by everyone.

The poison dragon cursed the traitor thousands of times in his mind. However, when Ms. Fairy Dragon on the side ‘accidentally’ moved her finger again, Master Poison Dragon felt his neck lose control and nodded involuntarily.

It’s over. It’s fucking all over…

A farce started from here. No matter what the result was, it was a good relaxation for the nerves that had been tense because of the training.

Chen Rui was following the crowd to criticize the poison dragon, but his facial expression changed suddenly, and his movements stopped.

Because he clearly felt that something was being used.

Orb of Holy Shadow.

The Orb of Holy Shadow was a special creation of the Holy Light Robe, 1 of the 3 holy relics of light.

Holy Light Robe had the special ability of [Light Splitting Holy Projection], of which [Light Splitting] and [Holy Projection] were 2 different abilities. [Light Splitting] was to create 2 battle avatars, and the duration was only 5 seconds. Nonetheless, it was enough to activate a killing move like [Dimension Destruction]. Coupled with time law, it might be able to exert a stronger mystery.

[Holy Projection] was a projection creation technique. After enough light element power was charged, a bead was created. After use, a projection could be summoned. The projection lasted for 1 hour. It had all the skills of the original body, but every time the power was used, the energy of the projection was reduced. The projection would disappear when the energy was exhausted or the effective time ended.

Only 1 Orb of Holy Shadow could be made. Chen Rui left this to Shea just in case. He had the secret weapon ‘Shura’ if he wanted to cast an avatar, but strangely, after comprehending the creation origin, the avatar’s skill had turned gray on the skill tree, showing an unusable state. He couldn’t understand why.

Now, Shea actually used the Orb of Holy Shadow, which showed that the situation was quite serious. Chen Rui immediately told Zola and others to get ready before activating the [Star Gate].

At this time, a person was standing in the main hall of the Fallen Angel Empire palace.

This man’s attitude was not as arrogant as Esqui’s last time. He just stood there calmly, but he put a greater pressure on Shea on the throne as if she was standing and that man was sitting on the cloud.

This man suddenly appeared in the palace. Even the titans and giant crystal beasts that were protecting her didn’t notice it at all. The ancient runes protection that Chen Rui had placed in front of this man only caused a small obstacle before it turned into nothing in an instant.

Thus, Shea used the Orb of Holy Shadow without hesitation.

TL: Satan? Chen Rui still hasn’t gained any progress though… Also, can Catherine realize her own kingdom besides the galaxy kingdom?

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