Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1051: Faith Star Armor

Chapter 1051: Faith Star Armor

The light of Tower of Faith lasted for dozens of seconds before gradually returning to its original state, but the changes of Zola’s Galaxy Divinity Statue did not stop. The divinity statue was no longer a sculpture but a real projection full of life and faith breath. The entire projection was composed of subtle and meticulous stardust with an ethereal and vast momentum. It seemed to be breeding an independent solar system.

This ‘solar system’ gave Chen Rui a familiar feeling.

It seems that I have seen something similar in some mysterious place…

The faith energy fed back by the huge Galaxy Territory had made the splendor of the Galaxy Divinity Statue reach an astonishing height. In the light, the shape of the projection of the divinity statue seemed to have undergone some kind of mutation.

Chen Rui and Zola sensed this mutation at the same time. Chen Rui’s face was surprised while Zola, who had always had a natural expression, showed a rare ecstasy on her face.

In the Star Conferring Platform, the bright and dazzling light finally gradually solidified. At the same time, the power of faith was also stabilized.

Zola’s Galaxy Divinity Statue had a beautiful and elegant full-body armor, revealing an indescribable power breath.

Zola, who was in front of the Tower of Faith, looked at the armor on her body in surprise and seemed very excited as she sensed the vast power flowing through her body. Not only that, Ms. Fairy Dragon clearly sensed that such an armor also appeared on the original body of the Rainbow Valley, so it was definitely not an illusion.

[Armor of Faith]!

After the super powerhouse entered the realm of Demi-God, in addition to the real kingdom, there was another notable feature, which was to condense the [Armor of Faith] that was not available in the Kingdom level powerhouse. This could greatly enhance the combat power.

After breaking through to Demi-God in the Magician Tower Group, Zola was now approaching the intermediate stage of the Demi-God, but she had never been able to condense the [Armor of Faith]. Despite the powerful artifact of the Element Goddess Crown where the buff was almost equal to the power of [Armor of Faith], [Armor of Faith] had always been a knot in Zola’s mind.

Now, she had finally successfully condensed the [Armor of Faith], and its power was even higher than expected, far exceeding the level of those Demi-Gods that she had encountered before. Therefore, Ms. Fairy Dragon was naturally excited.

If Ms. Fairy Dragon faced the 8-winged angel Camael again this time, she would have enough confidence to deal with him. At least, she would be able to escape instead of being defeated by a single blow like before.

Chen Rui would of course be surprised because Zola was wearing the star armor!

This star armor was different from Chen Rui’s own appearance, but it contained a special Star Power with the same strong buff, which could exert power that was several times greater.

Chen Rui shifted his thought.

True Star Queen: Zola.

Star god position: God of Knowledge

Armed Bestowment:

1. Law Soul Weapon (removable)

2. Purple Star Transformation Star Armor (removable)

Purple Star’s divinity might buff:

1. [Break Armor] (there is a chance to ignore the opponent’s defense).

2. [Concentrate] (immune to all mind control).

Controller Emperor’s Deterrence: Canceled status (recoverable).

Controller’s Devotion: Canceled status (recoverable).

Heart language: mind call is turned on (can be turned off)

Faith fusion: 5% (adjustable, currently the largest)

Star status: Soul Splitting.

Location: Galaxy Divinity Temple.

These data were slightly different from the previous ones. It included some new functions, and the previous faith ratio had also been adjusted to the ratio of faith fusion. At present, 5% was the maximum limit that Zola could accept, and the remaining 95% naturally went to him and the Super System.

The lives of the solar system provided faith power. The controller, Chen Rui, and the entire Super System receiving the faith power were enhanced. The higher the enhancement, the more vigorous the life of the solar system and the stronger the power. This was actually a cycle. Conversely, if Chen Rui died unfortunately, then this universe, including everything, would turn into nothingness.

“That’s why.” Chen Rui pondered for a long time, and he finally figured out some key issues.

No wonder Zola has been unable to condense [Armor of Faith]. To be precise, when she accepted the 1-star enhancement, her ‘path’ has changed in some way. She is no longer a trainer at the level of ordinary power in this world. Instead, she accepted the Super System. At that time, she obtained ‘soul weapon’ by star conferring (Zola’s soul weapon state is that the ‘Secret Shadow’ short staff becomes a long staff, and the power is greatly increased), which is equivalent to the original Armed Bestowment. The current Purple Star Transformation Star Armor is the second version of Armed Bestowment.

“What?” Zola asked curiously.

“I have to confess something to you, Zola.”

“I know.”

“Huh?” Chen Rui was startled. You know all this?

Zola glanced at Veronica and bit her lip, “Don’t you think your confession is a little late?”

(Hmph, if I hadn’t entered here and caught your adultery, I would have been kept in the dark!)

(But I’m in a great mood today…)

(Veronica is this guy’s first love, and she’s not bad, plus she is only a soul entity now…)

(No, I still can’t give in! When I said Tiffany’s marriage last time, I swore that she will be the last one!)

(By the way, it seems that I made the same oath in Isabella’s case…)

(Is it what the guy meant when he used to say, ‘Integrity is dead’?)


When Ms. Fairy Dragon’s thoughts were all over, Veronica, who was stunned by those words, had already reacted and smiled while covering her face.

Chen Rui also understood, “Huh?”

Zola and Chen Rui knew each other’s mind. When she saw his gaze, she knew that she had guessed wrong, and her face flushed slightly. However, Ms. Fairy Dragon had the attribute of fake daze inherited from the Elf King father. She even justly asked, “What?”

Chen Rui: …

After some explanation.

“That’s it, you have now embarked on a different path from ordinary trainers.” Chen Rui said solemnly, “I don’t know if this is a curse or a blessing.”

Zola thought for a moment and asked, “Is this the path you’re going?”

“Should be.”


(What a fool! Since that is the case, of course I will go with you.)

(Whether… it’s a blessing or a curse.)

Soon after, Zola’s consciousness returned to the Rainbow Valley, and she continued to comprehend and master her newly acquired powers. In fact, her detached trace of soul had remained in the Super System forever. In normal times, she integrated into the Galaxy Divinity Statue to accept the purification and enhancement of faith and feedback it to the original body. When Zola consciously entered, she could also enter the Tower of Faith, perform miracles at the right time, and gain more faith power.

Veronica was also starting to get busy. As the highest oracle of Galaxy Divinity Temple, she had very special authority and power. What she had to do now was to help Zola select oracles and gods who had ‘knowledge’ among those believers who had reached the corresponding devotion. She was equivalent to the spokesperson of the lower management who would build a complete system and manage the temples as well as divinity statues in various places so that the faith could spread better.

Veronica, the ‘God Servant’, could actually be conferred a star position. After Zola left, Chen Rui was about to ask her about it, but Veronica saw his thoughts at a glance. She smiled and shook her head, turning into a light and disappearing in the Tower of Faith.

Chen Rui saw the meaning of that smile.

It’s good to just be with you like this.

After a moment of silence, Chen Rui also quit the Super System.

“What happened just now? Are you training?” Shea’s concerned voice sounded.

Chen Rui was talking to Shea about finding Tiffany just now, then he suddenly fell into a semi-dormant unconscious state. Shea knew that Chen Rui would sometimes enter a certain ‘training’ state, so she immediately ordered the lamp spirits to be on guard outside so as not to disturb him.

“It’s something similar.” Chen Rui gently held Shea’s hand, “If I tell you that because of me, your future life path may undergo some unpredictable changes, and you may miss a lot of things… I don’t even know if it’s a curse or a blessing, what will you do?”

“The future? It has already changed now.” Shea’s eyes showed a faint tenderness, “Actually, no one can be sure about the future. For us… the only thing I can be sure of is that if I don’t meet you in this life, it will be a big miss.”

A little different from Zola’s answer, but the same choice.

Chen Rui held Shea’s hand tightly while Shea gently put the other hand on his, “It’s not just me, I believe they are too. What you need to do is not to explain or worry, but walk firmly toward your own direction.”

Looking at the affection in the eyes of Her Majesty Empress, who was completely his, Chen Rui felt that his whole body was full of strength and confidence. No matter how the future path will turn out, whether it is Satan, 3 archangels, or the Abyss… I am not afraid.

“I mean, precious Shea, why are your sweet words more and more like me?” Chen Rui’s mood was completely relaxed as he blinked at Shea. His fingers actually drew circles in the palm of that jade hand.

“Didn’t you say ‘the one who is close to the pig will become foolish’?” Shea rolled her eyes at him madly. Her palm was one of her sensitive spots. When this guy fiddled her palm, she trembled and her hair stood on end.

“It’s ‘peers determines a person’s character‘, okay? It seems that we need to study some academic issues in depth…” Chen Rui grinned, looked around, and began to be handsy.

“Don’t mess around, Stiller is still waiting to report to me in the side hall.” Shea was startled. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but she was held tightly, “You better go and enlighten Tiffany first. 7 days later, you’re taking her back to the Bloody Empire.”

“Compared with Tiffany, my Shea is surely more important.” Chen Rui suddenly stopped laughing and talked about formal matters, “The invasion of the palace this time exposed the lack of defense strength. Those ancient runes are the ones I set when I’m still at the Kingdom level. The strength of the lamp spirits guards can only defend the ordinary strength, and there is almost no ability to resist the enemies of super-level, especially above the kingdom level. This is directly related to your safety, so before you leave the Fallen Angel Capital, I have to finish 2 matters. First, I had to hurry up and rearrange the ancient rune defense system near the palace, and then the super-level guards… Currently only 7 titans and 4 giant crystal beasts has evolved to super-level. Since the target is too large and obvious, I will first transfer 2 titans and 2 giant crystal beasts to guard the palace with the lamp spirits as well as the ancient runes. The rest should be assigned to the 2 empires too just in case. I will also speed up the research and evolution for your most powerful imperial guards, lamp spirits. Hopefully, there will be super-level as soon as possible. What do you think?”



A certain empress couldn’t bear it anymore, “Shameless guy, can you stop those damn hands when you’re talking seriously!”

“Wow! There’s actually white silk in the skirt. Baby, are you finally willing to wear it? What is that wet patch, Hehe… ouch!”

“Bastard, stop! At this time…” Her Majesty Empress could no longer maintain her usual indifferent voice under the continuous harassment of those ‘damn hands’ to her sensitive parts. Her breathing began to become a little short, and her attitude softened, “Don’t! The side hall still…”

“Manlace! Immediately go to the side hall and tell Stiller that Her Majesty Shea has a very important matter suddenly.. Therefore, she can’t meet today; ask her to come tomorrow!”

“As ordered, master.”

“Absurd! What matters…”

“What’s more important than the great work of ‘making’ an imperial inheritor?” Chen Rui giggled as he princess-hugged the forever Princess Royal in his heart, and walked toward the bedroom at the back.

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