Detective From the Future

Chapter 215: Unexpected discovery.

After the interrogation, Qian Jin Feng was taken back to the detention room by policeman Min and Han Bin sat down on the chair and closed his eyes, and began to think.

"Dear Bin, what do you think of this case?" Li Hui asked.

"I haven't been to the scene yet. After seeing the present, I can't make a basic judgment."

"This Qian Jin Feng is also a villain. He has done such a great thing, and he hasn't repented yet, besides he dares to negotiate with the police," Zhao Ming snorted.

"This Qian Jin Feng thinks cattle are more important than his own life. He's like a gambler who lost his eyes," Tian Li shook her head.

Han Bin agreed with Tian Li's words and said: "I will organize the tasks. Tian Li and Zhao Ming, you summon Zhang Lei, who sells feed, to the police station, and make a recording for him.

"Brother Bin, we are unfamiliar with this place. It is uneasy to find it," Zhao Ming said unconsciously.

"It's easy to solve, I'll ask Director Zhao to send two policemen to accompany you."

After Han Bin finished speaking, he looked at Li Hui and Sun Xiao Peng again: "You two come with me to the scene."

"Yes, Team Leader Han."

"Knock Knock."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, then the office door was opened from the outside, and Zhao Yu Sheng entered:

"Team Leader Han, I didn't disturb you during the case."

"No, I was about to ask you for help." Han Bin stood up to greet him.

"If you need anything, don't be polite to me," Zhao Yu Sheng smiled.

"I made a transcript for Qian Jin Feng earlier, and he mentioned two new suspects. I will summon them to take their statement and would like you to send two policemen to show the way for my colleagues.

"That's what I have to do," Zhao Yu Sheng replied, then changed the subject: "However, there is one more thing before leaving, and we must do it first."


"Team leader Han, it's already noon, it's time to eat," Zhao Yu Sheng pointed to his watch and smiled: "I booked a private room at a nearby restaurant to wash away the fatigue and dust of the journey from you."

"Why are you so embarrassed?"

"It should, you've come all the way to help us handle the case, if you don't even eat a meal, wouldn't that be too bad," Zhao Yu Sheng took Han Bin's arm and walked out without a word. For this, Han Bin could no longer refuse, he could only do what the other party wanted.

The restaurant they went to was not far, just over 200 meters from the police station, so they walked there.

There weren't many people in the restaurant. Zhao Yu Sheng seemed to be a regular customer here. He welcomed them into the restaurant and took Han Bin and the others straight to the private room. Once everyone was seated, a waitress came in and put the menu on the table: "What would you like to order?"

"Chief Han, take a look," Zhao Yu Sheng made an inviting gesture.

"Manager Zhao, you know this place, so you should order fresh seasonal vegetables," Han Bin smiled.

"Ha ha..."

Zhao Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Team leader Han, I'm unafraid of your jokes. I told the restaurant owner earlier that you didn't eat much meat at the restaurant during the past two days, so maybe you are unafraid to eat it, if you want to eat it recommend meat."

"The vegetarian food is good, and the food is stable," Li Hui said with a smile.

"It seems that the poisoned cattle case had a great impact on the surrounding people," Tian Li said emotionally.

"Who said it wasn't."

The waitress joined the conversation and complained: "You know, people who poison cattle are so black. If the cattle get in their way. If they were to poison them to kill them, it would make our restaurant business difficult. When guests come to eat at the restaurant, many people come to eat vegetable dishes, they are afraid that there is a problem with the meat in the restaurant, so the business of the restaurant is naturally ungood."

"Okay, don't complain, we will work overtime to investigate. After a few days, we will catch the suspect in the poisoned cattle case, ordinary people will feel at ease and your hotel business will be guaranteed. to be more prosperous than before." Zhao Yu Sheng reassured.

"Then I would like to thank you first. The business in the store will be good, and we can make more money," the waitress smiled.

Zhao Yu Sheng ordered a few vegetarian dishes, then the waitress left with the menu.

Zhao Yu Sheng held the teapot and filled Han Bin's teacup: "Team Leader Han, how was Qian Jin Feng's interrogation this morning?"

"As you said, this Qian Jin Feng is indeed stubborn, but he agreed to cooperate with the poisoned cattle case."

Han Bin helped him with his hand out of courtesy.

"In addition to a few acres of land, Qian Jin Feng relies on the few cows to earn money. Now that the cows have all died at once, he has nowhere to go," Zhao Yu Sheng said with emotion.

"Director Zhao, in addition to Liu Bai Po and Qian Jin Xi, Qian Jin Feng also mentioned two other suspects, one, is Liu Da, and the other is Zhang Lei, do you know them?"

"I know Liu Da, the son of Liu Bai Po, as for Zhang Lei, this is the first time I have heard of him."

"Have Liu Da's fingerprints been compared with the fingerprints on the tetramine bottle?" Han Bin asked.

Zhao Yu Sheng shook his head: "Liu Da did not have time to commit the crime. He left town on the morning of the 13th and did not return until the 14th at noon when the crime had already been committed."

"Would it be the 12th at night or the 13th in the morning he poured the poison?" Zhao Ming asked.

Zhao Yu Sheng remembered for a moment and said: "I asked Qian Jin Feng, his cattle were still eating grass there on the afternoon of the 13th. If it was poisoned during the afternoon of the 13th, the cattle would have symptoms of poisoning on the 13th. They will not wait until the morning of the 14th."

Han Bin thought for a moment and asked: "How old is Liu Da today?"

"He looks to be thirty-five years old."

Based on the shoe prints left at the crime scene, Han Bin speculated that the age of the suspect was around 40 years old and Liu Da's age did not match his assumptions.

"Director Zhao, I want to go to the scene after lunch."

"No problem, I'll accompany you when the time comes." Zhao Yu Sheng took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and handed one to Han Bin.

"Knock Knock."

There were two knocks on the outside door, then the door to the private room was pushed open and the waitress served the dishes on a small wooden table. A total of eight dishes were ordered, cold and hot, most were vegetarian or mushroom dishes, and the only one that was a little meaty was the eggs with chopped peppers.

This meal can be described as indescribable.

The foodies present were all carnivores, and now they ate a lot of vegetarian food, so they felt something was missing, and their hearts were empty.


Northwest of Bexi Zhang Village, a car stopped at the entrance to the village. Han Bin, Zhao Yu Sheng, Li Hui, and Sun Xiao Peng got out of the car.

Zhao Yu Sheng pointed to a house not far away: "This is Qian Jin Feng's house, and behind his house is the field, which is the poison cow crime scene."

"Who is in Qian Jin Feng's house now?"

"Yesterday afternoon when we went to arrest him, it was just him and his wife, and when we arrested him, he told his wife not to tell his son, for fear of affecting his son's studies," Zhao Yu Sheng said.

"This poisoned herd of cows is truly heinous, and it has destroyed a family," Li Hui snorted.

"Who said no? In addition to the house and a few acres of land, Qian Jin Feng's family also owned a few cows. Now all the cows are dead, and the family has no income. They are also ruined. What could he do for his son's education? It's really not certain he can continue his studies," Zhao Yu Sheng said emotionally.

Zhao Yu Sheng led Han Bin and the other two into the field behind the house. Several days had passed. The grass in the field had grown a lot, and the scattered cow dung had dried up.

"What kind of grass is it growing, so tall?" Sun Xiao Peng asked curiously.

"It is imperial bamboo grass, which contains a variety of nutrients that cattle need. Many farmers believe that cattle that eat imperial bamboo grass grow faster. The use of this grass for Feeding livestock can save fodder and reduce breeding costs. They grow very fast," introduced Zhao Yu Sheng.

After walking for a while, Zhao Yu Sheng pointed to a place with a white line drawn: "This is the scene where the cows were poisoned, two meters and ten meters away."

"Is the shoe print found here?"

"Yes they were everywhere here, I suppose they should have been left when the poison was doused. We walked along the footprints and found they ended up in a watering ditch after we had walked about 40 to 50 meters. After emptying the contents of the tetramine bottle, he walked along the ditch leaving footprints, and then circled the ditch, and then disappeared into the road," Zhao Yu described. Sheng.

"Is there surveillance here?"

"The countryside is not as good as the city. There is surveillance, but less. There are small roads in all directions. It is very difficult to control the surveillance," Zhao Yu Sheng said. .

"It's not very difficult to verify. If the suspect is from a foreign village and comes here by means of transportation, the camera will likely capture the license plate number," Han Bin said.

"Then I will send some policemen to collect the recordings from the surveillance cameras." Zhao Yu Sheng nodded.

Han Bin pointed to the fields on both sides and asked, "Whose fields on both sides of this grassland belong to?"

"The east side also belongs to Qian Jin Feng's house, and the west side is Liu Bai Po's house, and both sides are crops,"

"Do the Feng family's cattle eat Liu Bai Po's crops?" Sun Xiao Peng asked.

"(Father said the public was reasonable, and mother said mother was reasonable)*. One said he didn't eat it, and the other said he did eat it. Who can say," Zhao Yu Sheng shook his head and changed his words:

"The conflict between these two families is not for a day or two. Now, the survival ability of this bamboo grass is very strong, it grows quickly and absorbs all the nutrients from the soil, and the crops on both sides will definitely be affected, Liu Bai Po's family can't have a sure opinion?"

"Is Qian Jin Feng's wife at home? I want to take her statement," Han Bin said.

"She should be here," Zhao Yu Sheng replied, bringing Han Bin and the others back.

The backyard of Qian Jin Feng's house was separated from the Imperial Bamboo Grass field. There was a wall over a meter high and there was an iron door in the middle. It wasn't locked, it was just flipped over.

"Knock Knock..."

"Is anyone there?" Zhao Yu Sheng knocked on the door.

"Who is this?" A woman's voice sounded, and then a woman in her forties came out into the backyard.

"Director Zhao, you arrived just in time. I was going to the police station to find you. When will the old man in my family be released?" The woman shouted through the door.

"She's Qian Jin Feng's lover, Tian Cui'e," introduced Zhao Yu Sheng.


Tian Cui'e opened the door, looked at Han Bin and the others, and askedز"Director Zhao, who are these people? Why do they look a little weird?"

"These people are sent by the city office to investigate your home. About the poisoned cattle case, they came inquiring about the situation," Zhao Yu Sheng said.

"Hey, it turned out to be your city comrade, please come in, come in quickly, come and do it in the house, I'll pour you a cup of tea," Tian Cui'e said and warmly invited them.

"Sister Tian, you are welcome, we are just here to inquire about the situation," Han Bin said.

"Come in, there is no reason to let the distinguished guests stay at the door," Tian Cui'e invited everyone to the backyard.

Han Bin looked at the backyard environment; To the right was stable, and to the left, a la carte vegetables were grown. There was a well inside and further inside was the house.

"It's a bit messy in the countryside, don't get rid of it," Tian Cui'e also looked at the four accompanying Han Bin and seemed to see that Han Bin was the leader, and asked:

"Mr. Police officer, the old man in my family has been locked up for two days. Now shouldn't he be released too?"

"Do you know why we arrested him?" Han Bin asked.

"I know, isn't it just because of selling poisoned oxen? We know it's wrong and won't do it again in the future. The money to sell the cattle was also confiscated by the police station. Shouldn't you also release the family's old man?" Tian Cui'e asked.

"I don't like listening to what you say. How many times have I told you the money from your family's cattle sales was not given to us but was used to compensate the victims? How many people were hurt from eating your poisoned oxen? Your 10,000 Yuan is not enough for other people's medical expenses." Zhao Yu was angry and scolded.

The city office was staring at this matter, and the 10,000 Yuan was a lot of money, and whoever is full of money will not miss this little money.

"Others poisoned my family's cattle to death, but my family is still the victim. Your police know how to arrest my family's old man. Why can't you catch those who poisoned the cattle?" Tian Cui'e looked aggrieved.

"That's another thing, if it wasn't for the purpose of catching the one who poisoned the herd, I wouldn't be running to your house every day." Zhao Yu Sheng hummed.

Han Bin could see Tian Cui'e didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, maybe she didn't take food safety seriously in her conscience. Besides, she thought that if someone ate bad food that came from her, it would be fine if she compensated him with money.

"Li Hui, Xiao Peng, go get a written statement from her," Han Bin ordered.

"What are you doing?" Tian Cui'e asked.

"It's just we're going to ask you some questions about the cattle poisoning case, you just have to answer honestly," Li Hui explained.

"So let's talk in the house, and it's not cold in the house," Tian Cui'e led the crowd to the house.

After taking a few steps forward, Han Bin stopped, crouched down, and looked at the ground.

"Team Leader Han, what's wrong?" Zhao Yu Sheng was a little puzzled.

Li Hui, Sun Xiao Peng, and Tian Cui'e also stopped.

Tian Cui'e approached curiously: "Mr. Police officer, what are you looking at? What's on the floor at my house?"

"Stop, don't move."

Han Bin stopped the other party and pointed to the shoe print in front of him: "This is the suspect's shoe print, he came to Qian Jin Feng's house."


* It's a simple metaphor for the argument between the "gong" and the "po", each of them saying they have their own reasons. It is also difficult to agree on a point of view. The deeper meaning is that people who support "gong" think "gong" is right. People who support "po" think "po" is right.

Spectators cannot tell who is right or who is wrong.

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