43 Vamp of the show

Liu Hui Ying smiled at Zhai Chenguang’s oblivious expression and kicked her legs before she lowered her upper body such that her face was at eye level with the kneeling woman, though she was smiling, her eyes were colder than ice causing Zhai Chenguang to shiver. ” You want to know a secret?”

” Secret?” mused Zhai Chenguang as she stared at Liu Hui Ying blankly, what kind of secret was more important than her moving on? But she still nodded her head causing Liu Hui Ying’s lips to hitch up higher.

” This woman is dead,” said Liu Hui Ying as she sat up straight and crossed one of her legs such that she was resting it on the knee of the other one. ” She died yesterday after drinking a glass of poisoned wine that was sent to her.” She threw her arm around the back of her chair and raised a brow. ” And do you want to know who delivered that poisoned wine to her?”

She dragged the question until Zhai Chenguang’s anxiety was palpable before answering her question, ” It was your nephew, if not for him and his unjustified killing of this woman, I would be living a happy life in my world but because of him, I was dragged here without any rhyme or reason, you tell me why should I help someone from his family when he ruined my life ?”

There was nothing Zhai Chenguang could say, she stood up from the floor and then headed out of the room, her head drooping with sadness as she vanished from the Prosperity courtyard.

Only after she left the pavilion did Li Gang turn to Liu Hui Ying and disapprovingly said, ” That was really rude, you made her cry ... I saw her crying when she left... anyway you could have helped her. How could you be so heartless in the face of someone begging you with everything that they have got, we are already here why are you holding grudges, it’s not like by not helping that woman you will go back to our world?”

Grandma Lan Fen also nodded along with Li Gang as she looked at Liu Hui Ying with a slightly upset expression and chimed in, ” He is right, you could have helped her a little...that girl looks so young but she died at such a beautiful age, she already has enough to cry for, why did you have to be so rude to her like that. You could have been a bit understanding towards her.”

” If I am understanding towards her, then who will be understanding towards me?” questioned back Liu Hui Ying with an annoyed expression. ” And anyway if I helped her just like that then it would have been no use to me.”

” What do you mean by that?” Li Gang asked with a frown feeling quite unjustified by the treatment of his kind by Liu Hui Ying.


“It’s simple, if I agreed to help her, then what would have happened?”

Grandma Lan Fen scrunched up her face before she answered Liu Hui Ying’s question, ” She would have thanked you, you would have accumulated a lot of goodwill if you helped her.”

” Exactly!” She slapped her hand on her thigh and pointed at Grandma Lan Fen. ” I would have gotten just her goodwill, do I need that? I am already helping you three collect some good karma meaning I am set to go to heaven, what’s good is that woman’s goodwill to me? If I am staying here then I need money, shiny, glittering, bling bling gold.”

She leaned back on her chair with a calculating glint in her eyes as she broke it all in front of Grandma Lan Fen and Li Gang. ” I might be the Empress but everyone can see that I am more and less of an abandoned woman for whom the Emperor doesn’t have the slightest bit of goodwill. That means I am just a pawn that could be discarded at any point, can’t you see? In just a day, I was attacked twice, TWICE!”

Liu Hui Ying raised her fingers to show them the digits as she emphasised on the sword that was hanging on her neck, ” What I need to do is to make sure that we find the link that brought us here and get away from this place as soon as we can, in case we cannot find the link then what do you think will happen to me, who has no money, no husband to take care of me, with no power?”

Neither Li Gang nor Grandma Lan Fen said anything.

” I will die that’s what’s going to happen to me,” seeing that neither of them was answering, Liu Hui Ying answered her own question. ” I need to get hold of my dowry that the old hag is keeping in her tight grasp and make some additional money, in case we really ...” she gulped loudly and shivered at the thought of the worst possible outcome. ” Get stuck in this era for a very long time...”

Liu Hui Ying shook her head with a ‘brr’ before she continued and said, ” That is why I need a backup, that woman is my plan B, she is desperate that’s something we all know but she doesn’t know that we are just as desperate, I need to just push her a little more and then she will bring me half of the treasures in the Grand Dowager Empress palace along with my dowry.”

She smirked as she licked the back of her teeth. ” That will teach that old hag a good lesson as for the arrogant jerk, I will get my hands on him soon.” She made a violent move with her hands as if she was catching something in the air before squashing it just as ruthlessly. ” And when I do get a good hold on him, I will make him kneel in front of me just like his aunt!”

Li Gang: “....”

Grandma Lan Fen: “.....”

We didn’t know that you were such a boss villain! What are you the vamp of the show?

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