117 what did she saw (-2)

Grand Dowager Empress opened her eyes with a frown she couldn’t understand where exactly the sound was coming from but then she heard the sound of thumping again, her brows scrunched up as she pushed herself with a sigh of annoyance. ” Who is it? Who is annoying us? Do you want your head to be cut off your body, is that what you want?”

The thumping stopped and Grand Dowager Empress scoffed before she lied down on the bed and then closed her eyes again but this time she didn’t even close her eyes for a very long time when she suddenly felt something drip down her face, with an annoyed sigh escaping her lips she opened her eyes a little and then raised her hand to touch the water that was dripping on her face but when she used her tips to wipe the liquid of her face she realised that the liquid was hot and sticky.

” What the...” she opened her eyes even further and then glanced at the red liquid that was staining her fingers, Grand Dowager Empress’s lips trembled as she looked at the blood that was sticking on her fingers and then raised her head to look at the roof that had blood dripping off it, the Grand Dowager Empress parted her lips but no sound came out.

She panted with her mouth open as she scrambled out of the bed on her fours and then rushed to the door of her room wanting to run out but as she placed her hands on the door she realised she couldn’t move it, the door was stuck and her roof was bleeding blood!

” Xi...Xiao...XIAO MIMI!” Grand Dowager Empress screamed as she banged and scratched the paper of her room’s door but the paper that used to break at the slightest touch usually, for some reason unbeknownst to her was as sturdy as rock tonight, it didn’t budge nor did it break and neither did Xiao Mimi come to her rescue. ” Wh...What’s going on ?”

No sooner had Grand Dowager Empress asked this, than she heard something fall behind her, scared out of her wits she stiffened but then the sound of rustling and something scratching on a surface caused her curiosity to be piqued and then she turned to look at the direction from where the sound was coming from and then what she saw made her mouth open and tears flood her eyes.

Against the mirror, someone was writing, who...she couldn’t see and nor did she understand what the person was writing.


What was written on the mirror but Grand Dowager Empress couldn’t comprehend what was written on it instead she looked at the weird words and then the glaring red that was used to write those words and coupled with the black shadow that was sort of visible in front of the mirror and then her eyes rolled back in he sockets as she fainted and then slumped on the floor.



Zhai Chenguang finished writing what she wanted to write and then turned to look at her mother, she was prepared to see her mother’s tearful eyes and her looking at her like she wanted to rush up and hug her but when she turned around and looked at her mother she was surprised to see that her mother was slumped on the floor.


” Mother!”


In the middle of the night, suddenly the entire palace was woken up. The Emperor was seen rushing out of his imperial palace dressed in his night clothes and hair flying behind him, when others saw that he was running towards the Grand Dowager Empress’s palace like that many thoughts that the Grand Dowager was dead for good they congratulated each other for seeing the last of the old hag who made things difficult for them.

While the others like Ji Yu immediately put on their clothes and ran to the Grand Dowager Empress’s palace.

” Aunt!” Ji Yu screamed as she ran inside the room of the Grand Dowager Empress and then rushed to the side of her aunt she held the hand of her aunt and then turned to look at the doctor who was studying the nerves of the Grand Dowager. ” How is my aunt, why did she faint all of a sudden?”

” I think that she received a huge shock,” the imperial physician replied while he checked the eyes of the Grand Dowager Empress, he took a look at those terrified pupils and then hummed. ” It seems that before fainting she saw something that she shouldn’t have and that was why she was stimulated into fainting, though your highness does not need to worry, her majesty is alright and her life is not in any danger, she is just stimulated to the point her nerve endings are standing on the edge.”

” And what did she saw?” questioned Zhai Tianyu, he has assigned a number of hidden guards and there was no way for an assassin to sneak inside the chambers of the grand dowager empress, if they did then it only means that his hidden guards were not as good as he thought they were.

At his question, the doctor turned to look at Xiao Mimi who squeaked and then pointed at the mirror on which someone has written with dark red liquid.

“REHTOM I SAW DEREDRUM,” read Zhai Tianyu as he frowned before turning to look at Xiao Mimi and asking, ” What is the meaning of this?”

” This one does not know,” Xiao Mimi replied. ” I was sleeping outside the chambers of the Grand Dowager Empress and didn’t hear anything from inside but then after a while, I heard her majesty scream and woke up, I hurriedly ran inside and then saw this thing as soon as I rushed inside. I was startled because no one was inside and the grand dowager empress was lying on the floor with her eyes closed, I was scared that someone snuck inside the room to hurt her majesty but when I called for guards no one found anything!”

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