358 Stomp

Liu Hui Ying stared at the bridge where the crippled man was being pushed but then her attention was caught by Zhai Tianyu who came to stand in front of her.

” My Queen?” He called her with such a soft voice that Liu Hui Ying felt tremors raking through her body before she pursed her lips and raised her head and looked at the man who was looking at her with a smile.

” What is it?” Liu Hui Ying asked with narrowed eyes causing Zhai Tianyu to frown a little, was he imagining it or was Liu Hui Ying talking to him with an extremely sullen voice?

” I wanted to ask whether or not did you see the person who attacked you?” He asked ignoring the small voice of doubt in his head, the fact that the Queen was attacked was much more important than the low and subtle hint of annoyance in her voice.

Liu Hui Ying stared at the man, she knew that he was concerned for her and from the way he was looking at her it did not seem like he was faking it but something about him standing in front of her acting all bold and brass pissed her off. For some reason she wanted him to act like a mewling cat begging for her forgiveness or something of the sort.

” Why do you care your majesty?” Liu Hui Ying asked scathingly, her voice carrying a cold bite that even took a snap at Yu Lingyun who was standing further away from Zhai Tianyu and Liu Hui Ying.

Yu Lingyun rubbed his arms and then turned to look at Zhai Heng who was standing beside him and asked in a shivering voice, ” Why do I think that something is very wrong with the Queen?”

Zhai Heng who was standing in the cold storm that was covering them also closed his eyes and muttered with a soft voice, ” If I had known I would have brought a cotton-padded jacket for myself.” The weather here seemed to have gotten a bit too cold.

Zhai Heng raised his head and looked up at Zhai Tianyu who was standing in front of Liu Hui Ying and silently prayed for his brother who was facing the cold wrath of the Queen. But then again, what did his brother do to make the queen this angry?


This question was playing in the head of Zhai Tianyu as well, as he stood in front of the queen who was glaring at him like he had made some grave mistakes.

” My queen, is everything all right?” Zhai Tianyu asked but then he thought about it carefully and immediately his face went pale as all the blood drained away from his face. Did Liu Hui Ying that he was the one who was behind this attack?

Though he was indeed after her life but that was because he was too much of a fool who did not see everything clearly but now he was willing to change!

” This attack has nothing to do with me, your queen,” he told Liu Hui Ying, he was afraid that the latter will pin this blame on him as well given the past that the two of them shared. ” I did not allow this to happen!”

Liu Hui Ying’s eyes flared up when she heard his words, she sneered and said, ” If you try to attack me again then you can ask your dear assassin how it feels to be whacked in the butt by nothing but an invisible force, maybe I will be gracious and make you suffer through the same thing as your dear subordinate as well.”

After she was done speaking, she turned to walk away but was stopped by Zhai Tianyu who whipped in front of her and asked, ” Was it you, my queen? Were you the one who did that to my soldier?”

” A soldier is a protector, not a killer, I was merely reminding of what he should be doing instead of poking his nose in something that goes against his morals,” stated Liu Hui Ying with a firm voice while looking at Zhai Tianyu sideways. ” And I know that you were not involved in this matter so, you do not have to tell me about it.”

There was no way someone from the king’s fraction would be this strong they will be able to hide their presence from her. There had to be something that she was missing ——

” If that is what you think then I am glad my queen,” Zhai Tianyu smiled at Liu Hui Ying before he hesitated for a few minutes and then spoke with a small smile, ” If you do not mind would you come to the other side of the bridge with me? I can see that you are hesitating because of how weak it looks.”

Liu Hui Ying’s face went taut as she turned to face Zhai Tianyu fully and she asked in a haughty sort of voice, ” I hope you are not saying that I am scared, your majesty?”

” Of course not,” Zhai Tianyu was not going to admit that he saw Liu Hui Ying refusing to climb the bridge with a scared look on her face. If he was to say that he was afraid that the woman will surely snap his bones in half and then feed them to her pet that lived in the underworld. ” I was just saying that I was going to cross the bridge if you want then you can come with me.”

” Oh dear, do you really have the time to do so? Why don’t you go and help this Concubine and that? Maybe you should go ahead and help Ji Yu, she must be waiting for you to help her cross another pit or maybe I don’t know, the hell’s pit where your soul should be burning?” As she finished speaking she turned on her feet and while stomping hard on Zhai Tianyu’s feet she walked away leaving the man whose foot stomped on to jump on the spot while holding his foot.


” So what did you do to piss her off again, your majesty?” Yu Lingyun asked as he came to a stop next to Zhai Tianyu who was jumping on the spot with his injured foot in his hands. ” If not, I don’t think the queen would have stomped on your foot like it dug her ancestors’ graves.”

Zhai Tianyu rubbed his injured foot and grimaced lightly, ” Told me told I have no idea what is going on with her, whether she is upset with the attack or whether she is upset with the fact that she has to carry so much weight on her shoulders, I have no idea.”

Liu Hui Ying did not like the responsibilities of being a queen and the fact that she was attacked the very next second of stepping on the hunting grounds, it was given that she was going to be upset but what was the matter with her being angry at her? What did he do? As far as he knew this matter had nothing to do with him.

Was she upset with him that he did not give her a guard but …. She was the one who refused it!

And it wasn’t as if there was no guard following her, it was just that he was afraid that the queen will find the guard he appointed that’s why he did not tell her—— wait the guard!

” Qui Rui!” He called in a low voice as the air around him whirled softly before a woman who was dressed in dark black clothes appeared out of thin air and stood in front of him with her hands cupped and her back bowed. ” Did you call me your majesty?” She asked as she looked at the ground instead of Zhai Tianyu.

” Of course, I will call you. The queen was attacked why did you not do anything to stop it?” Zhai Tianyu asked as the woman who was dressed in black clothes blinked her eyes behind her mask and then spoke in a solemn voice, ” Your majesty will you believe me if I say that the dagger appeared out of thin air?”

” Appeared out of thin air?” Zhai Heng, who was standing behind Zhai Tianyu turned to look at the shadow guard and asked, ” What do you mean by that?”

” Its just as I said, I did not see any dagger appearing in front of the Queen or behind her when she walked inside the forest but then all of a sudden there was a dagger that seemed to have materialised out of thin air,” Qui Rui was just as stunned as the two maids of the Queen, no dagger nor any person was hiding in the shadows but all of a sudden just in a few minutes there was a dagger and then the attack on Queen happened.

Zhai Tianyu frowned as he looked at Qui Rui, he knew that this woman was truly loyal to him and there was no way she would ever lie to him. But if that was the case then how can a dagger appear out of thin air? He turned to look at Qui Rui and then asked, ” What was the queen doing before the attack happened?”

” She was digging the grave of a pregnant dead rabbit,” reported Qui Rui causing the three men to frown even more as they all turned to look at each other. A long silence stretched forward before Yu Lingyun frowned and said, ” So is this the Queen’s new habit? Digging graves of the dead animals?”

——next chapter will be updated tomorrow, I am down with a fever.

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