Detective From the Future

Chapter 37: Criminal suspect.

Soon after, Zhao Ming and the tech team rushed to the scene.

"Captain Zhang is embarrassed, did I arrive late?" Zhao Ming scratched his head.

"Why are you late? You took a long time to get here."

"I went to play CS live with my friends, it's a bit far," Zhao Ming said.

"Okay, life is quite colorful," Zhang Ping smiled.

"I went to experience fighting with guns, which will be helpful in arresting prisoners in the future," Zhao Ming said.

Zhang Ping did not hold onto this thatch, but looked at Ruben from the tech team and asked him to go to the bathroom to collect the camera's fingerprints.

"Are there any personal items of your boyfriend in your house?" Han Bin said.

"There's his glass of water on the table," After she spoke, Chen Luyan was about to take it.

"Don't touch, let me take it," Han Bin put on his gloves and pulled the glass of water out from the table.

"There are fingerprints," Han Bin handed the glass of water to the rest of the tech team to collect the fingerprints.

 "Captain Zhang, are there fingerprints on the envelope and the USB stick?"

"There are no obvious fingerprints," Zhang Ping said.

After some time, Ruben and another colleague from the tech team collected fingerprints and used a portable police fingerprint matching machine to compare the fingerprints on the spot. In this way, the direction of the investigation could be determined faster and the time to resolution of the case can be shortened.

"Captain Zhang, the fingerprint on the camera and the fingerprint on the cup are not from the same person," said Lu Wen.

Zhang Ping did not respond and handed the envelope and the USB drive to Lu Wen. There were some non-obvious fingerprints that were invisible to the naked eye, but that didn't mean there weren't any. They could be detected by chemical agents and instruments. Of course, if you wear gloves or have wiped the object down, you won't leave fingerprints.

"Mr. Police Officer, can my boyfriend be kicked out?" Chen Luyan sighed in relief.

If this thing was really made by her boyfriend, she would feel even worse.

Zhang Ping did not respond. Although the fingerprints did not match, suspicions of having an accomplice could not be ruled out. Her boyfriend had the keys to the house and was still a suspect.

 "Captain Zhang," At this point, Li Hui who went to check the surveillance camera recordings came back.

"Did you find something?"

"I went to the surveillance room and asked. The front door, the first-floor hall, and the elevator are monitored, but the stairs, back doors, and hallways of the building are not monitored, "Li Hui said.

"In other words, as long as the suspect knows about the situation in the apartment, or has come in advance, he can completely avoid the surveillance cameras," Tian Li said.

"An apartment building is different from a residential building. Usually, there is only one or two, and the security is a bit poor," Han Bin said.

"Based on the existing record, are any suspicious personnel found?" Zhang Ping said.


"I think Miss Chen should be shown if there is anyone she is familiar with," Han Bin said.

Zhang Ping nodded: "In this case, acquaintances are more likely to commit crimes."

"I copied all the videos," Li Hui said.

Then, Chen Luyan used her computer to watch the tapes, while Han Bin and the others were at a distance, discussing the matter in low voices.

"Captain Zhang, the loopholes in the tapes are too big. The suspect with a little resonance will go up the stairs. The possibility of finding anything in the tapes is unlikely," Li Hui said.

"I know, but her boyfriend may not be suspicious, because the lock on the door has no sign of tampering, there are no other keys to enter through the door, and there is no other way to install a camera without entering the apartment," Tian Li said.

"Aren't fingerprints second to none?" Zhao Ming said.

"Before the camera was installed, it may have been touched by someone else, and it could even be the fingerprint of the person who sold the camera," Tian Li said.

"If so, the case will be complicated," Li Hui said.

"Han Bin, give me your opinion."

"I saw this camera earlier, and I think the camera can be used as a steering tool for the investigation," Han Bin said.

"What is the method of investigating?" Li Hui said.

"Since the camera is on, the video in the camera is either copied or downloaded via the Internet, so that it can reach the suspect," Han Bin said.

"This entry point is good," Zhang Ping asserted: "If it is a copy, the USB disk should be replaced frequently, and the suspect may have visited the victim's home more than once; if it is a network download, the camera must be connected to a wireless network."

"I just saw that the camera was transmitting video over the Internet, which leads us to the suspect being able to monitor it with a cell phone or a computer," Han Bin said.

"The camera is so secret, surrounded by walls, and network signals that are too far away cannot be picked up at all. In other words, the suspect is using the surrounding network," Li Hui said.

Han Bin took out his cell phone; he just took some pictures from the camera, watched carefully and said: "342"

"What do you mean?"

"The network account used by the camera," Han Bin said.

"Are you talking about 342?" Chen Luyan intervened.

 "Do you know this is someone's wireless network nearby?"

"This is the one from my house, the network I connect to is 342," Chen Luyan said.

"Who knows your home network password?" Li Hui asked.

"Just me and my boyfriend," Chen Luyan said.

"Is the network also your boyfriend who helped you set it up?" Han Bin said.

"It is not. When I arrived, the owner had already installed it," Chen Luyan said this as if remembering something: "By the way, the owner set the password, and he knows it too."

"In this way, in addition to Miss Chen's boyfriend, the owner is also another suspect," Zhang Ping said.

"But the owner no longer has the key," Tian Li said.

"It's somewhat preconceived. The owner doesn't have the key now, but he had it before. Before Ms. Chen moved in, he might have installed a camera," Han Bin said.

"That is true." Tian Li suddenly realized: "The fingerprints collected on the camera should be used to compare with the owner's fingerprints."

"Miss Chen, have you wiped off the router?" Zhang Ping said.

"The router is on the desk by the window and gets dusty as soon as I open the window. I often wipe it down," Chen Luyan said.

"Routers are usually installed by people from the Internet Company, and the fingerprints collected may not be his," said Han Bin.

"Think about it, do you have anything of the owner at the house where he left his fingerprints," Tian Li said.

Chen Luyan frowned for a moment and shook her head: "The house has been rented for two months. After I rented it, I cleaned it and I can't remember it for a while."

"When you signed the rental agreement for the house, did you take his fingerprints?" Han Bin said.

"I remembered that when I signed the contract, I originally didn't want to sign on it. The owner offered to let both parties grab their fingerprints. He said it was safer and more assured," said Chen Luyan.

"Bring the contract."

After a while, Chen Luyan brought the rental agreement, and the fingerprints were stained with an ink pad, so it was not necessary to collect them, just compare them directly.

After a few comparisons, Lu Wen confirmed: "The fingerprint on the rental agreement is exactly the same as half of the fingerprint on the camera. This person is very suspicious."

Because only half of the fingerprints were collected on the camera, Ruben couldn't be 100% sure that it was the same person's fingerprint, but it was enough for Lu Wen.

In such a case, the possibility that half of the fingerprints of two people are the same is almost negligible.

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