78 Dark soul

” What is going on? Why is Ji Yu being pushed around like that?” Yu Lingyun asked Zhai Heng, he was the one who taught Ji Yu how to use a sword, he knew better than anyone how good Ji Yu was when it came to using a sword. So, how was it possible for anyone to push her into a corner like this?

He stared at Liu Hui Ying who was hardly breaking any sweat, even on her forehead there were barely any drops of sweat, in fact, she looked like she was having quite fun with the way she was playing Ji Yu around on the fighting platform, it was simply unbearable to watch!

” Is she deliberately allowing the Queen to win? Is that why she is doing this..there is no way she will be defeated so easily right?” Yu Lingyun questioned again, he has taught his friends and knew just how good they were when it came to swordsmanship. Even though Ji Yu was a woman, she could give any man a decent fight yet she was now having a hard time fighting with Liu Hui Ying, what does this mean?

Zhai Heng on the other hand didn’t say anything to Yu Lingyun, for he knew that Ji Yu wasn’t deliberately trying to lose to Liu Hui Ying, she was having a hard time fighting back! His pupils shook as he looked at Liu Hui Ying who looked like a crazy beast in heat, what should he do? Should he ask them to put an end to this fight but if he was to do that then he will be admitting defeat instead of Ji Yu.

And he knew that Ji Yu would not be able to bear admitting defeat in front of the Queen, whom she detested so much.

So, what was he supposed to do now?

‘What am I supposed to do?’Asked Ji Yu in her head as her sword met with Liu Hui Ying, a loud clashing sound echoed in the training grounds and even Ji Yu felt her heart tremble as she watched Liu Hui Ying attack her again and again.

” What’s wrong, Concubine Ji?” She heard Liu Hui Ying say as she dodged the attack that was aimed at her. ” We are playing, right? Then why aren’t you playing with me? I am not having fun, don’t you see? I want you to fight back. So, show me what you have got!”

As she said this, Liu Hui Ying’s attacks got more and more fervent and for the first time in her life, Liu Hui Ying realised the difference in their strengths. When she heard Liu Hui Ying say that she wanted to play with her, she thought that it would be her who would play with her but turns out that it wasn’t her who was playing with Liu Hui Ying, it was Liu Hui Ying!


If Liu Hui Ying was aiming to kill her, then she would have maimed her by now.

Ji Yu shivered as she tried her best to fight back but the more she tried to go against Liu Hui Ying, the more she realised that she couldn’t even attack Liu Hui Ying. The Queen was so quick and agile that she was spending most of her time defending herself, Liu Hui Ying was not even giving her a chance to fight back much less attack her.

” What is she doing?” Jia Li asked Grandma Lan Fen as she looked at Liu Hui Ying who has lost control of the soul she was supposed to keep tied within her body. ” Why is she not restraining her? She will kill someone if this goes on!”

” Don’t worry, even if she is trying to surface there is no way that Hui Ying would let her take control of the situation completely,” replied Grandma Lan Fen but she too looked worried. ” I just don’t understand why she lost control of that horrible soul, this has hardly happened before...and the last time it happened was when she ...” Grandma Lan Fen trailed off as she shuddered, she was dead but that day she realised the true horror of a celestial master.

In fact that night she was rather glad that she was dead or else.

” She is making a statement,” said Li Gang simply as he carefully eyed the fight and kept track of that soul that was trying to get out of Liu Hui Ying’s body. ” You know why she hates getting blamed for something she did not do...after all, she was blamed for her sister’s death for years, and the same thing was going to happen today as well, how can she be not angry? She is using this opportunity to warn everyone who wants to use her name that using her will be the most foolish mistake they can make.”

” That’s stupid what if someone gets hurt,” said Jia Li in exasperation. ” You know how crazy that soul is, she will kill anyone the second she makes her presence known, and Liu Hui Ying knows that as well yet she is not restraining her!”

“It’s too late,” Li Gang stated as he looked at Liu Hui Ying whose shoulders were now covered with dark mist, if one was to look carefully, one can see claw-like hands clutching onto them. ” She is here, now bloodshed is inevitable...someone will definitely die and they will die so painfully that they will fear death even in the underworld.”

Grandma Lan Fen gasped and then retreated, and so did Jia Li. That soul, they had no fondness for it, even though Liu Hui Ying was willing to be its vessel, they hated and despised that soul for she was so cruel.

” Should we stop her,” asked Jia Li quietly as she looked at Liu Hui Ying who swung her swords at Ji Yu. ” What if she kills that woman? She is the childhood sweetheart of the Emperor, we can’t have her get killed.”

Li Gang licked his lips and shook his head. ” That soul cannot be stopped now, if we go there now, then it will be suicide and what’s more the saviour of that woman is here.” He added as he turned his head to the entrance of the training grounds.


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