"Maybe I remembered it wrong," Liu Zhixin said sophistry.

"Liu Zhixin, you are treating us like a three-year-old kid. Your confession has just been filmed, and we cannot tolerate your fallacies." Li Hui growled.

"I have been wronged," Liu Zhixin said.

"Why are you doing yourself wrong?" Han Bin said.

"Even though there are my scales under Sun Qifeng's fingernails, it only means he grabbed me, but it doesn't mean I am the murderer," Liu Zhixin said.

"Liu Zhixin, have you been to the constant line recently?" Han Bin said.


Han Bin leaned over the table and said: "Do you want to know how we found you?"

"I want to know."

"Shoe prints," Han Bin said.

"Shoe prints?" Liu Zhixin wondered.

"The footprints you left at the car drop-off scene are different from those on Sun Qifeng's shoes," Han Bin said.

"How can you be sure these are my shoe prints?" Liu Zhixin said.

"People have different postures; different walking postures and the signs of wear and tear on the shoes are also different. Just like human fingerprints, they are all unique," Han Bin said.

"You just found me with the shoe prints." Liu Zhixin muttered to himself.

"Your shoe prints are all over the stage where you left the car. You didn't bother erasing them," Han Bin said sternly.

"Haha, shoe print, because of a shoe print…" Liu Zhixin let out a weird smile.

"Liu Zhixin, be lenient in your confession, don't be strict in resisting," Han Bin said.

"Haha, indulgent? Strict?" Liu Zhixin shook his head: "Does this make sense to me?"

"Think about your wife, if you don't confess, she will carry the guilt with you, and her guilt will be heavier," Han Bin said.

Liu Zhixin held his forehead with his hands and was silent for a long time and just when Li Hui was a little impatient and wanted to push him around, Liu Zhixin spoke up.

"I did it."

"Say it clearly."

"I killed Xing Jianbin and Sun Qifeng," Liu Zhixin said.

"Why did you kill Xing Jianbin?" Han Bin said.

"He's damned."

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Xing Jianbin contacted Sun Qifeng to engage in MLM, and he borrowed money from me. As a result, the money was lost all at once, and he did not pay me back until now, not to mention the promised interest," Liu Zhixin said.

"Didn't Sun Qifeng own a van? Why not take the van as compensation to pay off the debt?"

"The broken bread has many hands, and the van cannot be worth a few Yuan," Liu Zhixin said.

"Why did you kill Sun Qifeng?"

"The crime requires transportation, but after finishing the case, the mean of the transportation is easy to find. I don't want the police to find me," Liu Zhixin said.

"You're pretty cruel," Li Hui hummed.

"Are the noodles I cooked delicious?" Liu Zhixin turned around.

"Why are you thinking of asking that?"

"Several people have eaten at the noodle restaurant, and it seems they haven't paid yet," Liu Zhixin said.

"Our captain Zhang already had given your wife the money before we left the restaurant," Han Bin said.

"Thank you," Liu Zhixin said.

"Why can't you stop thinking about your little money?" Li Hui said.

"It's hard to make money in a noodle restaurant, especially in the summer when the back kitchen is like a stove. The hard-earned money I earned has been stolen. What's the difference with that? Kill me alive." Liu Zhixin was a little excited and patted the seat of the chair: "Those who engage in MLM are hungry wolves that kill without seeing blood!"

"Where's the stolen money?"

"I don't know," Liu Zhixin said.

"At this point, you still refuse to say where the stolen money is?"

"Ask my wife," Liu Zhixin said, closing his eyes.

No matter what Han Bin and Li Hui say to him, they stopped talking.

After leaving the interrogation room, Liu Hui couldn't help but ask: "What does this guy mean, I really like to slap him, he just refuses to say where the stolen money is?"

Han Bin sighed: "He gave it to his wife as if it is meritorious service."

"This…" Li Hui opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.


Liu Zhixin confessed and his wife no longer insisted, and in order to reduce the sentence of the crime, the hiding place of the stolen money was exposed.

Two hundred thousand US dollars and three hundred thousand yuan were all dug up from under a plank of wood in a nearby park, and the matter was completely resolved!

The third and second groups of the Qingdao Third Criminal Investigation Team were praised by the leaders.


[Congratulations, Constable 57 75 33, successfully solved the first murder case.]

[Identification of the imprint, mastery of skills +3; analysis of micro-expressions, mastery of skills +3.]

[The award for meritorious service is worth 10 points.]

Han Bin smiled, it was finally worth it, because this time the case was the most complicated and the most difficult, and the rewards were also very generous. The rewards of this case alone are enough to foot the down payment bill for micro-expression analysis skills, and that's even more than enough.

Meanwhile, Han Bin could relax and not have to worry about installments all day.


Once the case was closed, it was already nine in the evening.

In order to reward the second group, Zheng Kaixuan invited everyone to dinner, and a lively discussion about choosing what to eat arose.

Li Hui offered to eat a barbecue, Tian Li suggested eating stir-fried vegetables, Zhao Ming suggested eating a hot pot, Zeng Ping abstained, and Han Bin has not eaten a hot pot for a long time, so he did not want to miss this suggestion. In the end, Zhao Ming's proposal won more than half, and they drifted to a restaurant not far from the branch, this hot pot restaurant had nine doors.

The six requested a private room and recommended, mandarin duck pot stock, mutton, beef, hairy belly, slippery fish, lettuce, cabbage, needle Enoki mushroom, and so on. The dishes were ordered for an entire table.

Originally, when they went to eat together, they wanted to drink wine, but since Zheng Kaixuan, Zhang Ping, and Liu Hui are all going to drive home, then they gave up.

The soup in the pot was boiling, and Han Bin directly picked up two slices of mutton and set them aside.

"Brother Bin, the way you eat is too bold, you put all the meat aside." Li Hui said.

"You have such a big mouth, with a chopstick you held back half; can the others still eat with you?" Han Bin asked rhetorically.

"Li Hui is right; this lamb must be eaten with a big bite to be delicious." Zheng Kaixuan said, holding out his hand: "The meat is cooked, put the chopsticks aside."

Those present were not without appetite, they put the chopsticks on the plates and the meat was torn.

"The lamb tastes good in this restaurant," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I heard it was Neimeng's sheep," Zhao Ming said.

"The lamb should always be cut by hand, and it's chewy," Zeng Ping smiled.

"This spicy bottom of the pot is too spicy, isn't it Shancheng's boss?" Tian Li hurriedly took a sip of the yogurt.

"It's quite energetic," Han Bin said with a smile: "Eating a hot pot in an air-conditioned room in the summer is a treat."


"Hello, this is the 110 Alarm Service Center."

"Hey, I want to call the police." A woman's voice came over the phone.

"What do you need help with?" The policeman asked.

"My son was beaten to death," the woman said, crying.

"Ma'am, you mean, your son was killed?" The policeman confirmed.

"Yes, you are soon sending the criminal police to catch the murderer in order to avenge my son." The woman cried again.

"When did you learn your son had been killed?"

"Just now."

"Where are you?"

"Xiangcheng International, my son's body is in the community's green belt, oooo…" The woman burst into tears again.

"Ma'am, don't worry, I'll report to the police now and send someone to take care of the case." The operator did not get a response.

The woman who reported the crime appeared to be overwhelmed and could no longer speak.

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